The result is where the smart money had it all the time. The problem with you and your pals is you came at this subject with nothing but HATE and MALICE. You have always been unfit to debate this because you threw away judgment and took out the hangman's noose from the start. The distance between your view and Goodell's shows you never had any thinking sense of what had happened. You put taking air out of a ball right up there with punching a woman in the face, brutally beating a kid, sexually assaulting a woman or two, piping in loud music to block signals, wrapping footballs in towels covered in stickum, even paying players to hurt and injure opponents.
There was never anything more than an interpretation of guilt without one shred of proof. Now you guys can only cry about a much smaller sentence, and when this gets to the appeals it will probably be cut in half because an arbiter won't be worried about a sad mass of angry criers or a commissioner who needs to justify spending $5million on a small rules breach and needing to redeem himself by covering for many other ridiculous failures in the past.
And after official footballs replaced the suspect ones the Patriots destroyed the Colts, then won the Super Bowl where the officials had complete control.
This is why you WHIFFED so badly. You had no sense of judgment. and never had. PERIOD! You and others are only about hate. You were wrong and WRONG by a country mile.
