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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Let's see: The Yankees have the greatest revenue of all teams in the majors so they can spend the most money. If they notice a decent player on another team, they throw money at him. (e.g. Current talk about Cliff Lee)

Despite his extraordinary talent, A-Rod seems to need to cheat: steriods, knocking balls out of gloves, misleading opposition on infield pop-ups. Jeter feigns being hit by the ball.

If baseball is a cerebral game, isn't Girardi an embarassment? e.g. leaving his best pitchers on the bench as the season slipped away last night.

Isn't there something sick about being a Yankees' fan?
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from this morning's NY Post:

"Alex Rodriguez declared the Yankees' season a "failure," admitted not winning a championship this season will hurt for a long time and said that he fully expects to have a big season next year. "The team didn't accomplish a goal," he said. "I'm one of the leaders of the team and therefore it's a failure.""

"The shortstop looked old. He was 36. He couldn’t get to the ball in the hole much any longer. He managed to hit just a meaningless .250 in the ALCS with no RBIs. And here we were last night, when the old shortstop was Jeter, the cornerstone cracked. He is 36. He couldn’t get to the ball in the hole much any longer. He managed to hit a low-impact .231 in the ALCS."

"However, nothing will dominate the Yankee universe like the Jeter negotiations, since he is both icon and now puzzle. He followed his worst season with an inconsequential postseason. Both sides need each other, but that addiction ultimately could damage the Yankees’ immediate future if Jeter must remain atop the order and as an everyday shortstop, a statue already before he ever reaches Monument Park.
There is no Fountain of Youth. Every dollar the Yankees give over about $7 million and every year they give beyond 2011 is a dollar paid for who Jeter was, and not who he currently is and will be."


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Lotta questions for the rich kids on the block.

1. Do they unload their hapless manager, Girardi?
2. What do they do about the rapidly aging Captain Jetes? Does he retire with grace and dignity or does he accept their $80,000,000 offer to play another 4 years with what little remains of his skill?
3. What about the fragile Posada, now reduced to nothing more than an elderly DH?
4. A-Rod, 36 next season, and still owed over $200,000,000. Sad, more than sad, pitiful.

The future sure doesn't look bright for this team that looked sooooo old this past week.

Hello rumples,
1. Well if he is back...he'll still be wearing I predicted...oh yeah!
2. If Jeter is the gent everyone says he is...he would do a combination of the 2. But since the Yankees don't have too much talent depth...hmmm. Speaking of where has EB been thru all of spouting off about tradition, pride and the Yankee mystique...I am so happy we don't have to listen to endless announcers and broadcasters spew that crap during the WS.
3. Posada is worthless...period. Has been for 2 years. Couldn't throw you or I out trying to steal 2nd base...LOL.
4. What's really sad about that is I think the Rangers are still contributing the the MakeArodRich foundation...

All in all it will be an interesting off season. I am gonna go out on a limb and predict the Yankees will overspend for used up it a hunch:rolleyes:...what do you think?

Have fun,


PS Let's Go Rangers!


It was great to see Josh Hamilton get the ALCS MVP; next WS MVP and AL MVP...screw Robbie "I choked don't ya know" Cano
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Let's see: The Yankees have the greatest revenue of all teams in the majors so they can spend the most money. If they notice a decent player on another team, they throw money at him. (e.g. Current talk about Cliff Lee)

Despite his extraordinary talent, A-Rod seems to need to cheat: steriods, knocking balls out of gloves, misleading opposition on infield pop-ups. Jeter feigns being hit by the ball.

If baseball is a cerebral game, isn't Girardi an embarassment? e.g. leaving his best pitchers on the bench as the season slipped away last night.

Isn't there something sick about being a Yankees's fan?


I don't have anything personal against most Yankees players or their managers like Torre or Girardi...both pretty decent guys. It's also natural for all fans to be excessively positive in their loyalty to the team. It's part of enjoying the experience of being a fan. But when average fans like Iggy and Joe.t, or presumably highly educated professionals like EB, seem to truly believe their own hype to the point of flagrantly contradicting their own arguments and denying reality while seeming to lose the ability to recognize reality like blind idol worshipers then the situation does seem a bit...psychotic.

There's nothing "genius" or magical about starting every year with a payroll often at least double 60-75% of the other teams and sometimes up to 6 times the salary assets of a few teams, especially when a team has the resources to out bid any other team for the top achieving stars without having to deal with financial issues that make it impossible for 90% of other teams to even think of challenging. General success follows assets in the MLB because of the lack of a salary cap, unless injuries or poor management alters the likelihood of success, proven by the Yankees in 9 of the last 10 years. But championships follow skill, unity, chemistry, and superior leadership regardless of overwhelming funding, also proven by the Yankees in 9 of the last 10 years, most vividly illustrated in their defeats by the Diamondbacks, Marlins, and now the Rangers.

After last night's game Alex Rodriguez called the team and himself a "FAILURE"! When considering the great imbalance of assets and stars between these two teams that failure is glaring.

Of course it was fun to see the Rangers knock down the Yankees. Bravo! But it was more fun to see a team in so much financial trouble, a team that had never won a playoff game make it to the World Series. The networks may not be so happy that they won't be able to hype a battle between "good" versus the "evil empire" to boost their ratings, but I will enjoy a Yankee-less Series thoroughly. In view of all the disproportionate advantages one team starts every season with, the victory of the Rangers just seems like...JUSTICE!

***Special thanks to the Seattle Mariners who even threw in $2.5 million to help make the trade of Cliff Lee to the Rangers over the Yankees possible.


Many cheers,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
1. Girardi will be back
2.The Captain will resign without a doubt to lead the Yanks to another AL East crown
3.Posada will see even less action in favor of the changing of the guard with Cervelli seeing alot more action
4.Arod is still producing fine, 30 hr's and 125 rbi while missing alot of games with a injury is pretty impressive

NOW, lets look at those horrid red sox, and save the injury excuse cause it is exactly that, A EXCUSE. The only response why the sox sucked so bad was injuries, lol, are the reserves not Professionals? what about that vaunted farm system they have? i think kalish ended up hitting 250 something and nava after his first at bat which was a hr, never hit one again in 59 games and batted .242.

Beckett is a mess, dice k is iffy at best, papelbon has the begininng signs of AJ syndrome, varitek is worse off than jorge as far as being able to produce, his replacement (martinez) is 32 and will be commanding huge money, as will beltre... the only good news you got was Mike Lowell , mr. greybeard himself, retired. shall we go on? why not, ellsbury is fragile and there is no idea what your gonna get from him, the dinasour tim wakefield is just that, what is the T-rex now, 50?. dAve oRtiz needs to have his option picked up, which will happen, as it has to, you have little who has power besides youkilis and martinez (if resigned). Which john lackey will show up next season, the one who was dominant for the Angels or last years version?

Seems the sox have more ?'in marks than most teams in Mlb this offseason, as far as being old, the sox are not just old, but soft as well as it showed with all the injuries this past season, not a good combo for success, as that also showed.

Lotta questions for the rich kids on the block.

1. Do they unload their hapless manager, Girardi?
2. What do they do about the rapidly aging Captain Jetes? Does he retire with grace and dignity or does he accept their $80,000,000 offer to play another 4 years with what little remains of his skill?
3. What about the fragile Posada, now reduced to nothing more than an elderly DH?
4. A-Rod, 36 next season, and still owed over $200,000,000. Sad, more than sad, pitiful.

The future sure doesn't look bright for this team that looked sooooo old this past week.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ya know something, you red sox fans are the biggest homers, crybabies, hypocrites and poor sportsmanship fans professional sports have ever seen, or at least tied with the majority of habs fans.

Merlot, do you really think your more of a fan than someone else? if so you really need to lay off your cash crop and like rowdy roddy piper would say, "get a reality check, tuff guy"

I remember starting out posting in a baseball thread on here by defending a Yankees fan, and not starting anything, only to get chastised for it, by a red sox fan of course. so the rules were in place and the battle lines were drawn, by a red sox fan no doubt, and when it gets to hot for red sox "village" in here, the war mounts until someone from your little group cry's like a 2nd grade baby and threatens to leave the playground like a wuss. As i have always said, if ya do not have a tough skin, then dont act tough.

Heres the deal brother, both teams failed this season, there will be a new WS Champ this season. Your team got bit by the injury bug, so theres your excuse, My team got bit by a red hot Texas Rangers team who are on a mission... we both failed to do what we set out to do. NOW, if you think because of the way you, rumples , jman , or K posts, that your better/bigger/classier/smarter fans, your really off your rocker, you have no idea how much of a true baseball fan i am and from hanging around JoeT as much as i have, him as well.... this guy is probably one of the most educated and knowledgeable baseball minds i have ever seen, as i am sure EB is also, although i have never met him.

Face it, the red sox sucked donkey balls this season and the Yanks didnt as much, but in the end, congrats Texas deserves to be the AL Champs and boston deserved to be in attendence at the Bruins home opener instead of playing in the "yard"


PS. your argument about the Yanks spending is about the silliest thing i have ever heard, maybe you would have some credibility if you were say, a Royals or Marlins fan who spend about as much as Arod makes a year, but as a red sox fan, you have none... lets see, the red sox were what, the 2nd highest spending team in MLB? at least we made millions of extra income by actually PLAYING in the postseason, something theo miserably failed at accomplishing, again!

. But when average fans like Iggy and Joe.t, or presumably highly educated professionals like EB, seem to truly believe their own hype to the point of flagrantly contradicting their own arguments and denying reality while seeming to lose the ability to recognize reality like blind idol worshipers then the situation does seem a bit...psychotic.

There's nothing "genius" or magical about starting every year with a payroll often at least double 60-75% of the other teams and sometimes up to 6 times the salary assets of a few teams, especially when a team has the resources to out bid any other team for the top achieving stars without having to deal with financial issues that make it impossible for 90% of other teams to even think of challenging. General success follows assets in the MLB because of the lack of a salary cap, unless injuries or poor management alters the likelihood of success, proven by the Yankees in 9 of the last 10 years. But championships follow skill, unity, chemistry, and superior leadership regardless of overwhelming funding, also proven by the Yankees in 9 of the last 10 years, most vividly illustrated in their defeats by the Diamondbacks, Marlins, and now the Rangers.

After last night's game Alex Rodriguez called the team and himself a "FAILURE"! When considering the great imbalance of assets and stars between these two teams that failure is glaring.

Of course it was fun to see the Rangers knock down the Yankees. Bravo! But it was more fun to see a team in so much financial trouble, a team that had never won a playoff game make it to the World Series. The networks may not be so happy that they won't be able to hype a battle between "good" versus the "evil empire" to boost their ratings, but I will enjoy a Yankee-less Series thoroughly. In view of all the disproportionate advantages one team starts every season with, the victory of the Rangers

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
1. Girardi will be back
2.The Captain will resign without a doubt to lead the Yanks to another AL East crown
3.Posada will see even less action in favor of the changing of the guard with Cervelli seeing alot more action
4.Arod is still producing fine, 30 hr's and 125 rbi while missing alot of games with a injury is pretty impressive.
So, I take Ignora off the ignore list just this one special day to see if I'd be rewarded with either some whining or something extraordinarily doltish and, whaddya know, we get both.

As to the above:
1. I sure hope so. Girardi's mismanagement cost the Yankees at least one game in the ALCS, maybe more. What a dope.
2. Jeter should resign. Girardi should resign. A-Rod should resign. Burnett should resign. The Steingrabber brothers will resign. Unfortunately for you, my doltish friend, Jeter probably will re-sign, and for 3-4 times as much money as he's worth for 3-4 times as long as they should sign him.
3. Boy, I sure hope Cervelli gets more playing time. Just what the sagging Yankees need: a catcher who can't hit, can't hit for power, and can't throw.
4. First off, let's skip the meaningless stats you mention and observe that A-Rod had an .847 OPS this year, 110 points lower than his career average and his lowest since 1997, when he had an .846. Now .847 isn't bad, but it's not what you want from a star. Considering that A-Rod will be 36 next year and is clearly in the decline phase of his career and is still owed over $200,000,000, he's a millstone around the Yankees neck.

Because Jeter is Jeter, the Yankees will continue to put him at shortstop despite the fact that he can't field the position and will continue to leadoff despite the fact that he's a number 9 hitter. Because A-Rod is A-Rod, he will continue to hit fourth despite the fact that he's a number 6-7 hitter.

I'll ignore your gibberish about the Red Sox failing to win simply because the lost their 1-2-3-4-9 hitters for major parts of the season is just an excuse. You are stupid, I know, but you're not stupid enough to believe that crap. Now back to the ignore list with you.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
So, I take Ignora off the ignore list just this one special day to see if I'd be rewarded with either some whining or something extraordinarily doltish and, whaddya know, we get both.

As to the above:
1. I sure hope so. Girardi's mismanagement cost the Yankees at least one game in the ALCS, maybe more. What a dope.
2. Jeter should resign. Girardi should resign. A-Rod should resign. Burnett should resign. The Steingrabber brothers will resign. Unfortunately for you, my doltish friend, Jeter probably will re-sign, and for 3-4 times as much money as he's worth for 3-4 times as long as they should sign him.
3. Boy, I sure hope Cervelli gets more playing time. Just what the sagging Yankees need: a catcher who can't hit, can't hit for power, and can't throw.
4. First off, let's skip the meaningless stats you mention and observe that A-Rod had an .847 OPS this year, 110 points lower than his career average and his lowest since 1997, when he had an .846. Now .847 isn't bad, but it's not what you want from a star. Considering that A-Rod will be 36 next year and is clearly in the decline phase of his career and is still owed over $200,000,000, he's a millstone around the Yankees neck.

Because Jeter is Jeter, the Yankees will continue to put him at shortstop despite the fact that he can't field the position and will continue to leadoff despite the fact that he's a number 9 hitter. Because A-Rod is A-Rod, he will continue to hit fourth despite the fact that he's a number 6-7 hitter.

I'll ignore your gibberish about the Red Sox failing to win simply because the lost their 1-2-3-4-9 hitters for major parts of the season is just an excuse. You are stupid, I know, but you're not stupid enough to believe that crap. Now back to the ignore list with you.


When are we gonna learn...his statements clearly show he is blinded by the stripes. To even defend Jeter and Posada is insane.

"Your team sucked more than my team sucked"...thats the best Iggy could come up with...:rolleyes: thats a classic sore loser. Too bad there are no Phillies fans here, cause only a Phillies fan could possibly top a Yankees fan with a more childish, insane comeback...

Face it Iggy...the high priced losers got there asses kicked by a bunch of "baseball players" that "WANT to" opposed to your group of mercenaries who "get paid" to win...big difference.

As for the Red Sox...the injuries were not an excuse...they were a reality...period. The fact that our bunch of minor league players handed the Yankees 2 loses to tend the regular season and setting the tone for the NYY post season and exposing the flawed NYY team only helped the Rangers kick their asses. The more talented team won.

Let's Go Ranger's!

Have fun,


PS I do kinda feel sorry for the little guy tho...his beloved Yankees are dead; his Cowboys are 1-4 and his Leafs are headed for a finish of 20th or worse...we have to expect him to be a little
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
PS I do kinda feel sorry for the little guy tho...his beloved Yankees are dead; his Cowboys are 1-4 and his Leafs are headed for a finish of 20th or worse...we have to expect him to be a little

Let's give the poor little guy some respect for being a triathlete - after all, who ELSE can lay claim to being a member of Loser Nation in three (!) different sports?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i hope when i get as old as you i wont be such a bitter old man. (Like YOU) .. as i said, the guys who should be back will be and Arod clearly is still a run producing machine. You will see papi decline faster than Arod in the next couple years and papi is younger than Arod.

Ignore me? yea, the weak ignore when they cant take the punishment so by all means keep doing so, although we know the truth... ;)

Pertaining to #3, why are you brining up jason varitek in this?

So, I take Ignora off the ignore list just this one special day to see if I'd be rewarded with either some whining or something extraordinarily doltish and, whaddya know, we get both.

As to the above:
1. I sure hope so. Girardi's mismanagement cost the Yankees at least one game in the ALCS, maybe more. What a dope.
2. Jeter should resign. Girardi should resign. A-Rod should resign. Burnett should resign. The Steingrabber brothers will resign. Unfortunately for you, my doltish friend, Jeter probably will re-sign, and for 3-4 times as much money as he's worth for 3-4 times as long as they should sign him.
3. Boy, I sure hope Cervelli gets more playing time. Just what the sagging Yankees need: a catcher who can't hit, can't hit for power, and can't throw.
4. First off, let's skip the meaningless stats you mention and observe that A-Rod had an .847 OPS this year, 110 points lower than his career average and his lowest since 1997, when he had an .846. Now .847 isn't bad, but it's not what you want from a star. Considering that A-Rod will be 36 next year and is clearly in the decline phase of his career and is still owed over $200,000,000, he's a millstone around the Yankees neck.

Because Jeter is Jeter, the Yankees will continue to put him at shortstop despite the fact that he can't field the position and will continue to leadoff despite the fact that he's a number 9 hitter. Because A-Rod is A-Rod, he will continue to hit fourth despite the fact that he's a number 6-7 hitter.

I'll ignore your gibberish about the Red Sox failing to win simply because the lost their 1-2-3-4-9 hitters for major parts of the season is just an excuse. You are stupid, I know, but you're not stupid enough to believe that crap. Now back to the ignore list with you.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
When are we gonna learn...his statements clearly show he is blinded by the stripes.
Actually, jman, Beav is blinded by pinstripes. Iggy is blinded by iggnorance.

As for the Red Sox...the injuries were not an excuse...they were a reality...period.
Just imagine...
Jeter fractures a bunch of ribs on April 19 and misses the remainder of the season. Ramiro Pena plays 140 games at shortstop.
Cano fouls a ball off his foot on June 28 and misses the remainder of the season. Eduardo Nunez plays 90 games at 2b.
Jorge Posada fouls a ball off his foot on June 28 and misses 30 games. Francisco Cervelli takes his place in the lineup.
Mark Teixeira tears a tendon in his thumb on August 2. Juan Miranda plays first base for the balance of the season, 60 games.
Curtis Granderson plays 60 games with a herniated disc before shutting himself down for the season. He is replaced by Greg Golson who gets 400 PAs.

The Yankees finish what? 84-78, 4th place 13 games out.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Awwwwww did the thin skinned get his itty bitty feathers ruffled again,, guess your gonna announce your "AWOL" act again soon... typical, and lets see , more "Classy" mindless drivel from sparky and fido.... So, where is it defending Jorge when i said Cervelli will be playing more than Posada, Einstein?.lol.. take the homer red sox blinders off and maybe you could read a little better

Per sore losers, i am anything but, it is just so easy to point out how bad your pathetic little team of overpaid "stars" really were this season, and all you do is cry cry cry "INJURIES", are you and rumples brothers joined at the hip or what? again, sniff sniff

Cranky? me? never, and it is apparent you do not know me, i am the happy go lucky kind of guy, ask Joe,Doc,Benxxx, etc... why would i be cranky , it is only a game, just like football, just like Hockey, it is fun to see your fav team win but life is to short to let it dwell on your mind, cheer the good times and let the bad go, what good does it do to keep it bottled up inside? Remember i am a Leafs fan and if i kept it bottled inside, well, you get the idea, but it will make Victory so so sweet one day, just like i am sure when the red sox finally won after 86 years, you were estatic, and besides there are to many great things in this world to see and do to be cranky over sports, get real, i am not you, i dont let things in a sports forum on a escort site bother me in the least these days, And, NEVER WILL :)

And again, for the record, i sincerely hope the Rangers win the World Series, having been to the Ballpark in Arlington a bunch of times, it is a great place to see a game and a great atmosphere (when it is not 110 degrees with 95% humidity) The Fans there truly are good baseball fans and deserve to win. I heard a few weeks ago the Rangers new owners were talking about bumping payroll up over the 100mil mark. Good for them, i hope they stay competitive for years.


When are we gonna learn...his statements clearly show he is blinded by the stripes. To even defend Jeter and Posada is insane.

"Your team sucked more than my team sucked"...thats the best Iggy could come up with...:rolleyes: thats a classic sore loser. Too bad there are no Phillies fans here, cause only a Phillies fan could possibly top a Yankees fan with a more childish, insane comeback...

Face it Iggy...the high priced losers got there asses kicked by a bunch of "baseball players" that "WANT to" opposed to your group of mercenaries who "get paid" to win...big difference.

As for the Red Sox...the injuries were not an excuse...they were a reality...period. PS I do kinda feel sorry for the little guy tho...his beloved Yankees are dead; his Cowboys are 1-4 and his Leafs are headed for a finish of 20th or worse...we have to expect him to be a little


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the CLASS of a red sox fan shiines thru once again.... tough season rumps? dont worry, it is not gonna get better next year either, lol... whats the excuse gonna be then?

Actually, jman, Beav is blinded by pinstripes. Iggy is blinded by iggnorance.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
hmmm, lets see now, the Rangers beat the Rays and the Yankees, which both had better records than the Rangers did in the season, it is a pretty simple conclusion to come to.

Well said Iggy. Texas deserves it and hopefully they'll continue their run.

That's what I get for just glancing over Iggy's post. I missed this little dig, too bad it's not true though, had they been the best they would still be in the game. Lol.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
hmmm, lets see now, the Rangers beat the Rays and the Yankees, which both had better records than the Rangers did in the season, it is a pretty simple conclusion to come to.

They haven't beat the BEST yet. Did you not realize that Philly had the best record in the majors? Yea, probably not.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Awwwwww did the thin skinned get his itty bitty feathers ruffled again,, guess your gonna announce your "AWOL" act again soon... typical, and lets see , more "Classy" mindless drivel from sparky and fido.... So, where is it defending Jorge when i said Cervelli will be playing more than Posada, Einstein?.lol.. take the homer red sox blinders off and maybe you could read a little better

Per sore losers, i am anything but, it is just so easy to point out how bad your pathetic little team of overpaid "stars" really were this season, and all you do is cry cry cry "INJURIES", are you and rumples brothers joined at the hip or what? again, sniff sniff

Cranky? me? never, and it is apparent you do not know me, i am the happy go lucky kind of guy, ask Joe,Doc,Benxxx, etc... why would i be cranky , it is only a game, just like football, just like Hockey, it is fun to see your fav team win but life is to short to let it dwell on your mind, cheer the good times and let the bad go, what good does it do to keep it bottled up inside? Remember i am a Leafs fan and if i kept it bottled inside, well, you get the idea, but it will make Victory so so sweet one day, just like i am sure when the red sox finally won after 86 years, you were estatic, and besides there are to many great things in this world to see and do to be cranky over sports, get real, i am not you, i dont let things in a sports forum on a escort site bother me in the least these days, And, NEVER WILL :)

And again, for the record, i sincerely hope the Rangers win the World Series, having been to the Ballpark in Arlington a bunch of times, it is a great place to see a game and a great atmosphere (when it is not 110 degrees with 95% humidity) The Fans there truly are good baseball fans and deserve to win. I heard a few weeks ago the Rangers new owners were talking about bumping payroll up over the 100mil mark. Good for them, i hope they stay competitive for years.

Poor, poor sad little man...

Well I'd like to thank you for finally tying the insults in your signature line to members of this board, mods please take note.

For a "happy go lucky" guy, you sure have allot of pent up hostility and anger little fella. You should chill, its ok if you couldn't finish your Chalupa...don't worry Girardi is there for ya to bring in least those two have something to do in the off season...Chalupa salesmen...:rolleyes:


Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Typical K response, :rolleyes:...... so lets say the Rangers end up playing the Giants, but from your logic the Rangers need to beat the Phillies to be considered the BEST? did you not realize you were putting your foot in your mouth? Yea, probably not

They haven't beat the BEST yet. Did you not realize that Philly had the best record in the majors? Yea, probably not.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
O'Vey, here comes the unraveling again! (and before you say is that all i got, trust me, i got plenty, but with you, i dont need much) ......PS, i prefer to eat "TACOS" if ya know what i mean, and you are quite the insult machine for such a self proclaimed "classy gentleman" lol..... look, i can play to your third grade education , ya ready ? hurry up, i think sesame street is about to come on and i know how ornery you get when you miss BERT and ERNIE, bwhahahaahahahaaah..... ok look



Poor, poor sad little man...

Well I'd like to thank you for finally tying the insults in your signature line to members of this board, mods please take note.

For a "happy go lucky" guy, you sure have allot of pent up hostility and anger little fella. You should chill, its ok if you couldn't finish your Chalupa...don't worry Girardi is there for ya to bring in least those two have something to do in the off season...Chalupa salesmen...:rolleyes:


Have fun,

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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
Visit site
Typical K response, :rolleyes:...... so lets say the Rangers end up playing the Giants, but from your logic the Rangers need to beat the Phillies to be considered the BEST? did you not realize you were putting your foot in your mouth? Yea, probably not

You Sir are truly f'n retarded! Give up, you FAIL at every attempt. LOL.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
bwhahaahahahaahaha, in your dreams amigo, you sir can now take your FOOT outta your mouth.... i just twisted your words like you always twist mine brother, face it, i got ya.... touche! .... now get your butt back here to Montreal and pay up that Guinness and Boustan you owe me, you cheap SOB. lol...... just kidding, you unlike some, always pay up...
You Sir are truly f'n retarded! Give up you FAIL at every attempt. LOL.
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