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2014 Official NFL Thread

May 28, 2012
I've really been impressed with the front office activity of the Dolphins. They've made some good moves. Looking forward to watching the D-Line in action in 2015. I was looking through their depth chart this evening and going over the backgrounds of their second stringers. Happened upon Rishard Matthews (I know he's first string) and was reading his bio on Rotoworld. It noted that he'd asked to be traded because of disagreements with Philbin. This "disagreements with Philbin" seems to generally come up a lot more frequently than with other coaches, which pretty much falls in line with my current opinion on him. The problem is Philbin. I hope I'm going to be eating my words next season, but I don't really think the Dolpins are really going to be Super Bowl material until Philbin is gone. Even with the new talent (Suh, Kenny Stills, Jordan Cameron, etc.etc..) they've put on the books I'm only giving them a 55% at the playoffs. I sincerely hope that Joe T. calls me out late next season and calls me a fool for posting this.

The real enigma for me is Billy Turner. What's the deal with this guy? He's played like 1 or 2 games. Yet, the Fins wasted a third round draft selection on what's basically been a utility lineman.["og.shares"]&action_ref_map=[]

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I knew it all along, so today's news isn't that surprising. Tom Brady is a cheater and he reflects pretty much the entire Boston sports culture......A CULTURE OF CHEATING.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

"it is more probable than not"

(CNN)The evidence listed in Wednesday's "Deflategate" report is eye-catching:

-- Text messages between a part-time New England Patriots employee and an equipment assistant with talk of cash, free shoes and autographs.

-- The part-time employee -- a locker room attendant responsible for 12 footballs before the AFC title game -- spending 100 seconds in a bathroom after game officials had approved the balls for play.

-- Measurements taken at halftime after a team that is losing tips off the league about footballs that appear to be too soft.

-- The Patriots' star quarterback and the equipment assistant suddenly exchanging phone calls in the days just after news of underinflated footballs blew up.

Those are the key points in the 139-page NFL-commissioned report given to the league's brass.

I saw this almost a soon as it came out yesterday. I was going to respond then, but I thought, nah, this has a lot of entertainment potential. Let those who need to vent their bitterness stroke their anger with irrational venom. I'm shocked to see only one, anything but shocked who it is, proving it just sucks to be a Toronto fan.

The report, as such, has to be one of the biggest failures in the history of investigations. No one could find proof of anything directly related to the issue so Wells attempts to make a connection to any language that can be construed as suspicious. With no facts to support tampering Wells uses speculation on texts that don't say anything about deflation, and in fact show an attitude to do the opposite, and a guy going into a bathroom stall for 90 seconds. The final wording of the implicating assessment is a cop out. "It's more probable than not" says we have no proof and we can't know, but we are going to guess that a violation happened. It's a word usage trying to compensate for a failed investigation and the extensive expenses for it.

There's no conclusive statements in the entire report. Wells couldn't find anything solid so he decides to implicate by edging toward what is little more than a guess. It's the kind of statement that cheats both those who hate the Patriots and want to convict them and those who believe in the Patriots and want them exonerated. Everyone got cheated by this dishwater conclusion.

Here's a few tweet reactions:

"More probable than not that he was at least generally aware" might be the most non-committal statement in the history of mankind.

"It is more probable than not that the Wells Investigation was a complete waste of time."

"I have concluded that it is more probable than not that I will continue to not give a crap about Deflategate."

Fans of other teams, like the Falcons, Vikings, Cowboys, I chatted with after the report came out were either laughing or rolling their eyes. "Are they really still chasing after that shit? It so stupid."

Cheers, :lol:


Sol Tee Nutz

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Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
This is the year I will watch a live NFL game. SD is the team I cheer for but any suggestions for a good home stadium to watch a game near here? Do not really care which team as long as the atmosphere is fun.


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Jun 20, 2003
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GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY!!!!, Tom Brady is a disgrace and as dishonest as they come, plain and simple, he plays on a team with a cheating/suspension history so I was not surprised with the findings, I truly hope that he gets slapped with an ARod type of suspension where they sit his cheating ass for a year, I also think that Seattle should be awarded the Super Bowl, it would be the right thing for the NFL to do, here is what some of the players are saying, sad.:eek:
May 28, 2012
I'd say the old saying of "Where there's smoke, there's fire" applies here. Are you telling me that these two equiptment managers contrived this scheme by themselves? At very least the team should suffer as it's clear an environment inducing these types of actions is apparent in the New England franchise. I favor the loss of the 1st & 2nd round 2016 draft picks as a preferable penalty as this is essentially a second offense for the Pats. Personally I believe the Fins are going to have an outstanding season in 2015** and I sure wouldn't want people to talk about, "Well, if Brady had been playing.....". Some will argue that the team shouldn't be penalized for one or two individual's actions, but remember that the Coach should be responsible for all on field actions of his staff.

**assuming Philbin doesn't f___ it up.


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Feb 9, 2004
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I don't think they should suspend Brady. They should make give him footballs that are so over-inflated that they are as hard as bricks. So when his receivers try to catch the bricks, they jam their fingers. if they don't do that, suspend him for the season like Arod.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Leigh Steinberg was on Primetime Sports yesterday & feels the same way most honest football fans feel about Deflategate: that it's a very serious issue & that a suspension should be imposed. He explained that we are to expect that the playing field be even for all concerned. You can't have one team play with different types of balls than the other team. But the panel did mention that the NFL is as much to blame for making cheating so easy to get away with.

He also added that this kind of stuff has been going on for a long time. Finally someone got caught and hopefully the problem will be dealt with. Both teams should be forced to play with the same types of footballs. You can't have one team playing with a deflated football and the other with an over-inflated football.

The way i see it, it'd be like having a team playing with softer baseballs when they're in the field, and then the other team would chose to play with harder ones when that team is batting. Batting and pitching stats would be tainted and not a good reflection of the players' abilities.

Pure and simple: IT'S CHEATING!

p.s. But i doubt much will come out of it because the commish is chummy-chummy with the Pats owner.
May 28, 2012

The evidence strongly implicates Brady, but nothing is right on point. If the NFL suspends him the really interesting thing is going to be whether he fights the suspension. If so, it then goes to civil court and Brady's e-mails & texts become public. So the test there would be if he fights it. While a suspension may be in order, I still think Belichick has fostered a climate of winning AT ANY AND ALL COSTS. I think the team should be penalized (i.e. draft choices). Football is a team concept, therefore effective discipline of the entire team would seem to be in order. I wouldn't be upset with a 4 game suspension and the team forfeiting some draft choices. Although selfishly if the Fins beat the Pats, I don't want any crybabying about not having Brady. And I definately want to see the Fins new defensive line going after Brady in his pocket. I have this picture in my head of Suh or Wake chasing Brady across the field. It was going to be one of the highlights of the 2015 Season.....LOL

Article somewhat on point from Bleacher:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

..the same way most honest football fans feel about Deflategate:

That doesn't include you or the like in the least. You're acting blind and bloodthirsty for the obvious reasons.

....that it's a very serious issue & that a suspension should be imposed.

"A very serious penalty"? Letting some air out of a football? Something against the rules but which has already been proven twice in the biggest games possible has no effect at all. Where's your logic or honor? What did the teams caught piping in noise so the QB and the offense can't hear signals, or the teams caught heating the balls because it's cold get for breaking the rules?

But the panel did mention that the NFL is as much to blame for making cheating so easy to get away with.

So what we have here is something akin to two guilty parties (as the report claims) and one guilty party is going to impose sentence on the other. Be a man Doc, what is your honest assessment of that situation? Suspend the NFL? How do you do that? Take away their right to play games, which is what you and the spiteful want from Brady. Are you willing to give up games to watch and bet on??? BULLSHIT Doc!

p.s. But i doubt much will come out of it because the commish is chummy-chummy with the Pats owner.

I heard 20 minutes ago an announcement that Patriots owner Robert Kraft will not appeal any decision by the NFL. Maybe because there's some understanding of what the penalty will be. But the pressure is on Goodell because of the whirlwind of incredible whining coming from unthinking knee-jerk people who have no more sense or motive than hating the Patriots. Meanwhile they want retribution equivalent to knocking out a girlfriend in a elevator (which Ray Rice got away with on a technicality), equivalent to bashing a 4 year-old with a club, equivalent to beating and throwing a woman on a sofa filled with loaded weapons and threatening her life. Your logic is a CARTOON of justice Doc.

The evidence strongly implicates Brady, but nothing is right on point.

The characterization in the media is as misleading as much of it's audience is droolingly demented. The determination "it is more probable than not"..."likely generally aware" is an indecisive dishwatery cop-out that's an insult to everyone on either side. It shows they could not prove anything so they made a politicized guess to play both sides. We know Brady wants the footballs at the lower rules limit of 12.5 psi. We also know that the ball handlers who are supposed to carry this out did everything they could to do the opposite, once setting the pressure at 16.0 psi according to the report. There's nothing about intent to deflate or knowledge of it except circumstantial supposition that couldn't meet the lowest rung of credibility in a court of law...unless the jury were hand-picked haters.

Now we have LeSean McCoy accusing Chip Kelly of trading away all of the "good black players" on the Eagles. OMG, a cheap accusation of racism or a racist gone crazy. Where's the outrage Doc? Joe.t? Iggy? Anyone??????????

From the Bleacher Report:

It's hard to overstate just how ridiculous Deflategate is as a story. It's not Watergate, or Whitewater or a similar scandal. It's the president got an expensive haircut with YOUR tax dollars-level scandal-mongering. It's not Spygate, Bountygate or even Bullygate. It doesn't deserve a -gate suffix. It's overindulgent, overwrought and absurd. And if you think it will be more than a footnote and a comment-thread taunt two years from now, ask yourself: When is the last time you thought about Bountygate, which had an actual player-safety issue at its core?





Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

In BountyGate a football team conspired to pay it's players to deliberately injure opponents players, injuries that were worse received greater pay, injuries that could have destroyed careers AND WERE CAUGHT WITH IRREFUTABLE PROOF AND FIRST HAND CONFESSIONS. Now many want Brady to pay the same price because it is..."more probable than not he was likely generally aware"...air was let out of a football. People like Doc have set new standard heights for redefining "RIDICULOUS".



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Why am i not surprised that my friend Merlot would condone cheating & a culture of cheating? :rolleyes:

p.s. Why? Because most of the teams he cheers for all come from Boston. That's why.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
#3 overall pick out with torn ACL

Jaguars rookie Dante Fowler Jr., the No. 3 pick in the 2015 draft, tore his ACL on Friday when he went down less than an hour into the first day of rookie minicamp, the team announced.

The defensive end's left knee buckled during an 11-on-11 drill. He dropped to the ground, grabbed his leg as he rolled from side to side, and eventually got helped off the field. He was able to put some weight on the leg and was later carted to the locker room for tests.


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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

If there is a suspension it's mostly not for some inconclusive guessing about cheating. It's because Brady defied the investigation by not giving in and not giving over his phone. It's for all the rabidly idiotic drooling nutcases putting pressure on Goodell. It's 50% because Goodell has been handling issues so badly for a couple of years, like initially letting off Ray Rice, and now Goodell is desperate to improve the image of NFL discipline. It will also partly be because he and the NFL need to scapegoat the how the organization has allowed simple functional issues like ball pressure to get out of it's control. If Goodell had any scruples he'd put himself on a 6-game suspension.




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Feb 9, 2004
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If there is a suspension it's mostly not for some inconclusive guessing about cheating. It's because Brady defied the investigation by not giving in and not giving over his phone. It's for all the rabidly idiotic drooling nutcases putting pressure on Goodell. It's 50% because Goodell has been handling issues so badly for a couple of years, like initially letting off Ray Rice, and now Goodell is desperate to improve the image of NFL discipline. It will also partly be because he and the NFL need to scapegoat the how the organization has allowed simple functional issues like ball pressure to get out of it's control. If Goodell had any scruples he'd put himself on a 6-game suspension.



Bull. The NFL investigator has text messages from Brady to the equipment person. There is no inconclusiveness in this investigation. It's plain as day, and hack fans from New England will back up anything any New England Boston area team does. Case closed. See you in 2016 old man Brady.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Honor vindicated :lol: :( :noidea:

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
What's funny is that cheatriot fans are red socks fans,,,, make sense, boyyzzzz? :nod:
Bull. The NFL investigator has text messages from Brady to the equipment person. There is no inconclusiveness in this investigation. It's plain as day, and hack fans from New England will back up anything any New England Boston area team does. Case closed. See you in 2016 old man Brady.
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