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2014 Official NFL Thread


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Actually, in my post #47, I wrote "He used to be much better than average..."

I don't understand what has happened to him last season and perhaps this one.

Last year the OL allowed pressure up the middle on a consistent basis and this pressure exposes Eli's greatest weakness as a QB. Eli is very crafty in eluding outside pressure but the pressure straight up the gut he has trouble with. A few years ago I heard DE John Abraham say that Eli was extremely hard to sack and it had to do with how he positions himself in relation to his blockers. When the OL is allowing a jailbreak up the middle this is not easy to do.

Last year Will Beatty graded out as the worst OT in the NFL (hate to say this because he is a UConn grad) and last night he seemed to pick up where he left off. When an OL is sucking a good QB can be made to look bad. In addition to this new offense which clearly all the guys are not on the same page.

However the real problem last night was the secondary sucked gorilla dick. There was no communication at all and they repeatedly left Megatron wide open which how can that happen? You lose track of the other teams best player? There is a lot to fix but Coughlin is a tough old bastard who never saw a problem on a football team he could not fix.


Dec 15, 2013
What not many people have talked about is that 1. Eli appears to be blind as a bat and 2. power is gone. no Lazer like passes no down field bombs 3. Pocket is so bad he might be layed out this season


Dec 15, 2013
How did he win 2 Super Bowl ? few years ago I can go 7 times a night .... (no asshole not to pee) now 3-4... father time is cruel bastard


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...the video had been available, but for whatever reason the NFL never asked to see it. If true, this is gross incompetence on the part of Goodell and his cronies, and makes you wonder what the hell Peter King & Chris Mortensen were talking about earlier on.

Chris Rock tweeted...He was banned only because a video surfaced of him punching his fiancee.

You have to wonder what exactly is going on inside Roger Goodell's mind.

Goodell's brain seems to be running one basic thought over and over...PROTECT THE BRAND! Roger Goodell, who I had thought was making some good choices about the game, seems to have become a pure promotionalist without scruples.

Pending? The investigation is over & the prosecutors chose to send him to counselling instead of charging him. That's why the prosecutors and the NFL are both being lambasted in the media since yesterday for basically handing Rice a slap on the hand.

According to some legal advisers on CNN there is a process in the state where all possible charges are dropped once Rice entered into this counseling program, and the understanding was no charges are now possible.

While the NFL is ramping up its efforts, the press is pursuing it like a rabid dog. Chastising its efforts doesn't seem productive, while encouraging it should lead to positive affect.

I'm not sure of the time frame, I believe they were referring to Goodell's tenure, but according to the CNN advisers reading from an official record of similar offenses in the NFL there have been something like over 700 cases of various degrees of different offenses. I forget the exact official term used to state the status of each of those cases but essentially most have been put on ice. If the NFL is "ramping" up it's efforts the question is whether they are actually addressing the offenses in a manner that deals with the problem or slanting them to suit league priorities. Maybe since the Aaron Hernandez case the NFL may have realized more has to be done to deal with cases in a more genuine manner, yet with cases pending against Greg Hardy, Carolina Panthers defensive end for threatening a woman that all his "assault rifles were loaded", and Ray McDonald, San Francisco 49ers defensive tackle being arrested on domestic violence charges, Goodell still chose to do next to nothing to hold Rice accountable when he could at least see Rice treating his fiance' like a sack of meat outside the elevator. You say that's dealing with offenses? No wonder everyone is up in arms.

So which way are these "efforts" being made? Players with charges against them are still playing. Is that what the NFL and Goodell call dealing with possible crimes? It's a disgrace.

In a criminal case, if the main/only witness is not cooperating, the prosecution is fucked.

Rice's wife has declared she will show the world "what love is". Apparently covering your husband's ass after he has punched you out cold is part of that. If that is how Ray Rice handles his fiance' when everything was good and the money WAS rolling in, how will he handle disagreements now that he seems to have lost everything. The profile of guys like him who would use that kind of violence in a domestic dispute is they don't stop. She had better not be as blind as she seems or she's going pay a hard price.

...Coughlin is a tough old bastard who never saw a problem on a football team he could not fix.

This one of your favorite Yankee/Girardi retread lines with a different name attached. The coach is "a tough old bastard", he'll fix things. How did that work out. :D




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It is sounding to me like the NFL legal department royally fucked up.

They released a statement saying they asked New Jersey State Police for any and all video. Problem is NJSP did not have jurisdiction. They only have jurisdiction over LE on the casino floor. Atlantic City police have jurisdiction over everywhere else. They never asked the proper police department for the video. This is a royal fuck up because you have to know which branch of LE is investigating the crime and if you don't you are asleep at the switch.

This entire episode is making Roger Goodell look like a bonehead. I never thought he was too swift and he has not done much to show otherwise. He is basically an owner' tool.


Dec 15, 2013
Everyone calm down I am not for "domestic viol" or hitting a women but they were both intoxicated and gambling, maybe high. Man is built like a elephant and didn't know his own strength but you just "killed" him.

he deserve a 8 game susp. but terminated. Jobless..

NFL should of just killed him.

Wife got to eat (when he hit her they were engaged, now married ) ,, he's got to eat. Hopefully no kids... mortgage. 1 Night of drinking...

HE HAS no record NO priors so YES NJ gives you a 2nd chance.. goto meetings. no jail time.

I think 2 games not enough ejection not enough, NFL should publicly behead him. (might as well) (and his wife just bought an aston martin with 6 wheels)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Impressive rookies to watch. Mike Evans starting across from Vincent Jackson in a much improved TB team. Giants undrafted WR Corey Washington, he is 6'5" and scored 4 game winning TD in the preseason. WR Brandon Cooks, word out of the NO camp is that he is the real deal. 49ers RB Carlos Hyde, kid played well in the preseason and plays behind an aging Frank Gore. Philly WR Jordan Matthews is playing in Chip Kellys high octane offense and could take the #2 spot in place of Riley Cooper if he has a few good games.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Everyone calm down I am not for "domestic viol" or hitting a women

I was going to write something yesterday along the same lines but never included the drunk/high part. " I think " it was a one time incident and he did not expect to connect like that, people have breaking points and snap. Who knows what led up to the elevator incident. Before my divorce my ex pushed me to my limits a few times ( and she knew it ) and no this is not an excuse for him. The suspension is too harsh and just PR for the NFL.
Just to clarify, I am strictly against domestic violence and have never struck a woman, I even assisted a friend of mine to well talk to someone who abused his sister. I do not want to hear Blah Blah Blah you are for domestic violence.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Everyone calm down I am not for "domestic viol" or hitting a women but they were both intoxicated and gambling, maybe high. Man is built like a elephant and didn't know his own strength...1 Night of drinking...

HE HAS no record NO priors so YES NJ gives you a 2nd chance.. goto meetings. no jail time.

Ummmmmmm yes. Don't all drunk men knock out women accidentally or maybe just for some exercise??? At casinos it must be just a matter of course. When a man cold cocks a woman go with the golden oldies: I was drunk...she was being annoying...I lost my cool for a second...she had to know her place...oh she just slipped and hit her head, does it all the time...I spit on her twice and she didn't get the message...I'm innocent and it's her fault.

It's so simple and logical I'm surprised something like the issue of "domestic abuse" exists. :rolleyes: OMG!

Wife got to eat (when he hit her they were engaged, now married ) ,, he's got to eat. Hopefully no kids... mortgage...(and his wife just bought an aston martin with 6 wheels)

He's gone for a year, minimum. He may be able to get back in, but who knows. If he never sees the NFL again he was getting $3.5 million a year and he's currently worth $14 million, so you are crying for a violent rich boy asshole who was stupid enough to kill his own huge golden goose right after being rewarded with a 5-year $40 million contract front loaded with $17 million the first year, $15 million of that an immediate signing bonus. He's already earned $38 million and only loses $10 million and large possible bonuses. Are you worth $14 million? Driving an Aston Martin? He doesn't have a job right now and his name is trashed but he sure won't be stuck in a ghetto eating surplus macaroni and cheese. Are you really going to cry fora millionaire too stupid not to lose everything with one punch??? He can live like a king if he's not a psychotic moron who might piss everything away...OH WAIT! :crazy:

Ray Rice's first comment sicne the suspension:

"I have to be strong for my wife," Rice said, according to Anderson. "She is so strong. We are in good spirits. We have a lot of people praying for us and we'll continue to support each other. I have to be there for (Janay) and my family right now and work through this."

I remember one commentator on CNN pointing out how after he knocked her out he didn't get down and try to see how she was, and neither did this guy "built like an Elephant" pick her up and get help.

As for what changed between the February incident, the release of the first tape, Goodell's meeting with Rice, Palmer and the Ravens, and the handing down of a two-game suspension ... well, Goodell couldn't exactly say why the league needed to see the tape to change the suspension to the indefinite status.

"No, we certainly didn’t," he said. "I would tell you that what we saw in the first videotape was troubling in and of itself. What I saw [Monday] was extremely clear, extremely graphic and it was sickening. And that’s why we took the action that we took [Monday]."

It's still amazing that dragging an unconscious woman from an elevator got only 2 games off not matter how much the fiance wanted to cover his ass.

As for Rice playing again, Goodell said, "I don’t rule that out," Goodell said. "But he would have to make sure that we are fully confident that he is addressing this issue. Clearly, he has paid a price for the actions that he has taken." That's if Goodell is around by that time. Right now he's using every avenue of excuses to back up his claim he never had the chance to see the video from inside the elevator. The owners may decide to cover their own butts by getting rid of Goodell.

This is a royal fuck up because you have to know which branch of LE is investigating the crime and if you don't you are asleep at the switch.

This entire episode is making Roger Goodell look like a bonehead. He is basically an owner' tool.

One would think that an NFL commissioner having to deal with a wife beating by a player his organization employs would have easily tracked down the LE in charge of the video. For $44 million per year one would think he would have found out.

what a mess,

May 28, 2012
Ray Rice and the Liberals

Regarding Ray Rice, shouldn't we be applauding that the NFL is finally starting to pay attention to their player's as role models for our society. For too long this facet of the game has been ignored in the quest of performance and statistics. The NFL, unlike other areas of football, exists solely for the observer. Thus it has a responsibility to convey the correct message for our culture. While the NFL is ramping up its efforts, the press is pursuing it like a rabid dog. Chastising its efforts doesn't seem productive, while encouraging it should lead to positive affect.

As usual Rush has got it right, the Liberals are attacking everyone's favorite sport and are going to whusify it that same way that most liberals are. The pursuit of Goodell by the New York Times and TMZ is hilarious to me as I see the sport becoming one for Girlymen. You can't touch a player here, you can't touch them there. When I played ball we fucking hit people. We were physical, we played both ways (and special teams), there were no pussies allowed. So enjoy the waning days of a great sport as idiots continue to pick at it as if someone really cares when Goodell received the tape, when did he do this or that. Should the Redskins change their name to the Washington Queens (pun intended).... No One Cares, let's play f__king ball!!!!

Here's a link to Rush's article:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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ESPN Poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should Roger Goodell resign or be fired in the wake of the Ray Rice situation?



Discuss (Total votes: 47,980)


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My picks for this week-

Baltimore -2.5 over Pittsburgh.
Buffalo +1 over Miami(let down week after the great victory over the evil empire).
Jacksonville +6 over Washington.

My sureshot pick of the week is Minnesota +3 over New England, in previous years this would have been a gimme but not anymore, New England is a shell of it's former self as witnessed last week, you can take this pick all the way to the bank, easy, easy money.:thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Mr.T, you did well last week my friend, keep em coming, I want my winnings to take care of my date with our favorite "Star" tomorrow afternoon :D


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

As usual Rush has got it right, the Liberals are attacking everyone's favorite sport and are going to whusify it that same way that most liberals are. The pursuit of Goodell by the New York Times and TMZ is hilarious to me as I see the sport becoming one for Girlymen. if someone really cares when Goodell received the tape, when did he do this or that. Should the Redskins change their name to the Washington Queens (pun intended).... No One Cares, let's play f__king ball!!!!

So you are positioning yourself as someone who thinks it's manly to beat on women since this is the issue at hand everyone is complaining about, and it's what's motivating this latest round of insanity by your drug addict nutcase pal. Leave it to you and him to completely dismiss a brutal shot on a woman, "no one cares", and turn it into an anti-girlyman campaign. Your position wreaks of misogyny.

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -- A law enforcement official says he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancée to an NFL executive five months ago, while league executives have insisted they didn't see the violent images until this week. The official played The Associated Press a 12-second voicemail from an NFL office number on April 9 confirming the video arrived. A female voice expresses thanks and says: "You're right. It's terrible."

The law enforcement official, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation, says he had no further communication with any NFL employee and can't confirm anyone watched the video. He said he was unauthorized to release the video but shared it unsolicited because he wanted the NFL to have it before deciding on Rice's punishment.

The NFL has repeatedly said it asked for but could not obtain the video of Rice hitting Janay Palmer -- who is now his wife -- at an Atlantic City casino in February.

I heard on the way in it had been 3 months since Goodell and the NFL got the video, now they say it's 5 months. This makes Goodell a laughing stock. I think this tears it for Goodell. If Ray Rice deserves a suspension for what he did then Goodell deserves to be kicked out for covering up his knowledge of the it appears at this point. However, I just heard Patriots owner Robert Kraft is supporting Goodell because of his overall management and promotion of the NFL brand and it's every increasing profitability on the balance, despite his handling of the Rice incident. I know Kraft isn't excusing how Goodell handled this issue, but it's disappointing that he's chooses to back him to stay.



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Oh my goodness, it now comes out the NFL has had the Ray Rice video released to TMZ since Apri, but never watched it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe this. Goodell has to look like the biggest knucklehead on Earth right now.

That's what i tried to tell you the other day.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Well, my picks sucked donkey balls last weekend. So i'm giving it another try:

Pittsburgh (+3) over Baltimore. To much controversy surrounding the team right now.

Minnesota (+3) over N.E. 'Gisele' is starting to show her age.

New Orleans (-6) over Cleveland. I still think the Browns are a bad team.

Cincinnati (-5.5) over Atlanta. I think the Bengals will have a great season & Atlanta isn't the team it was 2 years ago.

Jacksonville (+6) over Washington. Jacksonville will surprise a lot of people this season & the Skins will suck as long as Daniel Snider owns the team.

(+2) over the Giants. Arizona played well in their first game and the Giants are just plain brutal.

Carolina (-2.5) over Detroit. I expect a close game.

Seattle (-6) over San Diego. It won't even be close.

Tampa Bay (-4.5) over the Rams. TB will dominate a team without a starting QB.

Green Bay (-8.5) over the Jets. GB will walk all over the powerless Jets.

Oakland (+3) over Houston. Just a gut feeling.

Denver (-13) over KC. The Chiefs won't know what hit 'em.

SF (-7) over Chicago. No way the Bears, with one of the three dumbest QB's in the game, win this one.

Indy (-3) over Philly. Andrew Luck's passing game will crush the Eagles.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You said the NFL never asked to see the video- they did ask for it, and actually the NFL has had possession of the video since April. This was just reported yesterday.
True. Casino officials claimed that the NFL never even asked them for the video. I also heard that they did ask authorities for it, but it was the wrong authorities they asked. However, King and Mortensen had reported in July that NFL officials had seen a video from the inside of the elevator. Not sure where the actual truth lies, but i'd be shocking they'd make any ruling without even seeing video from inside the elevator. I think Goodell is lying.
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