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Should the legal age for SPs be increased to 21 years old?

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Johns shouldn't hobby before they are 30

Doc Holliday said:
For those who think the legal age for sps should be 21.......shouldn't the same theory be applied for johns??

Personally, i think anyone under 30 shouldn't be allowed to see sps. But am i correct? Who cares.....the matter is entirely out of my hands. However, i am entitled to an opinion.


I tend to agree with you - Johns shouldn't hobby before they are 30. You need to be financially mature when you're a client and act with as much respect as possible.

If you're a 20 year old horndog, you'll get laid but chances are you will not have reached the stage of your professional career where you can afford to make this a "hobby." Also, you might be sexually immature and lack the requisite conversational skills to converse with the ladies. As always, there are exceptions to this observation.



New Member
Feb 15, 2005
General Gonad said:

I tend to agree with you - Johns shouldn't hobby before they are 30. You need to be financially mature when you're a client and act with as much respect as possible.

If you're a 20 year old horndog, you'll get laid but chances are you will not have reached the stage of your professional career where you can afford to make this a "hobby." Also, you might be sexually immature and lack the requisite conversational skills to converse with the ladies. As always, there are exceptions to this observation.

Yes sir, ever right GG... you hold all the wisdom in the world and we are just not so smart people who cannot see all these....
I am still waiting your answer/post to my original question/post.....

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
EB, don't pull that shit with me!

EagerBeaver said:
I must admit that like Orallover and Maxima, I was very puzzled by you starting this thread. You posted a glowing review of Samantha, an 18 year old SP, and later recanted that review in its entirety. Then you start this thread, which seems somehow linked to Samantha, and bash all hobbyists who want to see SPs under age 21, although 24-48 hours earlier, you glowingly reviewed an 18 year old SP you had seen.

Irrespective of what you may have learned (or not) behind the scenes, this does not add up and certainly appears hypocritical.

I am someone who has deleted my fair share of posts but I don't recall ever deleting a review I wrote of an SP, or recanting a recommendation on an SP. I am not sure this episode bodes well for your credibility.


I'll take my credibility against YOURS or anyone else's on this board. Don't ever question my credibility or my decency. Do I make myself clear?

You've got a lot of nerve posting that shit after I admitted I made a stupid error in judgment by recommending this young lady. I was recommending her using my little head instead of my big head, like most of your silly arguments claiming that it makes perfectly legitimate sense to allow young 18 year olds to SP for financial reasons. You ignore other aspects of SPing because you're so fixated with the financial/economic reasons.

In my books, it takes a bigger man to admit he made a mistake. What I learned about this girl stays between the owner of Mercedez and myself. Do I believe everything he told me? Of course not but the most important thing was that he convinced me that she isn't in the right mental state to do this job.

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
General Gonad said:
Doc,I tend to agree with you - Johns shouldn't hobby before they are 30. You need to be financially mature when you're a client and act with as much respect as possible. If you're a 20 year old horndog, you'll get laid but chances are you will not have reached the stage of your professional career where you can afford to make this a "hobby."

My prior post was just me being silly. However, the reason i picked that particular age in question had nothing to do with finances. I believe that someone who starts to see sps at a younger age (18-30) is doing himself a lot of harm on the social level. At that age, he should be out testing the field, and entering relationships with girls in his age bracket. By seeing sps at such a young age, he's not really giving himself a chance to blossom on the social level and put the odds in his favor if he ever wants to enter a relationshp and one day be the head of a household. I've found that the deeper someone gets in this 'hobby', the lazyier he gets socially & eventually his social skills will erode & he won't give a shit anymore.

Anyways, i could go on and on. But this is my opinion on the matter and who knows....maybe i'm totally incorrect about this and should encourage twenty-somethings to see escorts instead of going out and chasing women instead. I started seeing sps when i was 35, and i felt like i was too young for this back then. For some reason, the hobbyists in general (who posted on the boards back then) seemed much older than i was. I had played the field considerably and had been through two long-term relationshps prior to discovering the hobby and those years i will cherish always. I had my ups-and-downs back then....but the 'life' experience that i gained out of these various relationships and conquests is irreplaceable. It's quite possible that i'm wrong, but deep down, i just feel that guys under 30 are blowing their opportunities at these types of enriching experiences by spending their time seeing sps instead of entering 'real' relationships with members of the opposite sex.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
I might likely be wrong, but deep down, i just feel that guys under 30 are blowing their opportunities at these types of enriching experiences by spending their time seeing sps instead of entering 'real' relationships with members of the opposite sex.


It is always a pleasure reading your wisdom. You are so right and I agree with you, the social reasons are far more important than the financial reasons not to engage in full fledged hobbying in your twenties. Again, this doesn't apply to everyone but most guys in their twenties. In any case, I wouldn't recommend hobbying to anyone who has never experienced a "real relationship."

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Nov 21, 2004
Roland said:
Again..something to think about.
I like it a lot.

Thanks K-man !

Ah.... yet you gotta love the empty rhetoric in here at times!
I wonder if you folks put each other on a headlock during one of Celine's get-togethers.

Now that is truly something to think about!


Lover of Life
Jul 11, 2006
Western Canada
If the legal age was 21...

...then all 3 of my "atf" sps (including someone I just met last week) I would never have been able to meet. I think, honestly, that after a certain point age has very little to do with whether or not someone should be an sp. All that should really be required is that someone is physically "ripe", or so to speak, and possessed a certain degree of emotional maturity. The funny thing is that while physical "ripeness" or whatever you want to call it is most definitely a function of age (and by the age of 18 one is basically guaranteed of this), the same isn't at all true with someone's emotional maturity. As Karma mentioned there are plenty of 18 year olds out there with better heads on their shoulders than many people who are much older. People enjoy this hobby for a number of reasons-- some prefer younger women, despite what immaturity may come with it, while others prefer someone with more experience and seasoning. Myself, I make no bones about the fact that I participate in this hobby because I enjoy sex with hot young women. In a pinch I would take someone a little older if I felt I would connect with them more, but my ideal companion is someone who is 19-21 and possessed of a high degree of maturity and depth. They aren't as common I know, but they're out there and, in my opinion, worth seeking out. Why do I prefer younger girls? I don't know-- in addition to the obvious physical reasons, I find that younger girls tend to be possessed of that radiance of youth that I find somewhat intoxicating, and in the event that she also has a good head on her shoulders and is able to connect well with me, then chances are she will leave me with a smile on my face for days (like the one I am currently nursing right now...).

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
My final words on this thread...

I started this thread to gauge hobbyists' views on whether or not a more appropriate age for a young lady to begin SPing is 21 years old, not 18 years old. Admittedly, this thread was started after I met a sexy, young lady known as Samantha/Mercedez from Eleganza/Mercedez Girlz. I was happy to meet her but I did feel she was young and that she had a lot on her mind. I recommended her in my review but I subsequently deleted my reviews because I am convinced she is not in the right state of mind to do this full-time at any agency.

I have no regrets about deleting my review. I have not taken sides between John (Eleganza) and Steven (Mercedez) in their dispute. I do not care about their dispute; I am more concerned about this young lady, which is why I deleted my review.

Now, as far as the plethora of strong opinions expressed on this thread, the ones that I will focus on are from the SPs. In particular, Anik, t76, and Karma. While I know Karma is a young and mature SP who is better prepared than most young ladies to handle the pressures of SPing, I tend to agree with Anik's and t76's views on this matter, namely, that while an 18 year old is "legally" responsible, she is still a kid that in all likelihood is ill-prepared to deal with the emotional and psychological ramifications of SPing.

Are there exceptions? Of course there are and I am not saying that all hobbyists, including me, should avoid young and mature SPs. But I still firmly believe that the vast majority of 18 year olds are ill-prepared to deal with the crap of SPing.


P.S. A final note on Samantha. It seems as if she will be focusing on other cities for now, traveling to Calgary and Toronto for a few appointments. I wish her all the best and I do hope she goes back to finish high school. I hope she finds her peace of mind.
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Ohhhhh sage.

Kaempferrand said:
Hmmm... after going thru this thread here is a lesson to be learned..


When trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. The truly powerful knows this and they impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish!


"The truly powerful knows this and they impress and intimidate by saying less." Ohhhhh BRAVO! But, say nothing...take no stand...risk no opinion for others to jeer...stand back and scorn...deride while dreaming yourself beyond the rest...a master sage...the GIANT of wisdom...contribute the least ...and be better than us all.

I have always loved great fortune cookie Yes, there is a lot of just plain..."stuff"...on any thread like this. We are all human beings after all. But the lurker who contributes only ridicule has risen above no one.


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Hello Roland,

Yes, I understood what Kaempferrand was saying and it is very good advice. Hard to believe as it is considering how I often write. But his post also comes off as just ridicule. While I have no idea if he was aiming his comments at anyone in particular, or what his specific intensions truly were, I do think it is clearly criticism of others, contributing nothing relevant and basically implying we are all blathering. Human beings do as they can with all their flaws. If someone wants to show the rest how to write in perfection he/she should lead by example putting their own relevant on subject thoughts on the line and being courageous enough to take the risks with the rest of us. Otherwise one risks being taken as the critic who ridicules without the courage to participate. And if it's not worth participating positively for someone...then don't. Besides...who is pretending to be a professional debater.


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New Member
Jan 9, 2006
I think I will offer a little synopsis

Clearly, there will never be agreement on what to do about underage girls working in an adult business and clearly, there will always be a demand, even with legal risks, it is still rampant.

Laws won't change girls from entering the business if that is what they want to do, and it won't stop clients from meeting the girls they desire. My only hope is that anyone in this business (at any age) know at least one person who would be ready and willing to give them other viable choices, so that SPing is truly a choice and not a trap.

You may ask what this has to do with 18-21 yr olds specifically... it has to do with all SPs but I truly do believe, maybe wrongly, that the majority of SPs that start younger are at a higher risk of being trapped.



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Just-ass-weet said:
Clearly, there will never be agreement on what to do about underage girls working in an adult business and clearly, there will always be a demand, even with legal risks, it is still rampant.

Laws won't change girls from entering the business if that is what they want to do, and it won't stop clients from meeting the girls they desire. My only hope is that anyone in this business (at any age) know at least one person who would be ready and willing to give them other viable choices, so that SPing is truly a choice and not a trap.

You may ask what this has to do with 18-21 yr olds specifically... it has to do with all SPs but I truly do believe, maybe wrongly, that the majority of SPs that start younger are at a higher risk of being trapped.


There are probably a lot of hobbists who have some angst over the conditions SPs work in. For whatever reason, people like General Gonad seem to have great angst over the contradiction of enjoying a meeting and having some genuine concern about the welfare of SPs. Stories I have heard from maturer ladies about their associates, owners, and agencies they worked for have given me sad pause over being in this hobby. Like Anik, I also "hope is that anyone in this business (at any age) know at least one person who would be ready and willing to give them other viable choices, so that SPing is truly a choice and not a trap." No one can do very much to change these choices for the ladies. But we can be kind and try to make the meetings mutually enjoyable. The least we can do is be respectful and aviod making things worse. I applaud Regnad...who can and have tried to do more. For me, I am not married and I work very long hours. So the hobby is an outlet I can count on when some free time comes. I would prefer something better if it arrives.




Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
To t76

Hello traveller_76,

If it is not too hypocritcal...a sincere bow of deference to you and a wish for your well-being. I read everything carefully. Your comments stand for my lesson...and I step aside.




Apr 20, 2004
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martinl68 said:
Best post I have read on this thread so far.

I second this. T-76, you have earned my sincere respect.

GG, this sentence of yours fits you best: "You are an im****le":mad: (A lesson of posting etiquette to you: learn the basic rules of civility of this Board and make use of asterisks).

traveller_76 said:
A message to you GG: I never said 18 to 21 year olds were kids and I appreciate you not use statements I have not made to morally condemn other users here and have the last word (though I don't necessarily disagree with that statement, but it's a matter of opinion I'd rather not voice here).

You were quick to use me in your defense earlier (your 'there you have it, an ex-sp said it' comment). I gave you that information privately, when you asked. Moments after, you posted, and as soon as you did I crossed you out as a person truly concerned by this issue and added you to the 'want's to look better than everybody else' list. You just want to be right. In the process you've pissed off enough members here to have done the opposite of what you (may have) wanted to do. You say you're looking out for the best interests of a particular girl, say you won't reveal what you've learned in private conversations, then turn around and say this girl definitely has mental issues and should not be working. Well she is working, and you may have done better at protecting her by not telling the world how fragile she was. Although I hate to agree with EB, I have to say I don't give your comments much credibility anymore.

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Thank you very much Traveller


I thank you for your insight into this matter.

We all have our reasons why we are involved in this hobby, both as a client and a sp. For a client it's easy to get out and get back in. As a SP, well, for them it's a harder situation.

Those seeking to make themselves better by telling others what not to do or do, well I would say you don't know everything as we don't know everything as well. Just state your case and let it be.

As a 18 year old, yes, we are techically legal in the eyes of the government but sometimes people mature faster or slower.

Trying to change the world takes a lot of effort...




New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Welcome Addition


Excellent posts.You are a welcome addition to the board.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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General Gonad said:
While I know Karma is a young and mature SP who is better prepared than most young ladies to handle the pressures of SPing, I tend to agree with Anik's and t76's views on this matter, namely, that while an 18 year old is "legally" responsible, she is still a kid that in all likelihood is ill-prepared to deal with the emotional and psychological ramifications of SPing.

GG, sounds like your sugarcoating your comments towards Karma. Its one or the other...either 18 or over is fine, or its not. Make a stand. Im sure Karma is mature enough to appreciate you telling her she shouldnt be in the business...that's why you started this thread.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Thank you t76

traveller_76 said:
That's all I have to say. Hope I haven't bored you too much.


Far from it t76. Your incite into this thread as well as the others you've posted in have been very valuable contributions. Thanks for sharing and please do continue to participate. :)

Am I the only one turned on by a mature, well spoken, intelligent female? I hope I'm not out of line, but I for one wish you weren't retired. :p



New Member
Nov 15, 2004
traveller_76 said:
That's all I have to say. Hope I haven't bored you too much.
Of course not! It's one of the best post I have read in months.

We all benefit from your words of wisdom, and I hope other young women will also benefit from your experience one way or another. Given the tone of your post here, I have a feeling this is something that still drives your day to day life, and if even only ONE young woman is kept out of this mess because of your implication, it will be a great accomplishment. This business need more people like you, and I hope to read you more often.

Special K said:
Am I the only one turned on by a mature, well spoken, intelligent female? I hope I'm not out of line, but I for one wish you weren't retired. :p SK
SK, I'm sorry to say, but that's one of the most disgusting comment I've read in months. We have here a women who openly share her insight with all of us, candidly, intelligently, and the 1st thing you manage to do is bring her comments down to how this gets you horny. How classless! :(
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