Everyone calm down I am not for "domestic viol" or hitting a women but they were both intoxicated and gambling, maybe high. Man is built like a elephant and didn't know his own strength...1 Night of drinking...
HE HAS no record NO priors so YES NJ gives you a 2nd chance.. goto meetings. no jail time.
Ummmmmmm yes. Don't all drunk men knock out women accidentally or maybe just for some exercise??? At casinos it must be just a matter of course. When a man cold cocks a woman go with the golden oldies: I was drunk...she was being annoying...I lost my cool for a second...she had to know her place...oh she just slipped and hit her head, does it all the time...I spit on her twice and she didn't get the message...I'm innocent and it's her fault.
It's so simple and logical I'm surprised something like the issue of "domestic abuse" exists.

Wife got to eat (when he hit her they were engaged, now married ) ,, he's got to eat. Hopefully no kids... mortgage...(and his wife just bought an aston martin with 6 wheels)
He's gone for a year, minimum. He may be able to get back in, but who knows. If he never sees the NFL again he was getting $3.5 million a year and he's currently worth $14 million, so you are crying for a violent rich boy asshole who was stupid enough to kill his own huge golden goose right after being rewarded with a 5-year $40 million contract front loaded with $17 million the first year, $15 million of that an immediate signing bonus. He's already earned $38 million and only loses $10 million and large possible bonuses. Are you worth $14 million? Driving an Aston Martin? He doesn't have a job right now and his name is trashed but he sure won't be stuck in a ghetto eating surplus macaroni and cheese. Are you really going to cry fora millionaire too stupid not to lose everything with one punch??? He can live like a king if he's not a psychotic moron who might piss everything away...OH WAIT! :crazy:
Ray Rice's first comment sicne the suspension:
"I have to be strong for my wife," Rice said, according to Anderson. "She is so strong. We are in good spirits. We have a lot of people praying for us and we'll continue to support each other. I have to be there for (Janay) and my family right now and work through this."
I remember one commentator on CNN pointing out how after he knocked her out he didn't get down and try to see how she was, and neither did this guy "built like an Elephant" pick her up and get help.
As for what changed between the February incident, the release of the first tape, Goodell's meeting with Rice, Palmer and the Ravens, and the handing down of a two-game suspension ... well, Goodell couldn't exactly say why the league needed to see the tape to change the suspension to the indefinite status.
"No, we certainly didn’t," he said. "I would tell you that what we saw in the first videotape was troubling in and of itself. What I saw [Monday] was extremely clear, extremely graphic and it was sickening. And that’s why we took the action that we took [Monday]."
It's still amazing that dragging an unconscious woman from an elevator got only 2 games off not matter how much the fiance wanted to cover his ass.
As for Rice playing again, Goodell said,
"I don’t rule that out," Goodell said. "But he would have to make sure that we are fully confident that he is addressing this issue. Clearly, he has paid a price for the actions that he has taken." That's if Goodell is around by that time. Right now he's using every avenue of excuses to back up his claim he never had the chance to see the video from inside the elevator. The owners may decide to cover their own butts by getting rid of Goodell.
This is a royal fuck up because you have to know which branch of LE is investigating the crime and if you don't you are asleep at the switch.
This entire episode is making Roger Goodell look like a bonehead. He is basically an owner' tool.
One would think that an NFL commissioner having to deal with a wife beating by a player his organization employs would have easily tracked down the LE in charge of the video. For $44 million per year one would think he would have found out.
what a mess,