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Climate change

Zabei Bolt

Feb 20, 2021
There's nothing to figure out. Coldest temperatures, huge snowfalls, growth of the Antarctic ice, etc. -- they are all the surest signs of global warming. That is exactly how it exhibits itself, who could possibly expect anything different.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
With climate change, we can expect to face more heat waves, new animal and insect pests and invasive species, flood damage from intense rainfall, power outages currents caused by high winds as well as rising water levels which already increase the risk of coastal flooding and erosion.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
With climate change, we can expect to face more heat waves, new animal and insect pests and invasive species, flood damage from intense rainfall, power outages currents caused by high winds as well as rising water levels which already increase the risk of coastal flooding and erosion.

It does concern all the earth. In India, the temperature reached 47 ° C yesterday.
For late April it's extreme and never seen.
In 2050, in parts of India, human population won't be able to live because of the extreme heat.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Climate change will result in thousands of new viruses spread among animal species by 2070 — and that's likely to increase the risk of emerging infectious diseases jumping from animals to humans, according to a new study.

This is especially true for Africa and Asia, continents that have been hotspots for deadly disease spread from humans to animals or vice versa over the last several decades, including the flu, HIV, Ebola and novel coronavirus.

Researchers, who published their findings Thursday in the journal Nature, used a model to examine how more than 3,000 mammal species might migrate and and share viruses over the next 50 years if the world warms by 2 C (3.6 F), which recent research shows is possible.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ONU.....L'humanité se dirige vers une CATASTROPHE climatique......tous les indicateurs pointent malheureusement vers cette tragique réalité. :mad:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

This link between climate change and viral transmission is described by an international research team led by scientists at Georgetown University and is published April 28 in Nature.

In their study, the scientists conducted the first comprehensive assessment of how climate change will restructure the global mammalian virome.
The work focuses on geographic range shifts -- the journeys that species will undertake as they follow their habitats into new areas.
As they encounter other mammals for the first time, the study projects they will share thousands of viruses.

They say these shifts bring greater opportunities for viruses like Ebola or coronaviruses to emerge in new areas, making them harder to track, and into new types of animals, making it easier for viruses to jump across a "stepping stone" species into humans.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Rising temperatures, increased carbon dioxide will drive trees, grasses, weeds to produce more pollen.

Allergy seasons are likely to become longer and grow more intense as a result of increasing temperatures caused by humanmade climate change, according to new research.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Et on y échappe pas ici non plus....ce weekend/SAMEDI beaucoup de régions du QUÉBEC dont les LAURENTIDES ont été durement frappé par des tornades et orages violents....d'énormes dégâ de 130,000 résidences/habitation sont toujours sans électricité.......malheureusement des catastrophes semblables vont se répéter de plus en plus.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

"As extreme events become more frequent, insurers that ignore climate change will not put away enough money to cover their claims.

To re-coup those losses, they'll have to raise rates or pull coverage from high risk areas," said Jason Thistlethwaite, a climate change economist at the University of Waterloo.
"When this shift happens, thousands of people will lose coverage or it will be unaffordable."

It was in 2018, imagine in 2022 :(
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
The one thing I notice about climate change news is "Worse than expected" or "Earlier than expected".

Back in 2019, a glacier in Greenland melted. It wasn't "supposed" to, until 2070:

"We're seeing changes in Greenland that – when you look at the climate models – are not forecast for, in many cases, for many years to come. We understand why in some cases – we understand that the models don't always capture some phenomena like clouds that are very important in the amount of energy that reaches the ice and therefore the amount of ice melt. There are things that the models don't do necessarily as well as we would like and so we understand that behavior and we understand why some quantum models are actually under-predicting, and I should say likely under-predicting the mass loss going forward," Mote says.

“It became clear that storm intensification over recent decades has already reached levels projected to occur in the year 2080,” said a statement from the institute.

The study, led by Dr. Rei Chemke of Weizmann’s Earth and Planetary Sciences Department in collaboration with Dr. Yi Ming of Princeton University and Dr. Janni Yuval of MIT, “shows that current climate models severely underestimate the intensification in mid-latitude storm tracks in recent decades,” the report said.

“A winter storm is a weather phenomenon that lasts only a few days. Individually, each storm doesn’t carry much climatic weight. However, the long-term effect of winter storms becomes evident when assessing cumulative data collected over long periods of time,” Chemke said, explaining that the storms affect the transfer of heat, moisture and momentum within the atmosphere, which consequently affects the various climate zones on Earth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
113 la FRANCE n'y échappe pas...ces derniers jours violents orages/fortes grêles---vents violents et inondations à travers le pays....oui encore de la météo extrê malheureusement d'autres épisodes du genre vont se répéter partout dans le monde. :confused: :confused: :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Je viens d'écouter l'émission Découverte à Radio Canada aujourd'hui sur le changement climatique. Les scientistes disent que même votre machine à laver a des empreintes de carbonne, et votre cellulaire aussi, car pour extraire les matériaux premières, il faut utiliser le pétrole. La viande aussi, les vaches pètent du méthane. Conclusion: ne pas manger de la viande, devenez vegetarien, lavez vos linges avec les mains. Ne pas utiliser les couches pour les bébés et surtout, ne pas utilsiser les tampons ou serviettes hygiéniques car c'est enveloppé dans du plastique. Marcher à pied au travail, et surtout ne pas utiliser vos tablets, téléphones intelligents ou ordi, car ils ont tous des empreintes de CO2. Si vous n'êtes pas capable de faire cela, alors ne parlez pas de changement climatique. Car cest tout de bla bla bla.... et pas capable de le faire. Point final.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You quoted the 2030 UN agenda. They are now causing climate alarmism to start a carbon tax then they will force everyone to go vegatarian. They are trying to densify cities so everyone lives in cramped little condos with 60 story buildings everywhere in an effort to force everyone to use public transit. Climate lockdowns are coming too. Too many ppl believe the nonsense the government is spreading but by the time ppl wake up it will be too late.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Government is just trying to set you up for the next tax.
What has improved since the carbon tax. Yes price of gas has doubled which again government won't do fuck all about as they get a percentage of it in taxes so higher the gas price the more money they rake in.
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