perhaps my personal problem?
I whole-heartedly agree with Techman, post #65.
Lone Rider, post #27 makes great reference, as to accepted, expected format. Cosmo makes good sense, in regard to respect earned, the intervention of respected, established members, and the responsibility of the Mod’s. With all these factors taken into consideration, I am comfortable in agreeing with Doingittodeath, as previously stated, I will let the board decide.
I choose not to delve into the limitless physiological, psychological understanding of why anyone does what they do. All I will suggest is, it goes much deeper then ego or money and has nothing to do with making a smart purchase. This is also why I made light of certain analogies in my previous reply, while I was getting “all bent out of shape” in distorting what someone said, related to the consumerism associated with being an educated shopper, when in essence we are talking about the realization in providing and sharing of one’s trust and one’s self, as a supplier and a client. Seriously, not some materialistic possession.
For one minute, let’s just think about any of the women on this board, which we know, respect, enjoy and lets keep the obvious initial intent out of the equation for now. Let’s keep our needs, our selfishness, our desires out of this. We just like them for the person they are, as an acquaintance, as a friend! Quite simply, how about as human beings!
How many times does anyone think a target could survive a hit like the following? In answering my own question, in my opinion,………..not many!
Maxima example:
>"so and so service is excellent...I love our bareback FS session" could destroy a career in sping).<
And let’s be honest. Who has not witnessed this type of posting? How many other replies follow the initial posting with inquires such as:
What’s her website? Her rate? How MSOG?,…… before something is done. Perhaps they don’t know any better.
While this is going on and as we know, many of the ladies read the board. Actually, forget reading the board. Imagine a client regurgitating and expecting the fulfillment of a particular desire based on even a short-lived review from the board and referencing it as such. Especially now that he’s pissed off cause he knows it’s not gonna happen.
God forbid we should stop to consider what this chosen individual might be feeling, what her thoughts might be, what potential ramifications it could have on her safety, self-esteem, livelihood and in some cases her family? How long does it take for something to become fact? No, it does not happen often, but once is too many times.
How much discussion is devoted to YMMV vs. GFE and it’s meaning? Oh that’s different, because it’s all about the basis for our fantasy, because that’s what we supposedly paid for. Convince me, that in part this is not deception and if we, the board, are doing such a great job with awareness, then why the need for the icons?
I know, all in due time,…….. all in due time.
Very, very few of the ladies on this board have the benefit, of a
well-deserved established history or the extraordinary luxury of supportive clientele. For those, which do not, does any of this sound familiar:
blame it on the Mod’s for not minding the store.
oh,….. that’s just Tony.
well, no one forced her to be in this business.
so what, she’s making a great living.
yeah, my experience with her wasn’t great either, she probably deserved it.
As another example, I will offer one of my own experiences.
I had booked a large quantity of time with a woman, through an agency in Vancouver. As much of my desire was to experience some of what Vancouver as a city had to offer, the trip was mostly predicated on the companionship of this individual during my stay.
I thought I had done my homework, I had read the only reviews available at the time on the boards, regarding the lady and the agency. Admittedly, some were less then stellar in regard to the agency, but nothing objectionable about my choice. Photo’s supposedly substantiated her likeness and existence. This and the salesmanship associated with the representative were the key components in my decision. I offered the representative, as best as one could, what I was hopeful of achieving during my visit and during our time together. I blocked out my desired schedule over the course of my 3-day visit, in several conversations with the agency representative. I confirmed the information, the night before my departure.
I touched base with the agency to confirm my arrival late that afternoon and reconfirm the first of my multiple hour appointments during my visit, for early that evening. The women, who showed up at my door was not even close, visually or ethnically, to my confirmed choice. I mention this, as I had a particular interest in sharing my experience with an Asian woman. I called the agency, to inquire what was up and of course, the representative I had dealt with had left for the evening. This new individual assured me this was the woman I had chosen. Please, how does someone confuse a petite, seemingly gorgeous Asian woman, with an attractive 5ft/7in Caucasian blonde?
I decide to make a go of it for this part of my trip and deal with the rest as it happened. We headed down Robson Street to my favorite sushi bar. After dispensing some idle chitchat and during our 30-minute wait, I am politely seething the entire time yet hopeful this could still work. We entered the restaurant. At this point she realizes we have entered a sushi-bar and suggests, “I don’t eat this shit”. Even though I told her we were headed to Tsunami Sushi, she either failed to make the connection or was not interested at the time. I hailed her a cab, handed her $300.00 dollars and sent her on her way. I returned to my room, called the agency again and was assured, the person I originally dealt with would return my call, but it would not happen until the following day. As everyone has guessed, they never extended me the courtesy.
I spent the rest of my visit solo. Yes, I did eat at Tsunami Sushi and went to Granville Island. I rode the ferry to Vancouver Island and did the walk-about in historic Gastown.
This was not about getting/or not getting laid. Finding a substitute upon my arrival was not part of the equation. My adventure, fantasy, call it what you like, was based on supposed, substantiated information, thus the expectation of my anticipated global experience. It was for the most part, the main reason I booked the trip. So you may ask the question, “What if the described, legitimized woman had showed up and the whole thing sucked anyway”? I certainly would not have been pissing and moaning about it. I would have rolled with it, just as I did. I would have assumed some of the responsibility for my disappointment and the fallout, but deception and misinformation would not have been part of the equation. At the time, being inexperienced, being trusting was certainly not worthy of suggesting, I got what I deserved.
My loss:
Countless hours of planning, back and forth on this imaginary persons likes and dislikes, along with my own/our itinerary.
In general, a waste of 4 days of my time, which included travel.
A waste of my vacation, time off from work.
My self esteem as I felt violated, angry and yes, stupid!
Oh and,…… hard earned money. I am not talking about the money I forked over, even though it was not insignificant.
I am not comparing my situation to the actuality, which has witnessed itself in regard to some of the reviewed ladies on this board, as these repercussive examples cut much deeper. But please, do not compare this to the unknown potential of some unknown’s feelings being soured by someone they don’t even know, which just happens to be a member, of just some other adult review board.
A lot of what I have been reading makes reference to the droves of willing participants, who don’t want to play on the board, because they feel they have been violated, treated rudely or just plain bitch slapped. Why? Perhaps and because they cannot invest 10 minutes, referencing any of the examples of meaningful behavior and protocol provided by all of us, including the Mod’s. I, just as anybody, can reference many new members, who just simply get it, and they are acknowledged accordingly and no one suggests anything.
Who on this board is not appalled, not so much by a review such as: “ I fucked her, I came, she was hot”, but by the attitude and arrogance of the poster. God forbid, if any of us ask for some specifics, which at times are replied with, “How dare you mo&%erf@*ker”. At times these are exactly the qualities exemplified by person’s posting bull-shit. This self-fulfilling, self-serving, non descript offering and retort bares all the earmarks and is usually synonymous with be a shill. And even if this person is not,….I think you get it.
As to the unrealized potential, suggested by supportive enablers who clamor for growth and increased audience participation and as they suggest…lighten up. In that 2-day window before the Mod’s take him down, when JakeTheSnake shows up with his newest “love-handle-alias”, how many posts will he start and how many replies will he offer and receive, as we certainly do not want to suggest the material appears suspect, based on the fact, it’s a new handle?
Seeing how some of us are fond of analogies and to those more sympathetic then I. I liken many of the replies, to verification of individual behavior, as in those that will stop and stare at a car crash. Gawk and do nothing. Let someone else take care of it,…….God forbid, you might be sued for trying to help someone? Drive on, drive on….
You should be ashamed!