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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Oct 16, 2004
6' under
I agree Bochy is a great manager, with a young and hungry team like you said...
if the gigantes win, i don't see them repeating without adding more hitting. pitching is set.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
bwhahahahahahaahaah! are you gonna get your airline tickets to SF for the Parade or not quite that confident yet? I think you should book NOW! the Giants pitching is to good., but the Rangers beat some good teams to get to where they are so they are still a threat, but down 2-0 it is not gonna be easy to win it all, but hey, ya never know!

yea, i feel like i actually helped them win by watching! :cool:


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
2 to go...

WOW! You know whats amazing about baseball this time of year is the total unpredictability...I love it.

Here we have a Giants team that scored a total of 19 runs in the NLCS vs Phila who has ripped the Rangers pitching for 20 runs in 2 games. We have a Rangers team who amassed 38 runs while manhandling the Yankees (who scored a lowly 19) in the ALCS being held to a paltry 7 runs in two games. Great stuff.

So far the Giants have had home field which means the Rangers were forced to play without their DH. Now as the series shifts back to Texas, I suspect we may see some more Rangers fireworks and find some holes in a Giants pitching staff that this far has been outstanding in its execution. But as Cliff Lee showed in Game 1...even the best, just by the law of averages, is bound to have a bad day now and then.

Should be fun. I see it going 7 games. Hell I would not be surprised if the Rangers take 2 of 3 in Arlington and then go back to San Fran and win 2 straight....

LOL...either matter who wins...Bengie Molina gets a ring...:cool:

Have fun,


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The World Series aren't as interesting without any of the two teams i love to hate, the Yankees & Red Sox. I haven't watched a single game yet. I'm simply not interested & the baseball season is way too long. Hopefully i'll regain interest if it goes to a game 6 or 7. I honestly don't give a crap who wins the World Series with these two teams involved.

I was listening to a sports radio show yesterday where the declining interest in baseball was being discussed. MLB is losing the younger generations, who don't have the patience to watch a slow-moving game for 3+ hours on a regular basis. Today's young fans are more interested in newer sports like MMA. Nobody seems to be watching NBA basketball anymore & NHL hockey is a regional sport. I watched a bit of the Dallas Stars game last night & sadly, the arena was half-empty. This is becoming a regular refrain this season, not only with the NHL, but with other pro sports like the NBA & MLB. These sports haven't seemed to come up with any major marketing strategies in order to keep its fan base & attract new fans in these tough economical times. I hope that fans do return & that the damage isn't permanent.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
The World Series aren't as interesting without any of the two teams i love to hate, the Yankees & Red Sox. I haven't watched a single game yet. I'm simply not interested & the baseball season is way too long. Hopefully i'll regain interest if it goes to a game 6 or 7. I honestly don't give a crap who wins the World Series with these two teams involved.

I was listening to a sports radio show yesterday where the declining interest in baseball was being discussed. MLB is losing the younger generations, who don't have the patience to watch a slow-moving game for 3+ hours on a regular basis. Today's young fans are more interested in newer sports like MMA. Nobody seems to be watching NBA basketball anymore & NHL hockey is a regional sport. I watched a bit of the Dallas Stars game last night & sadly, the arena was half-empty. This is becoming a regular refrain this season, not only with the NHL, but with other pro sports like the NBA & MLB. These sports haven't seemed to come up with any major marketing strategies in order to keep its fan base & attract new fans in these tough economical times. I hope that fans do return & that the damage isn't permanent.

Well Doc, you make some valid points. Todays society is based on "now" and "instant gratification" and actually...its kinda sad. From a personal perspective, once the teams I love or hate are out of it I watch the game for love of the game and the inherent unpredictability of baseball...I guess while I have my passions, I am just a fan of the game:cool:.

You are correct about marketing...sports, particularly sports that are traditionally American need to find a way to attract and involve a more diverse audience. I recently met with a guy from Germany during the ALCS and as we are in the bar chatting, I'm half in the conversation and half in the game. I asked him, so you don't follow baseball...his reply was, no not at all...where I am from there is no baseball and I don't understand the game. Anyway, IMHO the lack of appeal coupled with a sad economy has negatively effected attendance. In order for these teams to pay the salaries they do there has to be butts in the seats and they will need to find a way to get them.

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ya know Doc, since loving the game since i was 5, i always liked the fact that the season was long, as a player myself it kept me hungry and motivated to work harder and play harder. refining my skills, as i got to watch, listen, and read about my favorite players for 7 or so months per year But over the last few years, with so many other things to watch and participate in sporting wise, i also have the feeling that now the MLB season is also to long. I mean they start spring training in mid feb and most teams are done by the first few days of October, and only the good teams play a little longer, with the 2 best teams playing close or into November... too long indeed to keep interest of a huge majority of new fans as well as old fans and most importantly, fans that are not a "fan" yet and that MLB Marketing is trying to capture...

Shorten the season to maybe 125-145 games, let more teams into the playoffs, say 10, and see what happens. No doubt it would generate more interest overall.

Start the season around April 15 and go til around Sept 15, more days off, throw a few old fashioned twilight double headers in and see what the outcome would be for a few seasons... it will never happen because of the all mighty dollar but it would be interesting to see my theory put into place. I do believe the allowing of more teams to make the playoffs could be a reality however, within the next few years.
The World Series aren't as interesting without any of the two teams i love to hate, the Yankees & Red Sox. I haven't watched a single game yet. I'm simply not interested & the baseball season is way too long. Hopefully i'll regain interest if it goes to a game 6 or 7. I honestly don't give a crap who wins the World Series with these two teams involved.

I was listening to a sports radio show yesterday where the declining interest in baseball was being discussed. MLB is losing the younger generations, who don't have the patience to watch a slow-moving game for 3+ hours on a regular basis. Today's young fans are more interested in newer sports like MMA. Nobody seems to be watching NBA basketball anymore & NHL hockey is a regional sport. I watched a bit of the Dallas Stars game last night & sadly, the arena was half-empty. This is becoming a regular refrain this season, not only with the NHL, but with other pro sports like the NBA & MLB. These sports haven't seemed to come up with any major marketing strategies in order to keep its fan base & attract new fans in these tough economical times. I hope that fans do return & that the damage isn't permanent.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
The fact still remains that MLB is absolutely drowning in money.

Absolutely correct...never had a doubt. Good point. However it is sad to see a market like Tampa where the organization has produced winning teams yet could not fill the seats.

Another good point...sure would change the complexion of the playoffs and could even have an impact on parity in the sport. Would have put teams like the Red Sox, White Sox, Cardinals and Padres in the mix in 2010...outcomes could definately have been different because once you get to the playoffs anything can and does happen.

More teams in the dance also means less dominance for the dollar...not that it has been and issue anyway - as is evident by the fact that the highest spending team can claim only 1 championship in the past 10 years despite the high dollar player payroll investment made over that period.

Have fun,

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
i also have the feeling that now the MLB season is also to long. I mean they start spring training in mid feb and most teams are done by the first few days of October, and only the good teams play a little longer, with the 2 best teams playing close or into November... too long indeed to keep interest of a huge majority of new fans as well as old fans and most importantly, fans that are not a "fan" yet and that MLB Marketing is trying to capture... Shorten the season to maybe 125-145 games, let more teams into the playoffs, say 10, and see what happens.

MLB also has to address how to make the games shorter. There have been way too many 4+ hours games this past season. Baseball used to be a 2 hour game, not 3 or 4. Other pro leagues such as the NHL, NFL & the NBA have altered & inserted rules in order to try to speed up the games. Shot clocks, new rules in regards to off-sides, play clocks, etc. Why is MLB the only sport where there's a long break during the 7th inning (7th inning stretch) and another song or anthem is sung? It's fucking ridiculous if you ask me! What the hell does a stupid song, anthem or whatever, have to do with a sports game? They should get rid of the national anthems altogether! The games are already long enough & there are more players in MLB that aren't even from Canada or the States. What if they'd start asking that the Dominican Republic national anthem be played? Cuba's? Venezuela's? Japan's? And so on...........get rid of them! Insert 'pitch clocks' where the pitcher has 10 or 15 seconds to throw the stupid ball once the catcher has thrown it back to him. If the idiot hasn't thrown the ball yet, call a ball on him. Also limit the number of mound visits per inning, by all parties, not just coaches or managers. One per inning for everybody, and if either the catcher or first basemen goes up to the pitcher for a discussion after him having being visited once, it's a balk! And if all of this doesn't work, play 7 innings! Today, a 9 inning baseball game is simply too long & a big reason for this is the commercialization of the sport. Take away all the sponsorships (commercials, etc) and just see how much time would be saved in the lenght of a ballgame.

I understand that my views & suggestions might offend the die-hard baseball fans, but those are fewer & fewer in numbers. I don't know a single 'die-hard' baseball fan under the age of 50. Most of the 40-something fans i know are passionate about the sport, but can't be considered to be true die-hards. Most of the ones i know or are aware of are old geezers who are retired or approaching retirement. Twenty or thirty years from now, so-called die-hard baseball fans will be a dying breed. Literally! There are fewer & fewer die-hard baseball fans in their 20's & 30's. The truth is, most of them don't give a flying fuck about baseball & look at us as a bunch of retards when they see us spending 3 hours a day nearly every single day in front of the tv watching baseball. I keep hearing them say that i'm waisting my life away spending that much time in front of the tube (or travelling out of town to catch a few games) and that it's total nonsense. But who am i to say that they're totally wrong about this? Think about it....

It's time for old man Bud Selig & his cronies to wake-up & make some drastic changes in order to save major league baseball & encourage future generations to become fans of this great game we all love!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Absolutely correct...never had a doubt. Good point. However it is sad to see a market like Tampa where the organization has produced winning teams yet could not fill the seats.
I've been to over 30 MLB parks over the years and try to visit new ones when I can. I was in Tampa on business a few years back and the Orioles were in town. There was ABSOLUTELY no way to get to the ballpark short of a $40 cab ride. No public transportation goes anywhere near.

They move or they're doomed. When you consider all the talent they're going to lose this winter, they're not going to be near the team next year that they've been the past few. They'll certainly finish behind the Sox and Blue Jays; they might even finish behind the rapidly aging Yankees.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've been to over 30 MLB parks over the years and try to visit new ones when I can. I was in Tampa on business a few years back and the Orioles were in town. There was ABSOLUTELY no way to get to the ballpark short of a $40 cab ride. No public transportation goes anywhere near.

They move or they're doomed. When you consider all the talent they're going to lose this winter, they're not going to be near the team next year that they've been the past few. They'll certainly finish behind the Sox and Blue Jays; they might even finish behind the rapidly aging Yankees.

I totally agree with you. What's happening in Tampa is a damn shame for MLB. But who's to blame? The lousy stadium? The hot weather? Or maybe Tampa simply isn't a good place for a MLB team. Why hasn't MLB shown some initiative & use a successful formula in order to try to lure fans to their stadiums? I'm alluding to SEX. Cheerleaders. There are cheerleaders in the NFL, NBA, and now several NHL teams. Teams are putting out all stops in trying to fill their seats. Why haven't we seen this strategy in MLB? Heck, just a decade or two ago, you could go to Tampa or some other city in Florida & buy a hotdog from a girl in a thong. People were lining up for hotdogs! Imagine how successful this would be if you'd have a special 'adult' section at a ballpark where the vendors are hot girls in thongs? :D
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I've been to over 30 MLB parks over the years and try to visit new ones when I can. I was in Tampa on business a few years back and the Orioles were in town. There was ABSOLUTELY no way to get to the ballpark short of a $40 cab ride. No public transportation goes anywhere near.

They move or they're doomed. When you consider all the talent they're going to lose this winter, they're not going to be near the team next year that they've been the past few. They'll certainly finish behind the Sox and Blue Jays; they might even finish behind the rapidly aging Yankees.

;) Lived a 30 minute ride on the other side of the bay from that park back when the team absolutely sucked. Went to a few games at the time. You are right, not to mention the park is dated and in a terrible location....kinda at the end of the world. But then again I also went to many Marlins games when I was in FL and they suffer(ed) from the same problem and at the time I was there they were even WS contenders, actually got to go to a WS game in 1997...sorry, I digress. That market (FL) is tough, but I like you believe if that team moved inland closer to Orlando that attendance would be better.

30 parks, thats are a lucky man Rumples. I can count maybe 12...allot of nice parks out there...I will refrain from personal comment as not to ruffle any feathers here:rolleyes:.

Have fun,




Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I totally agree with you. What's happening in Tampa is a damn shame for MLB. But who's to blame? The lousy stadium? The hot weather? Or maybe Tampa simply isn't a good place for a MLB team. Why hasn't MLB shown some initiative & use a successful formula in order to try to lure fans to their stadiums? I'm alluding to SEX. Cheerleaders. There are cheerleaders in the NFL, NBA, and now several NHL teams. Teams are putting out all stops in trying to fill their seats. Why haven't we seen this strategy in MLB? Heck, just a decade or two ago, you could go to Tampa or some other city in Florida & buy a hotdog from a girl in a thong. People were lining up for hotdogs! Imagine how successful this would be if you'd have a special 'adult' section at a ballpark where the vendors are hot girls in thongs? :D

Novel idea DOC. Two word answer on why it would NEVER work in that area of the country.."Moral Majority" aka "Southern Baptists"...somehow I don't see sex and baseball as a marketing strategy working there...

Have fun,



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Giving Back...

Tim Wakefield of the Boston Red Sox has been named the 2010 recipient of the prestigious Roberto Clemente Award presented by Chevrolet today at a press conference prior to Game Two of the World Series at AT&T Park in San Francisco.

Bestowed annually to the Major League Baseball player who combines a dedication to giving back to the community with outstanding skills on the baseball field, the Roberto Clemente Award presented by Chevrolet recognizes players who best represent the game of baseball through sportsmanship, community involvement and positive contributions to their Clubs. The Award pays tribute to Clemente's achievements and character by recognizing talented current players who truly understand the value of helping others.


Way to Go Wake!

Have fun,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
;)30 parks, thats are a lucky man Rumples.
By franchise:
Yankee Stadium
Fenway Park
Skydome/Rogers Center
Camden Yards
Comiskey Park
New Comiskey Park
Tiger Stadium
Comerica Park
Municipal Stadium (The Mistake by the Lake)
Jacobs Field
The Ballpark at Arlington
Oakland Coliseum
Connie Mack Stadium
Polo Grounds
Shea Stadium
Olympic Stadium
Riverfront Stadium
Great American Ballpark
Busch Stadium II
Busch Stadium III
County Stadium
Miller Park
Colt Stadium
Wrigley Field
Three Rivers Stadium
Candlestick Park
AT and T Park
Jack Murphy Stadium
Ebbets Field
Dodger Stadium


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
By franchise:
Yankee Stadium
Fenway Park
Skydome/Rogers Center
Camden Yards
Comiskey Park
New Comiskey Park
Tiger Stadium
Comerica Park
Municipal Stadium (The Mistake by the Lake)
Jacobs Field
The Ballpark at Arlington
Oakland Coliseum
Connie Mack Stadium
Polo Grounds
Shea Stadium
Olympic Stadium
Riverfront Stadium
Great American Ballpark
Busch Stadium II
Busch Stadium III
County Stadium
Miller Park
Colt Stadium
Wrigley Field
Three Rivers Stadium
Candlestick Park
AT and T Park
Jack Murphy Stadium
Ebbets Field
Dodger Stadium

Well we have some similarities and differences; here goes:

Fenway Park
Camden Yards
Yankee Stadium I
Tropicana Field
Angel Stadium
Kauffman Stadium

Coors Field
Citizens Bank Park
Veterans Stadium
Shea Stadium I
Sun Life Stadium (formerly Joe Robbie)
Busch III
PNC Park
Great American Ballpark

Have fun,

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