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Climate change


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
BRUTAL HEAT/ INONDATIONS DÉVASTARTRICES/WILDFIRES....all over the this the world we want to live in ???? celui que nous voulons laisser aux générations futures?????


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yet governments are obsessed with increasing the population... All they care about is making money. More humans = More pollution = More damage to the planet. It is high time governments started to keep the human population from growing too much.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Yet governments are obsessed with increasing the population... All they care about is making money. More humans = More pollution = More damage to the planet. It is high time governments started to keep the human population from growing too much.

I don't know if governments are obsessed with increasing the population but advancement in medecine since the beginning of 20th Century did.
Look at life expectancy and child death at early age.
Before the 20th century it was from 16 to 25 %, now in northern countries it is around 0.5 %.
In the Cree Nation before Hydro-Quebec developpments in the 1970, it was about 25% I have heard.
Life expectancy in Canada in year 1900 was 50 years now it's 82.96 years.
Canada First Nations population was about 125,000 in 1867. In 2023, it is 1 050 000, 624 220 metis and 70 540 Inuits.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 si on fait référence à l'afflux d'immigration/transfert de population d'un pays à l'autre je n"y vois absolument AUCUNE relation avec la chaleur extrême en ASIE/EUROPE/AMÉ les inondations partout dans le même que les feux de forêt
intenses sur la Côte Nord et l'Abitibi ici même chez les gouvernements d'ici comme ailleurs comprennent qu'un accroissement de la population est vital au bon fonctionnement de nos économies pour maintenant et le futur.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
113 si on fait référence à l'afflux d'immigration/transfert de population d'un pays à l'autre je n"y vois absolument AUCUNE relation avec la chaleur extrême en ASIE/EUROPE/AMÉ les inondations partout dans le même que les feux de forêt
intenses sur la Côte Nord et l'Abitibi ici même chez les gouvernements d'ici comme ailleurs comprennent qu'un accroissement de la population est vital au bon fonctionnement de nos économies pour maintenant et le futur.

I'm not sure the planet has the ressources to feed and provide water to the current population.
And the current population create way too much pollution of all kinds.
Tourism of all kinds need production of planes, cruise boats, their production and operation creates air pollution.
Until the middle of 19th Century, travel didn't produce much pollution.
I think Earth population should have topped at 6 billions humans at most.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Sun is really ramping up into 2023 spiking activity!
"Climate change" is now back to "global warming"!!

Solar Cycle Progression - Space Weather Prediction CenterNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

CNN on it too:

Global heat in 'uncharted territory' as scientists warn 2023 ...CNN.com › 2023/07/08 › world › extreme-gl...

"This is what global warming looks like​

While scientists say the records are alarming, most are unsurprised – though frustrated their warnings have been mostly ignored for decades."

We have been warned.
The sun must have something to do with it and we can't do anything about the sun.

Barak Obama - IF everybody [in Africa] has got a car, air conditioning and a big house...

Check this out hehe:
Bad Canadians.

Canadians are among the world's worst carbon emitters. ...CBC
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022

Why Billionaires are Obsessed With Blocking Out the SunTime Magazine

The Actual experiment is summarized here.


A Bill Gates Venture

"A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested the SCoPEx procedure could lower global temperatures by a full 1.5° C for no more than $1-10 billion a year."

A vaccination for the atmosphere to cure "Global Warming"!!!!
Sounds perfect for the United Nations.

Maintaining a clear intention to keep 1.5°C within reachUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Ahh reminds me of Bill Gates and UN vax program.
Just a blast from the past.
But the approach is eerily similar to the climate program.

Bill Gates on a COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccinate the atmosphere
Twilight zone.

A quote from news linked in post #1 of this thread
Maybe it is more straightforward to simply pay up.

"Prime Minister Trudeau said the federal carbon tax, a key pillar in his government’s climate policy, will help protect Canadians from extreme weather. "
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I don't know if governments are obsessed with increasing the population but advancement in medecine since the beginning of 20th Century did.
Look at life expectancy and child death at early age.
Before the 20th century it was from 16 to 25 %, now in northern countries it is around 0.5 %.
In the Cree Nation before Hydro-Quebec developpments in the 1970, it was about 25% I have heard.
Life expectancy in Canada in year 1900 was 50 years now it's 82.96 years.
Canada First Nations population was about 125,000 in 1867. In 2023, it is 1 050 000, 624 220 metis and 70 540 Inuits.
The often see articles from the UN about how concerned they are about population decline. China has now lifted the one child per family rule, you would think in a country with 1.5 billion people the population decline would be the best thing for the country. Canada offers child care benefit to have kids, many other countries are offering money to young women to have kids. And at the same time they are concerned about the planet and carbon footprint? The two does not mix. The more humans there are, the more pollution there is. Humans are destroying natural habitat to construct more condos. Nature and vegetation removes carbon dioxide from the air and releases oxygen. Natural habitat also acts as a temperature moderator hence another reason for rising temperatures. Razes forests also greatly increases the risk for forest fires. True life expectancy has increased. But this population growth is not sustainable.

In 1804 there was only 1 billion people on the planet, it took one hundred years to reach 1.6 billion. But then by 1951, so in half the time it takes the planet to reach 2.5 billion people. By 1970 we reach 3.6 billion, by 2000 we reach 6.1 billion, now we are at 8.5 billion.

That is very alarming. Everything in nature goes from unbalanced to an equilibrium. Currently there are too many humans. The one thing that represents the biggest threat to the planet and the one causing the most climate change are too many humans. It is simple math.. But governments are too greedy, to them making money is more important. And all of this climate change propaganda is a charade to make money just like Trudeau's carbon tax is. The whole system with regards to how pension is funded needs to change because the future looks bleak.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Yet both of these states are #1 and #2 by a wide margin in population growth in the USA.
So with that said it’s obvious that most Americans don’t care about the made up woke issues like intolerance, climate change or whatever it is that day.
What they care of is having a strong economy with great job opportunities and affordable cost of living, you know things that actually matters in life.

I hope they like paying insurance premiums, because those are going up, up, companies have seen the writing on the wall, and they're GTFO of Florida or demanding higher premiums.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Vu tard hier soir sur TV5/FRANCE un reportage complet /détaillé sur les conséquence ACTUELLES du réchauffement climatique à travers la planèça donne des la chaleur extrême accablante aux feux de forêt dévastateurs dans le monde...
..avec en finale les feux qui brûlent ici même au Canada....un tableau apocalyptique qui fait vraiment peur pour le présent et les années à venir......nous sommes là ou prédisaient les scientistes il y 30 même plus enfoncés dans les catastrophes ....
oui au moins la conscience collective en prend de plus en plus conscience....mais comme mentionné hier ce constat brutal MAIS réaliste....N'EST-IL PAS DÉJÀ TROP TARD?????..ISN'T IT ALREADY TOOOO LATE??????


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 évidemment on spécifiait bien hier dans ce reportage que notre mode/qualité de vie ne serait plus jamais la même..... et ont mentionné déjà des impacts importants sur les destinations touristiques/tourisme à travers la planète.....ce n'est qu'un exemple
d'une situation qui ne va que s'aggraver encore avec le oui modifier en profondeur notre quotidien.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
SMOG/MONTRÉAL ...again non en provenance du Nord du Québec MAIS de la Colombie
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
LCN...un scientiste vient de dire qu'on avait encore rienès rappelez vous que bcp qualifiait d'illuminés ces scientistes qui dans les années 90 prédisaient ce qui arrive maintenant......attachons nos ceintures.,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
when I first heard the term 'eco-anxiety' i thought: ''gimme a break!''

But now, I am severely afflicted by this condition. Last night I actually could not sleep because of climate change. I worry for my kids and all those who are more vulnerable to this situation.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oui effectivement il y a une prise de conscience collective face à l'amoncellement de toutes ces catastrophes qui affligent notre planè c'est tant mieux.....malheureux mais nécessaire afin que le réchauffement climatique devienne la priorité #1
de tous les LA NÔTRE également......oui ça fait fré suis également hanté par tout ce qui se produit actuellement et vit tristement cet amoncellement de tristes nouvelles......MAIS c'est notre nouvelle réalité et on ne pourra pas y échapper....
...à chacun ses responsabilités maintenant.
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