I do not see many indies, no. But I did see a few and I have given my nickname a couple of times because it was the only screening option I was ok with. Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan, but I understand. Long story short.I know some people include it in their booking form. When it happens, do you answer honestly?
Or maybe you don’t see indies. Sorry can’t remember.
If an agency girl asks me if I use merb, I'll say yes. But I won't give them my name on the platform. None ever asked me anyway. Sometimes they're just interested to know how/why you booked them etc etc.
And before you ask, I would respect it if someone asked me to not write about our encounter (never happened, but I would unless it was a total nightmare which honestly never happened to me neither) or to omit certain details (actually happened). My reviews are pretty generic anyway, on purpose. And I don't write about all of them.