Marriage with kids is the greatest thing in life. I am sorry for guys that have never experienced this. Though the older you are the more you need and cherish solitude. So, be alone in your later years is a blessing.
That is the problem, women refuse to make the first move. In this day and age with gender equality, time for women to make the first move. There are many men who are really shy and can be great partners only if women stop waiting on men to do all the work.The new women at work is 30 she got cheated on and separated, she kept looking at me etc, even if i am 18y older than her, she recently met her boyfriend and told me she was interested in me but i took too long to make a move and she wanted a relationship, fair enough we are still friends.
Not a blessing at all. Ask the seniors what they think, it is a depressing lonely existence without a partner and no kids. As you get older your social circle shrinks to nothing. It is even more important to have a companion if not at least kids.Marriage with kids is the greatest thing in life. I am sorry for guys that have never experienced this. Though the older you are the more you need and cherish solitude. So, be alone in your later years is a blessing.
Getting involved costs too much money ! It’s also a headache as I know too many situations! There used to be something called real Love in another time! It could even ruin you financially!Not a blessing at all. Ask the seniors what they think, it is a depressing lonely existence without a partner and no kids. As you get older your social circle shrinks to nothing. It is even more important to have a companion if not at least kids.
Not a blessing at all. Ask the seniors what they think, it is a depressing lonely existence without a partner and no kids. As you get older your social circle shrinks to nothing. It is even more important to have a companion if not at least kids.
The sad truth as we get older, its all coming down to that, i am still attracted to the women form and like you sometimes i need to see my SP ASAP the urge. I also love animals they are great companions.Then I need to call Euphoria, XO, Forever... Once or twice a month. I don't demand much from girls anymore. Just give me your body a little while.
It case per case, do you have passions, at my age going it is a bit weird, people are so young its normal its there time, we had ours younger too. I regret nothing i have some friends but we do not go out often. Women do have better social circle this is true i had met a women not too long ago, introduction, she was the one who sent me a friend request on facebook but we never got to meet because she was out with her girlfriends all the time, at some point i ask her and she said you know what forget it i don't want a relationship for now sorry.Everyone will experience this situation (long-term singledom) differently, depending on several factors, the most important one being social support (friends). Someone single with rewarding friendships (or maybe even a pet) is more likely to fare well. That's why single women, on average, are happier than single men, because it is well known that women have more significant friendhships than men, whose friendships are often superficial and lacking emotional depth. About 1/3 of men have no friends at all. Humans are a social species. A lack of meaningful relationships (escorts don't count) for a long time is likely to be self-destructive.
If you speak with a psychologist, they will tell you that the majority of their male clients presenting with anxiety or depression are single, whereas this is not true of women, who still experience these conditions at a higher rate than men.
I was engaged 2 times, and never married, I dodged the bullet, I would have been miserably married had I gone threw with it. I walked/ran away, not them. And had another 2 relationships before I met my relationship now. 5 relationships that lasted from shortest 7 months (was abusive), to longest 5 years (simple vanilla expierience). All monogamous in the last 18 years. And was single for an accumulation of about 6 of those years too. When I broke up with my last relationship, was for good valid reasons, but I have reasons it lasted so long as well. But 1 main reason was from the time I started dating him depression set in. We weren't compatible and I tried to convince myself we could make it work anyways. I broke up with him because I was once so much happier a person and loved life my way, and I lost that being in a relationship with him, my zest for life was gone.I posted this because lately I notice that a lot of older people remain single, its like we tried and we just gave up seeing how the world as turned and see more benefits in being alone then with someone.
I wanted to have more input and what people think about this.
I enjoy my mistress coming with fetish play instead of a normal relationship that gave me headaches and constant worryingI was engaged 2 times, and never married, I dodged the bullet, I would have been miserably married had I gone threw with it. I walked/ran away, not them. And had another 2 relationships before I met my relationship now. 5 relationships that lasted from shortest 7 months (was abusive), to longest 5 years (simple vanilla expierience). All monogamous in the last 18 years. And was single for an accumulation of about 6 of those years too. When I broke up with my last relationship, was for good valid reasons, but I have reasons it lasted so long as well. But 1 main reason was from the time I started dating him depression set in. We weren't compatible and I tried to convince myself we could make it work anyways. I broke up with him because I was once so much happier a person and loved life my way, and I lost that being in a relationship with him, my zest for life was gone.
What people tend to forget in relationships is, it's building eachother up. When it becomes more one sided, someone's being left out. A relationship is not built in the bedroom alone, but enjoying life together, and finding someone you are compatible with. I need to be as happy in my relationship, as I am when I am single, if not more so. Yes relationships go threw tough times, but being there for eachother in those tough times is the staying power. But some people just aren't worth the effort to stay together.
Thankfully I have that now. He was 46, and I was 39 when we started our relationship, it's not been that long, but we are compatible, seemingly eachothers darkest, and purest fantasies actualized. We needed to go threw what didn't work in our lives to find what did. It takes learning from past relationships, and growing from them, not carrying past trauma into the new relationship. Yes I have traumas I have been threw that my now relationship helps me deal with when insecurities arise. Part of growing older, is learning to heal ourselves from our past. And not settling for people who take away from our personal growth, but grow with us. But learning from our own mistakes as well. It takes 2 to make a relationship work, and only 1 to end it.
Then you fully understand how I enjoy my Master/slave relationship.I enjoy my mistress coming with fetish play instead of a normal relationship that gave me headaches and constant worrying
yes! Its so refreshing as my other side was really never explored as now i have all the freedom with a great woman with who never judges my dark side! Its an incredible feeling!Then you fully understand how I enjoy my Master/slave relationship..
I get to expierience a taste of my old life, as gf with those I am blessed to meet in my personal business, while my love, my bf, my Master, has me live a completely elevated exhistance as his when I am with him. While he helps me grow and heal from my relationships of the past, and makes efforts to improve himself as well.