With societal pressure to marry having greatly diminished, more women have made the choice to stay single, and many are faring just ok in life
Farting * Lolol

as they rely on friends for activities and emotional support.
I don’t rely on others but I know
exactly what you’re saying here! Hahaha

but I don’t take them for granted and DUMP my emotions onto them 24/8. I have no emotions muhahahaha
As for the activities, I can pretty much do wtv I want without pressuring my loved ones to bend over backwards for me. Again, I really enjoy my solitude even in a relationship. If ever I settle down with someone I want my own bedroom. I can’t stand sleeping next to someone! I want my own privacy and my me-time!!! I think it’s beneficial for every couple to have their private little garden and spend time away from the couple.
My grandmother and grandfather had their own bedrooms. They were head over heels for each other - sometimes our family would tell them to get a room because they just were so passionate at family events HAHAHA
It is also because these pressures have abated that we now have a larger pool of single men, especially "low quality" men
There’s many low quality women, too. Lots can’t do the work on themselves and often blame men for everything. They then generalize all their future experiences based off their bad memories from the past. Especially overuse the word “trauma” and confound it as a bad memory. They are very distinct from one another. Not to mention how many women like to use new age psychological mumbo jumbo crap to justify their feelings… like girl… you’re describing everyone else as a narcissist and was “gaslit” by him… but yet you’re gaslighting everyone else to feel pity for you. They discredit actual traumas that some went through with their victimhood perception. Mental illness is on the rise. For both men and women. But women tend to over complicate things a lot hahah.
Many hold themselves in a high regard and think they have zero flaws. When it’s this
exact attitude that persists toxic exchanges & experiences for both, men & women in the dating pool. People need to not be afraid of being alone before bouncing from one relationship to another.
You can’t show up for others if you don’t show up for yourself first!
When their friends marry and start a family, they lose touch with them. I am particularly lucky to have a job that I am passionnate about and also to have great colleagues at work. The fact of not having a girlfriend, whether by choice of because of serial rejection, is a significant contributor to poor mental health in men.
I’m with you men on this topic - men’s mental health awareness is almost nonexistent

they use Movember to parade it for a cause, when women have a
plethora of causes every other day to virtue signal and have movements to “fight the patriarchy”.
It’s fkn sad. And it’s a way to throw y'all under the bus… then they cry that men are scum / don’t need a man LMAO. Like honey, you’re the problem - start doing the work on yourself!
AI actually became attached to an escort, which turned out to be a source of considerable anxiety and worry. Attachment styles were mentioned above... mine is anxious.
The best thing is to be aware of what’s happening - you did good to back away. Feelings are not controllable - so don’t feel bad / add pressure onto yourself.