Montreal Escorts

The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
You bet panthere that I'm staying single too. :lol:

You can bet that I ain't gonna have myself a nice "Yes Stamp" !
And to me that's what losing is all about !

Sh!t, you have to be masochist in our life time to get married !
Cuze as soon as you sign this liscence ! You're done !

The justice system will whipe you out as soon as she wants to break up !

No thank you !

Chris is my inspiration when it comes to 'Honey lets live together...we'll buy a house, bla bla bla !'

What she means is you'll buy the house in which she will stay later on with the bastard she chose to replace you with... to pay her bills and he'll have a good time enjoying fatherhood of your kids without having the real responsabilities and you'll get to see them only once in every 2 weeks.

No f*ckin way !

I'm having a good time picking and banging beautiful girls while I can (since I'm living only once) and no girl will tell me I'm a looser for doing it !

When I'm thru...I'll get someone to have kids knowing I'll end-up seeing them every 2 weeks later on an that's it !
Apr 16, 2005
As Charlie Sheen said, "You don't pay them to come over. You pay them to leave!!!" Try to get loser out of that one!!
Jul 29, 2011
regular guy, absolutely right,but if were all losers?, i wonder where their money comes from?, makes them live,lol, us loseres arent around, no $$$$$$$,get real jobs,lmfao, then will see who the losers are?, would like an apple with that sir?, lmfao,lmfao


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Someone who loses is someone who doesn't get whatever he/she wants out of something in return for what he/she gives.
If you're upfront at asking what you want and you still don't get it than you shouldn't give (or pay) the full price or whatever you own for what you've been getting.

Thus, a lot of people (a very large amount of them) never really gets what they want from another which is why more than 50% of the time it always end in a break up.

I'd say...if you get (more than 50% of the time) what you want from an SP because you were upfront and honest than... you are better off all the 'losers' who still believe in fairy tales.

I was having a nice cold one this summer with one of my buddy in his own pool and he basically said he didn't understand why I didn't want to get back in a relationship while he was having sex 'for free' with his GF. So I enjoyed my beer and said... how much did you pay for this pool ? Cuze me I come here and enjoy it...and I didn't pay a cent for it.

Then the next question was obvious... : How much did you pay for the arguments you get with her (when you scream at each other like you just said to me) ?
Cuze there is a part of everything you pay to be with her that goes into paying for these wonderful moments.... which I don't have to live anymore.

Basically... I'm not only paying for sex... but part of it is to 'Not' having stupid arguments...

It's only a matter of choice and from what side of the fence you are looking in.

So the Sad Truth is : You are a loser if you don't get what you want (specially on a regular base) from what you are giving.
No matter who you are and what you do.

Another very good exemple ? If I want to go eat with an Indy I like to a fine restaurant I want before having sex ? Part of the payment goes for the fact that I'm not gonna end-up at the restaurant she picked or hearing about how bad the food was or how bitchy the waitress was, etc. etc. etc. My Indy won't ruined my dinner plus she will give me the best desert I can get without having to hear about her drama she went thru during the day before she sat down at my table.

And...? I will have my full plate of Ribs instead of having to share a freakin' small sushi plate !
Specially without having to hear 'you'll get fat if you eat all your Ribs'. $@%#&($%

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Escorts would never have anything negative to say about us johns when they leave our room. These young ladies like us far to much to ever go there.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
For the johns who think that escorts think we are losers relax, chill out you have nothing to worry about. I wasn't going to release the results of my survey but i must just to put everyone's mind at ease. I didn't just do this survey over 1 trip, i did it over 3 years so you can count on it being accurate allowing for the margin of error of 2 to 3%. I asked every young lady i was with over the last 3 years a multiple choice question. A. Do you really, really like us johns. B. Are you just lukewarm on us johns or C. Do you think we are losers. Much to my amazement every young lady answered A. Not only did they answer A but some of them even said in a small way they love us and there is nothing they would rather do then spend time with us. Well i can't tell you how special that made me feel and needless to say they all got a big juicy tip at the end of the date because we all know these young ladies would never just tell us what we want to hear.

So after an exhaustive and very expensive 3 year study i have come to the following conclusion. That we are indeed very special to these young ladies. So to the many on this board who are like me and want to believe that you are special to these young ladies and that they really, really like you, there is no doubt in my mind that you are 100% correct and i have the data to back us up.

Lily from Montreal

Come on who cares what they think of us... they're escorts... not exactly a winner in my books.

Hum,my pretty boy you do know that in life you get treated the way you treat others?... So maybe yes ,for you the escort who had the misfortune to meet you would feel that ,how did you say? "Not a winner"... But someone who is nice and respectful would be treated as such...It is a cliché but doesn't make it less get what you give....

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
It could be that they ALWAYS refer to losers who start falling for her, loan her money, or want to 'save' her. Then the guy is definitely a loser.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
There is nothing valuable to be an escort, and there is nothing valuable to need to call an escort... For one part, it (90% of the time) means "Im not so attractive", for the other part it (90% of the time) means "I fail to find a normal way to win all the money I need without selling my body". (thats why sometimes, client needs to take drug or alcohol before seeing SP and thats why SP sometimes needs to take drug or alcohol before seeing clients)

There is something that makes the 2 parts going better : the escort who knows it's not glorious to be an escort, also knows that the guy she's about to see, doesnt feel comfortable with his client of escort status + the client who knows there is nothing glorious to need to call an escort also knows the escort is not comfortable with her escort status.

If one of the 2 parts thinks he or she is more valuable than the other, 1/ he or she is 100% wrong 2/ the encounter will be a miss...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Why would we care what the ladies who feel like this think. I don't have any disrespect for clients or escorts. We're all on the same level. But to the ladies who think that way...what kind of lady gives herself for pay to those she thinks are "losers". Wouldn't these ladies be the same. Aren't these ladies disparaging themselves. They are the other half of whatever opinion they have. If they need to feel this way to get through their business then they have my sympathy.

If one of the 2 parts thinks he or she is more valuable than the other, 1/ he or she is 100% wrong 2/ the encounter will be a miss...




New Member
Jul 30, 2011
After conducting my own survey, I found that many wives think their husbands are losers. I find that a lot more sad.

Merlot and man77777, that is exactly why I have a lot of respect for (some) escorts: being their client therefore makes me (one of) the most wonderful, smart man.:D


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
...what kind of lady gives herself for pay to those she thinks are "losers". Wouldn't these ladies be the same.

Not necessarily, if they think they are ripping off their client by selling something they could get for free or cheaper. Car dealers and insurance salesmen do it all the time.

Lily from Montreal

You are right,nothing to brag about and nothing to be ashamed either,people meet for various reasons and none makes them losers...


Nov 18, 2011
Please dont anyone take this wrong as it's just a simple question...
I'm in no way judging or drawing conclusions, just would like some of your inputs...

If its nothing to brag about or nothing to be ashamed about, why are 99% of SP's , MP's face blurred out on websites or ads. And why do they(you) work under an alias ?

And the "So that family members or friends don't recognize us" argument shouldnt be used neither is it valid cause you just said it's nothing to be ashamed about....


Nov 21, 2010
Please dont anyone take this wrong as it's just a simple question...
I'm in no way judging or drawing conclusions, just would like some of your inputs...

If its nothing to brag about or nothing to be ashamed about, why are 99% of SP's , MP's face blurred out on websites or ads. And why do they(you) work under an alias ?

And the "So that family members or friends don't recognize us" argument shouldnt be used neither is it valid cause you just said it's nothing to be ashamed about....

I disagree that it's 99% of faces that are blurred out because many use phoney photos or they are really outdated which is deception rather then discretion.
Some reasons for using an alias is tax avoidance. Another is that some are collecting alimony and or child support and don't want their X to know about their supplemental income.


Nov 21, 2010
As per your request " I'm just giving some input and it's up to you to draw any conclusion that you like.
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