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STM bus driver refuses to speak English to passenger, calls police

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Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
Très bon article! Moi qui habite à côté de ce métro en particulier et qui le fréquente parfois, ça fait drôle de lire une journée dans la vie de nos passeurs qui, soit dit en passant, ne me font jamais un "air de boeuf" lorsque je prends mes billets loll :eek:

Tu sais pkoi Véro, probablement pcq tu es polie...avec la douceur on obtient tout :)

Horny B

New Member
Aug 8, 2008
Dear Techman

And how does serving someone in English in Montreal prevent you or anyone else from being served in French? Why does it always have to be either/or in this city? Why can't it be both? Why is that such a threat? Like you said...GET OVER IT! Grow the fuck up and lose the insecurities.

Ask Celine Dion how bad it is to learn English. If she had limited herself to only singing in French she would be no bigger on the world stage than any other Quebec artist, which means that her career basically wouldn't exist compared to what she has achieved. Ask her if she regrets learning English or if she feels any less a Quebecoise.

Let's just keep Quebec unilingual French and let it separate. Then we can watch as it becomes a little backwater curiosity where only the business leaders, who will deal with the rest of the business world in English because they have no choice, will be successful and the rest of the population will be trapped with no options to leave and earn a living elsewhere. A nice little captive workforce which is exactly what the language xenophobes want. In the next referendum, you've got my vote.:rolleyes:

Curious that you only have chosen the part that suit your argument. No mention about my stand against the Guy from Gatineau who wanted to be served in French in an Ottawa bus, nothing about the other point that I have made. About your citation regarding the insecurity, get real 10 years ago being in my late 30's I chose even tough I had a vocabulary of about 300 English word that that I would live in Ontario. Explain me the insecurity part about that. Maybe in your wisdom you could explain to me what I am missing here? To conclude I simply stated that making the effort of learning a couple of hundred word to have a minimal capacity to live in the environment surrounding you is not a crime. As for your redundant claim that the Quebec would become a waterhole, we have seen it since Brinks has left the Province, and we know all those condescend claims that Quebec would be nothing without your presence. Continue rolling eyes,
May 8, 2007
Tu sais pkoi Véro, probablement pcq tu es polie...avec la douceur on obtient tout :)

merci c'est gentil. Il y a déjà plusieurs années que je travaille moi aussi avec le public. Donc, je suis bien placée pour savoir que des gens malpolies et irrespectueux, il y en a des tonnes ... ainsi que des gens qui cherchent l'affrontement ... c'est également pour ça que je ne me fais pas juge de la situation décrite ici dans cette discussion. ;)
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Ten Steps

Oct 2, 2006
Et les résidents eux, trop difficile d'apprendre le francais ??

don't turn this around; you sound like a politician. the guy is a visiting student from abroad. a public servant should be able to communicate in both official languages.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Et entre "Anglais" et "anglais" dans le post en question, il faut utiliser la majuscule puisqu'il s'agit du nom de la langue (la minuscule s'il s'agit de l'ajdectif). En fait, idéalement il faut dire "la langue anglaise".
Non, tu n'as pas raison.

Protagoras a déja écrit que le «a» minuscule était juste. Bref l'anglais.
Il connait tres, tres bien son français.

Les noms de peuples s'écrivent avec une minuscule lorsqu'ils s'appliquent à la langue, au costume, à la coutume, au mobilier, etc. (Un Allemand parlant bien le français).
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Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
don't turn this around; you sound like a politician. the guy is a visiting student from abroad. a public servant should be able to communicate in both official languages.

La loi 101, ca te sonne une cloche ??


Dec 24, 2005
bon jour

On one of my trips I was at eaton centre and this kid came up to me and spoke to me in french and asked me the time. I new what he was asking but I didnt understand the hours. I then tried to communicate that I didnt speak french in french but I told him the time in english. He was very polite.


Mar 3, 2006
On one of my trips I was at eaton centre and this kid came up to me and spoke to me in french and asked me the time. I new what he was asking but I didnt understand the hours. I then tried to communicate that I didnt speak french in french but I told him the time in english. He was very polite.

It sounds like you don't understand the verbs either :D

OK, Quebecois ... something to think about ...

Hey ... sorry ... this whole language thing is NEW to me.

Hee hee hee. Predicates. Adjectives. Whatever!!!

Accuse me of languatory malfeasance.

This whole thing cracks me up .... LOL

I've worked before on projects in Mexico where obviously the native language is Spanish and then I've worked on projects in Texas, where it's not so obvious, but again the native language again was Spanish.

Communication is an inately human capability. If you want to get your point across ... or if you need to ask something ... it happens.

But it happens because you want it to.

Some guy comes up to me and he's asking for the time. In Spanish.

How do I know? 'Cause he's tapping on his wrist and looking at his watch.

So when you suddenly realize that you want to help the guy out and give him the time ... but can't respond in Spanish .... what do you do???

You show him your watch.

Communication ... successful.

I empathize with the French-English/English-French language barrier (was that answer politically-correct enough - LOL).

In NYC, we have people from hundreds of countries around the world & lots of NYC people (i.e. - native NY'ers) will like to make fun of the newcomers/immigrants. But that's part of what becoming a NY'er is all about.

But that's something that most people fail to realize. Anybody here who speaks broken English, also speaks another language. How many Americans know a 2nd language?

Every century has it's own newcomers. And everybody here has dealt with it at one time or another. We're used to it. And we all learn a little bit of each others' languages.

Maybe I'm just "waxing rhapsodic" because the anniversary of September 11th is coming up soon ... but there's something that I remember from that week in history.

There was lots of hateful talk on local websites/chatrooms about who was to blame and who was going to do something about it .... but, when it came down to it, there were no answers ... just lots of talk.

The discussion (I use that term loosely) ran from both extremes.

A) Let's nuke them all


B) Let's just put daisys in the barrels of their rifles.

Of course I couldn't help but asking the "generals" what coordinates to use to call in the airstrike because I'm a wise-ass like that.

And, of course, the daisy isn't going to stop the bullet from killing you. At the time I felt compelled to let the pacificists know that even an unspoiled child should not go undisciplined.

Overall the point I tried to make clear was that, irregardless of our differences, we are all still Americans.

Language/Culture/Religion/Politics .... we're all here in America for a reason.

Our ancestors came here because they got tired of the B.S. back at home, and the nitpicking, and the persecution ... for whatever reason ... from wherever it was that they came from in the world.

That's what we have in common.

Not a single language or a culture ... just an idea and an ideal.

And there's no better example of that ideal than a simple Latin phrase found on the reverse of every humble penny ...

... E pluribus unum ...

... Out of many, one.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Et les résidents eux, trop difficile d'apprendre le francais ??

And what about the French residents? Do they have so much difficulty to learn English? After all Montreal is a BILINGUAL CITY. I can understand that in a rural city in Quebec but not in a major city like Montreal.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
La loi 101, ca te sonne une cloche ??

Yes we all know about this bill and how it came about. This bill is unconstitutional and absurd. These kind of laws does not exist anywhere else except here. This goes against democracy. People should have the choice to speak whatever language they like and operate a business in the language that best suits the business :cool: .


Feb 24, 2005
Yes we all know about this bill and how it came about. This bill is unconstitutional and absurd. These kind of laws does not exist anywhere else except here. This goes against democracy. People should have the choice to speak whatever language they like and operate a business in the language that best suits the business :cool: .

Then bring it to court if its unconstitutional you gonna win no? ...ah true some people did it already and they didn't win... so why you stay in a place that your persecuted? Nobody holding you here... If I would live in a place that I fell persecuted I would probably move away.

Seriously I wonder why mods keep this thread going, they closed a thread few days before that one because thoses thread about french/english are useless.

Also please note that in MANY stores downtown it's difficult to be served in french. If I start a thread everytime it's append to me I would probably be Merb largest poster.

En fait je pense que tout les francophones ici devrait faire ainsi comme ça les anglophones verrait qu'il sont pas seul sur leur petite planète et c'est SURTOUT PAS sur merb que ce genre de problème va se regler....

Mazingerz dans ce thread aurais fait des ravages :)
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Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
Yes we all know about this bill and how it came about. This bill is unconstitutional and absurd. These kind of laws does not exist anywhere else except here. This goes against democracy. People should have the choice to speak whatever language they like and operate a business in the language that best suits the business :cool: .

Premierement elle n'est pas anti-constitutionnelle, pcq le Québec n'a pas signé le rapatriment de la constitution, cadeau de votre bon ami PET.
Deuxiemmennt: Des états comme le texas et la californie, ont voté des lois semblables pour protéger l'anglais de l'espagnol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Then bring it to court if its unconstitutional you gonna win no? ...ah true some people did it already and they didn't win... so why you stay in a place that your persecuted? Nobody holding you here... If I would live in a place that I fell persecuted I would probably move away.

Of course I would not win. We know what those terrorists did in the late 60's and 70's for the language. I see no reason to move away. I grew up here all my friends are here. I am not gonna let something like this drive me away :cool: .

Also please note that in MANY stores downtown it's difficult to be served in french. If I start a thread everytime it's append to me I would probably be Merb largest poster.

I do not believe this at all. I shop downtown and you get served in both English and French which is the way it should be.

En fait je pense que tout les francophones ici devrait faire ainsi comme ça les anglophones verrait qu'il sont pas seul sur leur petite planète et c'est SURTOUT PAS sur merb que ce genre de problème va se regler....

That may be true or not. However I can say this much that Anglophones are not Xenophobic and are much more tolerant of what is different then Francophones. We do not go around enforcing English in the other provinces of Canada.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Premierement elle n'est pas anti-constitutionnelle, pcq le Québec n'a pas signé le rapatriment de la constitution, cadeau de votre bon ami PET.
Deuxiemmennt: Des états comme le texas et la californie, ont voté des lois semblables pour protéger l'anglais de l'espagnol.

If the states in USA have this law then it is also anti democratic and am against just like the bill in Quebec. Forcing a language on anyone is anti democratic and goes against freedom. I am sure you know what does terrorists did in the 60's and 70's to the point of murdering. I guess stooping to that level is ok for you as long as you have your language. It seems like you just do not get it. No point in continuing with you. You are xenophobic and you cannot tolerate what is different. Fortunately the majority of the population are not like you and all I have to do is to ignore people like you. Too bad my hard earned tax dollars is going to pay people like you.


Pimpin' ain't easy...
Dec 18, 2005
Je me demande qui est le plus xénophobe, celui qui veut protéger sa langue qui est parlée par 80% de la population du Québec, ou celui qui refuse de s'intégrer et qui se cantonne dans son gettho en refusant de s'ouvrir a la culture et la langue du territoire ou il habite ?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Je me demande qui est le plus xénophobe, celui qui veut protéger sa langue qui est parlée par 80% de la population du Québec, ou celui qui refuse de s'intégrer et qui se cantonne dans son gettho en refusant de s'ouvrir a la culture et la langue du territoire ou il habite ?

Why does integration have to mean submission to another culture? Why should any immigrant be forced to discard their own culture for any other? As you say...80% of the population of Quebec speak French so why do you still insist that it is in danger of vanishing? It has nothing to do with culture and it has everything to do with power. It isn't the survival of the French Canadian culture that is important, it's the dominance of the French language in Quebec that they want to preserve. And that isn't the same thing at all.

And by the way Bucky, not that it is relevant to this discussion, but can you provide some links to these language laws that you say exist in Texas for us?

And Wilko...if you can't get service in French in any store in Montreal, I'm pretty sure that it would be front page news on the Journal de Montreal and that the OLF would be shutting them down very quickly.:rolleyes:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Cloud,

I do not believe this at all. I shop downtown and you get served in both English and French which is the way it should be.

Oh come on. I am just a tourist and I can easily find both English and French who don't know or don't want to respond to the other language when it is spoken to them. Most Montrealers I find are bilingual and very helpful, especially the French. But there is very obviously a problem with some on both sides. It is especially evident when I go into a non-tourist situation like a small grocery or specialty store.

If the states in USA have this law then it is also anti democratic and am against just like the bill in Quebec. Forcing a language on anyone is anti democratic and goes against freedom.

Of course there is no need to enforce English where it is heavily dominant and not threatened. But you are saying Quebec or Montreal with it's vast majority of French speaking people has no right to use laws or ordinances to preserve it's language or culture. Isn't democracy the will of the majority. Of course Democracy should never be used to persecute the minority, but if you really believe the "democratic" process is the answer to all decisions then how is it wrong for the large French majority in Quebec and Montreal have the right to vote to preserve it's culture and language, as long as that doesn't disenfranchise minority cultures.

That may be true or not. However I can say this much that Anglophones are not Xenophobic and are much more tolerant of what is different then Francophones. We do not go around enforcing English in the other provinces of Canada.

DEAD WRONG! You are being extremely myopic here. You are either being deliberately blind to the truth or are so focused in serving your own interests that you are in effect blind. Xenophobia is not a trait limited to any nationality. It's a universal human trait dependent only on certain social and cultural conditions based on fear of what seems foreign and is perceived as threatening in some way. All you have to do is read people like Anglophuck/Ocoq and Mazingerz, and more, to realize that xenophobic hysteria is alive and well on both sides, English and French. And frankly, a large proportion of your statements on these cultural matters have many elements of the xenophobia of both Anglophuck/Ocoq and Mazingerz. When you insist the problem is one-sided, as above, and fail to see both sides have justified complaints as well self-interested faults then you start to look myopic, very biased, and nearly xenophobic.

"Anglophones are not Xenophobic and are much more tolerant of what is different" ...that's just BS, and your own posts make a very strong point of proving how wrong that statement is. And if you knew anything about "Anglophone" (English) history regarding the imposition of their language and culture on Native Americans, Africans, Mexicans, Latins, Asians, and all other Europeans, you would know how foolish (to use a gentler word) such a statement by you truly is.

BTW...I don't think you are a bad guy, but you do have certain chips on your shoulder you carry around that prevent you from being fair.

Cheers buddy,

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