Montreal Escorts

The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
In this business, females want money, men want certain 'activities''s a great barter system IMHO.
Personally, i've also been told on several occasions over the years by my regular private SP's the same thing (pussy for free), but to be honest, i don't pay for 'activities', i pay them to leave.

I do agree with this. It is easy. Just book the escort of your chance. No drama and no time wasted.

For me personally, i've done the whole dating thing a million times over, and to be honest i've spent more loot on the gentlemanly courting (to get laid days to weeks later and sometimes not get laid) than I would with an SP. Plus all the headaches that come with it.

The dating scene is difficult and it takes a man who is not ordinary to master it. But I always said one cannot buy a woman's affection. It is all in the way you talk and how good you look. Many men overlook the physical appearance part which is the most important thing. If there is no physical attraction why would the girl want to have sex with you? I have known many guys who hardly spend money on these hot girls but get them in bed. The first thing is that they are attractive and they know how to talk. They know psychology and understand women. They know what to say and when to say it.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I'd agree that there are indeed some 'losers' among the 'johns' population, but there are losers everywhere. But there are many different reasons why some men decide one day to see an escort & continue to do so. The same goes with escorts. There are many different reasons why a young woman (and an older woman) one day decides to start selling her body for money. ... .so they grab the phone, and instead of calling for a pizza, they call an escort. It ain't that much different, right? Except this time, the pizza delivery girl is the one staying for an hour or so, not the pizza. ... So to all who read this, the next time a young escort tells you that she considers that men who call escorts are losers, instead of reacting negatively to her comment, simply share your experiences & make her realize that there are dozens & dozens of reasons why men decide to see escorts. Who knows, she might change her mind after your discussion & she might even be more understanding.
Very well said, Doc.
I think there are more losers who can not afford to pay $200 per hour for entertainment than there is who can. Escorts thinking the clients are losers, should think twice, it is not the "average Joe" who can spend this kind of money regularly and constantly.
I agree, Roger.
...I may sound harsh but it is the truth. The moral of all of this is one should not judge if they do not wish to be judged. We all do what we got to do.
I couldn't have said it better.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I got this impression from an escort that considered guys that called escorts losers for paying for something other guys get for free. She even told me I shouldn't be calling escorts because I could probably get pussy for free.

Of course not all escorts have the same opinion. But it is good insight into what a younger SP thinks of us and she probably isn't the only one that thinks this way.

She's a human being:
- Maybe she's arrogant by nature
- Maybe she didn't want to see TheDon again
- Maybe she's just stupid
- Maybe she had a bad day
- Maybe she has zero tact
- Maybe she's a blurter
- Maybe she's clueless

All are possible OA...and more. Maybe a client is seeing escorts because of something within him. Maybe it's because of some very common difficulties about dating women in the so-called regular way or the dating scene in general. But why let one young escort's comments bother you TD.

I've had very long lunch and dinner conversations over the years including agency owners, escorts, and drivers. According to them the views of many escorts toward clients will often run somewhere between mocking and loathing, despite having provided a very successful act where the client has been made to believe there is something very positive between them. It's ironic that such deceptions are probably part of the reason clients went to escorts in the first place.

Nothing new should have known this.

Do SPs know what ordinary women think of them....? that their the lowest form of female decency on earth. That no matter what, "SPs have no excuse for not earning their money like ordinary women do."

Maybe, this was her way of deflecting her own guilt for having to sell her self, by focusing it on you or us as a negative comment! Where would she be without us?

Indeed it's ironic that escorts would ridicule clients considering the views of the escorts status in general society, as well as the irony of ridiculing the clients they depend on. It could really be about their anxieties about what they do and their need to find some sort of emotional compensation or adjustment about what they do.

Very true, Don.

As for the rest of clients, yeah sps think they're losers.

It seems many on both sides think the same of the other.

They're banging numerous guys for money and are having loads shot in their mouth. The "loser" comment can go both ways.

There you go.

For me personally, i've done the whole dating thing a million times over, and to be honest i've spent more loot on the gentlemanly courting (to get laid days to weeks later and sometimes not get laid) than I would with an SP. Plus all the headaches that come with it.

This is what most hobbyists I know and those I have read say about seeing escorts. Clients have been drained emotionally and financially, and have had it with all the investment in time and every other way. The escort who commented to TheDon shouldn't be wondering why he doesn't go for free pussy, she should be asking herself what led him to escorting...and then look in the mirror.

Escorts thinking the clients are losers, should think twice, it is not the "average Joe" who can spend this kind of money regularly and constantly.

Good point. Some of the hobbyists I know are very educated professionals, and some are extremely successful businessmen. The comment the escort made really says a lot more about her and her lack of understanding of the situation.

But let us look at it from the other side. What do we think of these women? Having sex with multiple men for money? Do we call them whores? They cannot go to school and get a real job? I lot of my group of friends who are not into stripclubs or escorts have no respect for these girls.

I may sound harsh but it is the truth. The moral of all of this is one should not judge if they do not wish to be judged. We all do what we got to do.

As I've said, I don't see any real difference between the moral position of the client or the escort, but it is certain many on both sides see the other as inferior and themselves as superior.

So some escort made a comment about clients being losers. It's been noted before in other threads that most ladies in this business have a lot of emotional baggage. Considering that I wouldn't worry about such a comment. She probably just let out an impulsively frivolous though anyway.


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
it is not the "average Joe" who can spend this kind of money regularly and constantly.

Who says this is the norm? Many 'hobbyists' that i know do not fit into this category (including myself). Speaking for myself, I only 'hobby' sporadically between June & September when i happen to be in Montreal.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
What does "loser" mean? Are we talking about being a loser in life as a whole or are we talking about being a loser in the specific pay for sex relation?

Most if not all sex workers think we are losers on the second definition. And I agree. We are de facto losers. Women and men just do not see things similarly. If a woman wants to have a pure sexual relations with a man, it's very easy for her to get it and get it very quickly. So it's no surprise that they would tell us: I just don't understand why you pay for it. I was said it on numeral occasions. It's a way to say we are losers. I don't feel bad at all about it. On contrary, I take it as a compliment.

Thinking we are losers as a whole because we are loser on that front is an other thing, a judgmental induction. Most of us are richer, older, more educated and more settled in life than they are. I think that most experienced sex workers may feel a guy to be loser in life, but know that a large part of their clients are not. Younger sex workers are not all capable of adequate judgment on this.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Guess what guys...dancers feel the same way. Men are just wallets with legs to them. Sure, like anything else there are exceptions but they only prove the rule. I'm actually surprised that anyone here would take offense to the idea or be surprised by the 'revelation'.


New Member
Oct 30, 2009
The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!

Winners get what they want. Are you getting what you want when you're with a SP? If you are, then you're a winner. If you aren't, then you're a loser. I'm getting what I want: effortless, instantaneous, anonymous, no-strings-attached sex with a variety of beautiful women. I'm winning. There's no doubt about it. If anyone is losing, it's the SP's pennyless boyfriend who gets it for "free" after I've warmed her up, stretched her out, and shot her up. Is it any wonder why the poor sap gets it for free? It's not like it's worth anything once I get done with it:).

She even told me I shouldn't be calling escorts because I could probably get pussy for free.

Oh, I've heard this before too, but I didn't take it as an insult. Rather, I was amused by the irony of her comments. I simply thought to myself that she similarly didn't have to be selling her snatch to the masses when she probably could have gotten all that she wanted by playing a single well-to-do guy instead.

If the client is rather young and good looking, they think these guys shouldn't be paying for it and it's strange that they are(imo sps should thank these guys for making their work more tolerable).

A discount would be a nice thank you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Come on guys think about it. When I was young and idealistic I thought men that cheated on their wives were losers. My dad was a saint and he would never cheat on mom. The men I respected as role models and leaders (teachers, coaches, war heros, sports figures) didn't have sex with 18 and 19 year old girls for a cheap thrill. They were above this. I imagined that when I grew up neither would I. Even into my early 20's I thought this way. I told myself once I fell in love and I was married I would never cheat.

I think it took a few jaded relationships. A few more visits to the school of hard knocks and my eyes were opened for good. Fuck love...fuck it - I like to sleep with girls in their late teens and early 20's and I am willing to pay for it. Who gives a fuck what they think once they leave my room.

Now this takes me to the SPs. Some of these girls in their late teens and early 20's, are living a double life. They are just doing this because they need some quick cash and they are not going to get caught up. They have an idea of what the ideal man is like and he is not a 40 something having sex with woman younger than his children. They have probably had positive male role models in their lives at one time or another and these men wouldn't be waiting for a a 19 year old girl to meet him at the corner hotel and the first words out of their mouths after hello would not be "Go put this cheerleading uniform on."

And note to the Don. In the last year I have had an SP tell me "Why would you pay for a girl like me." After our 1 hour session, that lasted 3 hours, she said she would like to take me to and NFL game. I never followed up. I was flatered. I had a Termas girl in Rio spend the night with me for free after the Termas closed. She wanted to meet me the next day. We are still writing each other. I am flattered. They may be after my money and my status? So are regular woman and I have found all those to be whores too. My ex-wives have taken more than any SP so I personally don't see a difference.
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Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
My ex-wives have taken more than any SP so I personally don't see a difference.

You're hilarious Hungry haha.

From another perspective, to consider a client a loser is to consider John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and, wait for it, Charlie Sheen losers. But we don't consider them losers at all! :)

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Yes time and time again I see the signs. A beautiful little 18 girl shows up at my house or hotel suite. Stoned or drunk out of her mind and can you blame her. Doing all those guys and I have to ask are you in school cause thats the bottom line. So a lot of them are but most are not. I have scene some girls and they tell you yes I am in school. Call her back 1 week or 1 month later. So hows school going,, you know cheap talk. Oh I am not in school, and I have to laugh inside. Really !!!!!

I go for the French ones. I like conversation to be brief.

Most relationships involve some type of trade, not always monetary and not always equitible. Thinking hard, almost any type of relationship boils down some type of exchange. When you pay for sex the stark quantification of money (an abstract in itself) in trade for what should be a natrual act is sensitive to our egos & morals. Understanding these ideas leads to the following question: Do you fucking care if she does think you're a loser? She's selling her body for $$$ and that makes her a winner? I suspect none of the aforementioned ideas makes you a winner or loser.

To the former SP, who I know reads almost every line written here and once called me a loser, do I fucking care what you think? Nope. You see she's now a moderately successful pimp. And that's the definition of a winner??? I submit being a winner is mostly in your mind. Secondarily in how you live your life (by your standards) and if the world is a better place with you or without you?
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
From another perspective, to consider a client a loser is to consider John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and, wait for it, Charlie Sheen losers. But we don't consider them losers at all! :)

Quite true! Add to that list many movie icons (both on this continent & across the ocean), celebrities, tv show personalities, movie & tv show directors, producers, singers, well-known musical group members, NHL hockey players (including well-known ones adored by thousands), baseball players, football players, basketball players, wrestlers, coaches, pro executives, on-ice officials, successful physicians, pychologists, lawyers, judges, politicians, etc. Yep, i guess they're all losers to many of these young women. ;)

(okay, they might have a point when it comes to politicians.......;) )
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Planning to travel???
Jun 30, 2009
I did"nt read the whole thing but here's an SP point of view...

You're putting food on my table, and making me look awsome by giving me money. From the hard gained gift you give me, I can spend extra time with my love ones by not going to work (I have a regular job aswell). I can give my daughter what she deserves and spoil myself.

Now, I've worked all my life, just as you to gain some extras and I truly think this girl is a B***H by giving you no recognition. Was she recommend on here or on the other boards? Have you heard from her from a friend? Usually, that's how we know she's doing good business.

Very sorry this happened to you...


New Member
Feb 25, 2005
I suspect that in many cases, SPs who feel that their clients are losers do so because of issues related to their own self-esteem. Simply stated, it allows them to feel better about themselves. Of course, this does not alter the fact that some clients are indeed losers, just as some SPs are also losers. But I don’t think that the distribution of losers in these populations is that much greater than one would find in just about any population.

On another note, it strikes me as problematic to turn the accusation on its head and claim that the real losers are SPs because they have to resort to selling their bodies to make a living. On the one hand, this kind of ad homonym attack is merely a variation of the “yeah, well your mother wears army boots” kind of argument. On the other, we all know that things are somewhat more complex. By this line of reasoning, we could equally claim that all Montreal taxi drivers are losers because they have to do a job that requires zero skills in order to make a living (i.e., they have no skills themselves and it is the only work they can get). But that would be to gloss over complex issues related to the nature of the job market in Montreal. It also glosses over the fact that, contrary to the vast majority of taxi drivers, many SPs choose this line of work for a variety of what are essentially “positive” reasons (lifestyle, money, etc.).

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
On another note, it strikes me as problematic to turn the accusation on its head and claim that the real losers are SPs because they have to resort to selling their bodies to make a living. On the one hand, this kind of ad homonym attack is merely a variation of the “yeah, well your mother wears army boots” kind of argument. On the other, we all know that things are somewhat more complex. By this line of reasoning, we could equally claim that all Montreal taxi drivers are losers because they have to do a job that requires zero skills in order to make a living (i.e., they have no skills themselves and it is the only work they can get). But that would be to gloss over complex issues related to the nature of the job market in Montreal. It also glosses over the fact that, contrary to the vast majority of taxi drivers, many SPs choose this line of work for a variety of what are essentially “positive” reasons (lifestyle, money, etc.).

I'll agree with the second part of your statement to a limited degree. My original post was to get people thinking in a broader sense. Simply saying SP's think clients are losers is rather simplistic. In a broader sense people should have a better sense of themselves to lead a satisfying life. I'm not sure any job requires absolutely no skills, rather different levels of skills. Cab drivers may not always have college degrees, but do need a special skill set to accomplish the job.
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