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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Apr 7, 2015
You've got to be joking me right? It's like you all don't see transgendered people as actual people, so it's totally okay for you all to be awful and insulting to them, and I express my disgust with the way you are all discussing this topic, and I'M the rude one?!
Please, learn some logic.

Post 107 in case amber decides to delete her words...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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That's my cue to save my sanity and leave this awful thread. Good luck in life guys.

I think this is a bit of an overreaction. People have just expressed their opinions. I think HM was intending to start a discussion of what everyone agrees is a deceptive and unfair advertising practice. I have met HM in person and I like Mikey and don't think he is at all a political person. Mikey is like a character from a Seth Rogen movie, he kind of wants to make you laugh (he also would have been well cast as one of Jessie Pinkman's buddies in Breaking Bad). I also know Cloudsurf and he is considered a total gentleman by most people in this community and in the past he was attacked as a White Knight for defending SPs against unfair attacks. So I find your posts to be way off base here.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I wonder what those guys who saw "her" think about it now, if they are reading this? I am sure some still have fond memories of their encounter and that is fine, but i wonder if others are outraged, which is their right as well, afterall they were deceived.

Does anyone know if the person in question has ever admitted to anyone that she was born a man?

From what you understand ?
You obviously understand nothing.
Where does it say I had a good time?

Others had a good time and wrote positive reviews of their experiences on a 6 page thread. Another guy from the blue board, who you know very well, had a good time with her until he found out she was trans and wrote such a nasty false review that it made her quit and leave Montreal.

I saw her for 10 minutes before she stripped, and when I saw her plumbing, I ran out of the room and almost barfed. You call that a good time. Get your facts checked before you make false statements Passione or whatever you call yourself these days.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Apologies to Cloudsurf for misreading any events concerning him.

Can you confirm please. that's what I am getting here from your logic. Just applying it consistently is all. Got it, you sex mother daughter and sister.... No problem for you Passionné long as you don't know at the time.


I confirm only your attempted extrapolation is nonsense and has no connection, logic, or relevance. It's perverse and suggested being with a transgender person is a poor. The issue of being with a transgender has no resemblance to breaking sacred relationships by being with the closest of familial relatives. It's sad to suggest it at all.

I still wonder if those who could not know this person was transgender are more upset they couldn't tell or they were not told, no matter if it's wrong to withhold the info.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Cloudsurf you poor, poor soul :)

That's my cue to save my sanity and leave this awful thread.

Good luck in life guys.

Amber I`m surprised at how relatively nice everyone is towards you after you have insulted most of the guys on this thread as well as most Merb readers.
Good luck drumming up new business.

So I have a poor soul.
Let`s see.....this afternoon I had over 2 hours of sex with one of the hottest women in Montreal
Yes I did say woman with a natural pussy that was wet and juicy. A natural clit that gave her 5 or 6 orgasms. You do know what an orgasm is ?
Thanksgiving weekend I will spend with my 8 grand kids....what are you doing?


Aug 12, 2011
I wonder what those guys who saw "her" think about it now, if they are reading this? I am sure some still have fond memories of their encounter and that is fine, but i wonder if others are outraged, which is their right as well, afterall they were deceived.

Does anyone know if the person in question has ever admitted to anyone that she was born a man?

You make an excellent point here. And just to add my experience, I wish to say that I spent two ours with the 'Italian lady'. I enjoyed every minute of it. We spent very little time touching each other sexually, perhaps because the conversation had been quite intimate and covering topics quite far from sex, so there was little time left...for sex.
One of the things she said was that she had had a very close brush with death having survived genital cancer. I didn't ask details, but I assumed that she had had major surgery and out of courtesy (that I do not regret) didn't touch very energetically her genitals. I did feel slightly deceived later but only because she had promised to write but never did an didn't answer my messages. By the way, that to me is deception, though life has taught me that, sadly, this kind of behaviour is almost an accepted norm in our so called liberated world-and not just in sexual interactions!

Perhaps slightly off the topic, one now-retired lady, whose company I enjoyed very much, did tell me spontaneously and the first time we met, that she had had genital cancer. That didn't impact our relationship negatively: it just made me aware that I had to use a softer touch--and indeed contributed to the true, problem-free affection that developed between us.

Final remark: I do not believe that we can conclude beyond reasonable doubt that the 'Italian lady' was a transsexual. If she was not a transsexual, then the whole exchange about her has been quite pointless. Right? Not so the rest of the thread, which raises many important points, especially the question of honesty!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
2 hours with who i think you are talking about? And you are alive to talk about it? Lol.....lucky you, i can't wait to see the same wonderful woman again, and party with her, you and some others soon ;)

Ok since everyone else gave their "opinions" on the subject of this thread i might as well throw my 2 cents in the ring. Remember it is MY OPINION so haters stay calm, you have your opinion and i am entitled to mine.

I fully agree with what meatonastick posted about genes and if you were born a man you can not scientifically change those genes. On the other hand i do not discriminate for a TS or Shemale to live their life as a woman, afterall it is their choice.

Now to the point of advertsing and is it right or wrong not to let potential customers know that the escort used to be a man. Of course it is 100% wrong, how is there even a debate about this? I mean, c'mon lol.... It is not defendable, it is so wrong to deceive someone out of their money because it is based on a falsehood, a lie if you will.

If a vegatarian orders a veggie burger and is given a 100% ground angus beef burger but is still told by the waiter or waitress that it is a veggie burger, is that right? If a movie theatre is advertising the newest star wars movie and once you get in, they start playing the Empire Strikes Back, is that right? If you go to see a Montreal Canadiens game and the Laval Rocket show up but are wearing habs jerseys, is that right?

The examples above as well as the subject of this thread are clearly deceitful, case closed.

Again for the politically correct (so sick of that word) and for the record i am in no way against any TS/Tranny or Shemales living their life anyway they so choose and have welcomed some and never turned any away whatsoever from attending the VIP party's. My neice is a lesbian and i have not disowned her. A good friend of mines brother is gay and he still loves him. Everyone bleeds the same color and i have nothing against TS, Gay Men or Lesbians. Being deceitful and lying on purpose, yes thats a probllem.


So I have a poor soul.
Let`s see.....this afternoon I had over 2 hours of sex with one of the hottest women in Montreal
Yes I did say woman with a natural pussy that was wet and juicy. A natural clit that gave her 5 or 6 orgasms. You do know what an orgasm is ?
Thanksgiving weekend I will spend with my 8 grand kids....what are you doing?


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
It's perverse and suggested being with a transgender person is a poor. The issue of being with a transgender has no resemblance breaking sacred relationships by being with the closest of familial relatives. It's sad to suggest it at all.

I addressed your specific argument that not knowing something at the time makes it a non issue for that person later.

It does not. I do not think you are standing up for the LGBT community by nonchalantly dismissing other people's life choices. It's almost like you want to excuse the deception.

Gay men can face shaming intended to make them think they should feel comfortable and be open to being with a women. That's horrible. As someone said it's not a choice.

Don't impose what you think others should accept and then try to deride them when they tell you what they feel comfortable with.

I have known a few men who were gay. They weren't interested in having sex with women but it didn't mean they were against them!


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Everyone bleeds the same color and i have nothing against TS, Gay Men or Lesbians. Being deceitful and lying on purpose, yes thats a probllem.

Perfect summary of most people's feelings.

Make this post #2 and delete everything else :peace:


New Member
May 14, 2016
We should be fair about one thing. There are a lot of babies born that have ambiguous sex organs and have to have surgeries.

I was thinking the same thing several hours ago. In the case Patron cites above would the person be bound to identify and explain this ambiguous beginning if that person became a female escort? In this kind of case I find it very uncomfortable to hold someone responsible for a natural situation there was no control over and whatever gender choice followed it seems very insensitive to make someone account for something natural they never had any real control over except the necessity to make a choice that is unavoidable.


Apr 7, 2015
I was thinking the same thing several hours ago. In the case Patron cites above would the person be bound to identify and explain this ambiguous beginning if that person became a female escort? In this kind of case I find it very uncomfortable to hold someone responsible for a natural situation there was no control over and whatever gender choice followed it seems very insensitive to make someone account for something natural they never had any real control over except the necessity to make a choice that is unavoidable.

At the end of the day, regardless if you were born a natural woman or not, if you choose to be an escort, then you should inform your clients as to exactly what they're getting for their money. Including as an example enhanced breasts (as many escorts do). Some clients like it, some don't. It's called informed consent... sorry but otherwise it's false advertising or misleading in the least.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

And by the way, your condescending locker-room-super-ego-manly talk might impress some of the boys but it doesn't do much for me. Hope you had fun in Thailand.

I seem to be getting a lot of this lately. Maybe I should start a thread on the following: "Is MERB a place for Locker Room talk?" I say it is. Or is this a place where scholars go to ahhhh...discuss scholarly things and to meditate or do what scholars do?


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I seem to be getting a lot of this lately. Maybe I should start a thread on the following: "Is MERB a place for Locker Room talk?" I say it is. Or is this a place where scholars go to ahhhh...discuss scholarly things and to meditate or do what scholars do?

This strikes me as getting to the point. Is this forum a place for locker room talk or is this forum a place for scholarly discussion? And what really strikes me is the "or" in that sentence. I love intelligent, informed, educated, reasoned, literate discussion--"scholarly talk"--but I certainly don't insist on it in every corner of an escort forum. And yet, in addition to the locker-room banter (a term Trump employed yesterday), why can't we also have a thoughtful discussion on gender and identity, as some in this thread are attempting? Why can't we have embrace the fact that we have different political perspectives and different attitudes toward gender--and then listen to each other's viewpoints? Or maybe this forum really is a place only for boys-will-be-boys locker room talk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This strikes me as getting to the point. Is this forum a place for locker room talk or is this forum a place for scholarly discussion? And what really strikes me is the "or" in that sentence. I love intelligent, informed, educated, reasoned, literate discussion--"scholarly talk"--but I certainly don't insist on it in every corner of an escort forum. And yet, in addition to the locker-room banter (a term Trump employed yesterday), why can't we also have a thoughtful discussion on gender and identity, as some in this thread are attempting? Why can't we have embrace the fact that we have different political perspectives and different attitudes toward gender--and then listen to each other's viewpoints? Or maybe this forum really is a place only for boys-will-be-boys locker room talk.

Feelings. Wo-o-o-o feelings.....


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I seem to be getting a lot of this lately. Maybe I should start a thread on the following: "Is MERB a place for Locker Room talk?" I say it is. Or is this a place where scholars go to ahhhh...discuss scholarly things and to meditate or do what scholars do?

Her remark would have been perfectly fine without the last sentence. I mean, you can take the critics right? But the "Hope you had fun in Thailand" is a bit ridiculous coming from a girl asking about 600$ for a few hours of social time (with no sex...). The last sentence transform her remark from a critic to a rant.



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
All that Gabriella and Amber did on this thread is show their true colors.
Their hatred of heterosexual men permeates through every post.

PS I adore most women and treat them all like a gentleman should....but the ones who think that they are better than us..........not so much.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Feelings. Wo-o-o-o feelings.....

Brilliant. I suggest an intelligent (not emotional) discussion and you respond with ?? resentment and insult. Well played.

And Gabriella and Amber hate heterosexual men? That might be news to those who have spent happy hours with them, and to those who have attended and will attend the soirees.

Honestly, guys, our manhood isn't endangered and our pleasures aren't compromised by acting like adults every so often.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
This strikes me as getting to the point. Is this forum a place for locker room talk or is this forum a place for scholarly discussion? And what really strikes me is the "or" in that sentence. I love intelligent, informed, educated, reasoned, literate discussion--"scholarly talk"--but I certainly don't insist on it in every corner of an escort forum. And yet, in addition to the locker-room banter (a term Trump employed yesterday), why can't we also have a thoughtful discussion on gender and identity, as some in this thread are attempting? Why can't we have embrace the fact that we have different political perspectives and different attitudes toward gender--and then listen to each other's viewpoints? Or maybe this forum really is a place only for boys-will-be-boys locker room talk.

I think this thread is somewhere between "boy's lockerroom discussion" and a "scholarly debate among Harvard-educated academicians." And that is perfectly fine. We all have different educational levels, backgrounds and experiences. While I can understand some of the objections lodged by Gabriella and Amber, there isn't anything in this thread that is terribly offensive in my opinion. I don't agree with everything posted here, but I kind of understand where a lot of guys are coming from.

For the SPs who are offended, they really should stay out of the thread because their posts are not endearing themselves to the community and if they do not like the thread they are in fact free to ignore it. While they are certainly free to post their objections, I sense overreaction and way too much vitriol in the posts, and if you are on MERB to advertise yourself to the community, those kinds of posts are self-defeating.

The transgender culture is something I am frankly not interested in, although I am curious about the genetic component of it, and the discussion in this thread of false advertising related to such persons. When I was in Key West on vacation a few years ago I could not help but notice a very long line of cross-dressed Shemales waiting to get into a bar across the street where a "Drag Queen" contest was being staged. Most of the "Drag Queen" wannabes were tall and had prominent Adam's Apples and they waited for over an hour in line to get into the bar. Such competitions are very popular down there. However none of the "Shemales" I saw I would ever mistake as a woman. To me, it was pretty obvious they were men dressed up as girls and they were not attractive to me. Could someone fake me into believing otherwise? Who knows.


Apr 7, 2015
No no no...

the women are simply (natural heterosexual) man hating because we wanted a post-op gender confused sex worker for $ to be straight forward and not dupe us paying customers... imagine that...

Not a single man on this thread hurled a single insult... the ladies pretty much did in each of their posts.

Women biologically are wired very differently and argue based on emotion and not rational thought...

Heterosexual men are the opposite - logic and reason before emotion.

That's the real reason this discussion is the way it is...

Btw - I bet Amber is still reading this thread lol


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Someone in post #30 said they would beat the crap out of a trans and nobody cares.
A few comments about masculinity and guys go nuts.

Insults bad, threatening violence good?
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