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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
"When you put the pinstripes on, you're not just putting a baseball uniform on. You're wearing tradition and you're wearing pride. And you're gonna wear it the right way."

George M. Steinbrenner Spring Training 1974

Cost of New York Yankees when purchased by Steinbrenner in 1973 - $8.7 million
Cost of Yankees today - $1 billion (estimate by Forbes Magazine)

Now there we go a load of puke and worthless statistics all in the same post...leave it to the Beav! Nice job!

Presented intentionally classlessly(having fun),

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
your point is i shouldnt care? well i do. Blinded? its called PASSION, plain and simple. "The Boss" was a great owner and Yanks fans loved him. i could care less what other "players" or people in general think, i think you know that about me by now my good friend. be safe.

It's amazing how blinded by pinstriped glasses you really are. I'm not going to get into specifics but I will say I've been watching alot of what's been happening today surrounding his demise and there aren't many ex players weeping for him, that's for sure!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Girardi = suck AL team manager! How do you leave 1 player left on the bench in the bottom of the 9th leaving nobody to pinch run for Oritz? Unf'nbelievable!

Iggy, you've been using the PASSION excuse for way too long, get over it, there's a point when it just becomes ignorance and stupidity.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Swisher Swishes: Major Fail.

Hello all,

Swisher actually went 4 for 4 last night, infused with the pride of being an All Star as his father Steve once was. I would say he has made the old man, who was a great defensive catcher, quite proud. Swish is now batting .307.

A lot of people have seem to forgotten that the All Star game has always been decided by a fan vote. It's the fans who decide who goes and who they want to see play, and 9.8 million wanted to Send Swish. I believe that Swisher has a connection with the fans that transcends those of any of the other players he was up against who have vanilla personalities. It's the same kind of connection that Mark Fidrych once had with baseball fans, and something that went beyond his talent. I don't think anyone here really understands this at all because nobody here watches Swisher play on a regular basis. He's the most popular player on the Yankees team by a long stretch and it has as much to do with how he carries himself as it does his talent. It's the same kind of connection that Thurman Munson and Don Mattingly and Lou Gehrig once had with the New York fans, even though those guys were different personalities than Swish and had different talents. So I basically take the posts here with a grain of salt because we have a bunch of know-it-alls who actually know nothing about the specifics of the dynamics of the Swisher-fan relationship, never having watched it in action. I am pretty sure that the All Star team got a great addition and I am hopeful we will see Swisher come off the bench to pinch hit against a nasty righthander late in a tie game. Then you knuckleheads will realize the importance of having a guy like this on the team. We are trying to win the game - it means home field advantage in the World Series. It is not shits and giggles like everyone hear seems to think. It's a real game and a game that Swish will play to win.

In the last 22 years the American League is 19-2-1...absolutely dominant. So how did we do this year given the special Swisher fan relationship and his bench power against a "nasty righthander"? Well, swwwwiiiiiisssshhhh. The magic Yankee struck out to that nasty righthander in the form of Roy Halladay. In fact, an AL team loaded with Yankees and led by a Yankee manager LOST 3-1 to the NL, a feat that has only happened twice in 22 years; the first time in 14 years. None of the Red Sox fans tried to sell Ortiz with the same pile of pie-in-the-sky fantasy as the Beav promoted Swisher with, but at least Ortiz got a hit. Who's the knucklehead now? Thanks for giving away home field in the World Series. Next time go with the BEST...not the LESS!

your point is i shouldnt care? well i do. Blinded? its called PASSION, plain and simple. "The Boss" was a great owner and Yanks fans loved him. i could care less what other "players" or people in general think, i think you know that about me by now my good friend. be safe.

This isn't an obituary thread so the truth is allowed. He was a meddling egocentric boob.




Francona won the All-Star game twice.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That speaks volumes EB, he was a brilliant man and owner.

Some Great quotes by the late great George Steinbrenner

Owning the Yankees is like owning the Mona Lisa

Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next

In the end, I'll put my good acts up against those of anybody in this country. Anybody

"When you put the pinstripes on, you're not just putting a baseball uniform on. You're wearing tradition and you're wearing pride. And you're gonna wear it the right way."

George M. Steinbrenner Spring Training 1974

Cost of New York Yankees when purchased by Steinbrenner in 1973 - $8.7 million
Cost of Yankees today - $1 billion (estimate by Forbes Magazine)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
PASSION is a part of why we love our teams, i will always use passion in any debate as it is simply 100% truth as to why i am a dedicated fan to my teams, it never gets old, it is the sole reason to be a fan, and if you dont have it your not a true fan of your team, simple really.

Now, Girardi led his MLB team to a world series last year, how did your manager do? :)

Girardi = suck AL team manager! How do you leave 1 player left on the bench in the bottom of the 9th leaving nobody to pinch run for Oritz? Unf'nbelievable!

Iggy, you've been using the PASSION excuse for way too long, get over it, there's a point when it just becomes ignorance and stupidity.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
your post is exactly the difference between Yankees fans and red sox fans, you guys whine and cry about EVERYTHING good about the Empire, and Yankees fans just laugh and let you get your frustrations out to make yourselves feel better, and wait for the next batch of silly banter you can come up with... next?

PS, baiting? well anything good being said about the Yankees is baiting in a red sox fans mind so i dont need to actually bait because a positive Yankees post will do that all on it's own

Now, back to the Allstar Game, i didnt get to see much but the last couple innings, but seems like a well played game and congrats to the National League for getting a well fought victory. I wonder tho if the American League could of pulled out the victory had big papi turned on the jets/after burners and made it to 2nd base instead of getting thrown out late in the game, killing a rally.

(note to Merlot, you will with red sox blinders on call that a bait, but it is not, cause it is the truth, i saw it with my own eyes, and i wasnt wearing any shades) :)

Hello all,

If a Yankee had won the home run derby Iggy and EB, as well as the MIA Joe.t, would be extolling him like a god.

.you're a total hypocrite because there is no way in the world you and your cohorts wouldn't be worshiping the winner if he had been a Yankee.

That's what amuses me about you and your pals. You're so pinstripe addicted you can't be openly honest because it would kill you to admit anything making a Yankee less than a Red Sox. EB's sophistic defense of Rodriguez and Swisher, by changing the foundation of principles to justify their presence on the All-Star team regardless of the gross inconsistencies




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Blinded? its called PASSION, plain and simple.
Passion can be a good thing. But when it morphs into stupidity, as it does in your every post, it becomes boring and, at the same time, it pollutes the thread. Or I should say, it pollutes every thread you decide to enter and foul.

While there was always disagreement, there was also useful information exchanged here...until you came in. Same for the hockey thread. Why don't you start your own thread for "stupid baseball rants" and leave this one to the adults?
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JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
People in Montreal, i do envy you for this......your team (Montreal Canadiens) is owned by an ownership group with passion for winning. In the last few years, from George Gillette to the two Molson brothers, there's been a constant. The team is owned by people that love hockey. They're not owned by a pension fund....

Yeah but they've been too busy by the marketing side of it for many years. IMHO
Hopefully it will change with Molson at the helm now.

If there is one thing that kept this team ok despite not winning much, is the passion from the fans and mainly from the ones who lived thru their best years. Not the ones who wake up in the playoffs to put up their little flag on their cars just to do like everybody else.

As a Habs fan I love to poke fun at the Leafs cuze it's always been for the rivality but if there's a fan that I admire a lot ; it's a Leaf's. A real one. One who've seen them in their best years when team spirit counted more than money.

I'm not into Baseball anymore but I like the rivality between Yanks and Red Sox.
So I hope the new guy on top for the Yanks will try his best to stay the course.

This should help keeping you guys laughing and poking fun at each other and keep entertain us, who read your posts without being 'in the game'.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello all,

In the last 22 years the American League is 19-2-1...absolutely dominant. So how did we do this year given the special Swisher fan relationship and his bench power against a "nasty righthander"? Well, swwwwiiiiiisssshhhh. The magic Yankee struck out to that nasty righthander in the form of Roy Halladay. In fact, an AL team loaded with Yankees and led by a Yankee manager LOST 3-1 to the NL, a feat that has only happened twice in 22 years; the first time in 14 years. None of the Red Sox fans tried to sell Ortiz with the same pile of pie-in-the-sky fantasy as the Beav promoted Swisher with, but at least Ortiz got a hit. Who's the knucklehead now? Thanks for giving away home field in the World Series. Next time go with the BEST...not the LESS!

This isn't an obituary thread so the truth is allowed. He was a meddling egocentric boob.




Francona won the All-Star game twice.

Bravo, Merlot, Bravo!!!
I could not have said it better.

Shhhh....listen - its the crickets of passion...

Have fun,

PS Don't forget the management blunder of manager of the year(lol) Girardi in the 8th when he had A-Rod on the bench...and oh yeah was that "Cy" Hughes that got the L?
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
As a Habs fan I love to poke fun at the Leafs cuze it's always been for the rivality but if there's a fan that I admire a lot ; it's a Leaf's. A real one. One who've seen them in their best years when team spirit counted more than money.

Hockey wouldn't be as entertaining for this die-hard Leafs Nation member if it wasn't for the Habs & the passion of their fans. I compare the Leafs/Habs rivalry to the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry in baseball. This past weekend, i began chatting it up with a die-hard Red Sox fan while watching the Jays/Red Sox game. He was literally a Boston Red Sox baseball encyclopedia! I eventually became more interested at what he had to say than watching the game, which was a great game that ended with the Sox winning 3-2. It was interesting to learn that for him, the biggest disappointment wasn't the infamous Bill Buckner incident, but it was back in 1972 when the Sox lost the pennant by half a game. The team that won had played one more game than the Red Sox because of that earlier player's strike & my guess is that MLB hadn't taken this into account. I haven't had the chance to look it up yet.

What i'm getting at is that there's nothing like watching a game & talking with a passionate fan who knows every ins & outs of a baseball game.....and the history of his favorite team. What shocked me even more is that this fan that i was talking to wasn't even from Boston. He was from Toronto. Other than Rumples, i've yet to meet such a passionate & dedicated baseball fan.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Respectfully, give it a rest will ya? And your wrong as usual rumpie. its people like YOU that cant be wrong about anything, and cant take a little slam about your team but can give them with every breath you take. if you look, i will always talk the sport in any thread, but when i throw a joke back in response to one towards my team, it blows up because mine are always a step above the original. maybe if you chilled out, realised your not always right, and took the humor the way it was meant, you might be able to hang with me instead of always saying the famous rumples quotes to Yanks fans "you know you have said some stupid s**t but" everytime or "blah blah blah" like always.... truth is, your not always right, and as i see in most other threads , well, 99% of them, you feel the same way, that your way is the ONLY way. theres a word for that but i wont go there, comprende? now, back to baseball or you gonna continue to be a old fogy?

Passion can be a good thing. But when it morphs into stupidity, as it does in your every post, it becomes boring and, at the same time, it pollutes the thread. Or I should say, it pollutes every thread you decide to enter and foul.

While there was always disagreement, there was also useful information exchanged here...until you came in. Same for the hockey thread. Why don't you start your own thread for "stupid baseball rants" and leave this one to the adults?
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Passion can be a good thing. But when it morphs into stupidity, as it does in your every post, it becomes boring and, at the same time, it pollutes the thread. Or I should say, it pollutes every thread you decide to enter and foul.

While there was always disagreement, there was also useful information exchanged here...until you came in. Same for the hockey thread. Why don't you start your own thread for "stupid baseball rants" and leave this one to the adults?

Now Rumples....that was very nice of you to be so kind...because sometimes that "morph" period is so short it cannot be seen or it just plain starts as stupidity.

I find it utterly amazing how when certain members are presented with facts that are irrefutable that the stupidity they reply with is "passion". Having a meaningful sports discussion with the Yankee faithful here is like trying to pin down a bowl of jello...utterly amazing...but typically pinstripe.

Anyway...where is EB?...he has had 2 big 'ole omelets in the face in less than a week now...I was waiting for the converse of last weeks prologue from him and's a meaningless game, who cares...bla, bla, bla... ANd Joe.t is hiding under his rock I see.

Have fun,


PS Ahhh there it is...right on que iggy...


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hockey wouldn't be as entertaining for this die-hard Leafs Nation member if it wasn't for the Habs & the passion of their fans. I compare the Leafs/Habs rivalry to the Red Sox/Yankees rivalry in baseball. This past weekend, i began chatting it up with a die-hard Red Sox fan while watching the Jays/Red Sox game. He was literally a Boston Red Sox baseball encyclopedia! I eventually became more interested at what he had to say than watching the game, which was a great game that ended with the Sox winning 3-2. It was interesting to learn that for him, the biggest disappointment wasn't the infamous Bill Buckner incident, but it was back in 1972 when the Sox lost the pennant by half a game. The team that won had played one more game than the Red Sox because of that earlier player's strike & my guess is that MLB hadn't taken this into account. I haven't had the chance to look it up yet.

What i'm getting at is that there's nothing like watching a game & talking with a passionate fan who knows every ins & outs of a baseball game.....and the history of his favorite team. What shocked me even more is that this fan that i was talking to wasn't even from Boston. He was from Toronto. Other than Rumples, i've yet to meet such a passionate & dedicated baseball fan.

Well said Doc...passionate is one thing. Passionate and dedicated is another. Passionate dedicated and educated is even another. I have met very few Yankee fans who fall into the second category and even fewer who fall into the third. Hence the reason that when you try and elicit baseball conversation here and use stats and names...suddenly they are meaningless. Meaningless has become a euphemism for "I just don't know, don't really care....but I know they have 27 rings so I am a Yankees fan".

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i see someone still has his red sox blinders on, typical and totally expected. Why is it as soon as i post, you are right there to post a reply, dont worry, I know the reason, lol.

I find it funny of you red sox homers want things to stay on course with baseball talk, yet you and your "gang" are the first to take it off course when you cant handle a positive about the Empire.... so typical of red sox fans in general, see that is the stereotype the "nation" has built for itself over the years, thus, we sit back, let you rant to make yourselves feel better, throw in a quick jab here and there, then watch the "gang" escalde it into a larger than life cry fest about "why this" and "why that" .... you guys do make for a good comedy team tho, i think you should be at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, probably too late to get a invite this year but hey, there is always next year!


Ok Jman, good boy, respond in 1 minute, ready? set? go!!!!! (have a blast, got work to do so i can be back to my pad in a few days)
Now Rumples....that was very nice of you to be so kind...because sometimes that "morph" period is so short it cannot be seen or it just plain starts as stupidity.

I find it utterly amazing how when certain members are presented with facts that are irrefutable that the stupidity they reply with is "passion". Having a meaningful sports discussion with the Yankee faithful here is like trying to pin down a bowl of jello...utterly amazing...but typically pinstripe.

Anyway...where is EB?...he has had 2 big 'ole omelets in the face in less than a week now...I was waiting for the converse of last weeks prologue from him and's a meaningless game, who cares...bla, bla, bla... ANd Joe.t is hiding under his rock I see.

Have fun,


PS Ahhh there it is...right on que iggy...
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Anyway...where is EB?...he has had 2 big 'ole omelets in the face in less than a week now...I was waiting for the converse of last weeks prologue from him and's a meaningless game, who cares...bla, bla, bla... ANd Joe.t is hiding under his rock I see.
While EB only sees things through pinstriped colored glasses, at least he makes the attempt to discuss the game intelligently. We've yet to see igna's first post showing so much as a lick of intelligence. All he does here is pollute the thread with trash talk, same as his garbage in the hockey thread. May I suggest that he starts his own baseball trash talk thread where he can spend his time talking to himself.
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