The one thing I notice about climate change news is "Worse than expected" or "Earlier than expected".
Back in 2019, a glacier in Greenland melted. It wasn't "supposed" to, until 2070:
The human race is a passenger in the car of climate change that's hydroplaning to the cliff edge of an environmental catastrophe.
"We're seeing changes in Greenland that – when you look at the climate models – are not forecast for, in many cases, for many years to come. We understand why in some cases – we understand that the models don't always capture some phenomena like clouds that are very important in the amount of energy that reaches the ice and therefore the amount of ice melt. There are things that the models don't do necessarily as well as we would like and so we understand that behavior and we understand why some quantum models are actually under-predicting, and I should say likely under-predicting the mass loss going forward," Mote says.
Weizmann Institute of Science examination of recent Southern Hemisphere storms finds 'considerable intensification' that is heating poles and threatening communities
“It became clear that storm intensification over recent decades has already reached levels projected to occur in the year 2080,” said a statement from the institute.
The study, led by Dr. Rei Chemke of Weizmann’s Earth and Planetary Sciences Department in collaboration with Dr. Yi Ming of Princeton University and Dr. Janni Yuval of MIT, “shows that current climate models severely underestimate the intensification in mid-latitude storm tracks in recent decades,” the report said.
“A winter storm is a weather phenomenon that lasts only a few days. Individually, each storm doesn’t carry much climatic weight. However, the long-term effect of winter storms becomes evident when assessing cumulative data collected over long periods of time,” Chemke said, explaining that the storms affect the transfer of heat, moisture and momentum within the atmosphere, which consequently affects the various climate zones on Earth.