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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Swisher has dramatically improved this year. He lost weight and worked all off season on his swing in Arizona. Last year I viewed him as an underachiever as I could not figure out how a guy with such a sweet swing could be hitting .250 year after year. Somebody must have told him the same thing. He has just been a much better player this year.

I also voted for him because he has a tremendous attitude and work ethic and his teammates love him. I think he is a major glue guy on the Yankees team and he is highly underrated based on his performance this year. Prior to this year he was just a Sabermetrician's wet dream; now he has become a big time major league player. While it can be debated whether he or Youkilis should go, I voted to "Send Swish". He is also a switch hitter and that gives the All Star Manager some flexibility as you want a switch hitter you can bring off the bench. Youkilis can't hit lefty. The All Star game means home team advantage in the WS and last year that was really big in my opinion.

Send Swish!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Swisher has dramatically improved this year. He lost weight and worked all off season on his swing in Arizona. Last year I viewed him as an underachiever as I could not figure out how a guy with such a sweet swing could be hitting .250 year after year. Somebody must have told him the same thing. He has just been a much better player this year.

I also voted for him because he has a tremendous attitude and work ethic and his teammates love him. I think he is a major glue guy on the Yankees team and he is highly underrated based on his performance this year. Prior to this year he was just a Sabermetrician's wet dream; now he has become a big time major league player. While it can be debated whether he or Youkilis should go, I voted to "Send Swish". He is also a switch hitter and that gives the All Star Manager some flexibility as you want a switch hitter you can bring off the bench. Youkilis can't hit lefty. The All Star game means home team advantage in the WS and last year that was really big in my opinion.

Send Swish!


Youkilis may not hit left, but he is hitting lefties at .367 v Swisher's .287.

The idea that there's a debate is BS, and it doesn't take overwhelming numbers to prove that. If you want "tremendous attitude and work ethic" Youk is unbeatable. Even though his first season was good, but not outstanding, fans adopted him because he fought so hard and gave so much, and has become a great leader and example.

And to his enormous credit it was he who got in the face of that king of slackers Manny.



BTW: What kind of statement is it on the All-Star voting when so many Yankees are going and Youkilis with totals of 3B 5, Runs 66, HR 17, BB 51, OBP 415, SLG .584, OPS .999, is leading all Yankees in these categories??? That's 7 categories!
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009

No surprise at all. You're such a flagrant HOMER. I just checked the stats of Youkilis and Swisher as well as their biographies. Swisher is doing well, but Youkilis is beating him, often markedly in every single category and Youk leads the league in runs with 66. Youk may be the toughest out in baseball as he wears out pitchers nerves by continually driving up their pitch counts. Youk can play both infield corners extremely well as has a gold glove...not to mention that though he was trained as a third baseman "Kevin Youkilis strung together 135 errorless games and 1,094 errorless innings while playing, perhaps, the American League's most aggressive first base in 2007."

Looking at the playoff stats of Swisher and Youkilis to see indications of how each player is doing against the best, as they would in the All-Star Game, Youkilis is absolutely kicking the living crap out of Swisher. In SLG and OPS in the categories of Total Playoff Appearances, ALDS, ACLS, WS respectively...

Youkilis' numbers: SLG - .568, .318, .776, .444; OPS - .944, .547, 1.253, .861.
Swisher's numbers: SLG - .254, .308, .133, .400; OPS - .572, .608, .467, .716.

Don't forget Youkilis is making his accomplishments this year surrounded by a patchwork offense, not three reasonably healthy $20 million dollar hitters and Cano.

We all know you're too much of a HOMER to have the courage to vote the best player in, especially when it means a Red Sox over a Yankee; but one might hope that since this game counts toward the World Series home field advantage you might find the guts to give the AL a better chance or at least to see a better game. Obviously NOT. No matter how Swisher may do if he got in, he is the undeniable poorer choice. There is no way you can justify your vote unless there is a position need and that is not the situation.

And, thanks for the link. I voted for Youkilis and Votto.



Well said Merlot...all I can add is that Swisher, at best, is an average RF. He has no Gold Gloves, and never will.
Perhaps if there were a category for "most improved" or "biggest clown" Swisher would deserve a vote...but since we are voting based on talent, Youk!

Youk should go!

LOL...found this article...hell - let's make it political now...

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
WTH are you rambling on about now? i think your agenda in here could be done without, as far as the hot stove, go take a look, since the mods cracked down over there things have been flawless, and i respect their decision. They are smart, why do you think i said they wont let others come in here from another sports thread trying to stir the crap from over there? i was actually complimenting the Mods on the job they have done over there, as zero tolerance has worked very well in the hot stove thread.

Ya know the Mods also said for those in the other sports threads who cant stand the heat, well, dont go into the kitchen. You and a couple others in here love to poke fun at the Yanks when they lose or anything negative goes on in the Media, thats all fine and dandy, BUT you have a breakdown when it comes back at ya the opposite way, when Yanks fans post the same about the sox so dont go crying to the Mods when you initiate it each and everytime, thats not being a gentleman, classy, or anything else you have self proclaimed . NOW, instead of trying to "stir the pot" more and more when i have tried twice in the last 24 hours to get back to baseball, lets get "Back to Baseball" comprende?

PS. apparently your views of my "merb life" are jaded by the red sox blinders you wear, i have offered many helpfull hints and tips in other threads and only give back what others like to dish out in some of the sports threads. ok, NOW back to baseball :)

PS Oh and lgna69xxx...what I believe I would detest even more as a moderator (if I were one) is someone telling me how to do my job when that same someone has spent his whole merb life doing things far worse things than those he is pointing out. And you continue to do so leveling the insults with small letters and innuendos.
You mention truth in one of your posts yet your actions show you to be highly hypocritical.
Please don't take the mods to be fools...they are very intelligent people. You hypocrisy, actions and words are nothing other than a flagrant show of your disrespect for them. IMHO your actions insult the intelligence of all here, members and mods alike.
Have a great day.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
WTH are you rambling on about now? i think your agenda in here could be done without, as far as the hot stove, go take a look, since the mods cracked down over there things have been flawless, and i respect their decision. They are smart, why do you think i said they wont let others come in here from another sports thread trying to stir the crap from over there? i was actually complimenting the Mods on the job they have done over there, as zero tolerance has worked very well in the hot stove thread.

Ya know the Mods also said for those in the other sports threads who cant stand the heat, well, dont go into the kitchen. You and a couple others in here love to poke fun at the Yanks when they lose or anything negative goes on in the Media, thats all fine and dandy, BUT you have a breakdown when it comes back at ya the opposite way, when Yanks fans post the same about the sox so dont go crying to the Mods when you initiate it each and everytime, thats not being a gentleman, classy, or anything else you have self proclaimed . NOW, instead of trying to "stir the pot" more and more when i have tried twice in the last 24 hours to get back to baseball, lets get "Back to Baseball" comprende?

PS. apparently your views of my "merb life" are jaded by the red sox blinders you wear, i have offered many helpfull hints and tips in other threads and only give back what others like to dish out in some of the sports threads. ok, NOW back to baseball :)


Since you seem to want to perpetuate this conversation that I have attempted to end on a few posts now, please allow me to add the following. First apologies to the other members and the mods for having to read this crap…but as many of you (I am sure) will understand; sometimes a man just has to say what he has to say.

Now lgna…I have no problem with heat in the kitchen. We simply don't see eye to eye on some things. You cannot accept that. No one is having any breakdowns. Your problem is when someone does not accept your view or opinion as gospel, you have to continue to ram it down their you are now. Your behavior in many threads repeatedly demonstrates it and I am not the first member here to point it out. You then pass it off as passion or some other lame excuse. I can have fun, poke fun and be poked fun’s clear you just don’t know when to shut up; you clearly have to have the last word and when you don’t get your way you simply kick and scream until you do…simple.

While I pride myself in being a perpetual learner, I've made it through 49 years of life without helpful hints from you...thank you for trying to help, but I think I’ll be ok without any help from you. BTW, I do not like your tone...please don't ever talk down to me again.

Let it go lgna69xxx. Everyone has an opinion of you. Everyone has an opinion of me. You have your opinions, likes and dislikes. I have my opinions, likes and dislikes. Move on please, I did many posts ago. Back to baseball.

Have fun,

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You guys are forgetting the simple fact that we are picking a bench player for the all star team. Youkilis CANNOT BAT LEFTHANDED. Swisher can. It is that simple. You want switchitters on your bench, unless you are a fucking boob. Plus, Swisher will lift the spirits of every person on the team. I think he is a worthy selection as is Votto.

It will put 7 Yankees on the team, actually 6 I think since Mariano was replaced by Soriano. But I really do not have a problem with that. The Yankees have the best record in baseball and to the victors go the spoils. Youkilis can use the 3 days off to read some Talmud and get ready for Yom Kippur because he will be celebrating it at home this year, with the family.

Swisher, on the other hand, needs to be on the team for all the reasons I already mentioned which are all valid reasons. I will also add that he can play OF and Youkilis can't.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
You guys are forgetting the simple fact that we are picking a bench player for the all star team. Youkilis CANNOT BAT LEFTHANDED. Swisher can. It is that simple. You want switchitters on your bench, unless you are a fucking boob. Plus, Swisher will lift the spirits of every person on the team. I think he is a worthy selection as is Votto.

It will put 7 Yankees on the team, actually 6 I think since Mariano was replaced by Soriano. But I really do not have a problem with that. The Yankees have the best record in baseball and to the victors go the spoils. Youkilis can use the 3 days off to read some Talmud and get ready for Yom Kippur because he will be celebrating it at home this year, with the family.

Swisher, on the other hand, needs to be on the team for all the reasons I already mentioned which are all valid reasons. I will also add that he can play OF and Youkilis can't.

Yeah Right,

Baloney! Your trying to sell "pie in the sky" stuff when the numbers are totally against you. Youkilis with totals of 3B 5, Runs 66, HR 17, BB 51, OBP .415, SLG .584, OPS .999, is leading all Yankees in these categories!!!! That's 7 categories better than everyone on the entire Yankees team you would send! The "to the victor goes the spoils" stuff is such an obvious non-starter since in essence it means sending the Yankees as a team instead of picking the best at any position. Then what good is switch hitting if a rightie or leftie can produce better in every category, and Youkilis has the same positive qualities anyway. Your being such a Yankee idolizing HOMER I am tempted to use a Rumplesism on you. But...I won't go there.

And...bringing up the Jewish faith for a silly comment is cheap, especially in view of how you pestered me to put a Jewish category in the ethnic attraction poll.

Face it. Swisher is a good man, but not as worthy.




Iggy has been here today, but he didn't jump in to support you. That is pretty telling. Maybe he is going by what is the obvious truth. Maybe?


Does Rumples know you're implying I'm a Sabremetrician? That's low. Oh GOD!!! It's true. HELP


Youkilis should also have been picked before Rodriguez who Youk is also much better than except in RBIs. But we can't blame Girardi for being a homer since he is the coach and the fans would hang him.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
You guys are forgetting the simple fact that we are picking a bench player for the all star team. Youkilis CANNOT BAT LEFTHANDED. Swisher can. It is that simple. You want switchitters on your bench, unless you are a fucking boob. Plus, Swisher will lift the spirits of every person on the team. I think he is a worthy selection as is Votto.

It will put 7 Yankees on the team, actually 6 I think since Mariano was replaced by Soriano. But I really do not have a problem with that. The Yankees have the best record in baseball and to the victors go the spoils. Youkilis can use the 3 days off to read some Talmud and get ready for Yom Kippur because he will be celebrating it at home this year, with the family.

Swisher, on the other hand, needs to be on the team for all the reasons I already mentioned which are all valid reasons. I will also add that he can play OF and Youkilis can't.

Au contraire EB...

We are picking the best player to round out the team. Youkilis can and has played the outfield (as good or better than Swisher can); He can play both corners in the infield and has a Gold Glove; Youk has a 3 year BA of .296 vs LHP and .304 vs RHP both of which are higher than Swishers toss your switch hitting point out the window; Youk also swooshes (strikes out) considerably less frequently than Swish.

I would respect it if you said you liked the guy for the spot because you love the Yankees and he's a Yankee. But to argue this by the are in a hole that is way to deep to dig your way out of...Swisher is a good player, Youkilis is a GREAT player.

Have fun,

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I read on Pinstripe Alley that Swish had a very narrow lead as of Noon today. MLB's site is saying the vote was the closest ever and winners will be announced at 6 p.m.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I read on Pinstripe Alley that Swish had a very narrow lead as of Noon today. MLB's site is saying the vote was the closest ever and winners will be announced at 6 p.m.

Well congrats to Votto and Swisher on getting the spots.
Shame one of 'em had to tweet-beg his way into it. LOL!

"Swisher had the all-time campaigning day in Final Vote history on Wednesday, par none. Using baseball's most-followed Twitter account (1,220,890 followers) to his advantage, he sought out and got endorsements from New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, actress Jessica Alba and "The Apprentice" co-star Ivanka Trump (among others). Then that night he was a triple shy of the cycle in leading the Yankees to a 6-2 victory over the Athletics.

On Thursday morning, it was announced that he held a narrow lead in a "virtual tie" with Youkilis. It didn't take Swisher long to tweet another kick in the rear to voters. He typed: "We're in the final stretch. Can't thank yall enough for your support. Let's finish strong!" And naturally he used the #SENDSWISH hashtag so that as many fans as possible could find his tweet, along with a link to the ballot.

Swisher's approach has been as opposite as could be from that of many other athletes, including most of the Final Ballot candidates. The Wall Street Journal even ran a story Wednesday morning on his enthusiasm of promoting himself publicly. There is no question that it worked."

Used to be MLB players earned the spots with
Pathetically amused (not whining so save it),

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Congrats to Nick Swisher!!!!!!! Both of the guys I voted for won! I think the fans connected with Swish because he is an Everyman who loves to play baseball and feels blessed to play the game! They love him and want to see him on the team!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Congrats to Nick Swisher!!!!!!! Both of the guys I voted for won! I think the fans connected with Swish because he is an Everyman! They love him and want to see him on the team!

You match your avatar to a "T"!!!!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Congrats to Nick Swisher!!!!!!! Both of the guys I voted for won! I think the fans connected with Swish because he is an Everyman who loves to play baseball and feels blessed to play the game! They love him and want to see him on the team!

Glad to see you happy EB!
Have fun,


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Nobody put a gun to my head Jman47! I voted for Swish of my own free will and because I wanted to and because I think people should be rewarded for hard work and improving themselves! You may have a different value system but I believe that hard work should be rewarded and in this case, it was!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Nobody put a gun to my head Jman47! I voted for Swish of my own free will and because I wanted to and because I think people should be rewarded for hard work and improving themselves! You may have a different value system but I believe that hard work should be rewarded and in this case, it was!

You sir are an educated fan...unlike the majority who were tweeted. Never said anyone forced you to do anything.

I repeat...seriously...

Glad to see you happy EB! :D (happy face - no rolleyes)

Have fun,

PS Random thoughts...
Frankly, I don't give a shit who goes. It's always good to see the show. Youk is probably better off with the rest (admit it he was more qualified). I sure hope Papi doesn't screw up his swing in the derby. And I hope Swish does something to contribute...Sox could use home field advantage in the WS.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Congrats to Nick Swisher!!!!!!! Both of the guys I voted for won! I think the fans connected with Swish because he is an Everyman who loves to play baseball and feels blessed to play the game! They love him and want to see him on the team!

I owe it to NY having a bigger fan base/population than the rest of the MLB teams. If Chan Ho Park would have been on that ballot, he probably would have got as many votes.

At least the fans got it right with Votto.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I owe it to NY having a bigger fan base/population than the rest of the MLB teams. If Chan Ho Park would have been on that ballot, he probably would have got as many votes.

At least the fans got it right with Votto.

I agree with Votto too...he deserved it.

I attribute part to the larger fan base as well Doc...but the outright campaigning of the player, well thats unheard of...guess when you are only a good player and not a great player you do what you gotta do. Kinda like the kid who sucks in little league who has the mommy with the loudest

And hey - I wrote in Chan Ho Park...dammit, I never thought to tweet his fan base
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
LOL, unreal, i stand by my post earlier, and i will leave it at that

Now, Congrats to Nicholis Thompson Swisher for being voted into the allstar game , looks like the fans wanted him indeed. Lets hope he gets a huge hit to help send the Yankees to home field advantage throughout the playoffs and to the Yankees 28th World Series Championship!



Since you seem to want to perpetuate this conversation that I have attempted to end on a few posts now, please allow me to add the following. First apologies to the other members and the mods for having to read this crap…but as many of you (I am sure) will understand; sometimes a man just has to say what he has to say.

Now lgna…I have no problem with heat in the kitchen. We simply don't see eye to eye on some things. You cannot accept that. No one is having any breakdowns. Your problem is when someone does not accept your view or opinion as gospel, you have to continue to ram it down their you are now. Your behavior in many threads repeatedly demonstrates it and I am not the first member here to point it out. You then pass it off as passion or some other lame excuse. I can have fun, poke fun and be poked fun’s clear you just don’t know when to shut up; you clearly have to have the last word and when you don’t get your way you simply kick and scream until you do…simple.

While I pride myself in being a perpetual learner, I've made it through 49 years of life without helpful hints from you...thank you for trying to help, but I think I’ll be ok without any help from you. BTW, I do not like your tone...please don't ever talk down to me again.

Let it go lgna69xxx. Everyone has an opinion of you. Everyone has an opinion of me. You have your opinions, likes and dislikes. I have my opinions, likes and dislikes. Move on please, I did many posts ago. Back to baseball.

Have fun,

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