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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


New Member
May 14, 2016
(with a few gay exceptions)

This is the kind of comment that wreaks of irrationality. Gay because they don't agree with you? :rolleyes:

I agree the transgender person should have a notice in her advertisements about her gender origin. Why? On one hand it's about honesty and being sensitive to how clients feel and their right to know given the extreme intimacy of what we come here for and the extreme sensitivity of each person's sexuality/sexual identity.

On the other hand it's all BS. By the same standard we want this transgender to be held to we offer NOTHING of the kind. Escorts or transgenders get nothing about our risky desires and acts. They get nothing about anything in our history that might be distasteful, objectionable, or harmful to them. We demand honesty but give none.

Frankly, the more I read stuff like "gay exceptions" I begin to wonder if a transgender doesn't have the right to live as they chose without advertising otherwise and let the client have the balls to ask each escort if she was ever a man, the same as each escort might require the clients to bring a certified personal history of the kind of women they bang, with or without condoms, unprotected anal, recreational drugs, orgies, needles, etc.


Naomi Loren

Active Member
Mar 26, 2016
When I delete a post, it's because I regret having said it. That was probably the case. It takes courage to admit you were wrong.

I understand you guys getting angry at getting called names, but this whole-sale ganging up on the two (or three) women who were emotional and called you names hardly covers you in glory.

My post wasn't insulting. I deleted it because I knew this thread was going to escalate to an unreasonable point, but I'm glad to see people are bringing it up 8 pages later, presumably because they've run out of other things to take issue with.

Edit: Actually, 11 pages later. Wow.


Apr 7, 2015
My post wasn't insulting. I deleted it because I knew this thread was going to escalate to an unreasonable point, but I'm glad to see people are bringing it up 8 pages later, presumably because they've run out of other things to take issue with.

Edit: Actually, 11 pages later. Wow.

... yet here you are...

still reading the post that you ran away from... do you get text alerts or you just quietly reading while pretending to have abandoned this thread?


Apr 7, 2015
This is the kind of comment that wreaks of irrationality. Gay because they don't agree with you? :rolleyes:

I agree the transgender person should have a notice in her advertisements about her gender origin. Why? On one hand it's about honesty and being sensitive to how clients feel and their right to know given the extreme intimacy of what we come here for and the extreme sensitivity of each person's sexuality/sexual identity.

On the other hand it's all BS. By the same standard we want this transgender to be held to we offer NOTHING of the kind. Escorts or transgenders get nothing about our risky desires and acts. They get nothing about anything in our history that might be distasteful, objectionable, or harmful to them. We demand honesty but give none.

Frankly, the more I read stuff like "gay exceptions" I begin to wonder if a transgender doesn't have the right to live as they chose without advertising otherwise and let the client have the balls to ask each escort if she was ever a man, the same as each escort might require the clients to bring a certified personal history of the kind of women they bang, with or without condoms, unprotected anal, recreational drugs, orgies, needles, etc.


Context is important - quote the entire post and not just cut and paste a snippit...
Was saying that gay brains think like female brains, that's all.

Naomi Loren

Active Member
Mar 26, 2016
... yet here you are...

still reading the post that you ran away from... do you get text alerts or you just quietly reading while pretending to have abandoned this thread?

The year is 2070. I'm much older. I've made many decisions in my lifetime, but this is the only one that haunts me.

Daytime is fine and rather routine. I accept the choices I've made. In the twilight of my life, I spend long afternoons in the garden, reminiscing with my remaining friends. Sometimes, we sit in the tire swing tied to the old fig tree. Though our bodies don't work as well as they used to, we still appreciate the joy of swinging through the open air.

Late at night, watching the moonlight seep in through the curtains, I still wrestle with what I did many autumns ago.

Abandoning the post.

Perhaps in another life, I would feel differently. But there is no other life, simply the here and now, with the reality I chose.


Apr 7, 2015
The year is 2070. I'm much older. I've made many decisions in my lifetime, but this is the only one that haunts me.

Daytime is fine and rather routine. I accept the choices I've made. In the twilight of my life, I spend long afternoons in the garden, reminiscing with my remaining friends. Sometimes, we sit in the tire swing tied to the old fig tree. Though our bodies don't work as well as they used to, we still appreciate the joy of swinging through the open air.

Late at night, watching the moonlight seep in through the curtains, I still wrestle with what I did many autumns ago.

Abandoning the post.

Perhaps in another life, I would feel differently. But there is no other life, simply the here and now, with the reality I chose.

OMG... this is why I will never smoke weed.


New Member
May 14, 2016
And the only thing I got from this thread is that those ladies are genuine and honest with the topic, as well as willingly to speak up. And I am pretty sure a lot of clients value that....

BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO! I see no reason why escorts can't be grrreat and still be able to express a strong opinion as honestly and freely as the guys. Aequalitas Enim Omnia (Equality for all).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
And the only thing I got from this thread is that those ladies are genuine and honest in their reactions. That's a great trait to have an SP...wouldn't you agree?

Nobody is against genuine or honest opinions. Going after your potential clients as ignorant or fools or whatever is what I was talking about. The "reactions" were in fact overreactions. So no, I don't agree. Cloudsurf is absolutely the last person on this board who should be attacked in this regard by any SP and I say this having met him. He had a right to say what he said and did so in a respectful way.

As for "Bravo Bravo Bravo", I can also say Bravo to someone who changes his handle a bunch of times but still doesn't get invited to any party anywhere. Bravo to that.


Feb 9, 2016

How does expressing an opinion on transgenderism or another issue, have anything to do with their 'services'? They have the same outstanding reviews as before. The same accurate photos. They are the same easy going individuals with personality that multiple people can attest to were nice to them. So, to turn around and act like that has something to do with their services seems kind of like slander, no? I thought the wheel point of this forum was to be able to ascertain stuff about SP/ review..and get a sense of them. I still think that is the case. And the only thing I got from this thread is that those ladies are genuine and honest in their reactions. That's a great trait to have an SP...wouldn't you agree?
I thought the whole point of this forum was to give us customers a place to post reviews, discuss which escort was worth it, to prevent bait and switch, etc. Not white knighting bad behavior. You're actually arguing in an earlier post for escorts to not reveal their sex. What's next? If she totally identifies as having 36 D breasts, she really does have them, not small As?

As for're paying them to pretend they like you and are having fun. I have no idea how you look like, but if they were honest with you, there's a good chance not one would sleep with you. I don't mean this as an insult, that's just how it is.


Apr 7, 2015
You think women as a whole can't think logically. Those are your words. Everything you say is a joke.I pity any Sp that has to put up with your douchebaggery.

Happy Thanksgiving. Try not to tell your mother she's an idiot (you know cause she can't think logically according to you) and didn't should never have tried to instruct you on anything before while you dine on Turkey dinner.

Not all women - just a lot of them.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
As for're paying them to pretend they like you and are having fun. I have no idea how you look like, but if they were honest with you, there's a good chance not one would sleep with you. I don't mean this as an insult, that's just how it is.

I don't mean this as an insult either, but when you make an honest claim regarding other peoples experiences that you have absolutely no part of, and you say "that's just how it is", you're basically sending a clear message that it's how it is for you.
After all these years, I should’ve known better then to share a differing opinion on an escort review board that addressed a complex and intricate topic because:

- SOME people read/hear what they want
- SOME twist your words and give them a different meaning
- SOME interpret comments as they see fit to suit their own
- SOME take comments out of context and/or don’t consider context
- SOME can’t seem to make the difference between “some” and “all”
- Because “the boys’ club” of this board sticks together no matter what
- SOME will justify unacceptable comments made a poster because they’re friends but have no issues talk-trashing an SP.
- Opinionated women are not welcomed on this board--the sweet ladies who don’t speak up and/or dare not to disagree are much more appreciated.
- SOME are expert misogynists and think very little of women. Overall, men are better. A woman’s opinion, right or wrong, is irrelevant and strictly emotional.
- SOME will even attack your looks, business model, honorarium and the experience you offer just to make a point. And yes, even the number of reviews you have.
- SOME can dish it out but can’t take it
- Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

I’ve learned my lesson (again) and since there is no point in addressing the topic further (or the comments made about me), you’ll be happy to know I’m out of the boys’ locker room :thumb: :wave:

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to all! :kiss:

Gabriella xox


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The year is 2070. I'm much older. I've made many decisions in my lifetime, but this is the only one that haunts me.

Daytime is fine and rather routine. I accept the choices I've made. In the twilight of my life, I spend long afternoons in the garden, reminiscing with my remaining friends. Sometimes, we sit in the tire swing tied to the old fig tree. Though our bodies don't work as well as they used to, we still appreciate the joy of swinging through the open air.

Late at night, watching the moonlight seep in through the curtains, I still wrestle with what I did many autumns ago.

Abandoning the post.

Perhaps in another life, I would feel differently. But there is no other life, simply the here and now, with the reality I chose.

Ok now that my morocan wonderful vegetable couscous is done and tasted (I am becoming such a good cook!), I can come back and read again this wonderful post that Naomi wrote. What a fucking wonderful post it is. This is why this board is so amazing. We are all very different by all means, by ages, by etnics, by our education, by our lifestyle, by very much all different things but then you end up with the luxury to read such a wonderful post which was an anwer to someone who did not really deserve shit.

Hats off to you Naomie, you rock.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Nobody is against genuine or honest opinions. Going after your potential clients as ignorant or fools or whatever is what I was talking about. The "reactions" were in fact overreactions. So no, I don't agree. Cloudsurf is absolutely the last person on this board who should be attacked in this regard by any SP and I say this having met him. He had a right to say what he said and did so in a respectful way.

First and foremost i respect all of the women that choose to be in this business and women in general, always have and always will and actions speak louder than words. I also know one of the most kind hearted men i have ever met in this little "hobby" who also respects women, all women. That man is Cloudsurf, great guy, kind hearted and man oh man does that man "love" women, literally and figuretively lol. I know emotions were running high in here earlier and a couple ladies were likely just standing up for their friends or in general which I totally respect them for, thats what good friends do afterall, so i hope both they and Cloudy can put this behind them and be adults about this and move on. Life is short boys and girls.

As for "Bravo Bravo Bravo", I can also say Bravo to someone who changes his handle a bunch of times but still doesn't get invited to any party anywhere. Bravo to that.

B R A V O :clap2:


Feb 9, 2016
After all these years, I should’ve known better then to share a differing opinion on an escort review board that addressed a complex and intricate topic because:

- SOME people read/hear what they want
- SOME twist your words and give them a different meaning
- SOME interpret comments as they see fit to suit their own
- SOME take comments out of context and/or don’t consider context
- SOME can’t seem to make the difference between “some” and “all”
- Because “the boys’ club” of this board sticks together no matter what
- SOME will justify unacceptable comments made a poster because they’re friends but have no issues talk-trashing an SP.
- Opinionated women are not welcomed on this board--the sweet ladies who don’t speak up and/or dare not to disagree are much more appreciated.
- SOME are expert misogynists and think very little of women. Overall, men are better. A woman’s opinion, right or wrong, is irrelevant and strictly emotional.
- SOME will even attack your looks, business model, honorarium and the experience you offer just to make a point. And yes, even the number of reviews you have.
- SOME can dish it out but can’t take it
- Etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

I’ve learned my lesson (again) and since there is no point in addressing the topic further (or the comments made about me), you’ll be happy to know I’m out of the boys’ locker room :thumb: :wave:

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving to all! :kiss:

Gabriella xox
A forum full of misogynists who pay 200$ + an hour to enjoy the company of women. MERB is a boys' club, by and for the customers.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
SOME people have to realize they said the wrong thing and typed words do not lie no matter what context you put it in.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Look guys(and gals) ... i think this thread have deviate a lot from what i intended it to be.

First of all we need to all realize and put ourselves into context on this board. Its an escort REVIEW board. By its nature there is gonna be some content/reviews that may look offensive to some while not for others. It can be sexual services and the description of them, some may think its too much infos or too personal, other may think its proper part of a review. Other stuff like number ratings and judging a body can also seen as offensive by an exterior person, but in the context and purpose of this board, it make sense. If a poster say one provider is a 8 for body, what does it mean? For some it mean she look great, for others it may be different, what about her opinion? I had a provider once mention to be she had her feeling hurt cause somebody gave her a 7 for face... (she was absolutely georgous to me). Where am going with this is that the nature of this place is bent on being maybe offensive at time without even trying to be. We need to all accept that.

Sometimes we can be harsh in our reviews, sometimes we feel we are entitled to having a great experience when we pay good money and we are disapointed, very vocal about it when its not the case. While other time we have such a good time that 200$ seem like peanuts for the experience that we got. In the end all the SPs we see are humanbeings and our reviews may actually hurt there feelings. Maybe she tried hard to please, but just failed ... Maybe she think the client should be happy to have anything at all considering how he look, or how old he is etc... Those are many factors that will always happen. If we put white gloves on everything ... the board will loose its purpose. We are not "harsh reviewing" a person what that person is, but for the service she provided. For exemple i can go get an haircut and be extremely disapointed, i then tell a few friends to not go there cause i received poor service. Does not mean that person who gave the haircut to me is not a good mother/father or generally a great person.

So i hope all of you can see the difference in situations and understand them.

In the case of this specific subject, i don't even understand how some can not agree that a transgender should advertise as such. We are talking intimate moment with a person. I couldn't less if i get my hair done by a transgender, or a meal at the restaurant, or any type of services pretty much. Does not mean i want to have sex with one.

In porn there is a lot of girls who refuse to do scenes with black people, and so is the same in the escort business, some refuse to see black clients. Does it mean there racist? No. If anything anybody can be refused by an SP, for whatever reason. So how is it mysogene or wrong for us to refuse to see a transgender? This feel like a double standard to me.

As its been said already a transgender advertising as a woman is an extreme case of bait and switch, and how he/she feel inside on his/her sex is of no concern. The reality is that person is a man, who had surgeries and other cosmetics to LOOK like a woman. Even if the dick was cut and turn into a fake clitoris, its still just a cosmetic change.

Now that being clearly said, i hope this thread can get back to be a bit more civilized...
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