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Climate change


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
We don’t doubt your good intentions. What we question is your way. Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. You can see numerous examples in history, but some people judge the book only by its cover.
How does denying that man-made planet warming is real or rejecting all of climate advocates and governments plans and actions to solve the problem help? It doesn't. And always blaming governments, blaming liberals, crying about taxes and regulations doesn't help either. I don't expect leadership from the right-wing and the libertarians, but please stop obstructing what needs to be done.

Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
How does denying that man-made planet warming is real or rejecting all of climate advocates and governments plans and actions to solve the problem help?
Again, not denying climate change ( how many times does need to be mentioned? )
The cure by the Liberals is the main concern.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
How does denying that man-made planet warming is real or rejecting all of climate advocates and governments plans and actions to solve the problem help? It doesn't. And always blaming governments, blaming liberals, crying about taxes and regulations doesn't help either. I don't expect leadership from the right-wing and the libertarians, but please stop obstructing what needs to be done.
Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? It sounds good even in modern times, though we know what it means on practice. Practically every major economic reform driven by ideology and started with good intentions resulted in a disaster. The modern example of using questionable economic tools for the sake of the “climate religion” is an example of such experiment. It brings real economic suffering to people in the near term whereas any possible effect in moderating future climate change with it is questionable at the very least.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Have you ever read the Communist Manifesto? It sounbds good even in modern times, though we know what it means on practice. Practically every major economic reform driven by ideology and started with good intentions resulted in a disaster. The modern example of using questionable economic tools for the sake of the “climate religion” is an example of such experiment. It brings real economic suffering to people in the near term whereas any possible effect in moderating future climate change with it is questionable at the very least.
With all due respect, I think the ideology that you are expressing is dim and myopic. A greener economy brings with it new jobs and new opportunities as we save our planet. Man must adjust and adapt to the changing world. As Bob Dylan wrote in 1964 "The old road is rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand. For the times they are a-changin' ". True in the 60s. True today.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
A greener economy brings with it new jobs and new opportunities as we save our planet.
Redistributing wealth from one sector to another is not creating jobs. For example giving $13 billion of taxpayers money to Volkswagen to build a battery factory is an example of what I am talking about. Someone else worked for that money that they will never see and it will be given to someone else and claim jobs were created. Does not make any sense. But I guess if Socialists understood economics they would not be Socialist. And adding more taxes like the carbon tax is not saving the planet, that is government using an actual problem to make money off people.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Redistributing wealth from one sector to another is not creating jobs. For example giving $13 billion of taxpayers money to Volkswagen to build a battery factory is an example of what I am talking about. Someone else worked for that money that they will never see and it will be given to someone else and claim jobs were created. Does not make any sense. But I guess if Socialists understood economics they would not be Socialist. And adding more taxes like the carbon tax is not saving the planet, that is government using an actual problem to make money off people.

Liberals and Progressives, who aggressively advocate for a greener society, are not all Socialists. Most are Capitalists although a few in the US are Democratic Socialists.... but that's a topic for another thread. The carbon tax is one of many measures that encourage the use of renewable, low or non-carbon energy to reduce greenhouse emissions and planet warming. We've been over this so many times it's getting boring repeating ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Climate tech is one of the fastest growing sectors of the US economy. From battery makers to carbon-capture firms to startups developing more substantial materials, etc. In Massachusetts alone there are 115 privately held companies in climate tech.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Households get tax breaks for solar panels and EVs. I suspect Canada does some of the same things.
I mentioned before residential and solar and insurance.

Interesting article.

Solar HazeCanadian Underwriter

"However, others say that there are more prominent exposures with solar panels. “Fire is without a doubt the biggest risk,”

"There are several risk factors associated with fire and solar energy. One is the fact that solar panels do not “shu
t down” like a traditional hydro-electric supply. “Fire presents a unique challenge because solar panels continue to generate power even after a fire has started,”"

DC Arc Flash in Solar Power

An Electric Bus Caught Fire After Battery Explosion

Solar is great awesome energy if installed in a field away from residence and buildings.
But on rooftops in the city? Talk to the insurance company! There will be extra premiums.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
. A greener economy brings with it new jobs and new opportunities as we save our planet.

Biden on this already.

Biden launches American Climate Corps ...CNBC

I hope these are technicians and engineers to be trained. Not enforcers!!
I hope not a new green police force!

Audi Green Police A3 TDI Ad (Super Bowl XLIV 2010)

What is really scary in the green police video is at the end.
The green police pullover normal police and have higher authority than the citizen elected police.
Like UN World Health covid mandates wiped out our constitutional rights.
Who will be running this "Green Corps"?
Sketchy stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Search green companies going bankru

In Massachusetts, San Francisco, and New York job opportunities abound for a new generation of climate tech workers. University students and graduates are enthusiastically pursuing studies and careers in climate tech.
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Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
In Massachusetts, San Francisco, and New York job opportunities abound for a new generation of climate tech workers. University students and graduates are enthusiastically pursuing studies and careers in climate tech.
What does that have to do with green companies going bankrupt? My daughter has a degree in environmental studies it does not mean she is a fanatic about climate change but sees job opportunities. Many known companies like Jacobs and Triton are hiring like crazy since the governments put down very strict constraints to oil companies.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
I am posting about what's happening today in climate tech. The article you cite is 2 1/2 years old. I'm more concerned about the present and the future and less about past. But i will say that companies - green and non-green, go out of business all the time for a variety of reasons.
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Don Julio

Active Member
Jul 15, 2023
I am posting about what's happening today in climate tech. The article you cite is 2 1/2 years old. I'm more concerned about the present and the future and less about past. But i will say that companies - green and non-green, go out of business all the time for a variety of reasons.
New enough for you?



Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
Biden 2.3 Trillion dollar green energy infrastructure proposal.

Costs and affordability – Solar panelsHydro-Québec › solar › costs

So from above average 3$ watt installation solar infrastructure cost

Biden 2.3 Trillion dollar green energy proposal!!
2.3$ Trillion US$ converted to Canadian dollars at 3$ a watt installation average cost = 1 Trillion watts = 1000 GIGAWATTS WOW!
Sadly Hydro Quebec capacity is only about 37 Gigawatts.
Move aside hydro Quebec.
Sadly this is just theoretical. But possible if the money does not disappear into UN NGO "Foundations"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
New enough for you?

In a capitalist economy many companies go out of business for a variety of reasons. And, during Covid, many many companies were given billions as part of the government's efforts to keep businesses, an their employees, from failing and destroying the US economy.
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