When you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
Due to a recent encounter, i always check the recent ones first, and then i go back to see the evolution. Especially if the sp took a hiatus. Sometimes the whole review board change their idea about that sp.
But I am actually a lurker for more than a few years and i like reading reviews when i feel lonely lol.
To me it feels like i am reading a fanfiction, and it bring me a lot of laughter and joy. Because i know it actually happened which makes it exhilarating!
Only recently, I've started to indulge in this expensive lifestyle. So far, it's been 2 hit v 3 miss.
But to retort, I have a question. Do any of you have a prefered perfume/eau de toilette/scent that enchants you? Not like a stupid spell, but that really activates some sense of mystery and attractiveness towards the person you are meeting?