Nailed it (pun intended lol). Technique is the biggest factor for me. I enjoy fingers when done the way I like it, but I'm very sensitive down there and going too rough with fingers simply hurts. I've been injured and had to take time off work a few times. Recently told someone to take it slow as I like the feeling of being filled up more than the movement of fingers, and he acknowledged what I said yet 5mins later I could've sworn he was trying to tear a 2nd pussy in my pussy lol. Some people simply seem to lose their ability to think when they're horny.There is another reason that is more delicate to mention for SPs which is technique.
Let's not kid ourselves but we are not all gods gift to women when it comes to sexual pleasure. Some are complete morons when blood flow goes to their dicks, "dahh pushhy pushhy, me gonna prime yah". They never take into consideration if the lady is lubricated or not and shove their bit fat DRY fingers up her pussy as if there was no end, then go into a pumping rage that would put the Eveready Easter Bunny to shame to "make her cum".
Of course some will say all she has to do is tell me to slow down but unfortunately when they have to warn us it may already be too late. Women's genital area, like ours, are very sensitive. We can just think how we feel having our glans rubbed by a dry palm non stop or even worse our frenulum as if it were a guitar string. It's the same for women's anatomy.
Add to this that their body is their "work tool", if I may say, that can be hurt from just a few seconds of awkwardness which may even require a few days off in order to heal. For many this is their livelihood, their bread + butter, days off = no income.
Telling someone to slow down is obviously an option, but it's surprising the amount of people who can't follow instructions or go right back to the thing you dislike after a minute.