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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
A suggestion? Ship out all the separatists out of the province of Quebec. Put them all on a boat heading to France.

The state of Quebec

So this is your magic solution... what about ship all the non separatist out of quebec, either to english canada, or the usa, or even the UK if they prefer... Why would WE had to go to france, when quebec's only official language is french, i think we are the one who belong here, and the foreign either can adapt or just get elsewhere...

I never met any real separatists since Im here in Québec, I mean people who really really want it.

I really want it personally. Its not because i don't walk with a quebec flag on my back pack or that i don't vote for Matante Pauline that i don't want quebec's independance. Hell if even Canada itself could finally become a republic that would maybe be a start, but its hard to get an independance for your province when your own country still acknowledge the queen and all this bullshit of the UK... We need a President, not a prime minister... and we need to get rid of the Queen face on the money, and ESPECIALLY get rid of these costly visit of the royal family that we just don't give a damn about.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If nobody say he's wrong, but just he is an asshole to say it, then he is right ? Lol Is that all what you find ? Seriously....ETC.

Still no denial of the specific statements he made, just an attack on those who stated they may be true......and on Villeneuve. Not very persuasive and a waste of bandwidth as your post can be summarized in 4 words, "Villenueve is an asshole." That is all we have heard here over and over. Insults are not the same as reasoned rebuttal.

Are taxes in Quebec not high? Do you deny? Yes or no?

Are the language laws not well received in the global economy? Do you deny? Yes or no?
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Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place
EB, yes you EB!

You should practice what you preach! You give a lecture to Man7777 on waste of bandwidth, when yourself you quote his entire post.

You should know better than not quoting entire posts, especially since you are a ''veteran'' with over 7800 posts.

Of course the state of Quebec is bad! Nobody will deny thaat, and you know why it's so bad ? Cause people like you and Doc like to keep that Quebec bashing alive and well.

No more comments!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You give a lecture to Man7777 on waste of bandwidth, when yourself you quote his entire post.

I edited my post, but the point of my post was to show that his lengthy spew could be summarized in 4 words. That point was better made by quoting the entire post, but I suppose it does waste further bandwidth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Are the language laws not well received in the global economy? Do you deny? Yes or no?

About the language in Québec, well nobody here can take lesson from your country. Look at this quebeker forum where we just speak English. Even Halloween Mike "THE separatist" speaks YOUR language, and you cant even answer him in HIS language. Who is the more open minded about language ? YOu ? Really ? :lol:

EB, you simply didnt understand my post. Nobody here can say Jacques is right or Jacques is wrong. How coud have you live so many time without Learning that it is just a question of point of view ? So EB, give your opinion, but stop thinking you say THE TRUTH. Then you will understand why people just say IMO Villeneuve try to find excuses and not HE IS WRONG. Your declining country is the most hated worldwide, cause a lot of people think US always think they say THE TRUTH and always try to FIND DEVILS AND SCAPEGOATS. Maybe you should try to be more modest and less manichean, and just humbly say your opinion. Thats what Obama start doing.

Look at your own ass before trying to find shiiit in the ass of your neighbour. When someone who is living in a 300millions inhab country, starts criticizing a very little province, even if his own country is known to be the most intolerant, declining in every aspects and the most hated worldwide, well it simply means that this personn just dont want to see what happens at home, and try to find scapegoats to forget his own situation...

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Cause people like you and Doc like to keep that Quebec bashing alive and well.

I actually love Quebec. All of Quebec, not just Montreal. The term 'bashing' is a strong one. I won't speak for EB, but all i've done is point out the truth & supported Jacques Villeneuve's point of view & stating that his reasons for ditching Quebec are valid ones. If the truth means 'bashing', then i confess that i must be a 'basher'. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
all i've done is point out the truth
If the truth means 'bashing', then i confess that i must be a 'basher'.

Good exemple of what I was saying... Old american guys who not just say their opinion but think they say THE TRUTH...

HOw guys who think they are like gods and always say THE TRUTH, could be tolerant and accept people that think, act or speak diferently, like Quebeckers ? Impossible...

Thx god, the young U.S generation I meet is different...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Look at your own ass

I try not to, but it is not as old as you think and probably looks better than yours....:eek:

In any event you have thrown out a lot of opinions on totally irrelevant issues, but the only one under discussion in this thread is a statement by Jacques Villeneuve. The consensus seems to be that he stated the facts as he saw them to be. I don't equate that with Quebec being a "bad" province - that is kind of a simplistic point of view. But it may be a good idea to pay attention to these kinds of admonitions, because sometimes perception can become reality and that is not good for the local economy.

Also, since I don't pay tax in Quebec or own or do business in Quebec, my point of view would be irrelevant. My opinions on taxation in my own state would also be equally irrelevant.

You mentioned that the USA is a one language country. I can see you have not spent a whole lot of time in the cities of the state I live in. If you do not speak Spanish you lose a ton of clients where I live. I do speak some Spanish in addition to English. Perhaps you should travel a little outside your province and open your eyes to the world around you as opposed to spewing bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Perhaps you should travel a little outside your province and open your eyes to the world around you.

I was born in Europe, spent more than 3years in 3differents continents, and English is only my 4th language, EB.

Take care of your own country, he really needs it, and also becareful of the way you represent it abroad. By systematicaly bashing your neighbour the way you do here, wihtout having a perfect knowledge of the way he works, you give us a bad opinion of your country, and wow USA really dont need it...

Live in the actual world, after all what happened recently, lessons coming from U.S are over... :wave:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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By systematicaly bashing your neighbour the way you do here, wihtout having a perfect knowledge of the way he works, you give us a bad opinion of your country, and wow USA really dont need it...

I have not bashed anyone. This is a thread about Jacques Villeneuve's statements and I have nowhere offered my own thoughts other than to say I don't see any denials of the truth of his statements in this thread. And that is true: that there are no serious denials. That is all that I said. This is a mere observation of comments in this thread, nothing more nor less so I really do not know what you are talking about. The only person who has bashed anyone is you, making ignorant statements about the USA which is the biggest melting pot country in the world, and about its alleged lack of bilingualism which would have you laughed out of the Latino businesses in my area, in which Spanish is spoken as a 1st language. And your comments about the USA, apart from being ignorant and inciteful, are completely off the topic of this thread and subject to being deleted by the Mods.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Better, post after posts you become more modest about your opinion, EB... Good thing... There is no age to progress... ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Better, post after posts you become more modest about your opinion, EB... Good thing... There is no age to progress... ;)

Man7777777777, you never seem to like whatever EB or the Doc posts. So why do you bother reading what we write?? Why do you even bother participating in a thread simply to expose your displeasure with any of our opinions?? Is your life this miserable??

If i'd tell you that i had posters of your heroes Rene Levesque or Charles DeGaulle on my wall, you'd still find something negative to say about it. Why, why, why??? :confused:

Now stop whining & get back on topic. If you feel like posting & criticizing Jacques Villeneuve for his honesty, then go ahead. But stop putting everything EB or I say under a microscope. We're also entitled to our opinions & if you don't like it, there are other threads to follow where you can post your opinions.

Vive le Quebec !!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Jacques Villeneuve is a well known celebrity and sports figure in Quebec and has figured in many lounge discussions. There is no comparison between a public celebrity and women working in the real estate business. Now, do you want to continue playing moderator and see where it ends?



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Why, why, why??? :confused:

Stop whining Doc, I've nothing against you nor EB. I even like your digression in SP's thread..

But everytime you will find an excuse to post a far-right french-hater post or thread, I will be there to remind you that Québec is like USA and every other provinces and countries in the world : a lot of good things, a lot of bad things and the same amount of assholes... Nothing more, nothing less...

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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... nobody has posted to deny that what Jacques V. said is true. ... I don't see anywhere a meaningful denial of the truth of what has been stated by Villenueve. By not denying it, to me, you have all validated what he said.

Don't assume this thread is a cross-section of opinion in Quebec. Different groups can have different views about the same situation.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don't assume this thread is a cross-section of opinion in Quebec. Different groups can have different views about the same situation.

True, but it seems that more than a few Quebec residents have posted and had a chance to be heard on the issue. Like any board question, issue or poll of any group, you wonder whether it is a representative response or not. We had a thread about who the most famous Quebec resident was and there was an absurd and almost fanatical disagreement, and this is because the perception of those within Quebec is skewed as to who is viewed as popular outside Quebec. If you broke it down into inside Quebec, Celine Dion wins, but outside Quebec William Shatner wins hands down. And it's kind of sad because French Canadian kids did not grow up watching Star Trek like we did so they had no real sense or understanding of the longevity of the man's career. And although I did not comprehend these answers which I thought denigrated the most important person ever born in Quebec, I understand that people growing up in Quebec and watching French language TV did not have the same life experience that we did, so they don't understand Shatner's place in the universe and they do not have heroic notions about him that American kids would have had. And to me it is totally bizarre as this is a man who came from humble beginnings in Montreal, and then went to McGill University, the proudest college in Montreal, and made his school and city proud. And Dion is not even from Montreal and spent no time at McGill. I did not understand how the hometown son could not be loved, but you can't have any love for someone when you don't have that same life experience and don't see him the way others outside Quebec see him. It is sad, this lack of appreciation, but it is what it is and there is nothing we can do about it because you cannot force someone else to have the same life experience as you. You can take a horse to the river but if he has been drinking from a hose all his life, he will not drink the river water.
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