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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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Lover of Life
Jul 11, 2006
Western Canada
I just thought of something...

How about if girls had to obtain a license (from the city or whatever) to work in this industry? This is what they do out in Victoria and if done properly it would do much I think to keep the underagers from slipping in where they don't belong.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
A message to you GG: I never said 18 to 21 year olds were kids and I appreciate you not use statements I have not made to morally condemn other users here and have the last word (though I don't necessarily disagree with that statement, but it's a matter of opinion I'd rather not voice here).

You were quick to use me in your defense earlier (your 'there you have it, an ex-sp said it' comment). I gave you that information privately, when you asked. Moments after, you posted, and as soon as you did I crossed you out as a person truly concerned by this issue and added you to the 'want's to look better than everybody else' list. You just want to be right. In the process you've pissed off enough members here to have done the opposite of what you (may have) wanted to do. You say you're looking out for the best interests of a particular girl, say you won't reveal what you've learned in private conversations, then turn around and say this girl definitely has mental issues and should not be working. Well she is working, and you may have done better at protecting her by not telling the world how fragile she was. Although I hate to agree with EB, I have to say I don't give your comments much credibility anymore.


Yes, I revealed you were an ex-SP, which was a private message to me, but your public reply to EB pretty much stated that either you are an SP or an ex-SP. So if you're offended, I apologize, but go back and read your reply.

Now, for the rest of your post, you question my sincerety and credibility. Do I really care about Samantha given that she is working right now? Yes, I do and because I might know a little more than you and others on this board, I cannot and will not recommend her in all good conscience. Believe me when I tell you that she is a great young lady but she needs to get out of SPing and go back to school.

If others want to see her and rave about her, be my guest. I am not going to be a hypocrite and say that it wouldn't bother to know that I am contributing to her problems.

I am glad you posted and feel free to hate me or dismiss me. I stand by every action, every word and every intention I've ever done. I made a mistake by recommending her and I fessed up. If I pissed off members on this board, tough luck. I created this thread and I stand by my views.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

General Gonad said:
If I pissed off members on this board, tough luck. I created this thread and I stand by my views.

Funny how you say you care so much about one lady; and don't give a lousy damn about anyone else much of the time.

"'ll never break...never break...never break...never breeeeak...this HEART OF no no." The Rolling Stones

Try to develop a little broader human empathy...will you.

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
Not beating on you. I don't know you but I can read. Some people have pointed out the contradictions in some of your statements. I think that's why people are upset. I do not understand what your 'view' is and I'm not any stupider than the other guy. It just seems to change according to the situation (eg. you make a case for raising the minimum age to 21, yet karma doesn't count because she's mature as someone else pointed out).

Dear t76,

You can beat on me all you want, we are both irrelevant to each other's life, as are most people on this board.;) I thought my post #165 was clear but let me be clearer: Even though there are exceptions (like Karma and others), I still feel that the minimum age for SPing should be 21 years old.

This is my honest view and it has to do with being better prepared for the emotional and psychological tribulations of SPing. It has nothing to do with the economic reasons that some members have myopically focused on to advance the case for maintaining it at 18 years old.

I hope I do not sound too condescending when I write but that is how I feel. I would also like to thank you for your valuable insights on this thread.


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Gentle2her said:
Of course not! It's one of the best post I have read in months.

SK, I'm sorry to say, but that's one of the most disgusting comment I've read in months. :(

So you've read one of the best and to you, one of the most disgusting all in one day, let's hope you don't have to wait months more to experience the gamut again. :D

By the way P, don't shoot the messenger, you think I'm the only one intrigued by t76? :cool:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
The but is the problem (some can but some can't). It creates contradiction. You're stating two very different views

1- the minumum age for SPing should be 21

2- 18, 19, 20 year olds can be SPs.

Hence the confusion.

No confusion at all. I think that agency owners should overwhelmingly hire 21 year olds and older but (nicely) there are some younger ladies that might be able to handle the pressures. However, given the confusion that this might create, they are better off hiring 21 year olds and older.


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
This wins for best formulated question of the year. ;)

LOL, now you're arousing me in every way!!!:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
Given the moral standpoint he expressed, would the originator of this thread care to tell us all if he would retire completely and permanently from the hobby should he be shown at least three reports or case studies, written by panels of psychologists, social workers, practioners, sexworkers and legislators, corroborating the fact that, on the larger scale, sp'ing is detrimental to the well-being of any provider, REGARDLESS OF HER AGE?

I'm curious to know...


I will retire when I am ready or fed up of reading bullshit. Your question is full of prejudice and insults ALL SPs in the hobby.


P.S. Given your narrow-minded views, perhaps you should retire...effective immediately.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Huh? What report?

Ziggy Montana said:
So assuming that such reports exist, reports written by panels of experts coming from different fields of comptetences, are you saying that these reports are BS? If so, then explain to us what makes it so that you own report on this thread about 18-20 years old providers should be considered valid?


I started a thread to gauge hobbyists' views; I was not interested in writing a report. Most academic reports on prostitution are bullshit. Our collective experience will trump any academic report.

I am stating a well-known, common sense fact: most 21 year old SPs are better prepared than most 18 year olds to face the psychological and emotional tribulations of SPing.

Does anyone disagree with this statement?



Virgin User
May 17, 2006
General Gonad said:
I am stating a well-known, common sense fact: most 21 year old SPs are better prepared than most 18 year olds to face the psychological and emotional tribulations of SPing.

Most 25 year olds are better prepared than most 21 year olds to face the psychological and emotional tribulations of SPing.

Most 21 year olds are better prepared than most 18 year olds to face the psychological and emotional tribulations of: having regular sexual relationships, drinking, working stressful jobs, fighting in war, consenting to medical procedures (including abortions), getting married, ...

Perhaps the minimum age for all these activities should be raised to 21, or 25.


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
General Gonad said:
I am stating a well-known, common sense fact: most 21 year old SPs are better prepared than most 18 year olds to face the psychological and emotional tribulations of SPing.

Does anyone disagree with this statement?

I don't see how anyone could disagree with that any more than stating the same exact question and replace "21" with "25" and "18" with "21". The question of the statement, and of this thread, is whether 21 is the best minimum age. My answer is no. 18 is the best age because that is what society at large has deemed minimally appropriate for most adult-centric activities allowable by individuals.

I think you raised an interesting question, but you must appreciate that is it speculation and "what if" and people will disagree. Even if every MERB member agreed with you, we are just a small fraction of men picking up the phone to meet a girl. The demand exists, age of consent and various laws are already established, and it boils down to an individual's choice whether they prefer to see only girls 21 or older.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Ziggy Montana said:
I deleted my previous reply to avoid entering into another pissing contest with you. You are way too defensive right now for me to bother discussing. Much to your liking, I'm sure, I will retire from this thread. ...

BTW your statement that you will retire when you're tired of reading bullshit is a clear admission that you don't read your own writing.


Let's stick to some facts. In the past year, I have put up some of the most thought provoking threads on Merb. I am not the only one, but I have been a very active poster on this board.

Now you come along out of the blue, put up a dumbass review, get blasted and then resort to insults and physical threats.

I don't know, but if you ask me, it's people like you who post lots of BS and bring down the level of debate on this board. Not always, but often enough.


P.S. Your last post highlighting the differences between the legal and ethical implications of my question was actually pretty good. I do not understand why you deleted it. I was just too tired to answer you last night.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
The question is quite relevant.

Originally Posted by Ziggy Montana [I said:
Given the moral standpoint he expressed, would the originator of this thread care to tell us all if he would retire completely and permanently from the hobby should he be shown at least three reports or case studies, written by panels of psychologists, social workers, practioners, sexworkers and legislators, corroborating the fact that, on the larger scale, sp'ing is detrimental to the well-being of any provider, REGARDLESS OF HER AGE?[/I]

Hello General,

Why can't you see the perfect relevance of this question, given your alleged genuine concern for the emotional and mental well-being of young SPs? No one is saying you have to retire, but the question is one of the logical ends of the moral concern you say you feel in this matter. You started this thread in which many like Traveller_76 have participated with genuine heart felt responses and you as the originator have a responsibility to be respectful and responsive to decent questions. Calling the question "bullshit" and it's author "narrow-minded" discredits you...once again. Your insulting attitude toward a number of hobbyists on this thread only tends to show either you don't have the maturity to be respectful or your moral concern must be a FAKE. Do you want people to think your real goal is simple attention, and you have fun with confrontation?

You don't have to answer everything, but put away your well-known grudges against Ziggy and others and treat all those who show sincere interest in the MANY ISSUES you start with much more respect. It's your character on display. Try to protect it better.

Bonne journee',

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New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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Clarify please

Ziggy Montana said:

if you're dead serious about the well-being of SP's, don't waste your time running polls on Merb where posters, for the most, are hobbyists which true prerogative is their own sexual gratification.

... In other words, bring your scrupules where they belong which is not on Merb.....step down from your high morals standpoint and admit, like the rest of us did about our own selfish selves, what you're really all about...


Not sure exactly what your trying to say here ZM but it sounds really negative as to members of this board and their attitudes towards the hobby. Are you speaking in very general terms or specific ones and if so what are they in reference too, just the age issue, or hobbying in general?

I can't say with any certainty how anyone else feels about SP's generally or specifically so to describe us in the context I found in your post sounds pretty bad. Its not some "dirty secret" that we are looking for sexual gratification from SP's, no matter whether they are 18 or 38, that is the nature of the business, but sex is certainly NOT the only thing many of us enjoy about spending time with a beautiful lady. To deny that sex is usually the main course of an encounter would be disingenous, but many "diners" enjoy ALL of the courses on the menu, the making of a new acquaintance, stimulating conversation, and non sexual intimacy. I suppose a "fast food" mentality towards hobbying is present in some hobbyists but certainly not all of us.

Some of the best reviews on this board are written by gentlemen like Regnad who spend much time getting to know the lady and "romancing" her over many appointments while doing things outside of the bedroom like having dinner or taking trips together. He can then relate his entire collective experience to us and basically tell us so much more about a girl than "numbers" or gory details do. Those types of explicit reviews have their place as well. It depends on what your looking for I guess but there is room here for most tastes.

In addition I would ask you why you would, seemingly, insinuate that "scruples" don't belong on Merb? Lastly, while everyone is selfish to some degree, what exactly is it that you think the "rest of us" have admitted to ourselves that we are "really all about"? I know what pleases me and it may not be what pleases you but am I necessarily lacking "scruples" if I spend time with an 18-19 year old SP versus a 21-25 year old SP? Who decides the "correct" answer to that question anyway? The church? The Government? A poll on MERB? OR each individual for themselves?


Aug 3, 2006
GTA & Montreal
Mercedez not more on our website

jai prit une decision pour le bien de cette femme

elle ne sera plus sur mon site
voyant tout langoument de tous sur ce point je me senmtais aussi mal de la laisser travailler pour mon entreprise en partenariat.

cest pour cela que ce soir elle ne fait plus partie de nos fille et ne sera plus dans les fiches de mercedez girlz.

mercedez jai decider que cetais terminer pour elle dans notre compagnie.

elle netais pas daccord me disant que je ne pouvait pas decider si elle devait arreter de travailler.

mais pour son bien comme tout le monde le dit si bien
jai decider de faire ma part et de lui fermer les portes pour son bien.

have a good chance in your new life baby
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

M-G said:
jai prit une decision pour le bien de cette femme

elle ne sera plus sur mon site
voyant tout langoument de tous sur ce point je me senmtais aussi mal de la laisser travailler pour mon entreprise en partenariat.

cest pour cela que ce soir elle ne fait plus partie de nos fille et ne sera plus dans les fiche de mercedez girlz.

mercedez jai decider que cetais terminer pour elle dans notre compagnie.

elle netais pas daccord me disant que je ne pouvait pas decider si elle devait arreter de travailler.

mais pour son bien comme tout le monde le dit si bien
jai decider de faire ma part et de lui fermer les portes pour son bien.

Hello M-G,

My French is not too well developed. Is Mercedez now completely out of your agency? I think you said that. Confirm this in English...s'il vous plait.


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Aug 3, 2006
GTA & Montreal
re: boy

yes that true some girls left my agency yes like deja vue !

but i swicht the girls at ( 160$, 170$, 180$, 200$ in mercedezgirlz) all the girls missing on my website gone be in the new agency

***********.*** at 160$/ 1h
300$/ 2h

but i can talk or promote my new agency since Fredz authorize my advertiser on the furom.
the website gone be online tonight and all the girls miss on Mercedezgirlz are transfer to ******.***

mercedezgirlz gone have only vip.

but mercedez gone !!!!

thank you
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New Member
Oct 3, 2004
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Please don't abandon other topics and leave us with less collective thought, I enjoy hearing all sides so I can make more informed decisions on controversial subjects. Sadly ZM and GG allowed their conversation to degenerate into flames. It is not necessary to participate in that aspect of a conversation however and sometimes a post relevant to the subject matter can refocus those involved. Perhaps with a little help from Mod's who need to be informed if things are getting out of hand.


Allow me to say its great to have you back! I appreciate the point you are making and I couldn't agree more. I always carry that thought with me whenever I meet an SP. She is not just a piece of meat, she is first and foremost a human being with universal, inalienable rights, and should be accorded as much respect as any other person. I don't attach a negative image to the profession. In my experience people have as much dignity as they give themselves and I believe Sp's should walk as tall as anyone.

Allowing negative imaging and stereotypical myths to creep into our own consciousness is what does the most harm to people who work in the Adult entertainment business. What religious zealots and hypocritical politicians try to force feed us as societal "norms" is really nothing more than hate speech contrived by those looking for ways to galvanize support for their own dark causes by dividing us on non-issues rather than uniting us with things that could lift us all up.

Kind of like gay marriage and its correlation to religion, that being if there was no religion, no one would bat an eyelash at the thought of it. But when you hold up the bible and say "Look, here in this old book it says homosexuality is a sin" and then use that to justify making people suffer is just about as mindnumbingly stupid as conceivable. That so many people are so easily manipulated into thinking such thoughts is a sad testament to the human condition. I wish I had an answer that everyone could accept as to this age issue but people are going to believe whatever they want to believe based on what information they have and the environment around them.

I don't think 18 is necessarily too young, it depends on the particular person. I think we are too the man here on MERB against underage prostitution meaning anyone UNDER the age of 18, with a special disgust for blatant pedophilia. I would venture to say the same about sexual slavery and if any of us thought for a second that we were with an SP who was in such circumstances we would notify the proper authorities anonymously and report our findings to each other. I think for the most part those of us who post here have a high level of respect and appreciation for the SP'ing profession.

If any SP, let alone an 18 year old, is having serious problems dealing with what they do I would encourage them to stop the same way I would encourage anyone to stop doing anything they thought was derogatory to their well being. It would be better to have nothing than to lose your soul or sacrifice your well being. Not everyone is cut out for this profession, sadly there is only one way to find out for sure and in unfortunate circumstances damage can be done, but making a law to stop 18/19/20 year olds from SP'ing will do nothing more than efforts to stop people from using drugs have done. It won't stop anything, it will just drive it underground and drive the price up, making it more dangerous and harmful for women who now, in Canada and other countries where prostitution is legal, can make a conscious decision for themselves as to whether or not to start and when to quit.

The established standard for adulthood here is 18 and if they are old enough to make the decision to join the armed forces and possibly die fighting in a war, they are certainly old enough to decide what they will and won't do with their own bodies. Think of the hypocrisy in any other message to 18 year olds. On one hand the government will pay you peanuts to fight and die in a war over oil so the elite can get rich but its illegal to "rent" yourself out for sexual services to someone who will pay you handsomely? It would almost make one wonder if the government was trying to block off other avenues of self reliance for those who have no other way to help themselves. Whoring for billions amongst the wealthy elite is commonplace and widely accepted as normal behavior for young blue bloods, but if us common folk do it for a couple hundred bucks, thats a faux pas for some reason?


Nov 15, 2005
HonestAbe said:

Please don't abandon other topics and leave us with less collective thought, I enjoy hearing all sides so I can make more informed decisions on controversial subjects. Sadly ZM and GG allowed their conversation to degenerate into flames. It is not necessary to participate in that aspect of a conversation however and sometimes a post relevant to the subject matter can refocus those involved. Perhaps with a little help from Mod's who need to be informed if things are getting out of hand.
Honest Abe,

Before I noticed your post addressed to me I went back and deleted my original one, thinking does anyone care if I stop contributing ?

(In my original post I had indicated that I was tired of the petty bickering and was wondering why I continued to read the posts, only to realize that I was addicted to merb, and that the GG/ZM negative verbal intercourse had the effect of curing my addiction, and that I would stick with the Cleo's and restaurant threads and ignore the others).

Well Abe, your response indicates that someone does care, so I will stick around, but think I AM cured of the addiction.
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