I digress,.....slightly.
By definition,……shill.
Somebody who promotes somebody or something for reasons of self-interest.
Which could be considered,…… deception.
The practice of deliberately attempting to make somebody believe things that are not true.
>Shills will show themselves eventually, in due time.<
Easy for you to suggest, as you are not the one laying out the hard earned cash. This is absolutely absurd!
I ask the question, how long should anyone wait for this exposure to take place and at what expense?
For the moment, lets take money out of the equation. Expense can be in the form of an investment in time, as in associated travel as not all of us are from Montreal. Expense can be associated with the unfulfilled realization and the potential for feeling embarrassed, disappointed, which scores so deeply, one bags the hobby and certainly does not disclose the experience on this board. In this case, the expense is two-fold. Lost revenue for the ladies, the industry in general. Lost potential in the realization of meaningful content for the boards.
Now consider the business of you, the reputation of other SP’s and agencies, as shilling cuts both ways. Imagine a disgruntled client, imagine the experience was not on par with the anticipated fantasy and they deem it appropriate to make a disparaging assertion on your behalf. Imagine the sick-pup who gets off on conjuring up a fictitious interlude with you, for the purposes of posting their own material, viewing the responses from the members, all the while soiling their favorite fur lined glove.
How many times should someone be tolerant of less then acceptable experience, which was based on a glowing, yet fabricated review?
How much “due time” will your, anyone’s resources allow for, in restoring the perception of service or reputation?
>It can be quite the little housekeeping task for sure, especially as most reviews are considered shills. But hmmm...maybe, there could be another statistic showing how many reviews are considered shills.<
I do not think anyone feels most reviews are shills. I do not think anyone feels most newbies are shills. Maybe there could be another statistic showing how many potential, first time or existing hobbyists, have been a casualty of suspect fodder. Perhaps some may be guilty in their persistence to make the fantasy real and disregarded what may have appeared obvious. But the suspect information should not have been available in the first place or at the very least exposed as such. Now lets also consider the ladies, in regard their tolerance for this behavior and their own reputation. Need I remind anyone of, Jake The Snake, Faltso, Tony and on,….and on. By the way and not for nothing, Faltso just happened to be a newbie.
>I need some clarification here, please. Why does this board, regardless of the amount of shilling guys, agencies, sp's and whoever else, attack newbie reviews about newbie Sp's?<
My experience, here in the states suggests a direct correlation between, god forbid,…. newbies, shills and new SP’s. It is certainly not a new practice and will usually evidence itself with the offering of a new individual, perhaps aligned with an agency or legion of independent hotties. Many times, they have the same contact information and visit for the same duration of time. This is often the case with the “erotic services” sub-menu offered through Craigslist and at times, the “visiting” sections of other boards. The coincidental significant interest in the “review” headings of TER are just as astounding. Later, perhaps weeks, once you get past the first 2,3 or even 4 reviews of stellar services rendered, there exists a bevy of disgruntled experiences. By now, the ladies have moved on to another part of the planet, and so it goes. Obviously the information was erroneously posted, often times by a newly, made-up entity, in anticipation of some current or upcoming visit, solely for the purpose of offering credibility.
Call it guilt by association but it really has nothing to do with whether or not someone is new but everything to do with whether they have an established history and credibility, which by definition, a newbie would not have. This is not discriminatory but a truism associated with the reality. Please be mindful, a shill is not specific to anyone, certainly not newbies but unfortunately and more often then not, is the case. Why, because obviously somebody new had to create a new post to offer the suspect information.
I also became aware of a respected reviewer on another board, who was getting kickbacks from suppliers for fabricating content, which is why I mentioned this in my previous reply. I had also heard that this same reviewer, upon becoming disenchanted with whatever the deal was, posted disparaging material regarding the same suppliers. Was the person a newbie, certainly not? Was he a shill, absolutely!
Some of the individuals on this board, myself included have learned to be suspect, perhaps as a bi-product of some unfortunate experience/s. I would find it much easier to apologize publicly to someone or even an agency, then experience or admit to being burned again.
Why can’t we just tell the truth?