Do SPs get sexually attracted to their clients? Especially if the guy is jacked and hot? Lol
Do SPs get sexually attracted to their clients? Especially if the guy is jacked and hot? Lol
Does size matter? Lol
Yes it does but not as beauty standards or medias makes you think it does. As Lena said, for particular activity or even vaginal canal it is better to have a certain size or shape.Does size matter? Lol
I am attracted to people of all genders that are kind, attentive to my needs and have a great sense of humor. I do not care for body shape I am just glad if my partner feel themselves and good about themselves. Tgis gives them confidence and therefore makes them more attractiveDo SPs get sexually attracted to their clients? Especially if the guy is jacked and hot? Lol
I greatly appreciate your thoughtful and sincere words.Your honesty is truly commendable and it earns my utmost respect.I do have a lot of pleasure in my meetings even though I don’t always have an orgasm and it’s okay ( I can cum in two ways) . I don’t fake because that ask me way more energy and concentration instead of actually enjoying the moment and taking it easy.
At the end of the day the important thing is that we both respect each other and enjoy ourselves even if I or you didn’t have an orgasm!
Like to talk a lotOther than the money what made you decide to be a SP?
I dont like pornWould you like porn literature more than porn media?
I have friends who are sucessfull and are over 60 and get the same customer...This may be a sensitive question, but I've always wondered what is the mindset regarding your future ? For some girls, this is a second revenue stream, but I've known a lot of girls for whom this was the only revenue stream and there aren't many jobs out there that can pay what this pays. I've known only a handful of girls that actually had the mindset of putting money aside and when their beauty starts to fade, they can hit rock bottom really fast. Another issue I see, even with a degree, if you haven't worked in that field for a few years, the skills fade, which means the value on the market also fades.
At what point do you start working on the next step ?
How did you choose your sw name ?
What do you mean, Sparkles is not a real last name?How did you choose your sw name ?
When I was 18, I was a horney little thing that couldn't get enough sex, but people I was with treated me like crap, so I figured if they were going to treat me like a SW I might as well get paid for it...Other than the money what made you decide to be a SP?
Depends who they are..When you are seeing someone in your personal life do you ever disclose what you do ? I would think it would be easier to not have to state it outright.
I returned as indy instead of agency.Knowing what you know today, what would you have done differently when you first entered this industry? (Sorry, that this does sounds like a job interview question)
I can't fake it...I'm glad you asked. I've always wondered if service providers genuinely enjoy having sex with clients or if they fake orgasms. Is there mutual pleasure and satisfaction involved in these encounters?