Interested in your opinion on the following...
A previously very well-known and very well-reviewed SP breaching the “code of discretion" by:
- Stalking a client’s social media under a false identity.
- Obtaining information about his relationship through his social media.
- Contacting his girlfriend and lying about the timeframe during which he was a client.
- Proceeds to mock the client via texts…knowing that the relationship didn’t survive her interference.
Would the client be justified in “outing” her on a review board such as MERB?
Asking for a friend...
Just the thought gives me the willies. There's so much at stake, not only for the client but the SP and indeed the SP community. I agree with
@DouMan that it's probably not a good idea to make accusations out here; they would be necessarily anonymous on your "friend's" part and result in an ugly kerfuffle. On the other hand, we're talking about the client's life (job, relationships, family, etc.). I'm curious what "previously" means; is she out of the business? I also wonder how she advertises. In the past, the women on Indy Companion had a kind of back channel way of communicating. Maybe it would be possible to get word to them?? (I have no idea.) It is very strongly in their interest not to have anyone in their "collective" pulling that nonsense. If the SP is entirely independent (and doesn't advertise on MERB, Indy Companions, or Tryst, eg), then I don't see what can be done .... but in my book it's a reason only to go with established SPs or agencies. These days I'm very reluctant to give up my personal information.