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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Man, you're delusional my little buddy!! You crack me up!!! Keep it up!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep exactly and the worst part is he does not realize it. Poor guy is living in a fantasy world. You know corporations love naive folks like you since you are so easily brainwashed to believe in their bullshit :pound:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But the ultimate rebuttal to your dislike of corporations is to buy some publicly-traded stock. Then you can be The Man, instead of hating on The Man.

I am just not one of those idealistic types who thinks everything was rosy when there were fewer WalMarts and McDonalds, and more tiny merchants. It is a simple fact that the massive distribution system of those giant entities has kept down inflation. I have read many economic studies say it is as much as a 1 percent a year reduction to inflation, which might not sound like a lot, but it really adds up.

But you couldn't really say that, because that small business owner was often one of the five most powerful people in town and could wreak havoc in your life. Is WalMart really more evil than that guy?

There is nothing wrong with being the man. The problem is with these people using their power to exploit and oppress the proliferate. Unfortunately most people get corrupt with all that money and the US system is where it rewards greed. The greed is never ending it is never enough money. Small businesses are just as bad just they do not have as much power and influence as large corporations do. Large corporations got huge influence on the government and I agree things during the industrial revolution was very bad for the proliferate. There were very few laws to protect them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hardly. As far as the U.S. goes, they took control of the fourth estate more than half a century ago, resulting unsurprisingly in a drastically improved public image. It probably also helps their popular support that since then they've created well over 40 million dependents.

Liberation may not be the correct word. Then again, corporations have been liberated from the burden of competition via a corrupted fascist regulatory system under the pretense of "protecting the public", but I'm guessing that was not what was meant. Increasing state power coincides with increased concentration of wealth, so why not use some of that wealth to brainwash people into thinking the opposite is true?

I am talking way before this time I mean during the middle ages during the times of monarchism. BTW I agree with your last statement corporations and governments work together to exploit the proliferate and to serve their own agenda. But the government does something to protect the proliferate somewhat from complete oppression from corporations otherwise we would have what we had during the industrial revolution workers working 15 hour shifts with no break and being paid so less.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
However, I do blame the Left for nominating and continuing to a shameless Law Breaker named Hillary Clinton.

She needs to be prosecuted and put in jail.

Again sorry to burst your bubble and I repeat Hilary Clinton is not a leftist. She is a centrist problably more centre right based on her platform. Only Bernie Sanders was a leftist. You sound like my delusional friend who blames everything he does not agree with as leftist. As for jail I think most politicians would be prosecuted for something. But you seem to exonerate CEOs and the corporations. They committed far more crimes then any politician has. I guess they get special treatment. The US protect their criminal bankers. Most of them belong in jail.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Tom Morello calls Donald Trump a 'frat-house racist'

Tom Morello has some harsh words for Donald Trump. In a video introducing Ryan Harvey’s newly released “Old Man Trump,” where Morello guests alongside Ani DiFranco, the guitarist sharply condemns the presumed Republican presidential candidate.

“I’m standing up against Old Man Trump,” he proclaims at the outset of the clip. “When it comes to race relations, he’s like an old-school segregationist. When it comes to foreign policy, he’s like an old-school napalm-ist. When it comes to women’s issues, he’s like a frat-house rapist. So let’s not elect that guy.”

The track’s lyrics were penned by Woodie Guthrie more than 60 years ago and originally took aim at Trump’s father, Fred. “I suppose Old Man Trump knows just how much racial hate he stirred up in the bloodpot of human hearts,” Guthrie wrote in the song, referring to the late real estate developer’s policies. (According to a 2015 report from the Village Voice, Trump’s organization was sued by the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division in 1973.)

Will Kaufman, a professor at University of Lancashire in the U.K., uncovered Guthrie’s cut during a recent visit to the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Harvey then repurposed the track into a spirited folk rock arrangement. “Some say there are two Americas,” Harvey told Rolling Stone of the new take. “I’d say there are a lot more than that. Woody Guthrie’s egalitarian dreams represented a country vastly different from the racially segregated one of Old Man Trump.”

Like Harvey, Morello felt Guthrie’s version still carried weight today, translating Fred’s alleged bigotry to The Donald’s widely controversial campaign. “I want you to stand against Old Man Trump too,” Morello said. “Not just him, but the history that he represents and the policies that he’s put forward.”

Morello, whose former band Rage Against the Machine (sort of) predicted Trump’s presidential run, joins a hefty list of stars that have denounced the politician, including Miley Cyrus, Mac Miller, and J.K. Rowling.

He and Harvey will appear in Denver on July 23 at a show protesting the Trans-Pacific Partnership. On Aug. 19, Morello sets out on a lengthy tour with Prophets of Rage, a new supergroup featuring his Rage Against the Machine bandmates Tim Commerford and Brad Wilk, plus Public Enemy’s Chuck D and Cypress Hill’s B-Real.

Morello calls Trump frat-house racist

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Again sorry to burst your bubble and I repeat Hilary Clinton is not a leftist. She is a centrist problably more centre right based on her platform. Only Bernie Sanders was a leftist. You sound like my delusional friend who blames everything he does not agree with as leftist. As for jail I think most politicians would be prosecuted for something. But you seem to exonerate CEOs and the corporations. They committed far more crimes then any politician has. I guess they get special treatment. The US protect their criminal bankers. Most of them belong in jail.

Very well said. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton fit your description as being centrists slightly leaning to the right. Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would be considered left-leaning centrists in today's political scene. They'd be looked upon as liberal and there's no chance in hell any of those three would be able to win the GOP primaries today. Honestly, David Duke would have a much better chance than they would.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Donald Trump, very much the Washington insider

His long history of hiring lobbyists and paying politicians is as Washington as the Lincoln Memorial.
By Ben Schreckinger
09/09/15 05:47 PM EDT

On Wednesday, Donald Trump came to Washington. It was not his first visit.
Trump plays the political outsider. “Washington is broken,” he declared in Iowa in January as he positioned himself to run. But he has been a Washington insider longer than almost any of his rivals.

Since the 1980s, he has lavished both parties with money. He’s employed D.C. lobbyists and aggressive tactics to influence politicians and further his business interests. He’s become comfortable enough with Washington to buy a nearby golf course and develop a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, blocks from the White House, in conjunction with the federal government.

Even as he rails against corruption in American politics, his long history with Washington and lobbying raises questions about his promises to change the system of influence-peddling he has participated in for decades.

“I don’t fault him for having to work within the system that he’s dealt,” said former Republican Rep. Chris Shays, who met with Trump a decade ago over the businessman’s efforts to expand gambling in Connecticut. “I’d fault him for implying that somehow he’s different, because there’s nothing different about him.”


Every time Trump calls anyone a liar he knows he's one of them. His image as an outsider is a joke only the wishful would believe. He's pure insider using the Washington two step any time he wants. How else do you think he saved his butt from bankruptcy 4 times. Yes there's help for a purpose. But you also have to know how to get favorable assistance.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Very well said. Both Obama and Hillary Clinton fit your description as being centrists slightly leaning to the right. Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would be considered left-leaning centrists in today's political scene. They'd be looked upon as liberal and there's no chance in hell any of those three would be able to win the GOP primaries today. Honestly, David Duke would have a much better chance than they would.

I don't really believe this. I believe that the far right wing of the Republican Party happens to be very vocal and they don't represent the feelings of many Republicans. They have caused fractures within the party and while it seems that they are dictating the direction of the party, they really are not. Trump is far more liberal than what they desire and even the establishment Republicans are not comfortable with Trump because of his loose cannon rhetoric. This sets up the possibility of a coup but the party is so fractured and divided right now and there is nobody talented enough to unite the party and pull off the coup. There are no Abraham Lincolns or Theordore Roosevelts lurking in the background. The Republican Party hasn't produced many charismatic leaders. All of the so called future stars like Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin have flopped in laughable fashion. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio also flopped. The Republican destiny is to be beaten until something changes.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Again sorry to burst your bubble and I repeat Hilary Clinton is not a leftist. She is a centrist problably more centre right based on her platform. Only Bernie Sanders was a leftist. You sound like my delusional friend who blames everything he does not agree with as leftist. As for jail I think most politicians would be prosecuted for something. But you seem to exonerate CEOs and the corporations. They committed far more crimes then any politician has. I guess they get special treatment. The US protect their criminal bankers. Most of them belong in jail.

No, the bankers do not make laws like the Community Reinvestment Act which is the sole reason why the US had a Housing and Credit Swap crisis. The law was enforced during the Clinton Administration based on a law signed by Jimmy Carter. Credit swaps were allowed by the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. So how exactly are these bankers criminal?

Oh I don't give a damn about your answer because it will not be based on fact.

If you just dismiss HRC's Criminal Acts and support her run for President, then you are corrupt also. Because it's the government which is supposed to be protecting us, and she doesn't give a damn because she has no regard for the laws of the US even though she took an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the US.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I don't really believe this. I believe that the far right wing of the Republican Party happens to be very vocal and they don't represent the feelings of many Republicans. They have caused fractures within the party and while it seems that they are dictating the direction of the party, they really are not. Trump is far more liberal than what they desire and even the establishment Republicans are not comfortable with Trump because of his loose cannon rhetoric. This sets up the possibility of a coup but the party is so fractured and divided right now and there is nobody talented enough to unite the party and pull off the coup. There are no Abraham Lincolns or Theordore Roosevelts lurking in the background. The Republican Party hasn't produced many charismatic leaders. All of the so called future stars like Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin have flopped in laughable fashion. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio also flopped. The Republican destiny is to be beaten until something changes.

The far right wing of the Republican Party is not far right wing at all. You are just repeating the same nonsense and slander against those who merely wish to live in a Constitutional Republic just like the Founding Fathers created in the late 1700's. They are Conservatives, which means they want to Conserve the Republic.

So stop blasting nonsense about something you fail to understand.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Donald Trump, very much the Washington insider

His long history of hiring lobbyists and paying politicians is as Washington as the Lincoln Memorial.
By Ben Schreckinger
09/09/15 05:47 PM EDT

On Wednesday, Donald Trump came to Washington. It was not his first visit.
Trump plays the political outsider. “Washington is broken,” he declared in Iowa in January as he positioned himself to run. But he has been a Washington insider longer than almost any of his rivals.

Since the 1980s, he has lavished both parties with money. He’s employed D.C. lobbyists and aggressive tactics to influence politicians and further his business interests. He’s become comfortable enough with Washington to buy a nearby golf course and develop a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, blocks from the White House, in conjunction with the federal government.

Even as he rails against corruption in American politics, his long history with Washington and lobbying raises questions about his promises to change the system of influence-peddling he has participated in for decades.

“I don’t fault him for having to work within the system that he’s dealt,” said former Republican Rep. Chris Shays, who met with Trump a decade ago over the businessman’s efforts to expand gambling in Connecticut. “I’d fault him for implying that somehow he’s different, because there’s nothing different about him.”


Every time Trump calls anyone a liar he knows he's one of them. His image as an outsider is a joke only the wishful would believe. He's pure insider using the Washington two step any time he wants. How else do you think he saved his butt from bankruptcy 4 times. Yes there's help for a purpose. But you also have to know how to get favorable assistance.

Except Hillary is a liar, a very bad and known liar, and a criminal.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Everybody pays out $110 billion in fines after doing absolutely nothing wrong.

You fail to understand what happened with the Community Reinvestment Act. This act forced banks to give loans to people who could not afford to purchase the homes. It became a ponzi Scheme. The bankers sold the mortgages as leveraged investments. AIG wrote insurance policies against the failure of these investments. It was a domino effect. The banks were reacting to an insane law passed by an insane President and Congress and enforced by an insane Attorney General (Janet Reno).

There's more to it, but it is clear that the Democrats were shit up to the eyebrows in creating the situation and even perpetrating the situation. And why weren't perps from Fanny Mae like Franklin Raines and Rahm Emanuel ever arrest and tried? They certainly did illegal things in those government related banking associations.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I`m a centrist and have mostly stayed out of this discussion because I think that both presumptive nominees just don`t measure up to being presumptive great presidents.... I would have preferred Mitt Romney .

DD41 who are you preaching to? 80% of the ppl reading this thread are leftists and are just laughing at your arguments.
Its like pissing into the wind and getting your own private golden shower.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
So what if he is a leftist. You are a rightist :blah: Having said that it seems you always get things backwards. You are right the American system was based on freedom... Not being oppressed and controlled by corporations. And there you always go again talking about Venezuela. Have you heard about Iceland? Ireland? Finland? Switzerland? The Netherlands? I guess not. These countries bring the best of socialism and capitalism together. These countries have been consistently voted the best countries to live in. Iceland and Ireland are among the most economically prospering countries with great wealth equality unlike the US. Iceland threw its criminal bankers in jail while the US protects them. Is it not common in New York City for many people to be sharing the same apartment? You only want to spread your rightist propaganda. Here let me bring the worst of Capitalism. BTW Capitalism has starved more people then any communist country ever has. India is pure Capitalistic... A huge portion of the people there are poor and cannot get access to education. The country is very corrupt and everything there goes by bribes. Even in school one has to offer a bribe. China is pure Capitalistic this is why employees are paid so little. Oh yes and Africa, a continent with virtually all the resources it takes for development, is the worst hit by hunger, starvation, armed conflicts, instability, displacement and abject poverty. It has zero socialist policies. This is mainly because of the system which encourages capital accumulation and profit-seeking. The cumulative effect is flagrant corruption, deprivation, wastage and impoverishment which intensifies underdevelopment. Capitalism and imperialism are the major cause of the current underdevelopment in Africa. So this is what you want? How about you show the whole picture instead of posting partial facts to spread your non-sense rightist propaganda to make rightist look good. You probably label me as a leftist also but I am not communist. I am a mixture of libertarian and socialism. I am for the proliferate to have their freedom and for all to have equal access to resources and to be free from being exploited by the rich. In short a much more equitable society with moderated classes and moderated distribution of wealth. For example there should be a maximum wage. In one word I am for mediocrity. This is my beliefs and where I stand. I cannot really call myself a leftist or a rightist.

No one is ignorant or sheltered enough to believe a word of this drivel...OK I get it. This is a joke. This is Tony. Ahhhhh You got me again Elf Gone Bad LOL......This ones on me. Very funny Tony.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I`m a centrist and have mostly stayed out of this discussion because I think that both presumptive nominees just don`t measure up to being presumptive great presidents.... I would have preferred Mitt Romney .

DD41 who are you preaching to? 80% of the ppl reading this thread are leftists and are just laughing at your arguments.
Its like pissing into the wind and getting your own private golden shower.

Mitt Romney is a loser. He lost to Barack Obama who has made us all losers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I`m a centrist and have mostly stayed out of this discussion because I think that both presumptive nominees just don`t measure up to being presumptive great presidents.... I would have preferred Mitt Romney .

DD41 who are you preaching to? 80% of the ppl reading this thread are leftists and are just laughing at your arguments.
Its like pissing into the wind and getting your own private golden shower.

Cloudsurf, you are too pessimistic. It is not like A, B, AB, O blood type, your born with it and that is it. People change and the public discussions influence changes. I was very left in my youth, moderate in my forties and now libertarian/conservative at my advanced age. What I learn over years is that doing right things that work that is all what meter. And this is very difficult with the absence of the real social science. Thus public policy needs to be approached very conservatively and changes introduced very carefully and gradually. Pretty often good intentions combined with wrong and ignorant policy lead to awful results. The examples are numerous… there are also some examples of the vice versa


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I had the Vito tonight for dinner.

I have never heard of a fast-food restaurant trying to block their workers from seeking employment at another sandwich shop. I am trying to understand how they could justify this or why they would even try? There are no trade secrets to speak of...I mean they tell you what is on the sandwich. ]

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