Montreal Escorts

Does it bother you if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?

Does it bother you if agency owners sleep with their SPs?

  • Not at all, I prefer it

    Votes: 10 10.4%
  • A little but I am horny so I don't care

    Votes: 9 9.4%
  • Totally indifferent

    Votes: 50 52.1%
  • Big time, they should keep their paws off their ladies!!!

    Votes: 27 28.1%

  • Total voters


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
EagerBeaver said:

If any male agency owner in Montreal who has been in business for over a year comes in this thread and publicly declares that he has NEVER slept with any lady who worked for him as an SP, then I will stand on my head, nude, in the intersection of St. Catherine and University until the cops take me down, and then I will hire you as my bail bondsman.

Please will some owner reply to this!! I have a new digital camera that is begging to be used.:D :D


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Interesting Offer

EagerBeaver said:

If any male agency owner in Montreal who has been in business for over a year comes in this thread and publicly declares that he has NEVER slept with any lady who worked for him as an SP, then I will stand on my head, nude, in the intersection of St. Catherine and University until the cops take me down, and then I will hire you as my bail bondsman.

EB is asking for a simple public declaration in this thread to this effect.No verification,no cross-examination,no questionning of SPs who worked for the owner.No strings attached,offer made within the limits of sobriety.

Interesting offer - maybe some agency owner has a sense of humour.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
btyger said:
Finally, I hope that Chris from Devilish/Kevin from DC will come on the thread and confirm what I've said, if it's true. Work on your handstands!:p


I am not convinced that they any better than other male owners but I could be wrong. As far as the rest of your post, it was superb, I agree with it completely. To say you can make a case for and against so I am indifferent is complete bullshit. All fence sitters know that this is a clear case of unethical behavior based on overt or subtle coercion.

So far the best insight has come from Stripper Lover. Instead of "testing":rolleyes: them yourself Mr. Owner, why not recommend them to a few trusted clients? I am sure EB is up for the challenge.:p



Dec 14, 2004
Office affaires may be dumb but they are still happening. I'm not ready to classify the people involved as scumbags. Some of you seem to think it is absolutely impossible for an employee and her (his) boss to sleep together without there being any coercion. Although pressures by the employer might often be involved, I think it is unrealistic to think it is always the case. Now as to wheather this is a good idea or not, isn't our buisness. When the two people involved are consenting, the consequences are thier's to handle.

I must admit the whole "test the goods before you sell", doesn't seem right to me too. Yet telling a newly hired lady " Don't worry I'll send you to a good customer. He'll take good care of you and then I'll discuss with him if you should be GFE of YMMV" doesn't seem any better! I guess General Gonad is correct in saying every girl should be YMMV. How can we justify ourselves for putting labels on something as personal and intimat as sex?

Hummmm.. this seems to throw the wrench in the whole MERB thing. :(


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
StripperLover said:

Do you not think that there is a slight slippery slope in an industry where women are offering either glimpses of their naked bodies or sex.

Favours in this industry are not sometimes the same as favours in a office setting, to say the least.

A SP is NOT a Product.

I agree that for Hiring purposes, it seems less of an issue to have the girl be "tried-out". Guess customer satisfaction and feedback is to hard for an agency?

After that, HAVING a girl performing free sexual favors, seems morally wrong. If she NEEDS to do this for whatever reason, it's not ok. Doesnt an SP has the right to refuse a client? If so, why wouldnt she have the right to refuse her boss, for free! Oh she can but she'll be fired or be downgraded? How is that fair?

Oh dont hate the player, hate the game? I'm sorry, the player is immoral, and isnt giving a human being the dignity she deserve, so yeah, I have a problem with the player (owner).

Say I work in a SexShop, I can test the product I sell before hand to know what I'm talking about.

Say I dont want to try-out the dildos up my ass, does that mean I should get fired ? NO! I'm not in QualityAssurance, I'm in sales. If I NEED to know how good it is, I can always ask the people who buy it...

Maybe it's just me, I am aware that my opinions often collide with people.


Dec 14, 2004
Quite right StripperLover... Come to think of it things like that are already happening. I've had an agency owner who new me, say to me when I called "I have this new girl who seems really nervous, I'd like to send her to you and get your feedback"

The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
Hum ...

I remember doing some mowing when I was a teenage.
One of my customer ask me one day why I wasn't mowing this M. x grass.
I answered that him and his friends seems very busy and didn't wanna disturb them ... (Party people if you see what I mean). My customer answered back that they would pay me 3x if I offer the mowing while wearing only a bikini.
I said that's it? He said that's it! He was wrigth. The guys there were watching me from behind the door-window. If they would have ask for more I would have give up doing it. But I was inform that they were very nice and I was a consenting agreement from both parts.

Some people may wonder why I telling this story...
I always say that a person his is own boss.
If some people wanna mix up everything but they can deal with the consequences after, go for it. Otherwise, don't complain!

Now does it bother me if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?
Probably my professionnal mind would answer yes, but my liberal one did answer some little different by telling you my story.:p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I had a interesting conversation with an agency owner this afternoon who told me that yes, it does happen that owners ask for sexual favors and abuse their status. "But an abusive owner translates into an abusive SP and trust me, it shows when the reviews come out." He added: "...the two most important things for me are service and attitude...I cannot deal with ladies that are going to cause me problems." Moreover, "anyone can start an agency but it's hard to maintain staying power, especially if you develop a bad reputation."

He assured me that he runs his agency like a business and has no interest whatsoever to sleep with his SPs. I will keep his name confidential.

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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
Doc Holliday said:
But what irritates me is when i hear stories where the girls are nearly forced to sleep with the boss (for free, on top of that) or else he won't give them any calls or good clients until they follow the 'company line'.

I think you hit the nail on the head....the keyword here is "forced." This type of owners should be exposed and ridiculed. However, I would doubt they could keep the best SPs working for them for long for if I were the SPs and I have a choice I would go work somewhere else.

I have no problem with the owners having sex with any SPs working for them in and of itself. Hey, if I can have sex with any of these SPs, why should their owners be prohibited from having the same kind of fun I have?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
General Gonad said:
He assured me that he runs his agency like a business and has no interest whatsoever to sleep with his SPs. GG

Would you really expect him to say anything else? "I run my agency like it is not a business and I fuck my SPs every chance I get." Come on! Please stop with the naivete already. If you believe such statements and repeat them on this Board as though they are pronouncements from the heavens, then I have some raw real estate I would like you to sell you.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
I am not as naive as you think...


I am not as naive as you portray me to be. Of course he could be lying through his teeth, but he was bang on when he told me that abusive owners make for abusive SPs, which is reflected in the reviews. I completely agree with that. If an owner consistently abuses his status asking for sexual favors, he would have a high turnover rate, a horrible reputation and SPs with terrible attitudes. This owner has fired ladies with bad attitudes, bad service or both. He told me he doesn't need to sleep with them because he prefers getting feedback from his clients.

So could he by lying? Yes but there were other things said in the conversation that led me to believe he was sincere.

Now where is that "raw real estate" you have to sell me?:eek:


P.S. He also highly recommended Celine's agency to me.
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Rex Kramer

New Member
Nov 28, 2004
zigezon said:
My only issue is about an Owner taking advantage of his position IN THE SAME SENSE as a Boss doing sexual harassment so that his secretary blows him in fear of loosing her job. I think it's morally wrong. But if the girl wants to do her boss, I guess there's nothing wrong with that, is there?

There is a big difference here...

We hobbyists and SPs have chosen to participate in this type of commercial transactions which you can call it by any names but at the very core it is "money for sex." This is not a value or judgement statement but is the essence of this human activity.

This is a personal choice and must be respected, especially for those who choose not to participate in this activity. It is absolutely unacceptable to approach a civilian woman and ask her how much it will take to have sex with her. To even suggest that she would entertain such a question would and should get you into big trouble.

I don't mean to minimize it, but as bad as an SP is being manipulated or forced into having sex with an agency owner, it is many many many times worse when this happens in the civilian world.


Dec 14, 2004
Rex Kramer said:
I don't mean to minimize it, but as bad as an SP is being manipulated or forced into having sex with an agency owner, it is many many many times worse when this happens in the civilian world....

I think you are so WRONG here Rex. Nobody.... Absolutly Nobody should be forced into a sexual relationship. No matter what thier proffession is ! Even if this lady is getting paid for sex she still has all the rights to refuse a client. And obviously she has the right to refuse to have sex with her boss.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Rex Kramer said:
I don't mean to minimize it, but as bad as an SP is being manipulated or forced into having sex with an agency owner, it is many many many times worse when this happens in the civilian world.


I agree with B1G. Why make a distinction between the "civilian" world and the "SP" world? There shouldn't be any distinction: manipulating or coercing someone to have sex with you because of a power relationship is equally bad, regardless of whether it happens in the "civilian" world or the "SP" world.

To say that it is "many, many, many times worse when it happens in the civilian world" is to minimize the SP's job. I know this isn't what you mean but it comes across that way - like there are legitimate jobs and then there is SPing, where you have to put up with or expect this type of behavior.

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Dec 14, 2004
Read the post Question again because you are all off topic. When I gave my opinion the question was.. "Does it bother you if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?" and not "Does it bother you if an agency owner makes it mandatory for his SP's to sleep with him?"

Coercion was never part of the topic.. if you all want to change it, please tell me how I can change my 'vote' on this poll... :confused:

I had a nice session with an SP tonight, but I will not be reviewing her. Instead I want to tell you guys what she told me regarding this thread. I posed the same question to her... Well the original question.... "Does it bother you if an agency owner sleeps with his SPs?" Then I explained how some people thought it was impossible for an agency owner to have un-coerced sex with his SP. She laughed and told me her boss is constantly getting hit on by his girls.

Then we talked about the 'testing the merchandise theory' and to my surprise she told me she would have no problem with that AS LONG AS HE PAID HER for it. That makes alot of sense. As long as the lady is okay with it.

Shouldn't that be a rule for everyone... When everyone involved is consenting, life is just perfect. :D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
B1G said:
Then I explained how some people thought it was impossible for an agency owner to have un-coerced sex with his SP. She laughed and told me her boss is constantly getting hit on by his girls.

Yeah, I am sure it happens all the time and for good reasons.:rolleyes:

B1G said:
Then we talked about the 'testing the merchandise theory' and to my surprise she told me she would have no problem with that AS LONG AS HE PAID HER for it. That makes alot of sense. As long as the lady is okay with it.

Now here I agree with her: if a boss PAYS to have sex with her and she agrees, then it is fine. In fact, it is more than fine because he is not abusing his status to try and get freebies. But I still prefer SL's idea of testing someone out with a few trusted clients.

Finally, it goes without saying that I feel that sex based on coercion is wrong, regardless of whether it is subtle or not. But I also feel it is wrong to fool around with an SP even if it is consensual. You have to lay down some hard rules when you're an owner and this is one you're better off following. In the long run, no matter how tempting, you'll be better off if you separate business from pleasure.



Dec 14, 2004
General Gonad said:
.... Yeah, I am sure it happens all the time and for good reasons....

I'm not certain what you meant by that.. is it irony?

General Gonad said:
...You have to lay down some hard rules when you're an owner and this is one you're better off following. In the long run, no matter how tempting, you'll be better off if you separate business from pleasure....


Again you are right.... For the owner's sake and his buisness. But does it bother me as a client?? Nope !

I will not stop going to a restaurent if I hear the boss and the waitress have something going on.:cool:

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
B1G said:
I will not stop going to a restaurent if I hear the boss and the waitress have something going on.:cool:

It depends how close they are to the food when they erupt!:eek:
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