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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
And yet, just another post to start sh!t on Quebec from our dear Doc Hollywood !

Yeah... One more far-right thread from our dear anti-frenchspeaker...

When Doc digress about a girl in a SP thread, his posts are deleted. but when Doc start one of his far-right anti-Québec thread, Mods dont react...

Merb... :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
the majority of wealthy are running to get out and who can blame them.

It dépends if you think individually or collectively.

Jacques wouldnt have been the same guy if he hadnt Québecker parents, so he probably wouldnt have been the Champion he was. Yes you have the choice to give back to your coountry what it brang (brung ? bring ? brong ? bryng ???? WTF ???!!!) to you or to leave it for more money. You also have the choice to sell your grand-mother for 20$ or not. You have the choice to sell your soul for more money or power or to live like a good guy...


Nov 21, 2010
When Doc digress about a girl in a SP thread, his posts are deleted. but when Doc start one of his far-right anti-Québec thread, Mods dont react...

Merb... :thumb:[/QUOTE]

Question: How can Doc be "far right" if he is a big time Obama fan ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Cause you can vote Obama but be racist about some populations, voting Obama doesnt give you a card that says "Im not racist nor intolerant about anything" lol.... There is a lot of different kind of racism and intolerance in this world..

Doc and all his handles spread an anti-quebecker propaganda on merb, using sport or any other subject to do it.

Fredzone is responsible to what is expressed on his website, maybe should he ask to the mods to be more attentive...


Nov 21, 2010
Actually being a "racist" is not treating people in the same way based simply on their race. Being a sycopant towards other people because of their race is also being a "racist".

So being nicer or nastier towards someone simply because of their race is a "racist".

Obama has to be judged based on his record and not the fact that he is multi racial. Giving him a free pass because of his race is just white guilt and is "racist".

By the same token, Jacques Villeneuve to an impartially minded person, would be judged by his actions and not on what type of french accent he has.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Man7777, the quote you took from me was meant for France where they are taxing the ultra rich 75% not Quebecors. Who would not run. The French actor Drepude or whatever left France and Russia gave him citizenship and a grand welcome.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Man7777, the quote you took from me was meant for France where they are taxing the ultra rich 75% not Quebecors. Who would not run. The French actor Drepude or whatever left France and Russia gave him citizenship and a grand welcome.


1/ It's Gerard Depardieu (pas de x Mike). But you know this guy have big psychological problem due to a lot of drug and alcohol consumption, so he is not a good exemple.

2/ In France, the ultra-rich are not taxed at 75% at the moment we talk. The actual gvt discussed about it but never apply it. It is of course the kind stupid idea every gvt has once in a while. But as it came from France, some North American newspapers used it. Since Irak War, American Newspapers try to find any pretexts to dirty France, cause they never forgave to France to have been right about this stupid war. They felt humiliated, so now they need to show that France is not so perfect... And of course, like any other countries, France is far to be perfect...

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

The topic of this thread is not international politics. Please stay on topic or your posts will be removed without notice.

Mod 8

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Thanks for the update and I am shocked that things I read on the internet are not true :) .

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Question: How can Doc be "far right" if he is a big time Obama fan ?

Doc wears different hats. :eyebrows:

p.s. Calling Doc a 'fan' of Obama would be wrong. However, Doc would say that he's a big fan of William Jefferson Clinton.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What's interesting about this thread is that nobody has posted to deny that what Jacques V. said is true. People have simply called him an asshole for saying it. If what he said is true, he is not an asshole, he is just someone who is stating the truth. I don't see anywhere a meaningful denial of the truth of what has been stated by Villenueve. By not denying it, to me, you have all validated what he said.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What's interesting about this thread is that nobody has posted to deny that what Jacques V. said is true. People have simply called him an asshole for saying it. If what he said is true, he is not an asshole, he is just someone who is stating the truth. I don't see anywhere a meaningful denial of the truth of what has been stated by Villenueve. By not denying it, to me, you have all validated what he said.

I totally agree with what Ti-Jacques said. Not only is he opinionated & not afraid to speak his mind, but he's usually correct 95% of the time. I do agree with his recent observations 100%. The province of Quebec is on a free fall, and i don't see any hope in turning the tide.

A suggestion? Ship out all the separatists out of the province of Quebec. Put them all on a boat heading to France.

The state of Quebec


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
The province of Quebec is on a free fall, and i don't see any hope in turning the tide.

95% of the people around the world think the same about USA and Europe... We are all in the same boat...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
What's interesting about this thread is that nobody has posted to deny that what Jacques V. said is true. People have simply called him an asshole for saying it. If what he said is true, he is not an asshole, he is just someone who is stating the truth. I don't see anywhere a meaningful denial of the truth of what has been stated by Villenueve. By not denying it, to me, you have all validated what he said.

If nobody say he's wrong, but just he is an asshole to say it, then he is right ? Lol Is that all what you find ? Seriously....

Here is what happened :

1/ Jacques doesnt want to pay too much taxes :whoo:

2/ So he decided to live out of Canada :canada:

3/ As he doesnt want to be seen as an asshole, the only excuses he found was a childish one : Im not a bad guy, it's the Québec which is a bad province... :violin:

4/ Then everybody laughed at him or ignoring him around the world, knowing he was trying to find 3yo excuses :)

5/ Except Doc Hollyday, who always try to find articles that are saying that Québec is a shiit, cause they dont speak the same language than the other in North America = they are different which is very bad = intolerance etc... :hungry:

6/ Then Doc started this thread, who made laugh a lot of people :lol:

7/ Then you EB arrived, having the same political opinion as Doc, and sayin that if nobody say he is wrong but just that he is an asshole, then it was like we all said he was right :hippie: :crazy:

Cmon guys, if you want to express why you hate this province, open a thread, speak with your heart and explain us the reason why you hate it or think it is such a desperate one... It would be less ridiculous for you and less hypocritical...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
A suggestion? Ship out all the separatists out of the province of Quebec.

I never met any real separatists since Im here in Québec, I mean people who really really want it.

IMO they are like the witches you were hunting or the nuclear weapons you were looking for in Irak... :lol:
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