That's my personal opinion but I think it's kinda bullshit for women to expect men to pay for everything when it comes to civ dating.. Unless the man makes more money than her. But idk it's not in my dating criteria for the person to have a lot of money.. Other than being able to take care of themselves. I've often been in the opposite situation, dating men who expected me to pay for things and baby them..

It's nice to be spoiled by your partner but I think it goes both ways. At least you figured out what this woman's values are and realized that they don't match yours. You wouldn't have enjoyed dating her anyways.
For sure, that's the thing.. A lot of men will approach you without trying to figure out if you're open to being talked to or not. And not being open to being flirted with isn't personal... Obviously being a cute girl a lot of guys will approach you, but that doesn't mean you want to flirt with any of them.
And maybe there's going to be one person who interests you because you're sensing a real connection or the person was very clever and subtle.. There's an art to seduction. I have a friend who's not particularly attractive physically, but he gets so much attention from girls, because he knows how to talk to them. He's interesting and charming and funny and he knows not to push boundaries. He clearly works on himself and he is a good person and a curious and talented individual.
In my opinion in order to attract attention from anybody, you have to work on yourself. You have to cultivate interests, work on personal projects, do self care, question yourself, educate yourself, etc. People are attracted to individuals who work on their talents and have hobbies (not this one lol) and interests and have interesting subjects to talk about. I also understand what it's like to be socially awkward, but even if you're a bit weird, there's a way to turn this to your advantage.

embrace your individuality.