Source: *Licks finger - puts it to the air *
all jokes aside yes, there’s a heatwave presently over there! I’m not denying an excessive heat!
However, +/- 5 degrees higher than the historical “normal” temperature ranges over the last decade in that area, does not equate global warming to me. Sometimes we also have heat waves in QC.
Also travelled to Italy two summers ago in a heatwave. It happens.
I’m not a meteorologist at the end of the day, I am a cockologist.
(Subjects like these can get touchy and in the end it all depends on what people wish to believe. No matter how many findings, facts, sources, drawings we try to convince to the other
Nonetheless, I won’t be shy to actually @ you if ever you reply to me in a mocking manner, trolling is my forte ♥️ and well… other things
but I digress.
I have good laughs with friends and clients of complete opposite political views, opinions on climate change NWO stuff. It makes for interesting LOUD debates over the dinner table at thanksgiving or whichever event
It’s all love though at the end of the day hahaha.
Anywho, just wanted to say that before a cyber food fight erupts ♥️ respecting one another even if we don’t agree on stuff is best, and wanted to show where I stood on this subject )
One of my friend didn't complained about climate warming.
Easy to understand, his house, car and working place all had conditionned air.
When he went to the grocery, it was to air conditionned.
The only time he spent ouside was one minute from his house to his car, max 5 minutes from his car to the grocery and about 5 minutes from his car to his working place.
Miracle ! Global Warming didn't exist !