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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I do... Ted Cruz was by far the worst candidate. He is a dangerous ultra right-wing conservative religious zealot who should never be allowed in the White House. Good thing he is out. Better Trump then Cruz.

I absolutely totally agree!!! Plus he's a fucking cocksucking liar!!!

I also would prefer Trump over this mean fucking lying prick wannabe McCarthy CANADIAN bastard!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sorry to burst your bubble but Hilary Clinton is anything but left-wing. She is more center-right. Bernie Sanders was the only candidate that was left-wing.

I absolutely totally agree 110% with your statement. Trump, believe it or not, is very likely more left-wing than Hillary could ever dream of becoming.

But Trump is also 110% certified nuts!!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Both Tramp and Clinton are disgusting in their own way but Trump is beyond being ridiculous. Without any ambitious and radical political agenda Clinton is harmless in comparison to him. I like Burnie a lot but would not vote for him as he is not good for the country at this stage. So I will buy popcorn and watch from home…

I totally absolutely agree 100% with your statement! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You have it ass backwards again, Cloud.

The Bullies are on the Left.

The ones on the Right are for Freedom. The ones on the Left are for Tyranny and are the Extremists.

And being pacifists? See how far you get being a pacifist in the Middle East. Most pacifists are losing their heads. Or maybe they are not pacifists? Maybe they just lack the Arms to defend themselves?

Come on, my little buddy......really??? in what world do you live in? Time to get out of your bubble and go for a stroll! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
For your information, the Saudis so far have financed 20% of Hillary's campaign. Yes, they will be running the usa, what little is left of it.

And NOBODY wants to finance Drumph's failing campaign!!!!! I fucking love it!!!!!!! No one wants to help the fucking delusional lying billionaire racist!!!! Ooops!!! Pardon my language!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
About socialism....which is better socialism or capitalism? That experiment has been proven over and over again for the last 100 years or so. Compare East and West Germany, North and South Korea, Red China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and let us not forget that the Nazis were National Socialists. They all start out by decrying the exploitation of the working class and end up enslaving their population and murdering millions. Socialism did not.

Like most rightist conservatives they like to make the left-wing platform look bad... You are comparing an extreme far-left politics to right-wing politics. If you must, compare communism to fascism. Which would you prefer? I damn sure would rather live in communist Cuba then Nazi Germany. Having said that communism is not socialism. Communism is an extreme form of socialism and I was never advocating any extremist mentalities. In short take way democracy from socialism and you end up with communism take away democracy from capitalism and you end up with fascism.

There is a major difference between socialism and communism. In communism the government control all production and property. In socialism the government only controls a part of it to ensure all individuals have access to basic articles of consumption and public goods to allow for self-actualization. Large-scale industries are collective efforts and thus the returns from these industries must benefit society as a whole. A key element in communism is a centralized government, planned economy, dictatorship of the "proletariat", common ownership of the tools of production, no private property, and usually an anti-democratic one party system. In socialism economic activity and production especially are adjusted by the state to meet human needs and economic demands in other words to moderate the extremes to ensure working class people are not being exploited by corporations and that they are able to live comfortably and not in poverty. In communism there is no private property but in socialism both private and public property coexist. In communism it is a classless society everyone is equal. In socialism class distinctions are diminished or moderated. In communism the state controls all production in socialism production is variously coordinated by economic planning and the market. In communism there is no democracy. Either the collective vote or the state's rulers make economic and political decisions for everyone else. In practice, rallies, force, propaganda etc. are used by the rulers to control the populace. But is this any different in Capitalism where the corporations use propaganda and bribe the government to control the populace? In socialism religion, jobs, & marriage are up to the individual. Free, equal access to healthcare & education provided through a socialized system funded by taxation. and this is the most important aspect of socialism you do not have to be born into a rich family to be successful can if they want to go school and get the tools to be successful and not only the rich can get needed medical assistance. I believe the health care system should have a mix of both private and public system which would make it all much more efficient. In essence I am for mediocrity.

It is interesting you mention the Nazis. Do not get confused with Socialists being incorporated into their name because they are anything for socialists. Nazis are a far right wing group. Most of the policies hold an extreme version of right wing politics. Hitler hated communism. Nationalism unified the right while egalitarian unified the left. Hitler was completely against equality. He had a firm belief in hierarchy all beliefs of the right. Big governments exist in both the right and the left. Governments in the past were used to control and enslave the proletariat now they are used to free them. North Korea is called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea yet it is anything but democratic. Lol Hitler was all about aristocracy and the elite. When Hitler came into power he and the Nazis abolished trade unions, collective bargaining and the right to strike. An organization called the "Labor Front" replaced the old trade unions, but it was an instrument of the Nazi party and did not represent workers. According to the law that created it, "Its task is to see that every individual should be able… to perform the maximum of work." Workers would indeed greatly boost their productivity under Nazi rule. But they also became exploited. Between 1932 and 1936 workers wages fell. Sounds familiar to you? Sounds like current American Corporatism. The means of production was actually controlled by a combination of aristocracy and capitalism. Technically, private businessmen owned and controlled the means of production. The Nazi "Charter of Labor" gave employers complete power over their workers. It established the employer as the "leader of the enterprise," and read: "The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise." The employer was subject to the frequent orders of the ruling Nazi elite. After the Nazis took power they quickly established a highly controlled war economy. Like all war economies, it boomed, making Germany the second nation to recover fully from the Great Depression.

Politically Fascism were also far right. They favored racism or racial segregation over racial tolerance. Merit over equality. Competition over cooperation. Militarism over pacifism. Capitalism over Marxism. Realism over idealism. Nationalism over internationalism. Exclusiveness over inclusiveness. Gun ownership over gun control. Pragmatism over principal. Religion over secularism.

On another note whether the proliferate are controlled and exploited by the state or corporations really makes no difference. Currently in the US the corporations are exploiting the proliferate and the only thing keeping them from starving are some socialist policies like food stamps, medicare, welfare to name a few. As I said before political ideologies have changed a great deal from the 1930's till now. Before the government was a tool of oppression now it is a tool of liberation from corporate control. Know the difference.

And for the record it is the militant feminist who is pushing their anti-prostitution agenda in the United States and spreading the lie that the average age for a sex worker is 14.

This they sure are but the conservatives are completely utterly against prostitution even if feminists supported it the conservatives will never allow it. It goes against their traditional and religious principals. Ted Cruz would see this as the greatest sin.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

They must teach economics a lot differently than when I used to take a lot of economics courses.

How is it being taught now? Granted the U.S. no longer practices real capitalism now. Newt Gingrich, whose social positions I despise, was correct in which he said that capitalism now is the privatization of profits and the socialism of losses.

Political ideologies have changed a great deal in the last 100 years. You know the US was formed on the basis of freedom and democracy. But now it is slowly going under the control of the corporations. As they get larger and more rich they get more powerful. They also have greater influence especially over the government. This is called Crony Capitalism aka Corporatism which is the same as in Statism except corporations control and regulate everything. It is slowly going towards that. Back in the days the government was a tool for oppression nowadays it is a tool for liberation. Keep in mind a corporation is anything by private. A corporation is a collective institution serving the interests of the wealthy few just like in a government. They are using the 14th amendment since the dawn of time to get equal rights as people and to own property as people Let me remind you that corporations are not people. Maybe EagerBeaver can offer more insight into this.


New Member
May 14, 2016
You know the US was formed on the basis of freedom and democracy.

Not about you Cloud 500. About anyone.

"Freedom and Democracy". It's always interesting to see anyone use these terms. I'd like to read what they mean to each person in the context they use these words. I'm afraid this time there is a misunderstanding. Yes. The percentage of eligible voters in the first Presidential election was very high. Great participation rate. Too bad only about 2% of all citizen were qualified. Landed white protestant men only. No Catholics, Jews, Quakers, etc. No women, no blacks (not freemen either), no natives. Hardly freedom or democracy. Maybe the principle was there, but the application was a joke.

Today the voting rights are far better, but the same kind of threat from elitists remains.

The choices this year are one tainted center-left moderate with questionable legality issues and one unstable corporate super bigot isolationist throwback with a god complex. Not exactly two who would seem to be stalwarts of freedom and democracy though the first is far better than the second.


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Feb 9, 2004
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The choices this year are one tainted center-left moderate with questionable legality issues and one unstable corporate super bigot isolationist throwback with a god complex. Not exactly two who would seem to be stalwarts of freedom and democracy though the first is far better than the second.

Yes, you summed up the choice we have for President. One belongs in jail (Hillary Clinton) and the other is very inarticulate.

But we have big issues:

An uncontrollable National Debt
Slow growth rate
High and noncompetitive Corporate Tax rate which keeps profits from Overseas from being repatriated back to the US
Illegal immigration
Radical Islam which wants to destroy us and institute Sharia law globally
Possible deflation
High U6 Unemployment rate meaning high under employment
Lower education standards meaning certain jobs being unfilled

We have may have the wrong candidates running. It's simple as that but between Trump and Clinton, I much rather see Trump because at least he has hinted at the problems where Clinton has been the problem (along with Obama).


New Member
May 14, 2016
Yes, you summed up the choice we have for President. One belongs in jail (Hillary Clinton) and the other is very inarticulate.

Since you used my quote very inaccurately I'll clarify what I meant.

One is irrationally out of control. He has all the negative traits making him unfit for office, and he's dangerous. The other has some questionable history and legality issues but it's unlikely there's anything to bring charges on or to disqualify her from office. She is a typical politician, nothing worse.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Back in the days the government was a tool for oppression nowadays it is a tool for liberation.

Hardly. As far as the U.S. goes, they took control of the fourth estate more than half a century ago, resulting unsurprisingly in a drastically improved public image. It probably also helps their popular support that since then they've created well over 40 million dependents.

Liberation may not be the correct word. Then again, corporations have been liberated from the burden of competition via a corrupted fascist regulatory system under the pretense of "protecting the public", but I'm guessing that was not what was meant. Increasing state power coincides with increased concentration of wealth, so why not use some of that wealth to brainwash people into thinking the opposite is true?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
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Since you used my quote very inaccurately I'll clarify what I meant.

One is irrationally out of control. He has all the negative traits making him unfit for office, and he's dangerous. The other has some questionable history and legality issues but it's unlikely there's anything to bring charges on or to disqualify her from office. She is a typical politician, nothing worse.

I hear that the future Convict HRC is thinking of nominating the Squaw Senator from MA. That would an interesting ticket. One Law Breaker and one Cultural Fraud. But both women by the way. It will make Leftists jump up and down for joy. They don't mind how corrupt, Corrupt Hillary is. (Corrupt Hillary - phrase coined by our next President of the US, lol).


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Feb 9, 2004
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Now it's Trump's campaign manager who has been Trumped by Trump. Corey Lewandowski has been fired like he was a contestant on "The Apprentice":

Asked why he was fired, Lewandowski said he didn't know.

I heard that Trumps kids did not get along with Corey Lewandowski. Trump's campaign has been floundering a little in the past couple weeks. They wanted to recharge his campaign. Just what I heard on one of the radio news talk shows. I am sure more will be reported soon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Liberation may not be the correct word. Then again, corporations have been liberated from the burden of competition via a corrupted fascist regulatory system under the pretense of "protecting the public", but I'm guessing that was not what was meant. Increasing state power coincides with increased concentration of wealth, so why not use some of that wealth to brainwash people into thinking the opposite is true?

Good point. One good example is Prop 65 in California. Those of you unfamiliar with Prop 65 it is a law in the People's Republic of California enacted that requires that any goods containing a suspect carcinogen bear a warning label. Californians joke about going on the Prop 65 diet. Thus requires avoiding any food or drink with a Prop 65 warning label. You will be dead in 3 days because everything has a warning label. There is no jail time for for not obeying prop 65. Only a fine. So far $144 Million dollars in fines have been paid out. 75% of these fines have gone to the attorney fees. 13% have gone to the bounty hunters - a small group of professionals that look for typographical errors on labels etc. 12% has gone to the State of California. No one is any safer for Prop 65.

One huge failure of Prop 65 is that everything has a warning "just in case." They call these warning labels "prophylactic." Everyone in CA except for the bounty hunters ignore the warning labels. So Governor Moon Beam is going to fix this by require new labels where the top hazard has to be identified with quantity and other information. It will create a field day for the bounty hunters and the plaintiffs attorneys. And no one will be any safer. Goods and services will cost more or be eliminated. The people of California will be hampered again by their own liberalism. And I say "Fuck em."


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I heard that Trumps kids did not get along with Corey Lewandowski. Trump's campaign has been floundering a little in the past couple weeks. They wanted to recharge his campaign. Just what I heard on one of the radio news talk shows. I am sure more will be reported soon.

The CNN article I posted mentions this and goes further, saying Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were playing influential roles behind the scenes, and clashed with Lewandowski. According to that article, the end came for Lewandowski when he attempted to plant negative stories in the press on Kushner to undermine his perceived influence on Trump.

Egos clashing among top political advisers is certainly nothing new in US presidential campaign politics.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
But the ultimate rebuttal to your dislike of corporations is to buy some publicly-traded stock. Then you can be The Man, instead of hating on The Man.

I am just not one of those idealistic types who thinks everything was rosy when there were fewer WalMarts and McDonalds, and more tiny merchants. It is a simple fact that the massive distribution system of those giant entities has kept down inflation. I have read many economic studies say it is as much as a 1 percent a year reduction to inflation, which might not sound like a lot, but it really adds up.

If Cloud bought some stock he can be this guy:

Of course this would require leaving the coddeling confines of the liberal arts college. You would have to stop working on your advanced degree in leftist gobbledygook and enter the work force so that you could buy stock.

Mr. Cloud: What in God's holy name are you blathering about? Are you employed? My advice is, do what your parents did! Get a job, sir!
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