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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hate to burst that red sox bubble your in but papelbon had ZERO saves his first year, as you see, papelbon wasnt the full time closer until his second season in the show, just like Mo wasnt the full time closer until his 3rd season for the Empire, but hey, you can think what you like, but the stats dont lie :)

In his first season, Mo was a starter/relief as needed, but not closer, in his second season he was the set up man for Wettland. Third season he took over as closer and has never looked back, papelbon was a spot starter/relief his first season and his 2nd season took over as closer.

So, in his first 5 seasons as the full time closer, Mo had 210 saves, as of now, papelbon has 181 in his first 5 full seasons as a closer, with maybe another 10-15 this season if he is lucky. and yes Mo had 30 or more in each of those five seasons.

Anyway you slice it, "THE SANDMAN" is the #1 closer of all time and still the creme of the crop today.

Hate to pop your tiny little bubble...but READ my statement and stop interpreting to your advantage. I said..."He was the first ever to record 30 saves in his first 5 seasons." I did NOT say in his first 5 seasons "as the closer".

You are correct my ill informed friend...stats do not lie...HOWEVER...poor interpretation of said stats can lead to misunderstandings you silly boy. It also displays lack of knowledge on the part of the interpreter. Papelbon's ROOKIE season was 2006. He was a closer from day 1.

Look at the stats...


You will note that during his September call up in 2005 Papelbon appeared in 17 games...THIS as is often the case was NOT his first season. From 2006 through now = FIRST five seasons( 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)...he has 30 saves or more every year.

First ever to do it in his first 5 seasons. PERIOD. Simple.

While your boy Mo is arguably the games premier closer, he DID NOT accomplish what Paps did in his first five years in the bigs. Your boy needed training wheels to get started....he was not closing games in 1996, his first year.

Have fun,


PS You are forgiven as I understand that many Yankee fans are not fully informed on the nuances, rules and ways of baseball:rolleyes:;).
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Buchholz is good, Lester is very good (except for last night where he stunk the joint), Becket is terrible (one of the worse starters in the majors if you ask me) and Lackey is average at best. I'll take the Jays & Rays' rotation in the playoffs anytime before the Red Sox' & the Yankees.

Honestly, i can't see a better rotation in the AL than Toronto's four starters: Romero, Markum, Morrow & Cecil.

Hello Doc,

I said "playoffs". Often young talent...which the Jays have (and the Rays to a degree) can fall to pieces in the playoffs. All three staffs are good and better than any 4 the Yankees can put together...but then again they never worry about pitching in

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL!!!! easy now sparky, keeping those red sox blinders on i see, well, at least you believe yourself that way .. face it, your statment was vague and was exposed... get over it. even this lil guy knows the truth, woof!...

i love puppies, there cute "Faithful" and your bestest buddy in the world! to bad this one is wearing those horrible colors tho ;)

Hate to pop your tiny little bubble...but READ my statement and stop interpreting to your advantage. I said..."He was the first ever to record 30 saves in his first 5 seasons." I did NOT say in his first 5 seasons "as the closer".

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Everyone said last year the Yanks couldnt do it with riding 3 arms all the way to another World Series Title, which they did and proved everyone wrong, the only difference this year will be Phil "Cy" Hughes will replace AJ in that 3 man rotation. Andy P is resting and recovering and they will take their time getting him back into the rotation until their sure he is 100% ready. They are winning w/o him and the way the red sox are playing, especially their pitching, it looks like Andy will be able to take his time and be ready come mid september at the latest and tune up for another postseason. With CC, Hughes and Pettite , i love our chances for #28

Now Doc, with that said, i am really excited about the Jays and the path their heading, they have a great young core of starters for sure, hitting homers like they should be called the "Ontario Bombers", and overall have a very good up and coming team. If management gives the core part of that team another season together and add a few pieces, they could be a contender as soon as next year. Tampa probably wont sign Crawford and a couple others in the offseason, and they will be tough to replace, so Toronto could be that team to take Tampas place as one of the top 3 in the east, maybe even surpass the red sox and contend with the Yankees. Now tell me that wouldnt be great for the city of Toronto and baseball in general?!

Buchholz is good, Lester is very good (except for last night where he stunk the joint), Becket is terrible (one of the worse starters in the majors if you ask me) and Lackey is average at best. I'll take the Jays & Rays' rotation in the playoffs anytime before the Red Sox' & the Yankees.

Honestly, i can't see a better rotation in the AL than Toronto's four starters: Romero, Markum, Morrow & Cecil.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Everyone said last year the Yanks couldnt do it with riding 3 arms all the way to another World Series Title, which they did and proved everyone wrong, the only difference this year will be Phil "Cy" Hughes will replace AJ in that 3 man rotation.

Somebody loves to exaggerate to make him and his "team" seem The gist of what I said was Yankees were trying to buy a World Series, but they have done that before and the chemistry of the team did not work or they just plain choked. The rest was basically hoping they would fail, and there were some sound reasons to think that was likely. In fact, as EB acknowledged once, had there not been a break between every World Series game the 3-man rotation could easily have been worn out. But I never ever said they couldn't do it.

Now keep on bragging about Mo Rivera. I agree he is the best reliever ever and I am very happy to see you pump up his legend as much as you like. Please keep doing it, even if you want to enshrine him as a god. It just makes the great Red Sox comeback of 2004 look all the more miraculous. Remember, Mo the legend was on the mound needing just one out to finish off the Red Sox and sweep them right out of the playoffs. But they beat "The Greatest Reliever of All Time"...THE GOD... and came back from 0-3 to win it all. When the Sox beat the best ever it made the Sox all the greater. Bravo Mo...

...and MANY THANKS!!!

Buchholz is good, Lester is very good (except for last night where he stunk the joint), Becket is terrible (one of the worse starters in the majors if you ask me) and Lackey is average at best. I'll take the Jays & Rays' rotation in the playoffs anytime before the Red Sox' & the Yankees.

Honestly, i can't see a better rotation in the AL than Toronto's four starters: Romero, Markum, Morrow & Cecil.

Well Doc, after last nights debacle there's a good argument to say Dice-K has been the Sox 2nd best pitcher since the All-Star break. The truth about that statement should be worrisome to all Red Sox fans. But, it would still be foolish to take the Sox lightly at this time. They're tough despite being under-strength and with their bullpen flaws.

If Toronto makes a few of key additions and their starters continue to perform as they have this year and improve with experience this division could be a terrifying four-team race in the near future.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well, we all know how highly you speak and think of yourself, but now you consider yourself as "Everyone"? WOW! truthfully i never even considered you when i said everyone, lol.... get a grip boy! :)
I never said anything like that


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
face it, your statment was vague and was exposed...

I thought it was pretty clear and concise English:confused:...I am sure anyone else who 'could read' it would think the same...sorry little fella, you're wrong again...but hence there is no sense in me debating.

I defer to my signature quotes...once again they ring true.

Out attempting to provoke a flame war again so Lgna...better take some lessons first. Typical crap from you, never any substance and when you are blatantly wrong you start name calling...LOL...what a joke.

Have fun,
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello all,

Somebody loves to exaggerate to make him and his "tream" seem The gist of what I said was Yankees were trying to buy a World Series, but they have done that before and the chemistry of the team did not work or they just plain choked. The rest was basically hoping they would fail, and there were some sound reasons to think that was likely. In fact, as EB acknowledged once, had there not been a break between every World Series game the 3-man rotation could easily have been worn out. But I never ever said they couldn't do it.

Now keep on bragging about Mo Rivera. I agree he is the best reliever ever and I am very happy to see you pump up his legend as much as you like. Please keep doing it, even if you want to enshrine him as a god. It just makes the great Red Sox comeback of 2004 look all the more miraculous. Remember, Mo the legend was on the mound needing just one out to finish off the Red Sox and sweep them right out of the playoffs. But they beat "The Greatest Reliever of All Time"...THE GOD... and came back from 0-3 to win it all. When the Sox beat the best ever it made the Sox all the greater. Bravo Mo...

...and MANY THANKS!!!

Well Doc, after last nights debacle there's a good argument to say Dice-K has been the Sox 2nd best pitcher since the All-Star break. The truth about that statement should be worrisome to all Red Sox fans. But, it would still be foolish to take the Sox lightly at this time. They're tough despite being under-strength and with their bullpen flaws.

If Toronto makes a few of key additions and their starters continue to perform as they have this year and improve with experience this division could be a terrifying four-team race in the near future.



Hello Merlot,

Well for his constant and persistent exaggeration...I firmly believe he has compensation complex. The signs are so

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
sorry brother , but i think someone needs a reality check, your statement was full of vagueness and i exposed it was all, get over it, know need to keep the flames burning, and calling names but it is expected coming from the source. you make my signature true everyday it seems. lol
Be happy your team won 2 games in a row instead of dwelling on it, is your stress really worth it? cmon now lil fella.

"Having Fun"!


I thought it was pretty clear and concise English

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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sorry brother , but i think someone needs a reality check, your statement was full of vagueness and i exposed it was all, get over it, know need to keep the flames burning, and calling names but it is expected coming from the source. you make my signature true everyday it seems. lol
Be happy your team won 2 games in a row instead of dwelling on it, is your stress really worth it? cmon now lil fella.

"Having Fun"!


Absolute FAIL AGAIN! See previous Jman post.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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in your dreams my man, bwahahahahaha... :) ... you guys stick together tho, i know it makes ya feel like you make sense, and are relevant ;)

Hook, line and sinker! Your asinine responses are ever so predictable Mr. 255th pick aka Mr. Irrelevant. At the very least we do actually make sense, something you rarely do.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Sorry K, but have not fished in years! , lol..... you only make sense in your mind cause you got other red sox homers pumping it thru your veins... lol.... so predictable homie.. see here is the real deal, i didnt let one of your cronies get away with his vague and false "statement" and walla! the tears came out and once again a story was changed to lean it the other way, sorry but i call it when i see it if ya know what i mean, so what? get over it, it wasnt a big deal until you guys made it that way, and to me it isnt but when the red sox are getting destroyed and its a slow sports day, i guess ya have nothing better to do than try to make something out of nothing... waaaaa... you still owe me boustan btw :) i dont forget! hahahaha

Hook, line and sinker! Your asinine responses are ever so predictable Mr. 255th pick aka Mr. Irrelevant. At the very least we do actually make sense, something you rarely do.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actually GS, good post, but the Yankees, Braves and the red sox have not won every year, and teams like Philadelphia, Florida, Arizona and others have won in the last 15 years. It is suffice to say the Yanks and red sox will most likely always have contending teams, but other teams are there as well and will continue to do so.
Question comme ça. Combien de temps encore verra-t-on les Yankees, les Red Sox et les Braves faire les séries? 199 années sur les 200 prochaines?

C'est ça qui m'a fait décrocher sur ce sport quand même intéressant. Trop de désiquilibre entre les équipes. On ne se demande plus qui va gagner mais par combien de parties. Ça devient monotone à la longue
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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in your dreams K man , lol..... you only make sense in your mind cause you got other red sox homers pumping it thru your veins... lol.... so predictable homie.. see here is the real deal, i didnt let one of your cronies get away with his vague and false "statemet" and walla! the tears came out and once again a story was changed to lean it the other way, sorry but i call it when i see it if ya know what i mean, so what? get over it, it wasnt a big deal until you guys made it that way, and to me it isnt but when the red sox are getting destroyed and its a slow sports day, i guess ya have nothing better to do than try to make something out of nothing... waaaaa... you still owe me boustan btw :) i dont forget! hahahaha

Could I get a translation on this? LOL. What is "walla?" Hahahaha. You consider yourself cultured to anything french? I know your going to use the old and beaten "I got you Special k for correcting my ignorance again, just like I knew you would!" Spare us all...please.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
HOOK LINE and SINKER!!!!! bwhahahahahaahah, you took the bait with flying colors amigo! i was wondering if you would pick up on that, lol.... sure enough!

You know exactly what computer lingo is, well maybe you do not since your to "cultured" to speak anything but perfect words, lol... maybe the sox could learn something from you, how to be perfect, naaaa (for the cultured and weak and slow, that means NO, or KNOW) :) why is it when you fail to be able to debate , all you have is correcting things that were meant to be the way they were spelt/typed in the first place? cmon K man, you ARE better than that, i think, or should i say thunk? heh heh next? ps. put some pb chicken from soup and noodles (if that was spelled wrong, feel free to correct me oh einstein) on St Catherines St on that hook you might have better luck fishing! :)
Could I get a translation on this? LOL. What is "walla?" Hahahaha. You consider yourself cultured to anything french? I know your going to use the old and beaten "I got you Special k for correcting my ignorance again, just like I knew you would!" Spare us all...please.
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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HOOK LINE and SINKER!!!!! bwhahahahahaahah, you took the bait with flying colors amigo! i was wondering if you would pick up on that, lol.... sure enough!

You know exactly what computer lingo is, well maybe you do not since your to "cultured" to speak anything but perfect words, lol... maybe the sox could learn something from you, how to be perfect, naaaa (for the cultured and weak and slow, that means NO, or KNOW) :) why is it when you fail to be able to debate , all you got is correcting things that were meant to be the way they were spelt/typed in the first place? cmon K man, you ARE better than that, i think, or should i say thunk? heh heh

Fail, something you master and show in everyone one of your retard posts. Give it up man, you lose again and again and again. Survey any number of merb posters and the results will speak for themselves. Your tired, retarded and useless drivel has worn out it's welcome long ago! Walla, there you have it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
EPIC FAIL,(for you, that means a "bigger" than normal "fail") lets see, red sox fans and habs fans, yup your right, you always have your safety in numbers Kman, but that dont (doesnt for you your majesty,lol ) mean squat, see if there were 4-1 yanks fans or 4-1 leafs fans then i could say the same to you, so in the end it means notta (nothing for you, oh majesty, lol) what the rivals and why is proving a red sox fan wrong retarded and useless drivel? oh yea, because a red sox fan does not agree, ahhhhhhhh there is the answer :)..... that all or should we continue your schooling?


Go ahead bro, your still my homie even tho your a red sox homer, so go ahead and have the last word tonight. LET ME HAVE IT!!! bwhahahahaaha

ps. if i fail so miserably, why do you feel the need to respond, and how come you can never debate, and always resort to the tactics we always see from you like here tonight? why not debate the original subject with facts and a calmness instead of starting or adding to the silliness, hmmmmmmm? you cant debate cause you always have to be right and when your not you blow up? is that it? trust me, you are right sometimes, but none of us are right all the time, look at me, i thought Joba would be the set up man to Mo this year, look how great that has turned out! lol... the trade for bard is still on the table btw! haha Anyways, your still my homie you red sox homer! jk..... kinda lol :)

Fail, something you master and show in everyone one of your retard posts. Give it up man, you lose again and again and again. Survey any number of merb posters and the results will speak for themselves. Your tired, retarded and useless drivel has worn out it's welcome long ago! Walla, there you have it.
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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Yep, back to school someplace you've shown so obviously you never attended Corky. Think it's time you go to bed because your waterhead must be aching after the beatdown you were handed tonight.

Nighty night sweet pea.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL!! night night Stud lol
Yep, back to school someplace you've shown so obviously you never attended Corky. Think it's time you go to bed because your waterhead must be aching after the beatdown you were handed tonight.

Nighty night sweet pea.
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