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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Better look at your post with rumples, you seem to never NOT take a snipe or make a nasty comment towards the Yankees. Why cant you just learn to take what you give? is it THAT hard? it is not meant in a hurtful way just like i am sure your little "digs" are not, and if they are well, i am sorry cause i never let one thing on a internet board hurt my feelings or run my life, i laugh it off and move on, simple as that.

Mod8 clearly stated no more insulting a member, yet i have counted your "pal" calling me and any yankees fan in general, stupid, and a moron a few times since the warning last week, and even doing so in another thread which was clearly stated suspension worthy. I have never personally insulted you or anyone else in here since then and dont plan to, but like the Mod said in the past, locker room antics are part of sports and always will be, and he is cool with that, as long as it doesnt get personal. A Suggestion, stop taking yourself so seriously and maybe, just maybe we can coexist.

I was also talking baseball and giving my POV just like you two were, but when you get back what you give, or dont wanna hear opinons other than a red sox fans, you go ballistic, let it go bro, and just "Have Fun"

Again with the snipes, nasty comments and taunting rhetoric...didn't you learn from the last time you had us shut down...?!

Rumples and I were having a civil conversation. At one point .t even half joined in...comon now! Oh and except for the couple part...I suppose you could say that is a very accurate description of the Yankees performance in the new century.

BTW, its absolutely laughable everytime a Yankees fan says..."you had the SECOND highest payroll" in MLB...LOL. I mean dude, why bother?

Have fun,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

The Yanks will give Jeter a 3-4 yr deal in the range of 14-17mil per season. The Steinbrenner's wont let Jeter leave, he is a legend, will be the first Yankee EVER (i know, hard to believe) to get 3000 hits (74 shy) is the Captain of Professional Sports #1 Franchise, is a mega star world wide, and is the definition of "CLASS" :) and is still a pretty darned good baseball player. For all he has done good for the Empire, one sub par season is allowed. He will have a better season next year haters, just watch and see.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Better look at your post with rumples, you seem to never NOT take a snipe or make a nasty comment towards the Yankees. Why cant you just learn to take what you give? is it THAT hard? it is not meant in a hurtful way just like i am sure your little "digs" are not, and if they are well, i am sorry cause i never let one thing on a internet board hurt my feelings or run my life, i laugh it off and move on, simple as that.

Mod8 clearly stated no more insulting a member, yet i have counted your "pal" calling me and any yankees fan in general, stupid, and a moron a few times since the warning last week, and even doing so in another thread which was clearly stated suspension worthy. I have never personally insulted you or anyone else in here since then and dont plan to, but like the Mod said in the past, locker room antics are part of sports and always will be, and he is cool with that, as long as it doesnt get personal. A Suggestion, stop taking yourself so seriously and maybe, just maybe we can coexist.

I was also talking baseball and giving my POV just like you two were, but when you get back what you give, or dont wanna hear opinons other than a red sox fans, you go ballistic, let it go bro, and just "Have Fun"

I am a "give and take" kinda guy Iggy. But unlike others, I don't always feel the need to GIVE (like a stick in the eye give). I am never "hurtful" here...but I suppose its all a matter of personal all of us. I will call it like I see it...and if the truth hurts, then so be it.

As for your interpretation that I am "going ballistic" ... you make me laugh. This is all light hearted fun...really Iggy, I couldn't care less. You read way too much into things.

Have fun,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Again with the snipes, nasty comments and taunting rhetoric...didn't you learn from the last time you had us shut down...?!
Snipes aside, I don't know why you even bother to respond to his moronic drivel. Not just moronic, but ironic, when you consider his reference to Youkilis as injury prone given Youk's one injury in his career. I find this laughable when you consider that the Yankees have a chronically injured 36 year old "playing" third base and that this guy is under contract for six (count 'em, 6) more years.

I also love the idea of the corpse of Derek Jeter dragging the Yankees down for the next four years at $17 M per. Now that's funny.

(Note that I didn't call iggy himself a moron or a redneck; my reference was to the stupid things he posted.)


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
as a yankee fan i'd like to say one thing... that was pretty fucking funny!

to be a fan is to want what's best for the team. i pay for the salaries so what have they done for me lately? i can't recall liking 100% any team i'm a fan of. i'm loyal to the players as long as they perform, and i sure as hell won't take a bullet for any of them. jeter needs to perform the first 30 games next season, or else 'retardi' better reduce jeter's role.

Hello jmb,
Great to see a Yanks fan with a sense of humor! Refer back to my post 1964..."If I were the Yankees I would sign Jeter to be player/coach, make Girardi bench coach or even bat boy, go after Beltre and move Arod to DH. Oh yeah, I'd get rid of Posada and find a back up catcher for a whole lot less..."

Some would find it hard to believe, but that really was an objective opinion. Like you said, you can't always like everyone on the team. And something the Yankees have to learn is "you can't fall in love with your veterans".

Snipes aside, I don't know why you even bother to respond to his moronic drivel. Not just moronic, but ironic, when you consider his reference to Youkilis as injury prone given Youk's one injury in his career. I find this laughable when you consider that the Yankees have a chronically injured 36 year old "playing" third base and that this guy is under contract for six (count 'em, 6) more years.

I also love the idea of the corpse of Derek Jeter dragging the Yankees down for the next four years at $17 M per. Now that's funny.

(Note that I didn't call iggy himself a moron or a redneck; my reference was to the stupid things he posted.)

Hi Rumples,
I don't know...I suppose I see it as a "civic duty" Relative to the stupid comment about Youkilis, who is a pillar of health...well I considered the source and moved on.
An aging ARod and Jeter on the left side spells nothing but good things for Red Sox Nation.

Have fun,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008


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Seems like exercising Papi's option was a no-brainer. If the Sox can sign someone like Bill Hall to DH against tough lefties, Papi's number will be even better.

BTW, the Bill James to whom Edes refers is the same Bill James who helped the Sox build two World Championships in the last seven years, allowing the Sox to become and remain the only team in baseball to win two (count 'em, 2) titles in the 21st century. Thanks, Bill.

Asking Bill James who is an employee of the Red Sox to project 2011 for Ortiz is like asking Hank Steinbrenner to predict on how Jeter will perform in 2011.:rolleyes:

PS- Look for the corpse of Jamie Moyer to be in the Sox rotation at some point in 2011, you know how Theo likes them old guys.

My prediction for the Red Sox rotation for 2011.

Jamie Moyer
Bartolo Colon
Luis Tiant
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Too Freakin Funny Bro! good thing i was not taking a drink when i read that :)


My prediction for the Red Sox rotation for 2011.

Jamie Moyer
Bartolo Colon
Luis Tiant


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Well what did Forrest Gump say...?..."Stupid is as stupid does."
Word is Brian and Hank are hard at it assembling a crack Yankees reunion staff...


Yankees 2011 Crew of Aces:

Andy Petite*
Joba Chamberlin
Kevin Brown**
Javier Vazquez**
Carl Pavano**

*Kei Igawa - to fill in for the 20 starts Petite will miss
**Hideki Irabu - to fill in for anyone who punches a wall, takes most of the season off or just needs time to find themselves


Gotta admit was funny...LOL.

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yea, as was your's, i have to admit, KUDOS BRO!. BUT, not as funny as when the reporters for the boston media asked David Ortiz what he was gonna do after the sox picked up his option, and i quote "i will go out and buy my hero's and best buddy, Shreks, collection of movies! .... now thats a bestest buddy in the whole world! :), having fun!


Gotta admit was funny...LOL.

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I would bet money on ANYTHING you predict Bro!

Tell me something Igna, when do you think that Lee or Crawford will be signed by the Yankees?, I'm thinking that they will have at least one of them bagged by next Sunday


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Originally reported by Joe.t`s source

In other hot stove news on the Yankees, they are reportedly close to signing a backup for Jeter at SS. As not to sign anyone who is currently younger, more agile or more talented for the job ...its been heavily rumored by a very reliable source that Bucky Dent has asked his agent to look for condos in the Bronx...

Have fun,


PS Calm down`s called humor...
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Any reference to BUCKY DENT is A#1 in my book! The man who single handedly made a "Nation" Cry!, Remember that JoeT?

That's Bucky F. Dent...I am so happy the intentional ironic twist in my post was not lost on you...LOL.
Good pick up Iggy;).

Have fun,


PS As was the guy in your post the man who repeatedly made Yankofiles cry...


PPS I was gonna pick Aaron F. Boone, but I thought he may still have a little more range than Jeter...ROFL.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
PPS I was gonna pick Aaron F. Boone, but I thought he may still have a little more range than Jeter...ROFL.
Of that there's little doubt. The list of people with more range than Jeter only begins with Aaron F. Boone, extends to my Aunt Gertrude and has a cast of zillions in between. Yet that won't stop the Yankees from lavishing another $75,000,000 on the Captain's corpse.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Intentional? yes, Ironic? yes. Picture of Bucky hammering that homerun making a "nation" mourn, PRICELESS! thanks for bring up Mr. Dents name today, you made my Sunday buddy! :)

That's Bucky F. Dent...I am so happy the intentional ironic twist in my post was not lost on you...LOL.
Good pick up Iggy;).

Have fun,


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