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Climate change


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Thermometers don’t lie but past temps neither

Update: just did a quick search on that area for the past years and it’s in the normal ranges. It’s very hot usually. As for excessive heat - it happens from time to time (like when they call it Indian summers haha - fitting for this example ♥️).

I don't know your sources but a few sources give the 52,3 ° C as an all time record for Delhi ! Not in normal range.


乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚 ( ‿ 人 ‿ )
Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2023
I don't know your sources but a few sources give the 52,3 ° C as an all time record for Delhi ! Not in normal range.
Source: *Licks finger - puts it to the air * :p all jokes aside yes, there’s a heatwave presently over there! I’m not denying an excessive heat!

However, +/- 5 degrees higher than the historical “normal” temperature ranges over the last decade in that area, does not equate global warming to me. Sometimes we also have heat waves in QC.
Also travelled to Italy two summers ago in a heatwave. It happens.

I’m not a meteorologist at the end of the day, I am a cockologist.


(Subjects like these can get touchy and in the end it all depends on what people wish to believe. No matter how many findings, facts, sources, drawings we try to convince to the other :p.

Nonetheless, I won’t be shy to actually @ you if ever you reply to me in a mocking manner, trolling is my forte ♥️ and well… other things ;) but I digress.

I have good laughs with friends and clients of complete opposite political views, opinions on climate change NWO stuff. It makes for interesting LOUD debates over the dinner table at thanksgiving or whichever event :D It’s all love though at the end of the day hahaha.

Anywho, just wanted to say that before a cyber food fight erupts ♥️ respecting one another even if we don’t agree on stuff is best, and wanted to show where I stood on this subject )
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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2024
Some key points in an article about climate change.

The observed rate of global warming over the past 50 years has been weaker than that predicted by almost all computerized climate models.

Climate models that guide energy policy do not even conserve energy, a necessary condition for any physically based model of the climate system.

Public policy should be based on climate observations—which are rather unremarkable—rather than climate models that exaggerate climate impacts.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I think some are too gullible to believe all the nonsense being spewed by far-left governments. They are spreading lies to create ways to add more taxes. Having said that climate has been changing since the dawn of Earth and it will continue to do so. During the Jurassic Era, CO² levels were much higher, sea levels were higher and there were no polar ice caps.

Every one billion years the sun gets 10% hotter. In about 1.1 billion years the Earth will be inhospitable to all life. Earth will eventually become like Venus. No amount of carbon taxes will ever stop this. So the moral is to open to facts rather then listening to far-left nonsense.


乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚 ( ‿ 人 ‿ )
Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2023
I think some are too gullible to believe all the nonsense being spewed by far-left governments. They are spreading lies to create ways to add more taxes. Having said that climate has been changing since the dawn of Earth and it will continue to do so. During the Jurassic Era, CO² levels were much higher, sea levels were higher and there were no polar ice caps.

Every one billion years the sun gets 10% hotter. In about 1.1 billion years the Earth will be inhospitable to all life. Earth will eventually become like Venus. No amount of carbon taxes will ever stop this. So the moral is to open to facts rather then listening to far-left nonsense.
Yesssss tax me harder daddy gov!!! Leave no tax behind!!!! Hahahah fkn pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Source: *Licks finger - puts it to the air * :p all jokes aside yes, there’s a heatwave presently over there! I’m not denying an excessive heat!

However, +/- 5 degrees higher than the historical “normal” temperature ranges over the last decade in that area, does not equate global warming to me. Sometimes we also have heat waves in QC.
Also travelled to Italy two summers ago in a heatwave. It happens.

I’m not a meteorologist at the end of the day, I am a cockologist.


(Subjects like these can get touchy and in the end it all depends on what people wish to believe. No matter how many findings, facts, sources, drawings we try to convince to the other :p.

Nonetheless, I won’t be shy to actually @ you if ever you reply to me in a mocking manner, trolling is my forte ♥️ and well… other things ;) but I digress.

I have good laughs with friends and clients of complete opposite political views, opinions on climate change NWO stuff. It makes for interesting LOUD debates over the dinner table at thanksgiving or whichever event :D It’s all love though at the end of the day hahaha.

Anywho, just wanted to say that before a cyber food fight erupts ♥️ respecting one another even if we don’t agree on stuff is best, and wanted to show where I stood on this subject )

One of my friend didn't complained about climate warming.
Easy to understand, his house, car and working place all had conditionned air.
When he went to the grocery, it was to air conditionned.
The only time he spent ouside was one minute from his house to his car, max 5 minutes from his car to the grocery and about 5 minutes from his car to his working place.
Miracle ! Global Warming didn't exist !
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
One of my friend didn't complained about climate warming.
Easy to understand, his house, car and working place all had conditionned air.
When he went to the grocery, it was to air conditionned.
The only time he spent ouside was one minute from his house to his car, max 5 minutes from his car to the grocery and about 5 minutes from his car to his working place.
Miracle ! Global Warming didn't exist !

For those living on planet Earth, May 2024 as been the warmest May ever recorded !
For those who don't live on Earth that doesn't mean anything.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
True le 12ème mois CONSÉCUTIF à battre des records mensuels de chaleur.....doit certainement y avoir quelque chose dans l'air?????


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Lentement mais sûrement la CHINE récolte le fruit de ses investissements en environnement....a réduit de 3% ses émissions polluantes...MAIS a aussi et surtout beaucoup investi ces 20 dernières années dans le développement des autos électriques...
11% de ses automobiles roulent déjà é la CHINE s'apprête à conquérir l'Europe en proposant des prix plus abordable et avec---par exemple--des sociétés partenaires comme BMW en FRANCE......vivement chez
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Merci pour l' sûrement pas des faked news....lolll

Big heat wave coming in Quebec and affecting more than half of USA population.
Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia during a Muslem Pilgrimage the temperature could reach 118 ° F.
Already at least 14 persons died from heatstroke.
This all prove that Climate Change is a hoax ! Loll.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I worked in the field in Texas with daytime temperatures around 100 F (38 C) and it was OK. But hot and humid summer days in NYC with 85 F high were unbearable. The daytime and nighttime temperatures are almost the same due to the heat accumulated by the massive tall buildings. You also literally count every second waiting for the train underground just to step from the sauna into a freezer as cars are kept at about 70 F . This makes New Yorkers the toughest people in the world
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This makes New Yorkers the toughest people in the world
Since you mentioned this, there is actually a famous rock song on this topic, called Shattered by The Rolling Stones. It's a song about New York City, where the Stones were living prior to releasing this record, and they sang about their experiences:
These lyrics from the song stand out:

"To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough, tough, tough (Shadoobie, shattered) (Shadoobie, shattered, shattered)
We've got rats on the west side, bed bugs uptown (Shadoobie, shattered)
What a mess, this town's in tatters, I've been shattered (Shadoobie, shattered)
My brain's been battered, splattered all over Manhattan (Shadoobie, shattered)"
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
More than 700 deaths in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrine.
Religion is supposed to save you, not kill you !

More than 1000 deaths in Saudi Arabia !
Remember the big heath wave in France in 2003 that killed close to 15 000 persons, climate change already ?
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