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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
My question is:

why do providers have to see clients when having their periods?

Context: we all know for a fact that lots of SWs will use the sponge to hide the fact that they are having their periods. The issue here, and its a very serious one, is some girls will let the clients go down to daty on them!!!

Girls a sponge is not a liquid proof barrier! By doing so, you let the client(unknowingly) get some of your blood to get into his mouth, therefore, in his own body. even if very little, this is, in my book, among the most dangerous sex practice, second to people sharing needles.

Happened to me a few times and honestly I felt the same way you might feel if a client stealth you!
I can't speak for others...
But myself... I look forward to my womanly time of month.. I work 21 days straight... that's my time off, my accumulated weekends. I tell people who contact me that it is my vacation time... It's my time to get to focus on myself, and let the phone sit a while before responding... otherwise I feel my every moment of every day is dedicated to trying to aquire, and screen men who are interested. In hopes the ones I am comfortable meeting might contact. I find the text socializing can get exhausting, especially on days when people contacting me don't reach the level of respect I require to feel comfortable to visit with them.
That and I prefer to cuddle with my heating pad and watch netflix while I finally have time all to myself.

But for some... the money is too good to turn down... I've also had some who requested it, (but charge double time for interupting my vacation time)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
No judgement but is it some kind of fetiche? …or are they Dracula relatives?…
A fetish thing.

Though in previous relationships i was in.. as long as a tampon was in place, the red is stopped, and have had some pretty intense hormone raging horniness... but as work.. I'm shy and embarrassed when it is just after that time, or just before starting when there might be some discoloration but not time yet to start...
It isn't always an intentional thing... is my guess for some. I have seen my flow stop and because a man was just too large it reactivated, or fingured too aggressively before the insides have had a chance to rectify themselves. I've learned to accommodate that by giving myself the extra couple of days after, but the before isn't something that I can controle.

I'm not sure how a sponge would work to hide it lol??? Some men are pretty invasive when playing, and if their looking for the gspot, wouldn't she be called out on it? Like I'm not even sure how a girl could pull off hiding it...
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
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Sep 8, 2020
My question is:

why do providers have to see clients when having their periods?

Context: we all know for a fact that lots of SWs will use the sponge to hide the fact that they are having their periods. The issue here, and its a very serious one, is some girls will let the clients go down to daty on them!!!

Girls a sponge is not a liquid proof barrier! By doing so, you let the client(unknowingly) get some of your blood to get into his mouth, therefore, in his own body. even if very little, this is, in my book, among the most dangerous sex practice, second to people sharing needles.

Happened to me a few times and honestly I felt the same way you might feel if a client stealth you!

why do providers have to see clients when having their periods?

They don’t have to, they choose to because they don’t want to lose money. This job isn’t steady income so if you refuse clients that week, they might not come back the next week.

I usually cancel and let the man know the reason why. Some will say they want to see me regardless.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
They don’t have to, they choose to because they don’t want to lose money. This job isn’t steady income so if you refuse clients that week, they might not come back the next week.

I usually cancel and let the man know the reason why. Some will say they want to see me regardless.
No go for me… unless she’s accepting if we can use emergency backdoor. It happens twice. We had a lot fun anyway and it was nice to have a change on the menu.


Jul 5, 2008
Chosing to « not lose $$$ » over the health of the clients is absolutely unacceptable and deserve to be publicly denounced.
In all fairness you do know that there can be blood in sperm especially in the age group of most hobbyists,

Would you, should you, do you practice CIM ...

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Chosing to « not lose $$$ » over the health of the clients is absolutely unacceptable and deserve to be publicly denounced.
Knowing that, you are welcome to use a dental dam if the risk is not one you are ready to take. You can only change what you can control, and a provider seeing you during her period is not something you control. Using a dental dam, not offering cunnilingus during your meetings or stopping meetings with providers are all choices you can make regarding your health.

As I wrote in a previous page "Everyone is welcome to partake in the activity of their choice, with the level of protection they are comfortable with. If you are not at ease with an activity you consider risky or are unsure if playing in this industry offers you the level of comfort you prefer, it is perfectly OK to decide that seeing sex workers is not for you or to adjust your meetings to your risk tolerance. [...] Your job is to be informed, to play in your comfort zone and get tested regularly! "

About the "be informed" part, it is good to know that the mouth is not considered as an entry door for HIV when there are traces of blood in the fluids, which is why the oral transmission of HIV has not been heard of. Is it impossible? No. There's always a risk. As @DouMan said, there can be traces of blood in your sperm. Also during penetration, it is not rare, in my case really, that small blood vessels burst. I often find traces of blood on the condom. If a cunnilingus is performed after that, it is reasonable to assume you can have some in your mouth. The chances of getting other STIs by giving oral to your partner are higher than HIV, and without the presence of blood. I'll say it again, be informed, play in your comfort zone and get tested regularly!



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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
@Giselle Mille,

Dans vos exemples il n’est nullement fait mention de cunnilingus avec présence de sang. Bien sûr, à chacun son niveau de tolérance face aux risques, mais ça n’a rien à voir avec ce que j’ai décris. Le fait qu’on me cache une information qui change drastiquement le niveau de risques que je veux bien prendre est tout simplement malhonnête. Tu ne fais que détourner le noeud du problème pour défendre un comportement inacceptable.

Pour ce qui est de la présence de sang dans le sperm, je cite:
« 30 à 80 % des cas d’hémospermie : surtout chez les hommes de moins de 40 ans. Les infections peuvent être bactériennes, virales ou parasitaires, et toucher la prostate, les vésicules séminales ou l’urètre. L’infection au VPH (virus du papillome humain) peut parfois être en cause. »

Il faut quand même apporter des arguments honnêtes ici. Si j’ai une quelconque infection, il est de ma responsabilité d’agir en conséquence. En toute logique il en va de même pour la fille qui a ses règles.

Point final

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
Le fait qu’on me cache une information qui change drastiquement le niveau de risques que je veux bien prendre est tout simplement malhonnête.
Prendre connaissance des risques c'est assumer que le risque est présent en tout temps et agir en conséquence. Il est de votre responsabilité de penser qu'il peut toujours y avoir présence de sang lorsque vous faites un cunnilingus et décider ce qui est le mieux pour vous. Il en est de même pour moi, j'assume que mon client peut avoir le VIH ou autres ITS, et je prévois mes actes sexuels et ma protection en conséquence selon le pourcentage de risque qu'ils présentent et selon ma tolérance à ceux-ci. Je n'assume jamais que mon client n'a aucune infection, j'assume exactement le contraire en tout temps.

Ma réponse est la même.

Aussi, il ne faut pas comparer les menstruations aux infections transmises sexuellement. Bien sûr que lorsqu'on sait que vous avons une infection, il est de votre devoir de ne pas la transmettre, on ne peut pas mettre les menstruations dans le même panier. Vous parlez d'amener des arguments honnêtes, je vous retourne le conseil.

edit: les images en attachement ne sont que pour montrer qu'il y a des risques d'avoir une infection simplement avec un cunnilingus, même sans la présence de sang.
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Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Pour posséder un vagin,

je peux te dire que des saignements peuvent survenir à tout moment au cour d’un cycle. Il peut aussi y avoir un saignement si le partenaire insère des doigts et que ses ongles sont mal coupés ou tout simplement si le partenaire y va avec peu ou pas de délicatesse.

Dans ce sens, même si la personne que tu visites n’a pas ses règles, il peut quand même y avoir du sang. Peut-être que comme Giselle l’a si bien recommandé, utiliser une digue dentaire pourrait être une bonne idée si tu ne te sens pas confortable avec les échanges de fluides corporels.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Vous détourner toutes les 2 le problème soulevé, ce dont il est question ici, c’est la malhonnêteté, je ne m’enliserai pas dans une discussion sans fin sur merb.


Jul 5, 2008
Mise à part ces "terribles" menstruations simplement se passer une soie dentaire est à proscrire avant une rencontre car il est fréquent de causer de petites coupures aux gencives ouvrant la porte dans les 2 sens à la potentiel transmission de bactéries.
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Mika xx

why do providers have to see clients when having their periods?
« Have to »
No, no one HAVE TO see clients during their period.

The menstruations cycle is not always predictable. Yes approx every month but no one can predict the exact time it happens. Can be in the middle of the night, in the morning, afternoon or during an appointment

We cancel the rest of our day in this case. Recently I’ve seen too many complains about providers cancelling.

PS, sometime to rough intercourse can cause bleedingSometime a women may have spotting (very light bleeding) between her period. Sometime a new birth control may cause random bleeding. Not everyone gets a periods, some chose birth control to not have one because they are painful or for other reason.

I’m naming a bunch of variables here I’m sure there are more.

We are all human after all, a bit of empathy from both parties would be nice.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
How do you handle if your client is unattractive? How do you handle men who are very obese? How do you handle virgins?

How do you handle if your client is unattractive?
The same way I handle attractive ones.

How do you handle men who are very obese?
Besides having limitations for some positions, I don’t see a difference.

How do you handle virgins?
With patience, guidance and care. It’s also valid for men who haven’t been with many women.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
How do you handle if your client is unattractive? How do you handle men who are very obese? How do you handle virgins?
Unattractive: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. besides.. Everyone is attractive in different ways, and internal beauty shines much brighter than external beauty. I would pick a sweetheart any day over an arrogant prick who looks good. I have my life partner. I'm not looking for beauty but people who I can enjoy a good time with.

Obese: Same, many obese people are some of the sweetest people I have met. Size doesn't determine attractiveness.

Virgins: Like anyone else. I treasure that I am the person they chose to have as their first. I treat every visit with attentiveness and cater to what the needs of the moment are. Everyone is a treasure, and each have their different needs to be met.

What I don't handle... are men who are just looking for a quick lay... to see me I need to know your looking for a quality experience. If I leave a visit feeling like a blowup doll is what your suited for, I will never return again, I don't care if you had a great time. (I will still give my best) But if I didn't, you will never see me again, no matter how much you ask, or offer. (most of these are weeded out in my discussion and screening process.)
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
We cancel the rest of our day in this case. Recently I’ve seen too many complains about providers cancelling.
D’abord merci pour répondre directement à la question sans tergiverser. :)

Maintenant, dans le contexte que j’ai décris, il est question des filles qui décide de recevoir en toute connaissance de cause et qui, ne voient aucunes utilitées d’aviser le client même quand celui-ci lui offre un cunnilingus. Je crois que la nuance est quand même très importante.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
To the extent you request references from other providers as part of your screening process, what makes for the ideal reference response in terms of substance/things covered?

What are the most challenging aspects of social dates involving other people in the client’s life?

To what extent have clients influenced your standards for and expectations of romantic partners in your personal lives? Would you say this influence has largely been positive, negative, or neutral?
To the extent you request references from other providers as part of your screening process, what makes for the ideal reference response in terms of substance/things covered?
I cannot answer, I do not accept or provide references.

What are the most challenging aspects of social dates involving other people in the client’s life?
Not sure I understand this question correctly.

To what extent have clients influenced your standards for and expectations of romantic partners in your personal lives? Would you say this influence has largely been positive, negative, or neutral?
I am not dating but when I was, I was extremely picky because I have men meeting me for the first time and bringing me chocolate, champagne, other gifts and pay me for my time. It just made no sense for me to go on dates with men on tinder that can’t even do the bare minimum. By bare minimum I mean, you’re not paying for my time, I expect you to at the very least offer me to go out for a beer or something. To me it’s positive because I know I can get better than what I would get before.
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