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2014 Official NFL Thread

May 28, 2012


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Eli Manning Not Concerned By Giants' Poor Play In Opener

I'm not concerned," said Manning, who threw two interceptions that Detroit converted into 10 points. "From that first game is where you'll learn the most. Looking at a full game and a lot of plays we'll go back and dissect and it'll be great for me to learn where I need to improve, where I need to get better."


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

The only thing Mr Limbaugh has right is that he can count on a coterie of non-thinkers to lap up everything he spews as long as he dresses it up as a tirade against liberalism, feminism or some other ism.

Oxi-Rush must be more desperate than usual for propaganda if he needs to tap into a beating on a woman for attention to promote his warped mindless political garbage. No doubt having seen the knockout punch there's a sickness in Rush to react to this with a disturbing exploitation of the attack on the fiance' by blaming "Liberals" for how the NFL is run. Then seeing Vercingentorix run to lap up the desperate drooling ramblings of any nutty politico blowhard comes off as quite TWISTED. Some people don't seem to have human feelings when they only care about their very narrow self-interests and exploiting the pain of others.

I'm not concerned," said Manning, who threw two interceptions that Detroit converted into 10 points. "From that first game is where you'll learn the most. Looking at a full game and a lot of plays we'll go back and dissect and it'll be great for me to learn where I need to improve, where I need to get better."

So a quarterback who is in his 11th year in the NFL and has been to 2 Super Bowls needs to "learn where I need to get better", never mind that some of his moves were just plain stupid? Everyone should always be open and eager to keep learning, but by now after many years and all the obvious experience he should know where his weaknesses are. The statement doesn't make a lot of sense unless it really means continuing to deal with old bad habits or compensating for deteriorating skills. Eli had a few years where he measured up to active contemporaries, but he was never great and he'll never gone down in any realistic conversation as one of those contending in the ranks as one of the best ever. His overall career QBR is 15 to 20 points below that of Brady and brother Peyton, and despite getting it together for a few years he was the beneficiary of what was one of the better offensively-defensively balanced teams (with great defense) at the time.

In other news, Brady's problems in the last game seem to come from 3 basic issues. 1) The offensive line was being run by committee testing out during the game who is best suited for certain roles at certain times of the game now that Mankins is consistency. 2) Defensive collapse. I don't know precisely why but going from having a good edge to being run over for 23 unanswered points shows a total failure to adjust in the 2nd half. 3) Questions about a possible Brady leg injury a few days before the game. WEEI noted at the time that for the first time ever Brady did not practice on the Thursday before the game and was limited that Friday. A poor offensive line situation, poor defense, and some degree of mobility issues.

With all of that I can understand when people are taking the points this week, although Joe.t would take his current finger painting class with old ladies over the Patriots even if this was the 2004 Championship team.


May 28, 2012


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

My picks for this week-

Baltimore -2.5 over Pittsburgh.
Buffalo +1 over Miami(let down week after the great victory over the evil empire).
Jacksonville +6 over Washington.

My sureshot pick of the week is Minnesota +3 over New England, in previous years this would have been a gimme but not anymore, New England is a shell of it's former self as witnessed last week, you can take this pick all the way to the bank, easy, easy money.:thumb:

Hey Joe. Embarrassed yourself again huh. It's time for Iggy to come in and cover your butt with the 100% expected lie about some secret picks kiss for you.

No excuses about Adrian Peterson either. Any NFL player who can't control himself against a kid, who turns child beater, should be suspended significantly.

Vikings running back Adrian Peterson faces two years in prison if found guilty of child abuse.

On WEEI yesterday morning they reported that the injuries looked so bad after Peterson beat his kid with a stick that he sent a message to his wife telling her what to expect so the damage wouldn't shock her as much. The wife took the child two the hospital where not one but two physicians quickly agreed to the injuries were beyond a parent disciplining a child and contacted law enforcement. The Vikings quickly deactivated him.

Goodell recently imposed a mandatory 6-week suspension for a first offense of domestic abuse. In the current atmosphere where Goodell screwed up mightily on Ray Rice it would be a miracle if Peterson plays for some time. Surely everyone will be watching carefully on this one and Goodell needs to save his own ass as much as deciding punishment for any reason.

Then again, maybe Rush limp brain and vercingetorix think beating a kid is a manly art. :rolleyes:

Cheers boy,

May 28, 2012
I haven't seen the Bills-Dolphins game yet (will see it tonight), but it seems it was quite worse than I would have imagined. The Bills beat them soundly without much to redeem the fins. The thing I'm going to be looking at is how realistically effective Tannehill was. From the description it sounds like giving Matt Moore a more prominent role is called for. More later after film review.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Fins couldn't do anything against the Bills' defence. Many experts had mentionned during the pre-season that the Bills potentially had a great defence which would surprise many, but i refused to believe it with linebacker Kicko Alonzo out for the year. However, so far so good! :thumb:

Big game by C.J. Spiller today. QB E.J. Emmanuel also had a strong game. But once again, too many missed opportunities in the red zone & their kicker Carpenter (a former Dolphin) had a very good game.


No disrespect to any of the football experts but I think I am going to pick the opposite of what some people say. I know it is early in the season and there has been a lot of upsets.
May 28, 2012
This is just so terrible that we're finding out about all these poor children that have been beaten by these NFL Players. It's not right and we should ban them from football forever:

But at least there's some help on the horizon for our tracking down of these vicious criminals. Yes, the NFL has appointed a VICE-PRESIDENT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (Shades of the book 1984?) to keep all of these players in line:

No more will players, management, teams and the NFL have to worry about how they look or weather they're doing right. They won't have to worry about apologizing when they mistakenly cuss at the opposing side or forget to say good game to the loser. No, I'm sure Anna Isaacson will be right there holding the player's hands through these difficult times.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

No more will players, management, teams and the NFL have to worry about how they look or weather they're doing right.

How's the "weather" in the land of YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT WOMEN AND CHILD BEATERS.? What's the matter? Is this interfering with your fantasy football team? Sorry about that. Blame the women and kids bud.

You're not the only one kissing ass for these brutal players. Chris Carter reversed himself on Peterson after saying there was no place for child abusers on an NFL field now that Peterson has had a miraculous counseling conversion after one session. The boys on ESPN are making every excuse in the book based on the rights of the offenders while ignoring the rights as well as the pain and suffering of women and kids. Players like Peterson go around making babies with as many women as they can then go around like good absentee fathers treating their kids like property they can beat on and it's okay with you because...well...your betting point spread is what counts, not lives. Peterson and even his attorney can admit to beating a 4 year-old, crimes proven by physicians, but don't punish him because you spent all of that money for the very best 55" tv to watch child or wife beaters run routes and score TDs.

After an exhaustive two-day investigation into serious charges against their best player -- charges that ballooned into two separate cases Monday night -- the Minnesota Vikings decided there was absolutely nothing they could do. They ignored Adrian Peterson's own admissions and announced they would allow due process to take its course before ruling on his status. Because the legal timetable will extend well into next year, it's quite possible the Vikings will never have to address the issue at all.

So let's call this what it is: A blatant and obvious play to wring one more year out of an aging superstar before bidding him farewell under the guise of salary cap management and the occasion of his 30th birthday.

Naturally, Vikings general manager Rick Spielman denied that suggestion Monday during a tense exchange with reporters.

"It has nothing to do with that," he said. "It has to do with the information that we have."

Let's look at that information and compare it to the recent history of the organization.

Peterson was charged Friday with reckless or negligent injury to a child after an incident in the spring involving his 4-year-old son in Texas. In separate statements, Peterson and his attorney have acknowledged he committed the acts that led to the injuries, which have been documented by photographs.

The statements disputed only the intent of the discipline, and Peterson said: "I am not a perfect parent, but I am not a child abuser. I am someone that disciplined his child and did not intend to cause him injury."

From a legal sense, Peterson absolutely has a right to due process. But in this case, it will not determine whether Peterson struck his son or caused injuries. The only question is whether he intended to injure. Let's put aside that legal debate for a moment and reiterate what we already know: Intentional or otherwise, Peterson injured his son. The resulting photographs, even Spielman admitted, were "disturbing."

So this is the superior manhood you and Rush believe in CS? Incroyable! La vie sans scrupules.




Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Vercingentorix and his hero, Limbaugh, are, for once, not 100% wrong.

Firstly, there are many other NFL players who have violently abused others off the field. They should all or none suffer the loss of their livelihoods.

Rice was suspended after the video of his attack became widely available. I believe that his offence was not as disgusting as Peterson's. His fiance is an adult who could have left him before or after his most recent attack, unlike Peterson's children. I'd bet anything that Peterson wouldn't be playing if a video of his cowardly attack on his tiny sons was available.

Secondly, as obvious as Rice's offence was, he has not been convicted. In principle, nobody should be punished without due process.

I believe that money rather than morals will decide which of the NFL players are punished for their violent behavior. The Minnesota Vikings have already (at least temporarily) lost some sponsors as a result of allowing Peterson to play.
May 28, 2012
Guys the point is mute. Senator Gillibrand has forbidden any of us to watch the NFL. To even watch the NFL is to say it's acceptable to beat your wife.

"GILLIBRAND: All of the fans, young boys and girls watching this, are watching the NFL say it's okay to beat your wife. It's unacceptable. It's not just about Roger Goodell and this one player. There are hundreds of players who are beating their wives, committing assault, committing rape across all sports, and we have to hold them all accountable."

I stand by my original point that these matters are important but not worth throwing out the baby with the bathwater. As Senator Gilibrand has demonstrated the liberal firebrand is to tear apart the entire enterprise and rebuild it with total liberal ideology. Based upon the current liberal attack each and every decision must be made based upon liberal values. Further we're not to even watch the sport until the liberals have purified it. So everyone is to unplug their TV everytime a NFL game comes on. We can't even tolerate anyone discussing the NFL games, as to do so is to say it's acceptable to beat your wife.

I want to point out that it came out today that Adrian Peterson has been accused of using a switch on another of his children in 2013. Yes, this is terrible. Yes this guy obviously needs help. The guy has fathered 7 different children with multiple women. He's clearly "been around". So my question is who's going to support all of these children if Peterson gets suspended? Yes, I'm sure that he could support them for quite a while with funds on hand, but these players are not known for their forward planning. How long before funds run out. You say we'll handle that when it comes. Not likely. No what this man needs is an intervention and some psychological help. These players exist in a culture of violence in their work. Sometimes it's hard to turn off the switch, sometimes it's impossible for them to even know how.** Instead of barring him from football (playing ball) a bit of outreach and working together to fix the issue is called for.

Let's look at the NFL's anti-drug program. It's come a long way with a standard practice of suspending players based upon severity. Most importantly they're made to apologize for letting down their teams. It's coming along and is so much better than even a few years ago. This is the practice of NOT THROWING OUT THE BABY WITH THE BATHWATER.

But we'll never know as we're no longer able to even view NFL games, as doing so is to say it's acceptable to beat your wife. So we must now assume that anyone who posts in this thread about games is a "wife-beater".

** How do I know this? I played with a couple of guys that went on to College Football. They were among the most violent of the players. They seemed to run their entire life that way. Probably one of the reasons they made it and I didn't. The other reason was talent or lack thereof when it came to myself....LOL The other was probably size, as 5'10" and 185pds was VERY SMALL for a defensive end/linebacker LOL


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Hey Joe. Embarrassed yourself again huh. It's time for Iggy to come in and cover your butt with the 100% expected lie about some secret picks kiss for you.

Huh?, I was 2-2 which is 50% which is a pass so no embarrassment on my part, so far I have passed both weeks, at least Doc(although 2-12, not good Doc) and I have the guts to make picks you were busy doing your usual-

Here are my picks for week 3.

Tampa +6.5 over Atlanta.

Buffalo -2.5 over San Diego.

Dallas -2.5 over St.Louis.

My sureshot pick of the week is my Oakland Raiders +14.5 over that overrated team in Massachusetts, don't kid yourself with last week's performance against Minnesota, this team has flaws and they will be exposed this weekend(lousy O-Line, terrible defence, old, declining QB etc) I am expecting a big effort by the Raiders after being blasted by their own players and the media for the lousy effort last week.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Joe, thanks....I am using all Joe T. Picks for my fantasy league this year.
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