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2013 NHL Official Hockey Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Doc is the only guy who thinks he is an expert in here, so ask him ! But I think I guess his answer "These retarded frenchspeaker are going to be crushed by the great englishspeaker. 17-0. Do you know the difference between Price and a ghost ? None !!!! AHAHAHAHA"

More seriously, they took a big physical and psychological advantage. And a Serie is all about Psychology.. Moreover, Therrien dont want to try the Budaj's solution.. Anyway that's the key game tonight, a victory and it will be 50/50, a defeat and the Serie is over and the season a big failure (yes when we lose in1st round, the season is a failure in Montreal, and we assum it)... They have to keep quiet and try to convert Senators' violence and provocaion into Penalties, no vendetta tonight... We are the best team on the ice..


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

You're right, I need a lot of season to understand why it is better to be crushed 4-1 in playoffs... :thumb:

Wow, looking at the stream of posts here I have to wonder whatever happened to the severe protests by Torontos Hypocritus always protesting that these threads are not free-for-alls. As usual, do as Iggy says not as he does.

Man77777, it only makes sense if you remember the shorter the series the less the pain of desperately hoping. They're used to being crushed either way, but better to make it quicker. ;)

Sometimes the way things work out don't seem to make sense. This year Toronto had trouble with Boston, Boston had trouble with Montreal, and Montreal had trouble with Toronto. Yet because of match-ups Boston has the best chance to survive to round 2. With Montreal probably gone soon the team that gave Boston the most trouble was the Penguins. Some others were tough too, but that damn Pittsburgh team...arrrrggggh!!!

Toronto may yet have a shot. But on even terms that means out-checking the them at their own game. That won't be likely.

Too bad things don't look good for the Canadiens or the Leafs. It would have been great to see your two teams go at each other. But maybe it has spared your cities from the damage the eventual loser would inflict. The again the same happens for winning too.

Well, I see you two can snipe very well without me. Okay, break over. Carry on with the this-is-not-a-free-for-all-thread fest.



BTW...nice to see he thinks he knows better than any "real hockey fans", not just me. :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Leafs had 48 shots against Boston last night. It was 4-2 in the 3rd period & Toronto dominated that period with 19 shots. A couple hit the post & Rask made several great saves. Leafs easily could have won that game if a few bounces would have went their way. Hard to figure out the linesmen kicking out Bozak out of the faceoff circle all game long. Also couldn't figure why Chris Rooney, a Boston boy, was allowed to be the referree of this game. Several questionable calls by Rooney favored Boston. But hey, Boston won the game & that's all there is to it. But whomever called last night a 'slaughter' must have been watching the hockey game from a different planet.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Even tho they did not "lay and egg" tonight, (well, that depends i suppose) the habs did lose with another 2 softies let in by Price and Peter B, respectively .... Price is hurt and the habs are all but done. Sens win 3-2 in OT and take a commanding 3 games to 1 lead in the best of seven series........ What is it the sens fans have been singing the last 2 games? It is a version of Ole but cant make it out, sounds like "Hello" instead of "Ole" is that correct?? Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
If Islander can be tied 2-2 with Pitt and Ottawa can lead 3-1 against Mtl, well everything could happen in Hockey... Why not a french team winning the Stanley Cup ?

The first Senators' goal is the most ridiclulous goal ever validated. There is also a fault on Price in the second goal...

Canadiens dominated so much in 3 of the 4 games, that I think it's still possible to hope...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yup, anythings possible in any sport. Ya know, i am really surprised they allowed that first goal as well, looked like a kicking motion to me.

Wonder how bad Price is hurt? He had been playing pretty well tonight before that 2nd Sens goal.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
There is a fault on Price on the second goal, Iggy. It seems that someone hold his stick, so he's not responsible on this one...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Tonight was one of the biggest bullshit i ever saw...

First Goal was not a goal, there was kicking motion, it was not even started on the right side.
The icing calls for 2 out of 3 where not justify at the end...
And we pretty knew the overtime would be crap, you can't make a goalie that spent a whole game on the bench arrive in overtime like that... he failed on a terrible shot too, but i don't blame him for it.

In the end the referee won the games for ottawa, plain and simple


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Canucks are the first team to be eliminated from the Playoffs.... San Jose 4-3 in OT completes the sweep.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
You're right, that is the only way our opponents find to stop us this season : fault. But when come the money time, the officials seem to favor "anglo" teams..

Btw, this incredible decision was took in Toronto = Ontario Lol. This decision is too flagrant this time to be called a "mistake". THey used to be more discreet, like when they forgot most of the Senators' fault during this Serie..

It reminds me the 6 Nations Tournament in Rugby. Most of the teams and referees are from UK, so the decision are always against France or Italy, everybody knows it (an englishman could confirm it too). It's understandable... That is the same in NHL where most of the officials are englichspeaker, and well... The intolerance about frenchspeaker in this continent is wellknown worldwide... When come the time to take an important decision, the heart is speaking... This time it was really too flagrant. The officials are now going to favor Montreal for the rest of the Serie, they will try to demonstrate this way they were honest, knowing that anyway the Serie is over for the Quebecois...

We have to live with it, officials decisions are a part of this sport, so we respect the decision. 3-1 Ottawa.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Special K, your so wrong and if you can't admit that game was a robbery pure and simple, then you need some hockey classes, if that exist... lol The worst part is the time they took to review the goal... 30 secs or less, bam goal is good... WHAT?????? I saw them take 5 mins for obvious goog goals or bad goals before... this was just simply roberry.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It was the right call by the league office. The key in that decision was the fact the on-ice refs had initially declared it a good goal. You need irrefutable evidence to overturn an on-ice call. That 'irrefutable' evidence simply wasn't there. I did not see a 'deliberate' kicking motion either. I saw a puck that was redirected towards the net by a skate. Whether or not the player intended to deliberately kick it into the net is up for debate, but considering how fast the play happened, i don't think the player even had time to react.

If the league would have overturned that call, all hell would have broken loose in Ottawa and around the league.

What i'm saying is had the on-ice referees initially refused the goal, the league once again wouldn't have had enough evidence to overturn their call, meaning the habs still would have been ahead 2-0.

The bottom line is that i firmly believe the league made the right call. They didn't have enough video evidence to overturn the call made on the ice.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
BRUUUUIIINNNS in overtime. :D :thumb:

Get the smelling salts for Iggy, and a change of underwear.

Damn, I thought the Leafs dominated the puck in overtime, but that just wasn't enough. The Leafs get the big hit, the Bruins get the winning goal. That's 3 games to 1, including 2 in front of Toronto fans...BOOOYZ!!!

The Leafs went all in tonight with a lot of heart, no doubt motivated for the home crowd as well as their own pride, But they simply need a few better parts to get to the top.

...the officials seem to favor "anglo" teams...

You really felt the need for this bogus excuse. Pretty weak man77777. Please define what an "anglo team" is anyway with French, Norwegians, Russians, Czechs and other nationalities spread everywhere.

(not an anglo)

VICTORY, :nod:



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
It was the right call by the league office.

By this post you show that, unlike Iggy, you are too subjective to be credible about any subject concerning Québec and Quebecois, even if it's just about sport... It makes a huge difference between you too... Your hatred is so strong that you take time to write this long post about Canadiens during the overtime of a Leafs playoffs game... Incredible lol...

Anyway, good game from the Leafs tonight, they show some good qualities and struggled as they could...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The Young Maple Leafs grew by leaps and bounds tonight, (this is what i was talking about man777777) no matter what happens, they gained valuable experience towards the future with their core players, they did not get man-handled, killed or murdered at all, they played the bruins tooth and nail and either team deserved the win this night..........., i could sit here and be disappointed, as could Leafs Nation, but nope, it was a great night! GLG!!!!!!!


(man7777777, Doc is probably more French Canadian than you are, lol)


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Well it seems you havent seen my passport Iggy... And speaking some words in french doesnt mean you are a french canadian...

They gained valuable experience and will gain even more if they could play a 7th game = the more games they will play the more experience will they gain (si si !) ;)

But let say the true, Bruins are really in control in this serie...

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Special K, your so wrong and if you can't admit that game was a robbery pure and simple, then you need some hockey classes, if that exist... lol The worst part is the time they took to review the goal... 30 secs or less, bam goal is good... WHAT?????? I saw them take 5 mins for obvious goog goals or bad goals before... this was just simply roberry.

HM, did you see Doc's completely 100% accurate explanation of that play. Me thinks you need some hockey classes, that or take off the Bleu, Blanc et rouge glasses you watch this game through.

On another note, are the Leafs taking lessons from the Habs? This "high stick" penalty was called tonight. This is pretty blatantly embellishment!! It's a shame to because Lupul is better than that. Would love to have him on my team.
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