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Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I was reading the HIV rate and the 36.3% HIV rate came from a study of 11 TS woman. Therefore 4 out of 11 were HIV positive. This is the problem by these damn journalistas. Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. For the life if me I cannot see why the infection rates for the TS would be any higher than the infection rates for gay men. The one kicker is that police are using condoms as evidence. This is a practice that has to stop. But it will not....too logical.

And for this suspected post-op trans Montreal escort that was outed after no more than 84 positive comments - How is she presenting more of a risk than the genetic females at the agency?

A study of 11 TS woman cannot be called a study! It's what we call in french an "échantillons". You are correct, it's journalism to sell some paper...

The sad part about TS woman is:

"A staggering 90% of the 6,450 transgender people surveyed nationwide reported being the target of harassment, mistreatment, or discrimination at work."

It's already hard being born in gender that does not suit you, imagine having to suffer all that shit.

I once said to a friend of mine who is gay "so do you think you have made the right choice?", he answered, "you do not get it at all, it's not a choice..."

Since then I understood.



Aug 19, 2003
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I am 100% heterosexual and like natural women and respect the rights of others to be otherwise, but a transgender woman marketing to male heterosexual clients should identify if her native sexuality is male and "she" is transgender. To do otherwise is simply unfair or deceptive advertising. I have been approached in the past by transgender men and also gay male prostitutes (in the Caribbean), and in those cases I politely declined and told them what I was completely a straight heterosexual. The responses I got from them were along the lines of "you should be more open minded", in other words, they were trying to shame me for having normal male urges. Fuck that! It has nothing to do with being open minded, I am open minded on a lot of things but I know what I like sexually and what TOTALLY DOES NOT INTEREST ME, and it is not being open or closed minded, it is just the way I feel.

Amber if someone tells you they don't like the taste of chocolate, or maple syrup, or poutine, do you tell them to open their minds to new tastes?

EB, I'm sure many here have been with a transgender woman and don't even realize it. These transgender women are much more common than you think and many don't mention the fact, so yes we can say we are all opened minded, especially you EagerBeaver as I know of one provider you were with that is in fact Transgender. :yo: My hat off to you for your open mindedness.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You don't know who I have been with or not. I really don't know what you are talking about. Tony also claimed he was me and girls have met me in the past who told me other guys told them they were me. But I am me and they are not me. So I would suggest don't believe everything you hear. This is the Internet and anyone can say anything.

And being with a "transgender" person hardly defines one as open minded. It's also absolutely absurd for someone to imply such a thing, that people who are completely heterosexual and comfortable being men are somehow close minded if they do not wish the company of other than a natural woman. I heard this comment directly from gay men who were declined and it's an offensive statement.


Feb 9, 2016
This thread somehow evolved into ''are you for or against transsexuals and would you have sex with one?''. Suffice to say, an escort should tell if this is the case. They already go into details regarding their measurements and such, it's a blatant lie to not tell your customer you've had a sex change. Pretty much all the escorts inform you on wether their breasts are enhanced or not, why not tell they've had surgery down there?

Also, let's not fall into ridiculous political correctness and pretend you're somehow not open-minded and a bigot if you refuse to have sex with a transsexual. There's a big difference between recognizing these people rights and equality before the law and having sex with them.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is a more professional website.

Not to belabor the point, but I do think the HIV rates for transgendered is higher than biologically female providers. And for some guys, that would be a reason to stay away, particularly for pre-ops. And a reason that a lot if johns would want to know if she is trans even if she is post-op. Although there are probably fewer ways to transmit it if she is post-op.

Agreed. I would bet 6 months salary that you are correct. And that is a pretty good reason. It would be nice if everyone got tested and it was on the agency web site. I guess the girls would like it if it were the other way around.


fucker :)
Jan 1, 2014
Im not again trans, i just want to know ... Because i dont want this service.. Simple !


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Plain and simple.

Imagine some bro all hyped up in ED meds and this happens. Talk about a cruel joke. Better have a plan B and C.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I am 100% heterosexual and like natural women and respect the rights of others to be otherwise, but a transgender woman marketing to male heterosexual clients should identify if her native sexuality is male and "she" is transgender. To do otherwise is simply unfair or deceptive advertising. It has nothing to do with being open minded, I am open minded on a lot of things but I know what I like sexually and what TOTALLY DOES NOT INTEREST ME, and it is not being open or closed minded, it is just the way I feel.

I am completely agree with you on this one. I would even feel violated. I absolutely do not want any sexual contact with men... That just repulses me. Transgender women is what I call a fake woman. Not natural... A man who feels like a woman. That is their right and I got nothing against it just do not lie to me about your natural sex and do not make any sexual advances on me. Yark!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I wandered into a ladyboy strip club in Pattaya to watch once for entertainment and amusement. I did not partake since I had just finished two sex sessions with "biological" women in a couple of hotels attached to the beer halls in a nearby Soi. I had no nightmares, Cloud, from what I saw. But it didn't turn me on, either.

Well seeing one and having sex with one are completely different things do you not think?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
But can you imagine that the screening tool is to eliminate the girls that are tall (this is 5'5")

Another tool is to avoid the ones with fake tits... Almost all transgender or transvestites got fake tits for obvious reasons. I hate fake tits for many reasons and this is one of the reasons among many. Nothing like natural soft breasts and a natural self lubricating vagina.


New Member
May 14, 2016
There are two rational reasons why a person might choose to forego a transgendered person, pre-op or post-op.

The most logical reason is that trans women have always had a historically high HIV rate

First, I've always said it's deception not to be told. However, from what I understand some people wrote about a very good time with the experience. Does it really change the whole experience now that you know?

Secondly, let's take your numbers on transgender women for fact. Fine. Numbers for one escort are very low I'd guess, don't know what the percentages are. Okay how many of us have been with hundreds of escorts multiplying the risk every time and have no intention of stopping. How does that consideration and logic match up if you want to talk about health risks. I know there are clients who've seen 300-400 escorts or more. Are they considering stopping.

Certainly everyone should know who they are with and be able to make a clear informed choice, but considering all the numbers and duration of activity is health risk what really concerns them much?



New Member
Jun 19, 2016
Does it really change the whole experience now that you know?


Hi Passionne,

I just want to confirm. You are perfectly alright having sex with your mother, daughter or sister as long as you don't know it is your mother, daughter or sister at the time?

Glory hole dog/goat/niece/father/brother?

Can you confirm please. that's what I am getting here from your logic. Just applying it consistently is all. Got it, you sex mother daughter and sister.... No problem for you Passionné long as you don't know at the time.



Apr 7, 2015
Guys let's stay focused...

Amber - learn to respect other people's opinions (especially those based on sound reasoning and backed by scientific evidence and not simply emotions eminating from an X chromosome) without throwing out insults. You're only demonstrating your lack of respect for others and inability to approach conversations with maturity.

Telling people on this forum that they are not real men... really? You sound like a classy person... (that's sarcasm by the way).

perhaps you could share with us or PM me what you think a real man is? ... and I'll enlighten you about what a real lady is.

Cloudsurf - sorry to hear about you experience -people need to understand that when you deceive someone, you're taking a big risk about how the victim (yes victim of fraud and theft in this case) will react. Some might throw up and some might seek vengeance... lying about your gender may not end well unfortunately cuz you never know how a client may react.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Guys let's stay focused...

Amber - learn to respect other people's opinions (especially those based on sound reasoning and backed by scientific evidence) without throwing out insults. You're only demonstrating your lack of respect for others and inability to approach conversations with maturity.

Telling people on this forum that they are not real men... really? You sound like a classy person... (that's sarcasm by the way).

perhaps you could share with us or PM me what you think is a real man - and I'll enlighten you about what a real lady is.

Cloudsurf - sorry to hear about you experience -people need to understand that when you deceive someone, you're taking a big risk about how the victim (yes victim of fraud and theft) will react. Some might throw up and some might seek vengeance... lying about your gender may not end well unfortunately cuz you never know how a client may react.

You've got to be joking me right? It's like you all don't see transgendered people as actual people, so it's totally okay for you all to be awful and insulting to them, and I express my disgust with the way you are all discussing this topic, and I'M the rude one?!
Please, learn some logic.


Apr 7, 2015
Lol again - where in any of my posts did I say that a transgender was not a real person? Show me the facts with a reference... what was my insult exactly? I bet you won't...

I simply stated that biology determines gender - not cosmetic changes.

Transgenders are exactly that, transgenders... they have a right live and be who they are - but deceiving clients is a whole other conversation...

... btw it's this conversation.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Amber you just turned off half your customers with your insulting posts about men...... and that`s a pity since you had so few to begin with.
Now lets get back to the topic of false advertising.


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Meatonastick besides my last response, I was never talking to you specifically, but glad to see your ego is quite inflated :)

Cloudsurf you poor, poor soul :)

That's my cue to save my sanity and leave this awful thread.

Good luck in life guys.


Apr 7, 2015
Meatonastick besides my last response, I was never talking to you specifically, but glad to see your ego is quite inflated :)

Cloudsurf you poor, poor soul :)

That's my cue to save my sanity and leave this awful thread.

Good luck in life guys.

Actually amber by post #107 you quoted me specially and then replied... so you can't say it wasn't specific.

Folks take note what happens when someone who's entire argument is based on emotion rather than fact....

When forced to provide simple back up to their claims... I.e. Backed into a corner, they shut down and run away... instead of doing the mature thing and owning up to their words, claims and emotional banter.

Bye bye Amber... case closed.
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