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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Good exemple of what I was saying... Old american guys who not just say their opinion but think they say THE TRUTH...

HOw guys who think they are like gods and always say THE TRUTH, could be tolerant and accept people that think, act or speak diferently, like Quebeckers ? Impossible...

Thx god, the young U.S generation I meet is different...

Shit dude, Doc isn't American, he's French. Maybe you should rethink his posts now that you have no reason to hate him based on language. :rolleyes:

Why is it that whenever anyone says anything about Quebec that they don't like, it automatically means they're anti-French? Persecution complex or something? Some of you guys are just hilarious. Criticizing policies and high tax rates makes someone anti-Quebec? Shit! I guess that really gives new meaning to the term Pur Laine, doesn't it? To be a true Quebecer you have to be a sheep and accept whatever the government decides without opening your mouth. Just be a good little follower and STFU because if you don't that means you are anti-French and anti-Quebec.

What a crock of shit. Are some people here really that blind or are they just stupid?

As the saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one".

The problem here in Quebec is that the "opinions" are running the show and the rest of us are paying the price for it. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Doc, EB... There was only one french-hater who didnt used this thread to express his stupid hatred against Québec : Techman...

You come too late Techman, the offtopic discussion is over, but if you know what "french" means you will understand that Doc is not "french". And as I told and repeat you could be frenchspeaker or englishspeaker, born anywhere you want I dont care since you are not spreading far-right propaganda on this board...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I've never made an anti-French or anti-Quebec post in my life, not here or on any other board. Don't you think it's about time that you stopped confusing xenophobes, racists and separatists with the French language or with French Quebecers as a whole? There is not a drop of blood in my body that does not have French DNA in it and there is not a drop that has any English DNA in it. How about you explain what "French" really means in your fantasy world to all of us here who live in the real world? You and others like yourself who are afraid that your 'culture' will vanish or who have so little confidence in it's ability to survive on it's own merits are the main cause of problems in this PROVINCE. If I hated Quebec, I wouldn't still be living here. Quebec deserves better than the snivelling cowards we have as leaders who can do nothing more than sow discontent and fear of English so that they can remain in power.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Techman, Techman, Techman.... You wrote 4708 times the same post lol

And you are way off topic...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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man 77777

I have met both Doc and Techman and they are both of French ancestry. I know Doc speaks very fluent French because he has acted as my translator in the past. Techman I have only heard speak English and it is fluent with no accent. I have no idea how well he speaks French.

Like most Americans I am descended from European immigrants, actually 5 European countries and one Middle Eastern country is where my descendants came from. I am a Mutt, who came into existence because peoples from different countries and cultures had sex. I theoretically could qualify for the World Cup soccer teams of 7 nations including the USA, but if I qualified for all of them based on talent, I would play for the USA.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
man 77777, it seems you still haven't learned to read or perhaps some things are simply beyond your comprehension. Not surprising for those who think the Quebec border signifies the edge of the world and beyond it "There be Monsters!", or, *GASP* English. :rolleyes:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Give up, Beav. People like him have no respect for the point of view of anyone who does not follow the one true belief of Quebec. If you aren't one of the sheep who willingly go to be sheared, your opinion means nothing. If you say anything against French supremacy in Quebec, you are anti-French and anti-Quebec. If people wonder why Quebec is in such a terrible state, they need look no further than people of his ilk.

Oh yeah...good luck in your endeavors to play for a World Cup Football champion. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
You're boring guys... Even at 3 vs 1 in a language I speak so poorly, I really find it boring...

I dont see the point to say Techman speak some french (which is quite obvious as he lives in Québec), as I wrote, no matter where you come from and which language you talk for me. It seems difficult to understand for you. I judge people from what they say and from the way they act.

I just dont like the way you use every subject to tell us that Québec is in the wrong way or "in such a terrible state" or a bunch of "scabs"...

Use your brain and realize that we are all in the same boat, as I said USA nor Canada are in a good economic nor geopolitic situation. There is the same amount of assholes in every countries guys, so stop bashing the nice little province of Québec that nicely receive us with the more GFE SP on earth...


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Well it seems a lota people believe in losers who crap at anything they do.
I won't go into details about the Leafs since it's not the thread for it but lets see some of who Villeneuve spoke clearly his mind in the past against and the ones he claimed they were all stupids, a$$holes, etc...

Bare in mind that poor Newtown won the F1 championship : 1 time.
Jenson Button, Lewis Hamilton, S. Vettel (who btw won 3 times with 50 podiums) and last but not least Michael Shumacher.

Now this one is a funny one.
A legend in his own time with 7 championships, 91 races won, 155 podiums and 68 times on the pole was repeatedly called stupid, ignorant, without any guts, bla bla mister know-it-all Villeneuve.

Poor Jacko raced a total of 9 races since 5 years ago.

I have to give him the ability to get himself (all by himself) out of the F1 circuit.
Now that is a feat. Specially when trying to get back in.

Which points at his obvious next move.

He will be back crawling in Mtrl (the same he did with F1) saying he was sorry later on, like so many losers who crap on Mtrl and Quebec and yet, comes back miserably everytime crawling for more fun out here !

Why ? Becuze they just don't know when to STFU !

Ba-bye 'Newtown' ! :lol:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I was born in Europe, spent more than 3years in 3differents continents, and English is only my 4th language, EB.

Take care of your own country, he really needs it, and also becareful of the way you represent it abroad.

EB is right only to represent himself, NOT the U.S., which he doesn't. You need to ask yourself why you seem willing to accept EBs view as representative of the U.S., which your statement implies. You man77777, do not represent Canada, Quebec, Montreal or anyone but yourself either.

Your view is very narrow about the U.S. which does not have an official language, though English is official only for national government employees. On this issue Quebec law is far more limiting than the U.S..

Where does Jacques Villeneuve stands in the hobby? :wave:

I haven't replied in this thread because Jacques Villeneuve also represents no one but himself. If he had the opposite opinion he'd still be just as irrelevant. There are celebrities I like a lot, but I see no reason to let their opinion influence me if it is different than mine, and I see no reason to take comfort in their opinion if it is the same as mine.

If anyone needs the view of a celebrity to back up their opinion then I would question why they don't have enough faith in themselves to stand up on their own. Why this thread goes on and on because of what one celebrity said just displays the willingness to use an opportunity to have the same old pointless battle.




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Your view is very narrow about the U.S. which does not have an official language.

Never said the contrary, even if you have to know that English is the official language in 28 states/50.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
28, 32... WC seriously ?

I've just read a couple posts and I must say that I burst into laughing hard when Beav brought back the Kirk vs. Dion stuff !
Way to go Beav ! I'm actually starting to have fun out here like Iggy does ! :D

Hey maybe we should re-start the thread and throw Villeneuve into it.
I vote for Kirk now that the new Star Trek movie is coming out !
I'm fed-up with freakin' Dion and Villeneuve can't drive much but his tongue nowadays ! :eyebrows:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
28, 32... nop it's actually 30.

30 Albums in total (outside Quebec) sold for Jacques Villeneuve.
And since he was such 'a great celebrity' among people in Quebec, we were generous to buy about 230 of them.

Not bad hey ?

J'gage qu'on en acheterait plus du maire Labeaume si il se mettait a endisquer la toune de St-Hubert !
Cot cot cot !

Me semble que ca veut dire kekchose non ? :smile:

A part cela, to say that you're going to Andorra and it is not because of money is like Charest saying we didn't need any comission Charbonneau.

It's called Hypocrisy !

Have fun !

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow this thread has gone rocket high since the last time i pass by... Hum the thing is guys, we don't think outside the borders of quebec there is monsters... or whatever as you put it. All we ask is that people respect and understand that quebec is a french place, and should remain the way it is. I don't hate on any language per say, i just prefer other languages remain where they belong. For exemple i have nothing against a chinese store putting some chinese on there signs, but they should labell mainly in french bigger and all to show wich kind of store they are. The kids that are born here and speak only french need to be able to get anywhere they want knowing what it is. Serving should always be done in french first unless a customer greets in another language first. Those are the little things i think are important to keep a french quebec.

I would be very surprise to get in a store in Russian for exemple and not be able to be served in Russian. Therefore i expect EVERY stores and places in quebec to be able to serve me in french. Thats a simple concept really, and i don't see why it would be a problem to anyone...

The only reasons i want to separate personally is to turn the page on the english past that is not glorious. Everything linked to the UK for exemple(Wars, Queen and royal family) and finally get back what is rightfully ours. Im sure Toronto or Vancouver or whaver would be great cities to visit and im not saying quebec should be at war with canada if they , im just saying it deserve its own independance because our believes are just way different. Now for the rest i do have friends who don't share my point of view on anything, so we could still remain "friend" with canada and other countries like that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
It would be a big mistake to separate Québec from the English part of Canada IMO.. English Canada would become an insignificant north part of US and so would totally disapear. And Québec would be too small to exist economically.

The fact Québec is different from the English part of Canada doesnt mean you have to be separated. Difference is a strengh.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Way off topic but Man777 thinks if ( never will ) Quebec seperates from Canada that would be the cause it to become an insignificant part of North America??? Bahahahahahahaha, I needed a good laugh this morning. And he also states that Canada is not in good economic condition, in the world economy today Canada is doing great, I am not for seperation but without Quebec politics it would be doing better ( Notice I did not say " Quebec ", just your politicians ). Villeneuve has the right to say whatever he wants and no one should really care as most of you know the type of person he is ( spoiled brat ). I also hope this thread does not go as long as the Dion & Shatner thread because 99.99999999999 % of the population did not care about that one either and I may have left out a couple of 9's.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
There has long been discussions of the various Canadian provinces leaving Canada and joining the US as 51st State. We have heard the same talk about Puerto Rico for a long time as well. It is almost like thinking about recruiting in college sports, which recruit would you be happy to have and which one does not help your team so much. I would think Ontario would be the most desirable province to add to the team. I think BC is a bit too politically independent minded and US may want them, but I am not sure they want to leave Canada.

What the US needs is natural resources and energy and that is what it would gain from such a partnership. What Canada needs is personnel , technology and infrastructure to work up and develop the resources and energy into products for the global economy, which is what the USA offers.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The first province to quit Canada would be B.C.The us gorvernement will be very HAPPY to have a direct access by land to Alaska.

First I heard of BC ever wanting to leave Canada. You have inside onfo?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It would be a big mistake to separate Québec from the English part of Canada IMO.. English Canada would become an insignificant north part of US and so would totally disapear.

I don't get it. How did you arrive to that conclusion?? Sorry to say it, but it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's pure speculation on your part, and i have no idea how you come up with your theories. Would you be related to Michele Bachmann, by chance? :confused:

And Québec would be too small to exist economically.

This time, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU that Quebec wouldn't be able to exist economically. However, even though i agree Quebec would barely be able to exist economically, it has nothing to do with its size. There are countries in the world (and States) that are the size of Quebec & smaller which do quite fine economically. The problem with Quebec's economy isn't because of the province's size. It's in ruins because of gross mismanagement by some of its former governments (mostly the PQ, but others may share a part of the blame) & because of very bad policies. It is my point-of-view that Quebec's economic problems started to take a turn for the worse the moment Rene Levesque's PQ government got elected back in 1976. Unfortunately, Quebec never recovered from this tragedy.

Back to Jacques Villeneuve......he'll be in Montreal next week for the GP. I hope he'll be welcomed back as a hero. However, i suspect the separatists & other Quebecers living in a bubble will go out of their way to make him feel unwelcome in his own province/country.

I'm not sure Montreal would still have a GP were it not for Jacques & his late father, Gilles. I for one would have zero interest in F1 racing were it not for those two. I doubt we'll ever see a greater Canadian racer as any of those two world calibre driving legends. Two legends who weren't afraid to speak out & voice their personal opinions, even though they weren't always popular.
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