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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I feel a lot of the posters think it is no big deal for them and so they want it to be no big deal for everyone. But those posters may be bisexual. Well then you are the luckiest ones! If only society did not stigmatize you. But please don't stigmatize those that accept you as you are. Accept those people as they are comfortable to be as well. Some men don't want to have or be deceived into having sex with what they still see as a man!;

We were talking about an escort that was so passable we are not sure if "she" was ever a "he." Let's say you had a great time with her and enjoyed her. 84 good posts are written by several MERbites that also had a good time with her. Then after some time someone writes a post that questions the authenticity of her pussy. Now you are traumatized by this? Give me a break. If I enjoyed my session with what I thought was a woman I am bi-sexual? If I were bi-sexual would I not seek out other men that look like men? Maybe I would also spend time looking for men that used to be women? Should I feign some trauma now so I won't be labeled as bi or gay? This would be ridiculous I think. I think gay men and bi-sexual men are attracted to men that look like men...They frequent interstate rest areas.

For the matter of gender being black and white. Language itself is a fluid thing. It depends which definition you want to take. What is a dolphin? If a man uses surgery to look like a dolphin does it make him a dolphin because he feels like a dolphin?

Maybe, depends what you think of as a dolphin. Though most people have no trouble agreeing on what a dolphin is. For some gender is more about how one feels and looks. Of course cosmetic surgery is not only used by transgenders.

Outstanding reference to one of my favorite South Park episodes. Everyone who has read or made a post in this thread should see the episode where a plastic surgeon makes Kyle's dad look like a dolphin and made Mr. Garrison look like a woman and Kyle look like a black man. The point was that the Dr. used plastic surgery to make them look more like a dolphin, a woman, and a black athlete but he couldn't actually make them any of these things.

I am done with this thread...and Iggy, when I told you that you looked good at GG5 after you had lost all that weight riding your bicycle All I meant was to complement you and encourage you to maintain that healthy lifestyle.


New Member
Jun 19, 2016
(1) Then after some time someone writes a post that questions the authenticity of her pussy. Now you are traumatized by this? ?

(2) Outstanding reference to one of my favorite South Park episodes.

My comment was not for you or that but those who think having sex with a trans is no big deal every man should be open to and okay with because 'it's a woman now'.

They don't see it as a deception. Rather than call out deceptive practices as such they condone them. Ridiculing anyone or accusing people of stereotypes if they don't agree to be completely comfortable with such a scenario.

If there is no one like that then know it is not my intent to criticize anyone.

(2) Matt and Trey have some real comedy gold on their hands :)

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Miss Gabriella,

This thread was originally about a post op transgender woman who knowingly advertised as a woman.
The majority of people had no issue with her being transgender but rightfully so found the false advertising as nothing more than deceitful and equivalent to bait and switch or worse.
You came in with a quote of everybody is ignorant and need to educate themselves on the subject.
There is nothing to be educated on, a lie is a lie and willful deceit is what is disgusting.
It does not help to take this condescending attitude especially if nobody has insulted you.
I don't believe anybody has officially recognized you either as an authority on what constitutes a real woman or man and this thread was not about that to begin with. It was about misrepresentation.

I have seen her get excited in the past about various posts, she does not like to have people post their opinions that do not go with hers. As you see, those who do not agree are ignorant according to her.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Yes I have too, if it was a one of I would not have responded.
Pity the poor henpecked husband that shows up on her doorstep.
He will get an expensive double dose, then again not all fantasies have a happy ending.

Now I get it, guys: according to many of you, women aren't allowed to have an opinion.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Opinions are fine.
Calling people ignorant, awful, weak, disgusting and personal attacks like on cloudsurf are not, they invite a response and so far most were rather polite in nature.
If you are prepared to dish it out then be "a real man" ( pun intended) and take it also.

You're absolutely right. However, there is such a strong chauvinistic, paternalistic turn to this thread, and I am sorry to say that my brothers in this hobby are not even accepting of even IMPLIED criticism. It's shameful to watch on both sides, but I find the men to be far more vicious, hence my remark.


Apr 7, 2015
You're absolutely right. However, there is such a strong chauvinistic, paternalistic turn to this thread, and I am sorry to say that my brothers in this hobby are not even accepting of even IMPLIED criticism. It's shameful to watch on both sides, but I find the men to be far more vicious, hence my remark.

Not at all - just read the thread dispassionately and the facts show that the people that seem to think it's ok to misrepresent what your selling is somehow ok...

and yes most women are very irrational... did the female brain and hormonal chemistry change at a certain date? How did I miss that lol


Apr 7, 2015
No one has to tell you jack fucking shit. Keyword being has to. Do you tell the Sp beforehand your race? Your age? Your physical shape? Your penis size? Do you give your medical history? Credit score? Political beliefs? No. I didn't think so. Why? Because YOU don't think (or hope) it matters. YOU think it shouldn't matter because those things are just part of the YOU that makes you. Follow me? If yes, this thread can end. Why? Because if you 100% identify as female, which is what someone who went and did SRS +name change/etc does, why the fuck would you tell people you aren't you? YOU were born into the wrong body...and YOU fixed it. Now you're You. What the fuck is there to tell? Who the fuck are you Mr. Client, to know my background? You leave having shot your load with a big smile and knowing nothing. Thats the other side perspective. So, on this, I think this answer was indeed appropriate. Right or wrong was the wording used, and so the answer depends on which side you're looking from...

Now, if you rephrase the question, it's easy to answer yes it's misleading...

As for the rest, well, I don't really care. Only other thing I will say is I think it's a fucking laugh riot how some went after Amber. Jesus Christ.'s so bad. you said women can't debate with reason and logic. You from this century? Regardless of what your points were, it's hard to take a thing you say seriously after that. It's ridiculous.

No one has to tell you jack shit? Lmao... how about chlamydia? Or menstruation? Hell by your logic even a tranny (with a penis) identifying himself as a woman doesn't have to mention that he's a tranny or has a penis... unreal...

Let's get something straight - what you do in your private life is your business. When you solicit yourself to the public and misrepresent yourself, that's a whole other ballgame.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
No one has to tell you jack fucking shit. Keyword being has to. Do you tell the Sp beforehand your race? Your age?

Actually yes, some SPs actually do ask for this info, in order to screen out which clients they'll see.

But in this case (ie. if a SP is transgender), this info is a no-brainer and should always be disclosed in their ads no matter what.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Not at all - just read the thread dispassionately and the facts show that the people that seem to think it's ok to misrepresent what your selling is somehow ok...

and yes most women are very irrational... did the female brain and hormonal chemistry change at a certain date? How did I miss that lol

Funny you say that. In this thread-gone-wrong I find:

- a majority agreeing that a post-op trans person should reveal their status before the encounter.

Discussion should be over, but then we get:

-a discussion of the whole trans-issue which devolved into quite a few men who reacted: "ew ew... the used to be a dick on this woman" "yuck" etc... (They didn't say it, but that is what they meant)

-a couple of ladies trying to educate others on the topic. (I assume that SPs know a lot more about the issue than the average man).

-An hysterical backlash against being told about the topic. (I use the term hysterical on purpose; it's the term that was used in bygone days to describe the ravings of a woman who had the audacity to express an opinion men disagreed with). Some men were more measured, but some were downright irrational.

-name calling on both sides.

As I said, a thread gone wrong, but I find the irrationality largely male.


Apr 7, 2015
Not at all... this thread served a bigger purpose in highlighting just how irrational and emotional the X chromosome bearers can be.
Just biology...

the far majority of men (with a few gay exceptions) agreed that it was false representation to advertise as a women when you are a transgender and tranny.

Every single woman that commented in this thread mentioned that it wasn't false representation.

There is a very clear line between how men and women think.

Logical minds = false advertising not acceptable and this was absolutely a case of deceitful advertising

Emotional minds = not an issue of false advertising but rather of ones right to be anything they choose to 'say' they are (which of course is absolutely not true). Add to this that emotional people get upset when you don't agree with how they think the world is or should be... only an emotional person would consider that logical... psychologists call it reality distortion...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This thread has become a symposium on protocol and emotion in responding to differing points of view as opposed to a discussion of the original topic of the thread....I feel like the original issue was fairly straightforward: does a transgender person have a duty of full disclosure of the facts of their sexual identity and whether they must disclose that they were born biological males even if they now identify as women, and whether a failure to so disclose is false or misleading or decentptive advertising? I think that is the core issue of this thread and the majority has not directly addressed this issue.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
You are absolutely right there were only two irrational female responses and perhaps more male.
Percentage wise the women win as there were only 2 responding that is 100%.

Funny how you find calling us weak , ignorant, disgusting is somehow an attempt at simply educating us. But of course only the male responses were irrational?

Only people who have gone through this truly know. What in your opinion makes an SP automatically an authority on anything other than being an SP.

I only pointed out that the name calling came AFTER all the hysterical reaction. Name-calling is ALWAYS wrong. It weakens your argument and shows a lack of emotional control.

So does stereotyping by gender, as many of you have done, and so does homophobia, which many of you obviously exhibit. I am ashamed of the lack of maturity often exhibited by some men on this forum.


Apr 7, 2015
You are absolutely right there were only two irrational female responses and perhaps more male.
Percentage wise the women win as there were only 2 responding that is 100%.

Funny how you find calling us weak , ignorant, disgusting is somehow an attempt at simply educating us. But of course only the male responses were irrational?

Only people who have gone through this truly know. What in your opinion makes an SP automatically an authority on anything other than being an SP.

Just want to add that in post 20 you will see that Naomi also commented but deleted her insulting post...

Very cowardly...


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
Just want to add that in post 20 you will see that Naomi also commented but deleted her insulting post...

Very cowardly...

When I delete a post, it's because I regret having said it. That was probably the case. It takes courage to admit you were wrong.

I understand you guys getting angry at getting called names, but this whole-sale ganging up on the two (or three) women who were emotional and called you names hardly covers you in glory.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I understand you guys getting angry at getting called names, but this whole-sale ganging up on the two (or three) women who were emotional and called you names hardly covers you in glory.

True, but the only reason why these ladies are on the Board (presumably) is to market their services, and to participate in venting against potential clients is kind of the definition of poor marketing.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
You are absolutely right there were only two irrational female responses and perhaps more male.
Percentage wise the women win as there were only 2 responding that is 100%.

Funny how you find calling us weak , ignorant, disgusting is somehow an attempt at simply educating us. But of course only the male responses were irrational?

Only people who have gone through this truly know. What in your opinion makes an SP automatically an authority on anything other than being an SP.

Verbal sparring, where you deliberately misquote the person you are arguing with may be fun for you, but it is a waste of everyone's time. I clearly stated that there was irrationality on both sides. If you want to be rational, be rational.

SPs are, I assume more knowledgeable because they have for more friends who are trans. I may be wrong, and maybe men who have never met one are the true experts, but I doubt it.


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
True, but the only reason why these ladies are on the Board (presumably) is to market their services, and to participate in venting against potential clients is kind of the definition of poor marketing.

Absolutely- they will pay an obvious price for losing control and getting angry... The guys who make irresponsible and even weird arguments will not, being able to remain safely anonymous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
True, but the only reason why these ladies are on the Board (presumably) is to market their services, and to participate in venting against potential clients is kind of the definition of poor marketing.

You're right, of course, but that's exactly what I appreciated about their comments: they were decidedly not marketing but honest and sometimes raw expressions of belief.


Apr 7, 2015
When I delete a post, it's because I regret having said it. That was probably the case. It takes courage to admit you were wrong.

I understand you guys getting angry at getting called names, but this whole-sale ganging up on the two (or three) women who were emotional and called you names hardly covers you in glory.

Except there was no admission of guilt or apology.

Not sure why you're assuming that her deletion was an admission of guilt or took courage lmao...

Nice try though... I'll have to remember than running away quietly is an act of courage... ignorance truly has no limits...
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