yea, he is the red sox player that sox "fans" will turn on next like they do most every red sox player when they end up sucking and/or going to another team for more money, or just going to the Yankees in general, which is usually for more money cause epstein is a cheapo (like every fan wouldnt take a huge raise to take a better job, lol, get real sox fans) you know the drill by now, Vaughn, Pedro, Buckner, Damon, Papelbon, Manny, Red Ruffing (for the old timers in here, mainly rumpie poo)Sparky Lyle, Luis Tiant, Wade Boggs, and lets not forget BABE RUTH! ahhhhhh good ole Babe, the gift that just keeps on giving, thanks red sox!![]()
You are clueless...but this reply typifies your ignorance of the game and total lack of baseball knowledge, facts and trivia. Hell, I even got Joe.t sarcastic dig because Merlot mistyped David instead of Thanks for the correction M. However, my comments don't reference that though, they reference you ... as you typically do you once again are making baseless, factless, derogatory, flaming statements.
Lets look at some facts, ok Mr lgna69xxx...
Most of these so called players who were allegedly "turned on" have been honored by the Red Sox and their fans once their careers ended...including Mo Vaughn, Pedro Martinez, Bill Buckner, Red Ruffing, Sparky Lyle, Luis Tiant - (hell he practically lives at Fenway you %^$#$ and has a concession named after him), and Wade Boggs. I am not sure about Babe Ruth ever being I won't comment...lesson here...if you don't know something just shut up.
Papelbon still plays for the Red Sox...and oh yeah just like the Yankee fans reserve the right to boo Arod, or AJ, Joba or the great Mo when they do we when Papelbon sucks.
Damon, and Manny are still playing. I suspect both will be invited to a future ceremony at Fenway (yes, even Manny because we are a class organization) to thank them for their contributions as Red Sox.
Do us all a favor and just shut up when you don't know what you are talking only makes you look more ignorant than you already look.
Have fun,
PS Some day the mods will figure out that your use of no capital letters in names is not because you are text speaking or lazy or even simple because it little iggys way of throwing around insults and disrespect.
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