Lying to a person is a sign of disrespect. It’s to take them for fools. And the person probably already suspects that you’re lying to them or will figure it out eventually. And once they’ve caught you lying to them they’ll always suspect you may be lying to them even if you’re telling the truth, which can be very irritating to you when you’re 100% telling the truth & no one believes you.
One time an sp i was once very fond of repeatedly lied to me & to most of her clients. The worse thing to happen to her was that many of her clients who had caught on to her lies began to chat together & compare notes. We all realized that she was a compulsive liar. Always lying for no reason other than to lie. She seemed to be allergic to telling the truth. Finally one day we were together & getting ready to go out to dinner when the subject was brought up. She remembered something i had recently told her where i casually alluded to the fact that i’ll accept whatever she said although i didn’t believe a word of it but it was no big deal. So before we went out she said this had been troubling her for the past two weeks & wanted to have a discussion about it. I said no since discussing it would upset her & I didn’t want to ruin our evening. I told her it was no big deal & not to make a big case out of nothing. But no, she refused to leave the room until we discussed the reference i had previously made. So she promised that she wouldn’t get upset. I told her she would. She said she would remain calm.
So she then said “you think i was lying about that thing i told you, right?” So i replied “Yes, you lied 100%! Like you always do! You’re addicted to lying! You can’t help yourself!” She replied “I didn’t lie. I never lie.” So i gave her the proof of how i knew she had lied. And then she absolutely blew up! So i told her i was right: she’d get upset. And she was shouting that she wasn’t upset at all! Lol. Finally she admitted that she had made up some story. But that she hadn’t lied. So i told her “ See? You just lied again.” Then she went on a tirade that she felt that she was in a big brother tv show where everyone knew everything about her & that it wasn’t fair to her that we were comparing notes & accusing her of lying & that she didn’t lie! So i told her okay, she admitted to lying & making up some bogus story but in her mind she wasn’t lying & wanted me to believe that she wasn’t a liar although she had just admitted to making up stories & lying to her clients for multiple reasons. “Okay my dear, you are not a liar & you never lie. Happy now? So let’s go out to dinner.” And we went out to dinner.
Her lies & stupid bogus excuses never stopped & i then started to realize that either she’s some narcissistic sociopath or thinks i’m just a fucking idiot! We stopped talking to one another for a few years over some stupid disagreement & to be honest it was a relief. The worst thing is to get yourself involved with a compulsive liar with narcissistic sociopathic tendencies!