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The Conservative Party of Canada


Merb member
Dec 27, 2020
BREAKING NEWS...RADIO-CANADA...O'Toole perd son vote de de 60% contre....WOW...toute une gifle....paye cher pour ses volte-face nombreux.
Le caucus va maintenant voter pour un Chef intérimaire.
My prediction, Pierre Polievre becomes the new leader.

He's more conservative and more nasty than O'Toole. Conservatives love that shit, lol

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
My prediction, Pierre Polievre becomes the new leader.

He's more conservative and more nasty than O'Toole. Conservatives love that shit, lol
Pierre seems to have common sense and sounds smart as a whip, as opposed to our current PM who thinks "peoplekind" is an actual word.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018

Multiple sources told multiple outlets late Monday — a landmark evening for unnamed sources — that a rebel alliance has recruited enough MPs to force a vote on ERIN O'TOOLE's command of caucus.

Thirty-five Tories signed a letter to call the question on O'Toole's leadership — and possibly oust him as early as Wednesday.

As Ottawa wakes up today, the Tory leader is fighting for his political life.

Bye bye Erin.
Error O'Toole isn't right wing enough. Who needs a Conservative leader who acts more like a Liberal?
  • Haha
Reactions: purplem


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Presenting Ms Candice Bergen, the NEW interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Who wants to make America great again...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Conservatives have thrown their support behind the anti-vaxx truckers including former leader Andrew Scheer, deputy leader Candice Bergen, leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis, and Pierre Poilievre.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Conservatives have thrown their support behind the anti-vaxx truckers including former leader Andrew Scheer, deputy leader Candice Bergen, leadership candidate Leslyn Lewis, and Pierre Poilievre.

Wow, I'm utterly and totally shocked. Truly a surprising turn of events.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
So this party is essentially pseudo Republicans? What are their big ticket issues besides lower taxes for Canadians?
They are for freedom and no communism and no covid mandates which is the right thing to do. The paternalism has to end and it is excessive. Many other countries have begun to drop covid mandates but in Canada we still got forced masks, vaccine passports, and forced closure of bars. The Conservatives are for limited immigration which is also the right thing to do because the housing crisis is a direct result of excessive immigration. The Conservatives are for less red tape for businesses, less rules means businesses can make more money. The Conservatives are for less strict gun measures, punishing law abiding gun owners makes no sense, instead get tough on criminals. Also they want to control government spending, the way Trudeau has been spending recklessly is madness and is causing mass inflation. Pierre Poliviere is running for leader of the CPC and if he wins he can defeat Trudeau. The Conservatives has a lot of work to do to undo the damage Trudeau has done.
  • Haha
Reactions: gaby and purplem


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2010
They are for freedom and no communism and no covid mandates which is the right thing to do. The paternalism has to end and it is excessive. Many other countries have begun to drop covid mandates but in Canada we still got forced masks, vaccine passports, and forced closure of bars. The Conservatives are for limited immigration which is also the right thing to do because the housing crisis is a direct result of excessive immigration. The Conservatives are for less red tape for businesses, less rules means businesses can make more money. The Conservatives are for less strict gun measures, punishing law abiding gun owners makes no sense, instead get tough on criminals. Also they want to control government spending, the way Trudeau has been spending recklessly is madness and is causing mass inflation. Pierre Poliviere is running for leader of the CPC and if he wins he can defeat Trudeau. The Conservatives has a lot of work to do to undo the damage Trudeau has done.
Bien résumé! Il faudrait ajouter aussi leur déni des changements climatiques et leur homophobie.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Bien résumé! Il faudrait ajouter aussi leur déni des changements climatiques et leur homophobie.
Climate change is a farce being used by Liberal politicians to collect revenue (carbon tax). Explain to me how putting a carbon tax will do anything for climate change? The biggest polluters are India and China so if they want to curb pollution they should start with those countries. If Liberal politicians were so serious about fighting climate change why do they not give up their private jets?



The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Climate change is a farce being used by Liberal politicians to collect revenue (carbon tax). Explain to me how putting a carbon tax will do anything for climate change? The biggest polluters are India and China so if they want to curb pollution they should start with those countries. If Liberal politicians were so serious about fighting climate change why do they not give up their private jets?

Convince us that Conservatives aren’t brain-dead politicians conning their voters with catchy empty slogans & make-believe impractical solutions.

How would you as a Conservative, propose that we go after China for being such a big polluter especially since so much of that pollution is caused by China producing products that we are consuming? Would you prefer that we move those pollutive industries back to our shores? Will the public accept a doubling of today’s inflation rate?
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Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Presenting the NEW interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Ms Candice Bergen...

Who wants to make America great again...

Presenting the NEW interim leader of the Conservative Party of Canada Ms Candice Bergen...

Who wants to make America great again...

It's funny that this woman has more balls than Trudeau and O'Toole combined.
I think I am in love.
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