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Climate change


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
ok so he says extreme weather events are not cause by climate change but because of increasing population and wealth.

so he actually confirms the urgency of the situation. If we do not change drastically the way we live we are doomed. It does not care much if you call it climate change or extreme weather events.

why some try to always makes thing complicated when they are not?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The article is about Trudeau and his over the top alarmist issue. His need for a carbon tax.

The first paragraph says it.

This week in Vancouver, Prime Minister Trudeau*said*the federal carbon tax, a key pillar in his government’s climate policy, will help protect Canadians from extreme weather. “Extreme weather events are extraordinarily expensive for Canadians, our communities and our economy,” he said, citing the recent tornadoes in Ottawa and wildfires in Western Canada. “That’s why we need to act.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
This whole issue about climate change is pure used to be called "global warming" and now they call it "climate change" because they realize they have no idea what they are fuckin talking about...only Montrealers that think like sheeps are stupid enough to gobble this crap!

All it takes is one huge volcanic explosion and the whole theory goes up in smoke! The earth has gone through so many changes in the past but nobody takes that into consideration! Did you ask yourself why - for example, among many other things - we are paying 5+ cents more per litre for gas than we are supposed to? No, because you think like sheeps!

The only ones that understand and have it right is the current US administration under president Trump!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You must be a conservative. Climate change is real and it happening. We see it all around. All this manmade carbon burning is all artificial. Climate has chamged quiet a bit since the last 30 years. The cons are trying to brainwash ppl so they help the rich greedy corporations get richer. There is big profits in polluting but when you try to curb emissions to use green energy the profits of the corporations get cut. Corporations goal is to create scarcity to jack up ptices. Think about it tuere ie an abundance of solar power it is everywhere but you see there is no price on air since it is everywhere. The oil corporations want everyone dependant on oil and the cons help the rich get richer so they spread lies that climate change is a myth.

However I disagree with the carbon tax as it serves as a cash grab something the greedy corpprations will pass on to the customer. It increases the cost of living. Instead of punishment why not rewarding those companies that use green energy. For those that do provide a tax break that way the cost is not passed onto the customer and companies would get something out of it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

About money being made off sheeps. I agree with you 100% on that. Corporations and politicians are both scum. Both the right and left are making money.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
...and that's the beauty about all this climate change that real or not real...there is money to be made off sheeps!

once your money is all made what do you do? You do more??

Soon it becomes boring. Might as well do actions where our legacy will be able to survive on this planet?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Yeah, like spend it to go bang escorts in Montreal and get a carbon tax credit from the Quebec Green Fund!!

At least escort agree to be grab by the pussy because we pay them. As opposed to Trump ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
sharkman, are you saying all what the scientific community is telling us is part of some kind of conspiracy?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My opinion on climate change, yes it is happening, it has been happening since the beginning of time
Carbon tax.... No amount of taxes in Canada will effect what the global climate will do, no amount of fossil fuel reduction in Canada will alter what global climate will do. If Canada goes back to horse and buggy with zero fossil fuel use on a global scale it will do very little since we are carbon neutral, reducing by 30% or whatever is a joke that will bankrupt people and drive business away.
Canada should exploit their oil and gas industry like every nation that has it, reap the rewards of billions of dollars instead of paying billions to other countries that do not have near the environmental controls as Canada. Paid for protesters from other countries do not want Canada to sell their oil, people here are too ignorant to understand this. Carbon tax = money grab.
Short version, Canada can not alter climate change.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
sharkman, are you saying all what the scientific community is telling us is part of some kind of conspiracy?

All scientists do not agree, look at the false predictions of the past, do not know if any doomsday ones became true.
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Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
objective people can see that that the vast majority of true scientists believe in the reality of human induced climate change

I think objective people can see that some scientists are not afraid to go against the herd mentality and arrive at their own conclusions. And some even have the chutzpah to dispute the falsified data generated by other people. (I am sure you are well familiar with the "hockey stick" affair.)

I have neither the time nor desire to discredit all the "scientists" Jennifer Marohasy claims as support.

At least one of these "scientists" won a Nobel Prize. A real one, for physics. I guess the Republican Party and Big Energy have really deep pockets as they apparently succeeded in bribing the Nobel Committee.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
In 2008, at the age of 79, the retired physicist announced in a panel discussion that he was a climate change skeptic, although he had no research experience in climate change. He was receiving funding at the time by Phillip Morris and Big Tobacco.

This particular canard is pretty old and has been debunked many times, you should try harder. Maybe google for two minutes instead of one? But in any case Ivar Giaever is a terrible person, no doubt about it. As a knowledgeable person put it:

Dr. Giaever attended a school insulated with asbestos, then went on to drive a Chevy product. It is well known that the 1962 Chevy Corvair was associated with many deaths.

Also, in 1973 Dr. Giaever kept an ashtray on his desk, which clearly links him with Big Tobacco.

In 1984 Dr. Giaever received two windshield wiper blades from his local Shell station upon redeeming points, which clearly demonstrates he received something from Big Oil.​

Dr. Giaever often saw former President Ronald Reagan on television, and of course Reagan was on the right. Thus Dr. Giaever is highly influenced by right-wing idealism.​

I’m not saying Dr. Giaever is a bad person, but I would be very careful leaving puppies or small children near him or his family.​

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Ivar Giaever Is irrelevant. Amongst the scientific community there will always be outliers and he is definitely one of them. The vast majority of scientists believe in the effects of human populations on the world at large. What will happen in the future and when is hard to accurately predict. One thing we know is that things will change. Some of us will be a witness to that change. I guess most of the SP’s will be that witness and most of the clients will not, lol
Salty is right in saying what ever we do will not change anything in the long run because of we are too small a country to have any real influence. I agree with that but then I believe that example of proper behaviour can influence larger communities. We should be the exemple, but we won’t do it because it is sacrificing too much....


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Whatever we do is not going to make one bit of difference.
I have been to Russia and China, refused to go to India, and all the crap that these countries and other developing countries spew into the atmosphere out-ways our minuscule attempts.

yeah I know, it starts at home and all that crap, but it doesn’t it should be with the largest contributors


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Whatever we do is not going to make one bit of difference.
I have been to Russia and China, refused to go to India, and all the crap that these countries and other developing countries spew into the atmosphere out-ways our minuscule attempts.

Wait wait... In china, india, mexico city to name a few there are places where the air is so polluted that they cannot send kids to school for many days per year. These places will auto-regulate themselves they will have no choice if they want to survive.

These developing countries are only doing what we did in america and europe for years. If they reach our level of living we are completely doomed.

We can keep investing in fossils fuel but the demand will be much much lower within 10-15 years. Electricity is the future. And the new oil is Lithium. Which is needed in all batteries. If south-america play they card wisely they can become the next emirates of Lithium ;)

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