When you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
Start with most recent and work my way back if there is interest. I skip some reviews and focus on those from reliable members. I do not go back more than a year at most, unless I see a well written review that humors me.When you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
I only check the reviews section when i’m thinking of seeing a specific companion. For example if i’m thinking of seeing Esmeralda @Ho-Ho-Ho Companions i’ll search her name & look up her reviews. Same thing if let’s say i’m thinking of seeing Josephine @PlantersEscorts or any other companion. I just don’t check out the reviews section randomly.When you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
I only check the reviews section when i’m thinking of seeing a specific companion. For example if i’m thinking of seeing Esmeralda @Ho-Ho-Ho Companions i’ll search her name & look up her reviews. Same thing if let’s say i’m thinking of seeing Josephine @PlantersEscorts or any other companion. I just don’t check out the reviews section randomly.
Again depending on how lomg the thread is ill generwlly start from the end thusnthe most recent and work mynway back. When ive seen enough i’ll also go back to page 1 out of curiosity to see of the initial reviews carried throughWhen you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
It's more of a common sense thing. I'm assuming ppl on indycompanion or similar would be low risk. Reviews aren't as necessary as rando advertisers on LL, A123, or EI. When using those sites there's a good chance you're walking into a bad scene.More of a side-comment and not to derail, and maybe this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, but I also wonder how important reviews are to folks in general.
I don't have any (that I know of) so the folks who booked me said it was really the website and booking process that assured them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For me reviews are important for the followimg reasons. Is the SP professional?. By this i mean does she go through the full time that is planned (within reason) and has good hygiene (it is generally the case with almost all indies Ive met and most agency girls). Also whether her GFE inclused DATY and french kissing. Since the definition of GFE somewhat varies. Ortherwise i’m not interested in very defailed or graphic reviews. Kimd of is the girls cute, good hygiene and provides services im interested in.More of a side-comment and not to derail, and maybe this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, but I also wonder how important reviews are to folks in general.
I don't have any (that I know of) so the folks who booked me said it was really the website and booking process that assured them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Due to a recent encounter, i always check the recent ones first, and then i go back to see the evolution. Especially if the sp took a hiatus. Sometimes the whole review board change their idea about that sp.When you read reviews, do you start from page one or do you only read the most recents?
That's a very interesting comment and topic as a matter of fact.More of a side-comment and not to derail, and maybe this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, but I also wonder how important reviews are to folks in general.
I don't have any (that I know of) so the folks who booked me said it was really the website and booking process that assured them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But to retort, I have a question. Do any of you have a prefered perfume/eau de toilette/scent that enchants you? Not like a stupid spell, but that really activates some sense of mystery and attractiveness towards the person you are meeting?
If that's so why advertise on MERB where you only attract MERB users?Because they don’t like merb users and the review culture.
Oh no, we don't only attract MERB users, far from it. Most of my clients who found me on here were only looking and not participating. I would have stopped many years ago otherwise; the pool of MERB users is actually quite small.If that's so why advertise on MERB where you only attract MERB users?
If that's so why advertise on MERB where you only attract MERB users?
Oh no, we don't only attract MERB users, far from it. Most of my clients who found me on here were only looking and not participating. I would have stopped many years ago otherwise; the pool of MERB users is actually quite small.
Not participating actively, as in not posting, and some are not members (lurkers / stumbled upon the advertising section when searching on Google, something like that).I understand when you mention that Merb members may not be a major source of encounters but when you mention "not participating" do you mean they don't post (lurkers) or are simply not members and read what is public?
Could it be that, in general, Merb members don't identify themselves as such when meeting a companion, especially new first dates?
I am very hesitant to book Indys who have a no reviews or a no-review policy, especially if the price is way above the average rate.More of a side-comment and not to derail, and maybe this has been discussed elsewhere on the forum, but I also wonder how important reviews are to folks in general.
I don't have any (that I know of) so the folks who booked me said it was really the website and booking process that assured them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯