Yep like banning every journalist who writes negatively about him? Trump is Berlusconi, probably worst.
Hillary is Evita Peron, and definitely worse.
Yep like banning every journalist who writes negatively about him? Trump is Berlusconi, probably worst.
Drumpf gets elected, the country is f**ked.
$hillary Clinton gets elected, the country is f**ked.
Either way, USA is f**ked. I can't recall two worse candidates in a general.
Either way, USA is f**ked. I can't recall two worse candidates in a general.
I do... Ted Cruz was by far the worst candidate. He is a dangerous ultra right-wing conservative religious zealot who should never be allowed in the White House. Good thing he is out. Better Trump then Cruz.
Trump reminds me more of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini than Pablo Escobar. Minus the murdering, of course.
Ted Cruz was by far the best THINKING and the BEST candidate.
The Danger is the Leftist brain, because the Leftist brain is bringing us down that path that so many Leftist, like Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Obama, Clinton, and the modern day Leftist poster boy Hugo Chavez (yes, Chavez).
Venezuela is a basket case now. Their currency is worthless. They used to have the strongest currency in South America. But that belongs Chile now, who has a strong vibrant economy thanks to an economy which is based in Capitalism and a government which enriches their citizens.
The moral of the story:
The Right wing builds up and enriches their citizens.
The Left wing confiscates and destroys their citizens.
Ted Cruz would have been a great choice for President and a great President because he would have chosen policies which support free enterprise, low taxes and freedom based on the principles the USA was founded.
Ok, I give up. Everyone knows how misinformed Americans are and how corrupt the US news media is. Trump is a loud mouthed arrogant asshole for sure, but he is not a threat to America. His intentions are only to improve the current situation.
Hillary I see as someone that only cares about herself and someone ready to flush the USA down the toilet for her own benefit.
The way it looks, The new president of the USA will be Saudi Arabia. Prepare for mass mayhem come 2017, open borders, a worsening economy, daily mass shooting Orlando style and so on. Don't you just love those left wing politically correct liberals
Hillary I see as someone that only cares about herself
Really? She's not the one saying look at ME ME ME ME ME how great is ME.
There's nothing new about taking sides and showing our political bias. What is new is how much one political party, Republicans, distrust, resent, fear and sometimes loath their own highest election representative. I've been around a long time and I've never seen any party so in fear of what their presidential candidate might do to the rest of the party and so worried about what the country and the world thinks of him. You can stay as politically biased as you want and pick on the opposition as you please, but when have you ever seen a party reject and apologize for so many views of their presidential candidate. It's bad enough Trump told party leaders to SHUT UP or he'll go it alone.
Trump has become the embarrassing family outcast most are ashamedeep: to have any connections to. When your own party can't stand you it's not about Conservatives versus Liberals any more.
There you go again always comparing extremism to modest policies. Why always mention Venezuela? You always seem to conveniently leave out countries like Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Switzerland? I never said I was for communism. I am for the prosperity and freedom of everyone and the fairness for everyone not just the wealthy few that happen to own everything. The US is not prospering not by a long shot. Only the wealthy few are prospering at the expense of working class people. Iceland threw its bankers in prison while the US protects them Ted Cruz was a man who lived in the dark ages. He has no business ever stepping in White House. I read his policies and statements and I was very disgusted. This man lives in the Middle Ages.
So moral of the story:
Right wing bullies everyone to follow traditional family values and what is outlined in the bible
They protect corporations and the wealthy and give them the tools to exploit workers and its customers to get richer and the expense of others
They use clever media to keep people ignorant
The right are about militarism and will find a war anywhere
They also rather give everyone the freedom to own guns so that more nutjobs like the Orlando shooter can go on a rampage. The US has by far the highest amount of mass shootings in any rich country thanks to right wing conservatives. It is very easy to buy a gun in the US. They live in the past thinking that the way of the Wild West will make it everyone safer for everyone. They want to make prostitution illegal even though it is harmless transaction and it helps both parties concerned, they want to restrict women from having abortions when it is their bodies and they have the right to have an abortion, they are about intolerance and racism like homophobia (it is everyones right to their sexual orientation). Need I go more? And here you say Ted Cruz was the best candidateound:
The left are about giving everyone equal opportunity to be successful not just the rich
The left enriches its citizens and serve the people not just corporate interests
The left are pacifists... You cannot have peace if you are constantly looking for wars and arming yourself
The Bullies are on the Left.
The ones on the Right are for Freedom. The ones on the Left are for Tyranny and are the Extremists.
And being pacifists? See how far you get being a pacifist in the Middle East. Most pacifists are losing their heads. Or maybe they are not pacifists? Maybe they just lack the Arms to defend themselves?
A post like yours just proves how illogical Leftists think.
I think you are confusing libertarianism with conservatism. The question you should ask yourself are you a conservative or a libertarian? Me myself I am a mixture of libertarian and left-wing socialism. Right-wing conservatives disgust me. Take away democracy and you got Fascism such as in Nazi Germany.
Your last statement tells me you are a definite conservative. They are fighting because they all got right-wing religious beliefs.
I don't think Hilary Clinton is left wing at all. Nor is Trump right-wing. The fact of the matter is that the extremists have no place to go in this election and they aren't happy about it.
About socialism....which is better socialism or capitalism?