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NHL off season thread (trades, signings, etc…)

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
are you kidding? gsg is the master of it, i actually learned something from him. wow! ...... almost feel ashamed to admit that.... o well... next subject, o yea, bb thread, never once cry in there, actually i LOL more there than here .....:)......... and actually the first crying over there was by you in your Ftard thread you started, your next sentence after requesting NO FTARD COMMENTS was actually a FTARD COMMENT about the Yanks....... your a funny guy sometimes K man! :p

I didn't realize GHG was doing it but I distinctly remember you crying about it during baseball season when someone else did it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ask Cairo, he started the "scapegoat league" so far we have Chicago, SanJose, Detroit, and Pittsburg...... may i suggest you take NJ? or Buffalo?
By the way, what is a scapegoat team? I don't understand that term.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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are you kidding? gsg is the master of it, i actually learned something from him. wow! ...... almost feel ashamed to admit that.... o well... next subject, o yea, bb thread, never once cry in there, actually i LOL more there than here .....:)......... and actually the first crying over there was by you in your Ftard thread you started, your next sentence after requesting NO FTARD COMMENTS was actually a FTARD COMMENT about the Yanks....... your a funny guy sometimes K man! :p

I don't think I've ever met a person with more comprehension issues than yourself iggy. If it doesn't fit what you think you'll twist it and turn it until you think it does. Pretty pathetic and also quite entertaining and humorous at the same time. Lol. You're one unique character for sure.

Anyway, getting back to the point. Personally I consider quote edits a despicable action no matter who does it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hey i also learnt not only from GSG, but from you as well!!!......:) go read your thread starter and defend the fact the first thing out of your "keyboard" was not a hypocritical remark then? ha! ITS ok , your still my homie.:) and what you describe as "me" , ummmm pretty much describes everyone in this thread and baseball threads for that matter, including Y.O.U. only problem is i just respond to idiocy to much

I don't think I've ever met a person with more comprehension issues than yourself iggy. If it doesn't fit what you think you'll twist it and turn it until you think it does. Pretty pathetic and also quite entertaining and humorous at the same time. Lol. You're one unique character for sure.

Anyway, getting back to the point. Personally I consider quote edits a despicable action no matter who does it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
in any of the regular threads on merb, yea i can see your point but in here, pfffft theres so much nonsense and its been done over and over by others that there is no harm in it, plus as long as its not a personal attack and harmfull to the poster, the mods dont really care.... they know us all enuff by now to know its all good clean banter back and forth, and boys will be boys...if i didnt know better K, i think you need to get back to Mtl and let of some "stress" ,,,,,,, cheers my friend! , see ya soon

Anyway, getting back to the point. Personally I consider quote edits a despicable action no matter who does it.

Keissy Hennessey

New Member
Jul 12, 2009

hey , mr closet may be onto something here, if he likes the wings, we know it is because they have been a good team the last decade or so, and thats his scapegoat team for when his habs suck, so why dont we all choose a "winner" for when our real team doesnt do as well so we can save face to? i choose the Penguins, Doc, you? anyone else can play along if you like, but i for one am in this little charade ms cairo has going, and no better way to go than choosing the reigning Stanley Cup Champs!!

so the red wings and pens are out, no one can jump on Cairo's or my bandwagon so choose another team :D:D:D:D

PS, gSg, your free to choose also, and i really urge you to do so as your real team is winning "notta" this season....

LOL so funny then i choose the Calgary Flames sweetie!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I don't think I've ever met a person with more comprehension issues than yourself iggy. If it doesn't fit what you think you'll twist it and turn it until you think it does. Pretty pathetic and also quite entertaining and humorous at the same time. Lol. You're one unique character for sure.

Anyway, getting back to the point. Personally I consider quote edits a despicable action no matter who does it.

Excellent analysis SK...except for the "entertaining and humorous" part.

lggy's severe problems are a disturbing reflection on the weaknesses of the Canadian educational system. We should be careful not to blame lggy for the sad hand that fate has dealt him.

Although it is important to try to correct his many intellectual weaknesses, it would be unfair to derive entertainment from his severe handicaps. Let us all be thankful that we do not suffer from his profound mental disabilities and let us offer him our sincere pity and our best wishes that he might one day be able to function at least partially in the modern world.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Nobody jumps ship more than your clone and yourself my little "scabitant" .......i just enjoy pulling the string of my favorite lil puppet. :) seems i am doing a good job lately, you used to post in other threads, but as of late it seems 95% of your posts are constant drival in the hockey threads

As always, you have it wrong. It's been made clear countless times that GHG is and always has been a habs fan while I am and always have been a Wings fan. We do not, have not, and will not jump ship like you and your bosom buddy Holliday.

Glad to see that you follow all my posts so closely. Although some would probably consider what you are doing to be stalking, I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are just trying to improve yourself by reading the thoughts of your intellectual superiors. Good luck! And on that theme, here is a free lesson for today: the correct spelling is "drivel".

P.S.: Good luck to your dad Brian.
Last edited:

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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in any of the regular threads on merb, yea i can see your point but in here, pfffft theres so much nonsense and its been done over and over by others that there is no harm in it, plus as long as its not a personal attack and harmfull to the poster, the mods dont really care.... they know us all enuff by now to know its all good clean banter back and forth, and boys will be boys...if i didnt know better K, i think you need to get back to Mtl and let of some "stress" ,,,,,,, cheers my friend! , see ya soon

I always need to let out some stress, I could be back home for 6 hours and I'm thinking about getting back to Montreal. I need to join Montrealholics Anonymous!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
just be glad you dont live closer, you would never have a fighting chance of "recovery" lol....

I always need to let out some stress, I could be back home for 6 hours and I'm thinking about getting back to Montreal. I need to join Montrealholics Anonymous!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
nope, never had it more right, case in point you are now borrowing from the good Dr. as well as myself, lets see,

1. following posts closely is the same as what i said about you hanging onto my every word
2. stalking was took from what doc said about you originally

now as far as my intellectual superiors, lol, trust me, you will never be one of them.. not on your best day.. i guess that "canadian educational system" owes you a big refund

oups, almost forgot the funniest part, i see you had to come back and *edit* your post to find the correct spelling of drivel, lol... pretty sad when you have to point out correct spelling or punctuation as a way to save "face" in a silly little thread on a escort review board, , but nothing surprises me anymore coming from you........ GO HAWKS GO!!!!!!

ps. i think it would be easier for you to to just go the "copy and paste" route like dumb OR dumber instead of trying to have original thoughts. the stress is starting to show in your posts and it AINT (correct my word please my good man) pretty

Glad to see that you follow all my posts so closely. Although some would probably consider what you are doing to be stalking, I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are just trying to improve yourself by reading the thoughts of your intellectual superiors. Good luck! And on that theme, here is a free lesson for today: the correct spelling is "drivel".

P.S.: Good luck to your dad Brian.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
oups, almost forgot the funniest part........ GO HAWKS GO!!!!!!

the stress is starting to show in your posts and it AINT (correct my word please my good man) pretty

No stress Burke Junior, just sadness and sympathy for people such as yourself who must go through life with so little understanding of the world. I forgive you your many flaws because A) I know they're not your fault - you're just trying your best with the very limited skills you were blessed with, and B) these are obviously heartwrenching times for you since you and your very close friend Holliday are having a difference of opinion in the other thread over Cammalleri's non-selection for the Olympics. I know that you must be heartbroken over this dispute with your very close friend.

I see you've abandoned the Leafs in favor of the Hawks. Well I guess any team is better than the stinking Leafs but I must point out that this typifies your lack of loyalty to your dad and his team. What will he think about you jumping ship? Oh well I guess it doesn't matter to you since your very close friend is also famous for jumping ship.

Since you asked politely, I will grant your request and correct your word, but please don't think that I will always do so. In order to show some intellectual progress, you will have to start doing some research and studying on your own. I suspect that the word you wanted corrected was "AINT", but that one is SO obvious that I won't even bother. Instead, I'll help you out by mentioning that "oups" should actually be spelled "oops". Best wishes, and congratulations: you have taken the important first step towards progress by admitting that you have glaring educational deficiencies and by seeking help from someone far more intelligent in order to begin correcting those deficiencies. Stick with this newfound attitude and one day you too might achieve functional literary skills.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Not as embarrassing as loosing to the ''powerfull'' Hurricanes...and Oilers last week!!LOL!!!

Actually, yes!!! It is indeed more embarrassing to losing to the Hurricanes & Oilers by a slim margin. THE DETROIT DEAD THINGS LOST 6-0 TO THE FUCKIN' NEW YORK ISLANDERS!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAPARINO, BATMAN!!!! SHUTOUT BY THE NEW YORK ISLANDERS!!! Even the Leafs haven't sunk to that level!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
that post calls for a laugh, and even better a laugh that for some reason, annoys a couple people who do not understand it is the same thing as a "lol" or a "rofl", so much so that they can only come back with saying it is kindergarten and immature, and as hard as everyday life can be and as stressfull at times, whats wrong with having a outlet on the net' to relax and joke around a tad bit? some old farts on here need to lighten up a bit, so anyways, the Dead Things, lol.......... losing 6-0 to the NYI is definately worth a ........BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Actually, yes!!! It is indeed more embarrassing to losing to the Hurricanes & Oilers by a slim margin. THE DETROIT DEAD THINGS LOST 6-0 TO THE FUCKIN' NEW YORK ISLANDERS!!!!!!!! HOLY CRAPARINO, BATMAN!!!! SHUTOUT BY THE NEW YORK ISLANDERS!!! Even the Leafs haven't sunk to that level!!
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