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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Unvaccinated twin brothers Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff, know as the "crypto meme twins," have both died of COVID-19 just days apart.
This commentator blatantly associates Down Syndrome looking dudes with vaccination status.

Then he covers his ass with a simple common sense analogy that cannot be argued against that blocks your brain from questioning.

"If a suit of armour is available and you're walking through a forest with arrows coming at you they might come whizzing next to you. Wouldn't you rather a suit of armour when arrows are flying?"

This technique uses a "Straw character"

"A straw character is a caricature of a person, a character the author has set up in order to ridicule a particular viewpoint."

This "Straw character" technique is used regularly in media like a mind drug to literally brainwash us CIA MK ultra Charles Manson Manchurian candidate level.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
This commentator blatantly associates Down Syndrome looking dudes with vaccination status.

Then he covers his ass with a simple common sense analogy that cannot be argued against that blocks your brain from questioning.

"If a suit of armour is available and you're walking through a forest with arrows coming at you they might come whizzing next to you. Wouldn't you rather a suit of armour when arrows are flying?"

This technique uses a "Straw character"

"A straw character is a caricature of a person, a character the author has set up in order to ridicule a particular viewpoint."

This "Straw character" technique is used regularly in media like a mind drug to literally brainwash us CIA MK ultra Charles Manson Manchurian candidate level.
Wow, Charles Manson
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bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anti-vaxxers are caught on video harassing people receiving COVID tests New York City.

Insanity is spreading faster than the virus.
The anti-pcr test dude definitely looks like Shaggy character from scooby-doo.

Yea Shaggy definitely would be annoying if I were the technician or person being tested.
I was expecting an antifa fake antivaxxer to stage this but this Shaggy seems legitimate.

At 4:28 the commentator mentions:
"PCR test measures the presence of the virus in the body"
PCR test does not test for virus.
PCR test is for detecting specific proteins that may or may not indicate presence of virus.
Validity of these tests has been disputed by scientists across the board.

Then commentator jumps from Shaggy in the streets of New York to Florida??
Specifically to the Surgeon general of Florida?? An actual doctor??

"Unwind the testing psychology"...Said the Surgeon general of Florida.
I think he understands the MK ultra brainwashing causing psychotic panic in his state.

Again they associate "Shaggy hippie anti tester" with the Surgeon general of Florida.

Another possible "straw man" discrediting attack.

And what the hell is a pop up street vendor of pcr tests doing on city streets like a hot dog stand?
Science would call this an "Uncontrolled environment" for any kind of medical test. wtf


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Alex Jones defended himself in court by saying under oath that the crap he says on his show is ridiculous and nobody should take it seriously.

That would cover his covid bs too. He is performer playing to a specific demographic. He is not a source of accurate information.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
The tangled history of mRNA vaccines and the Canadian contribution:

As for linchpin technologies, many experts highlight another innovation that was crucial for mRNA vaccines — one that has nothing to do with the mRNA. It is the tiny fat bubbles known as lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs, that protect the mRNA and shuttle it into cells.

This technology comes from the laboratory of Pieter Cullis, a biochemist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and several companies that he founded or led. Beginning in the late 1990s, they pioneered LNPs for delivering strands of nucleic acids that silence gene activity. One such treatment, patisiran, is now approved for a rare inherited disease.

After that gene-silencing therapy began to show promise in clinical trials, in 2012, two of Cullis’s companies pivoted to explore opportunities for the LNP delivery system in mRNA-based medicines. Acuitas Therapeutics in Vancouver, for example, led by chief executive Thomas Madden, forged partnerships with Weissman’s group at UPenn and with several mRNA companies to test different mRNA–LNP formulations. One of these can now be found in the COVID-19 vaccines from BioNTech and CureVac. Moderna’s LNP concoction is not much different.

The nanoparticles have a mixture of four fatty molecules: three contribute to structure and stability; the fourth, called an ionizable lipid, is key to the LNP’s success. This substance is positively charged under laboratory conditions, which offers similar advantages to the liposomes that Felgner developed and Malone tested in the late 1980s. But the ionizable lipids advanced by Cullis and his commercial partners convert to a neutral charge under physiological conditions such as those in the bloodstream, which limits the toxic effects on the body.

What’s more, the four-lipid cocktail allows the product to be stored for longer on the pharmacy shelf and to maintain its stability inside the body, says Ian MacLachlan, a former executive at several Cullis-linked ventures. “It’s the whole kit and caboodle that leads to the pharmacology we have now,” he says.

By the mid-2000s, a new way to mix and manufacture these nanoparticles had been devised. It involved using a ‘T-connector’ apparatus, which combines fats (dissolved in alcohol) with nucleic acids (dissolved in an acidic buffer). When streams of the two solutions merged, the components spontaneously formed densely packed LNPs21. It proved to be a more reliable technique than other ways of making mRNA-based medicines.

Once all the pieces came together, “it was like, holy smoke, finally we’ve got a process we can scale”, says Andrew Geall, now chief development officer at Replicate Bioscience in San Diego. Geall led the first team to combine LNPs with an RNA vaccine22, at Novartis’s US hub in Cambridge in 2012. Every mRNA company now uses some variation of this LNP delivery platform and manufacturing system — although who owns the relevant patents remains the subject of legal dispute. Moderna, for example, is locked in a battle with one Cullis-affiliated business — Arbutus Biopharma in Vancouver — over who holds the rights to the LNP technology found in Moderna’s COVID-19 jab.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Anti-vaccine Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby, a Republican who ran for California State Assembly, has died of COVID-19 at age 46.

Two years later when they know the risk to others and themselves.

I'm all out of sympathy and empathy.

Life’s about choices. She didn’t choose wisely and put others at risk as well.

Hard to feel bad for her as she was warned and then not only ignored it by tried to get others to as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

Anti-vaccine Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby, a Republican who ran for California State Assembly, has died of COVID-19 at age 46.

Two years later when they know the risk to others and themselves.

I'm all out of sympathy and empathy.

Life’s about choices. She didn’t choose wisely and put others at risk as well.

Hard to feel bad for her as she was warned and then not only ignored it by tried to get others to as well.

I understand dying for a cause, a religion, a country or for love (e.g. children, loved ones).

But what are these people dying for???? It's so stupid. It just fucking baffles me.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I understand dying for a cause, a religion, a country or for love (e.g. children, loved ones).

But what are these people dying for???? It's so stupid. It just fucking baffles me.
Freedom of choice is a cause. From what I could understand, She is not anti vaccine, but anti vaccine mandate. Unfortunately, most of the major media are in the Vaccine mandate tunnel, and as such focus on those people and twist their messages. You can call her a foul, or whatever you want, but she did live by what she believed in.
The difference between anti vaccine and anti vaccine mandate is huge. The Anti vaccine in general (not this specific one), are either conspiracy theorist, or strong believers of natural remedies and spiritual ones. She believed in HER RIGHT TO CHOOSE, which in this case, involves the right to choose not to get vaccinated. It is a cause worth fighting for, as it seems lots of people have lost sight of that. Maybe when the fear of dying from COVID is less dramatic, people will realize the sacrifice these people have made to remind us of our freedom to choose. The mandates and this ridiculing the others are some of the main causes that lots of people, including myself have refused to Vaccinate. Seeing how the Vaccine has failed to stop the Pandemic, it is starting to look as the right decision, but we still need some time to really understand it better.

bonerland citizen

Active Member
Feb 22, 2009
Anti-vaccine Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby, a Republican who ran for California State Assembly, has died of COVID-19 at age 46.
Definitely a lot of anti vaxxers dying of covid.
Could be selective reporting?
The Hill is a leftist publication:

'Huge, huge numbers:' insurance group sees death rates up ...

Something is killing.
Die of Covid.
Die with Covid.
Vax failure?

This commentator does use great analogies.
Earlier it was arrows whizzing by and a suit of armour will reduce risk of injury.
Now the winter n all season tire analogy being that winter tires reduce risk of sliding off snowy roads.
Then you leave the vax clinic with winter tires and get T-boned by an unvaxxed driver with all season tires in the snow.

Statistical bell curves are found through out nature and there are many ways to die, covid19 included.
This is normal deterministic behaviour of death.

But the ad at the end??? Oh yea what is this??
BLUECHEW?? A mix of viagra and cialis??
Use code PAKMAN at
Did you order? hehe
Support the cause!!!
Can't argue against that one.

Edit....Maybe that was a targeted ad for me. Anyone else get it?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Anti-vaccine Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby, a Republican who ran for California State Assembly, has died of COVID-19 at age 46.
I always feel sorry for the loss of any life. I feel even more sorry for the medical staff who have to fight to keep people alive, at risk to their own lives and mental health.

It’s just frustrating when much of this is preventable and I resent those who deliberately spread disinformation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
This compilation of data from Alberta is a slam dunk for the effectiveness of vaccines:

Age group, Unvaxxed, admitted to ICU (per 100K)
12-29: 39
30-39: 84
40-49: 201

3 dose vaxxed, admitted to ICU (per 100K)
60-69: 0.84
70-79: 1.15
80+: 2.03

So if you're unvaxxed & in the 30-39 age group, you're 73x more likely to end up in the ICU than a boosted senior in the 70-79 age group. Amazing.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Italian anti-vaccine leader Luigi Marilli has died of COVID.

They aren't dying from covid they're dying from willful ignorance.

No controversy here. These people cost lives.

If someone changes their behavior based on these consequences, we have to call it out.

Much compassion to those left behind by those sucked into the world of antivax.

I have sympathy for people who lack the ability to determine what is true.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Italian anti-vaccine leader Luigi Marilli has died of COVID.

They aren't dying from covid they're dying from willful ignorance.

No controversy here. These people cost lives.

If someone changes their behavior based on these consequences, we have to call it out.

Much compassion to those left behind by those sucked into the world of antivax.

I have sympathy for people who lack the ability to determine what is true.
And why you are so concerned? You can play Grandpa with your Grandkids. If the anti-vaxxers want to be ignorant that is their choice to make just as smokers decide to keep on smoking knowing the health consequences. You act you care about those lives but that is just fake compassion (you are frightened of covid and you expect everyone to sacrifice their liberties to make yourself feel better. [...]. In addition you throw dirt on those that died for not being vaccinated (more evidence of your fake compassion). Do you not care for all the lives lost from pollution? From poverty? From congenial violence? From smoking? Why covid takes the number one priority? Because the government said so?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Unvaccinated Czech singer Hana Horak deliberately got herself infected with COVID, and has died of COVID.

Now her family is grieving, and the worst thing about it was that it didn’t need to happen. She brought all of this unnecessary grief on her family.

“Stupidity cannot be cured. Stupidity is the only universal capital crime, the sentence is death.

Such a tragic story. What a cruel thing to happen to a spouse and son. Makes no sense to take such risks.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Do you not care for all the lives lost from pollution? From poverty? From congenial violence? From smoking? Why covid takes the number one priority? Because the government said so?
I apologize, but I add my contribution.

Pollution, read my comments in the climate change thread.

Every year I donate money to "Entraide", Mira and for the Blind.

I don't smoke.

Why covid takes the number one priority? Because COVID has killed millions of people, and continues to kill.

And I'm not a "yes man"


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I apologize, but I add my contribution.

Pollution, read my comments in the climate change thread.

Every year I donate money to "Entraide", Mira and for the Blind.

I don't smoke.

Why covid takes the number one priority? Because COVID has killed millions of people, and continues to kill.

And I'm not a "yes man"
Sure you do. I do not believe you. But you do you and let others do what they want. And you are a yes man based on your posts. You who claims to be a scientist (I do not believe that either) pollution has killed more then covid and continues to kill. Look it up. Smoking has killed many also and continues to kill. But only covid matters to you because the government made it their priority (they turned it into about politics). Many died waiting for life saving cancer surgery because the government was incompetetant to manage and expand the healthcare even after the first wave nothing changed, they made covid patients priority because to the government ppl only die of covid. And you say you are not a "yes man".
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