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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
yea, he is the red sox player that sox "fans" will turn on next like they do most every red sox player when they end up sucking and/or going to another team for more money, or just going to the Yankees in general, which is usually for more money cause epstein is a cheapo (like every fan wouldnt take a huge raise to take a better job, lol, get real sox fans) you know the drill by now, Vaughn, Pedro, Buckner, Damon, Papelbon, Manny, Red Ruffing (for the old timers in here, mainly rumpie poo)Sparky Lyle, Luis Tiant, Wade Boggs, and lets not forget BABE RUTH! ahhhhhh good ole Babe, the gift that just keeps on giving, thanks red sox! :)

You are clueless...but this reply typifies your ignorance of the game and total lack of baseball knowledge, facts and trivia. Hell, I even got Joe.t sarcastic dig because Merlot mistyped David instead of Thanks for the correction M. However, my comments don't reference that though, they reference you ... as you typically do you once again are making baseless, factless, derogatory, flaming statements.

Lets look at some facts, ok Mr lgna69xxx...

Most of these so called players who were allegedly "turned on" have been honored by the Red Sox and their fans once their careers ended...including Mo Vaughn, Pedro Martinez, Bill Buckner, Red Ruffing, Sparky Lyle, Luis Tiant - (hell he practically lives at Fenway you %^$#$ and has a concession named after him), and Wade Boggs. I am not sure about Babe Ruth ever being I won't comment...lesson here...if you don't know something just shut up.

Papelbon still plays for the Red Sox...and oh yeah just like the Yankee fans reserve the right to boo Arod, or AJ, Joba or the great Mo when they do we when Papelbon sucks.

Damon, and Manny are still playing. I suspect both will be invited to a future ceremony at Fenway (yes, even Manny because we are a class organization) to thank them for their contributions as Red Sox.

Do us all a favor and just shut up when you don't know what you are talking only makes you look more ignorant than you already look.

Have fun,


PS Some day the mods will figure out that your use of no capital letters in names is not because you are text speaking or lazy or even simple because it little iggys way of throwing around insults and disrespect.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Showing tonight on ESPN 30 for 30 films. 4 days in October, the trailer will you give you chills!!!

Still the greatest comeback OR the greatest choke in all of sports history...depending on where you were will be tough to beat that one. Thanks for the heads up SK.


And who could forget this...


Have fun,

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
We were over that in 2004....

You'll never beat this pal...


Have fun...SeeeeYaaa,



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I was just watching an ESPN special on their 30-30 series called "Four Days In October" made about the Red Sox coming back from being down 3-0 in games against the Yankees during the 2004 ALCS. I missed half of the program, but caught the Homeric epic story of Game 6, the first outing for Curt Schilling testing the experimental surgery on his right ankle. I was caught by the juxtaposition of the spectacle of the heroic Schilling risking everything against all the odds by having to pitch while pushing off a jerry-rigged ankle slowing bleeding into his shoe versus the infamous deliberate glove slap and the shameful lying protest of Alex Rodriguez being called out upon review by the umpires. Then the grotesque response of Yankee fans supporting the obvious lie by raining down garbage onto their own hallowed field to their own infamy in front of a national audience of more than 50 million viewers...and quite likely double that number, as dozens of riot police were called in to guard the foul lines against New Yorker's bold disgrace. The greatest comeback in sports history scarred by the greatest mass disgrace in sports history. This was the measure of Red Sox heroism versus "Yankee Pride" on that day.


Have fun,


And there it is. Geeez, just finished writing my post when I saw yours just after posting mine. Still says he didn't do it. Yup, truly disgraceful.

We were over that in 2004....

You'll never beat this pal...


Have fun...SeeeeYaaa,


And the "Evil Empire" knew everlasting SHAME!

In case you missed it:


...and now another poor retort by Iggy. You're turn pal.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
sorry boys, but you lose again, one year vs. 86 is and always will be worse... give your heads a shake... i understand tho, you have not put your red sox blinders on the shelf yet, dont worry march 31 will be here before you know it.... it's ok, TOTALLY understand it is hard to let go of a season that was lost (Leafs fan here, thank goodness we have Brain Burke now!) .. but hey, there is always next year!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
sorry boys, but you lose again, one year vs. 86 is and always will be worse... give your heads a shake... i understand tho, you have not put your red sox blinders on the shelf yet, dont worry march 31 will be here before you know it.... it's ok, TOTALLY understand it is hard to let go of a season that was lost (Leafs fan here, thank goodness we have Brain Burke now!) .. but hey, there is always next year!


In other news, reports say Yankee manager Joe Girardi has taken out the garbage removing $80,000,000 of dead weight (A.J. Burnett) from his roster as the of late poorly playing Yankees attempt to defend their title. Even Burnett was heard to say..."I SUCK". Care to explain Iggy...or just another diversionary retort dodging the issue. Yeah, here comes the diversion. It's pretty bad when your number 2 pitcher is so awful he isn't being allowed to help defend the teams title.

Looks like the Yankees have a new $80 million peanut hawker for the fans at game time. On second thought, with his arm he'll never pitch it to the right fan in a seat only as wide as the strike zone. BWAHAHA! (sorry, had to)


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
your getting weak in your old age :)

why such "sour grapes" these days? (yes, pun intended) just cause the red sox didnt make the postseason? cmon , you red sox fans always post about how classy you are, show a little sportsmanship! lol, as Rob Schnieder says


In other news, reports say Yankee manager Joe Girardi has taken out the garbage removing $80,000,000 of dead weight (A.J. Burnett) from his roster as the of late poorly playing Yankees attempt to defend their title. Even Burnett was heard to say..."I SUCK". Care to explain Iggy...or just another diversionary retort dodging the issue. Yeah, here comes the diversion.




Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
your getting weak in your old age :)

why such "sour grapes" these days? (yes, pun intended) just cause the red sox didnt make the postseason? cmon , you red sox fans always post about how classy you are, show a little sportsmanship! lol, as Rob Schnieder says

That's all you got?

You mean sportsmanship like 60,000 Yankee fans throwing garbage on the field during game 6 in 2004? You mean sportsmanship like your silly little flame taunting games here on this board in every thread you post in...that kind of sportsmanship?

Why do we waste our time? Its like playing Brain Games with a preschooler.
You long and as hard as I've seriously considered taking a suspension here just to blow off steam...and even have others cheering me on to do it...I always come to the same conclusion...HE ain't worth it.

BTW - you are spot on...the $200M bombs are in trouble and Girardi knows it...maybe he can get reinstated somehow and catch? Has to be ale to do better than Cirvelli's 3 errors the other night or Posada trying to bounce the ball 3 times to second on steal attempts...but hey at least the Yankee faithful can enjoy 3 or 4 more games for that $200M...its all cool.

Have fun,

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Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Hello all,

I was just watching an ESPN special on their 30-30 series called "Why Not Us" in reference to the statement of hope many Red Sox players made about coming back from being down 3-0 in games against the Yankees during the 2004 ALCS.



It was called "Four Days in October" not "why not us" I posted about it earlier tonight if you read up.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Thats all i got? Heck,thats all i need to get you riled up, seems your time in the cave did nothing for you. man it is good having you back tho! Merlot is saying in the football thread that anyone who goes 10-0 in his weekly football pool he will dish out 6 free hours with your sp of choice, whipped cream and im sure some 2004 or 2007 Bostonian Red, get the 2004/2007 references? :) i bet you would feel much better after that than some dirty dark cave! Welcome back tho, seriously.
That's all you got?



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Thats all i got

Welcome left.
I simply exercised my right and ability as an adult and chose to play adult and intelligent games, rather than on the playground.

Have fun,
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Hello all,

I was just watching an ESPN special on their 30-30 series called "Four Days In October" made about the Red Sox coming back from being down 3-0 in games against the Yankees during the 2004 ALCS. I missed half of the program, but caught the Homeric epic story of Game 6, the first outing for Kurt Schilling testing the experimental surgery on his right ankle. I was caught by the juxtaposition of the spectacle of the heroic Schilling risking everything against all the odds by having to pitch while pushing off a jerry-rigged ankle slowing bleeding into his shoe versus the infamous deliberate glove slap and the shameful lying protest of Alex Rodriguez being called out upon review by the umpires. Then the grotesque response of Yankee fans supporting the obvious lie by raining down garbage onto their own hallowed field to their own infamy in front of a national audience of more than 50 million viewers...and quite likely double that number, as dozens of riot police were called in to guard the foul lines against New Yorker's bold disgrace. The greatest comeback in sports history scarred by the greatest mass disgrace in sports history. This was the measure of Red Sox heroism versus "Yankee Pride" on that day.

And there it is. Geeez, just finished writing my post when I saw yours just after posting mine. Still says he didn't do it. Yup, truly disgraceful.

And the "Evil Empire" knew everlasting SHAME!

In case you missed it:


...and now another poor retort by Iggy. You're turn pal.



Question - Is Kurt related to Curt by any chance?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
lol, whatever you say bro, but you might wanna reread some of your posts, there is nothing adult and intelligent about calling someone degrading names in every other post my friend. anyways, welcome back to the playground, it wasnt the same w/o you, JoeT wouldnt share his sand pail and shovel, but when Merlot wouldnt give me his, Joe just took it from him anyways! Joe can be such a bully sometimes!


Welcome left.
I simply execised my right and ability as an adult and chose to play adult and intelligent games, rather than on the playground.

Have fun,


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Roy Halladay no hits the Reds in GM 1 of the NLDS!!! What a performance!

Awesome performance!

Hey SK remind me...why didn't the Sox get the Doc...?
Oh yeah, we had to have Dice K:rolleyes:...rofl?!?!

Go Twins!

Have fun,

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
lol, whatever you say bro, but you might wanna reread some of your posts, there is nothing adult and intelligent about calling someone degrading names in every other post my friend. anyways, welcome back to the playground, it wasnt the same w/o you, JoeT wouldnt share his sand pail and shovel, but when Merlot wouldnt give me his, Joe just took it from him anyways! Joe can be such a bully sometimes!

For the record "bro":rolleyes:...while there were indeed references in my posts (as there were in yours), there was no name calling and no degrading names. Again when you are gonna say something, be accurate will ya...? Oh whoa is poor me and playing Mr Innocent is way to transparent "my friend" save us the drama will ya...?

Well...the Rangers and Phillies look good. The Can they at least compete. And its too early to tell about SF and Atlanta. Sentimentally I'd love to see Bobby Cox take it but he just does not have the horses.

Have fun,

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