Montreal Escorts

any younger than 25 merbites?


New Member
May 30, 2013
LOL Lily that is hilarious but I think he was just messing with you.

Im actually surprised by some of your comments which discourage anyone under 30 from contacting you, you are losing a whole market segment ... and some of those guys are decent but have very bad luck and there is no need to discourage them more by calling them lazy.

Lily from Montreal

I am quite sure it was real ,from the voice he was really young, sometime I wonder if he did found someone ,maybe an exhibitionist?
I always joke that I am not exhibitionist ,I am only very nearsighted lol, but even without the glasses i would eventually notice an audience.
To think in terms of market would imply I see me as a product...and that my friend is another thread topic altogether and I won't go there...


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
Excellent thread--enjoyed all perspectives. Just had to chime in on one point. The most significant medical consequence of taking ED medications is not priapism. ED medications can cause transient and profound hypotension. In other words, your blood pressure can drop precipitously leading to unsonsciousness and death. According to the posts there are several "more mature" members contributing to this thread. If, as is common, these members are taking antihypertensive medications (to lower blood pressure) be very cautious taking ED medications. Seriously, talk to your healthcare provider first and don't "borrow" them from your friends.

I am in no way offering medical advice to any specific members--just passing along a serious warning based on practice and experience.


New Member
Jul 3, 2012
As a relatively young hobbyist, I partake strictly because of the variety of SPs available out there. It doesn't stop me from going out and dating women whom I want to pursue a relationship with.

I'm a confident, average looking guy but I'm far from those alpha Adonis types that can go to clubs and sleep with 3 women a night.

It's an expensive hobby, but I'm fortunate to have the disposable income to spend on it without having any effect on my standard of living. This hobby allows me to sleep with a variety of women without the drama I've experienced in several past relationships.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
This thread is really allover the place! From a original quest to find if the pretty 25 is alone to a comparison between Viagra & cie... loll...To get back to topic yes ,there seem to be quite a few very young hobbyist and I am a bit surprise of this lazy approach to sex at so young...

The youngest who ever wrote to me was 18...and it was the creepiest demand I ever got...He asked to talk to me on the phone because was embarrassed on writing it,I do not usually communicate by phone but was able to do so.

He then asked if I minded if his mom was paying? Hum, tell you the truth I do not care who pays and do not need to know really?
Then he told me he was a virgin asked if I minded if his mom was in the room ? Yeek!!!When I recovered from my shock and said hem,no? He said it's ok,she's your age....sigh...So 3 strikes, too young,a virgin and a spectator...
That's was when I started meeting and is still my weirdest demand....

Wow, that's a crazy story and messed up on so many levels... At least she was taking that approach rather than the more obvious, illegal and socially unacceptable approach...


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Im actually surprised by some of your comments which discourage anyone under 30 from contacting you, you are losing a whole market segment ...

I don't discriminate, am happy to see the younger crowd, in fact it's flattering to me when younger men are interested in me. I've seen under 25's and over 65's and appreciate the different experiences that each group provides.

I had such a fun date with an under-25, we talked and laughed so much that I ended up staying well over the allotted time and enjoyed every minute.

I was supposed to have a date with a young man who claimed to be a virgin once. Unfortunately he stopped communicating with me the day of our scheduled meeting, so I'll never know what happened there...

Lily from Montreal

I've been scold because I used the word ''lazy'' so let's say ''easy approach''.

The way I see it if you meet escort very young it will skew your view of the way a sexual relation should be, I prefer older men because there is a reciprocity ,while the younger men I met ,maybe by lack for experience, meeting were more one way direction service wise.

When meeting a escort of course she's not going to complain you didn't take care of her needs, danger is to expect the same level of pampering from any girl... there is a reason our services are expensive, you get (or should get otherwise you've been rip off)in an hour the full attention of a lady ,attentive to your moods and needs...

I am not saying it doesn't happen in real life,but I am saying it will have to be both way,so more involvement required, and might not always have the same level of intensity one could expect if he sees mostly escort...


New Member
Sep 5, 2011
Hello all.

I think this is a very interesting thread, but a lot of you are confused. Sex is NEVER free! When you go on dates you pay for restaurants, drinks etc. You pay to her them talk about inane bullshit that's not even remotely interesting. (and even if it is, it gets old really quick, I'm not someone who enjoys small talk and i'm not gonna want to hear your problems). I don't get the you have all the time in the world at 25 thing. Maybe if you just finish high school and went straight to working, but if you study (for real that is) you have like 80 hres of workload and not much else left to do but unwind. Unless you are good looking by society's standards, you are not gonna score PERIOD! I don't care about the opinions of douchebags and pretty girls because they can't possibly comprehend what it is to be average or ugly. Also, if you don't like what most people like, you are not gonna connect with them. The older you get the worst it gets. And that maturity bullshit about having family and kids...get off your high horse! You are not special, you are doing exactly what society is telling you to do because you are brainwashed to think that is what every body must do. You are no different than the 8 billions others on this planet. It doesn't make you more mature than me. Get over yourselves.

So, when you don't fit in this pretty (illusion) picture, escorts are the way to go. I lost my virginity to one at 24 and never looked back.
what's good is i never had any problems with how to spend my money the way a relationship would make me. And i don't overspend ever. If it wrecks you financially you need to stop period. If you lack emotional connection (Something i never did need and no I'm not joking) than stop also because you will never find it here. We all have our crutch to fill the void in our lives (a void that will never be fully filled. It's human nature) so if to you, it becomes to be like gambling or hard drugs or whatever seek help.

Too many men get in a relationship and it might be great in the beginning, but it slowly turns into a rut. A routine. And SO many compromises. If your stuck with someone who isn't open-minded enough in terms of sexual fantasies, your shit out of luck. And even if its great in that department, you have the rest of everything to deal with (again, compromises). Why the fuck would I quit with all the accessibility of it all? Money? yes, of course If i'm in a slump I can't hobby as much I want to. But the good thing is, as i get older, My libido is decreasing (and thank god for that, 10 year ago It was off the charts!) so I don't spend much on it anymore.

Also, I cannot possibly be attracted to ordinary women , i just can't. The irony is, of course, I'm not much to look at either. But i can't force myself to find an average looking girl attractive. Even if she is smart enough to have a decent conversation with, I'm not gonna feel like trying to go any further. Mind you these days, most females think we owe them everything, are shallow materialistic bitches without common sense (just look at the profiles on dating sites, Prince charming doesn't exist morons!) and the older they get, the crazier they are (single or married). Too much baggage, too much whining like spoiled brats, Always about their needs. One way street compromises. Married men giving up in order not to get into an arguement even if it pisses them off...(sigh!)

And you castrated québécois males are enjoying being treated like dogs it seems! So many of you are dominated by your wifes and girlfriends it's unrreal! In other parts of the world, it's the exact opposite and it is brutal! (and many ways worse of course don't throw bricks at me yet!). An equilibrium has never been reached. Man/women relationships are a FUCK NO in my book. I also don't want children so there is another strike on my record. My interests do not blend with theirs, call me selfish all you want, but to force myself like so many of you to go so far off what really makes you happy just to get laid...PASS!

That's why the hobby is the best alternative. No hassles, you cut the middleman and you actually save money. but, I hear you say, what about love? Believing in love is like believing in santa claus, it's cute when you're a kid but you had better grow out of it quick. It is a social construct in order to get the human specie to reproduce and nothing else. Just like marriage is a religious institution created to keep the flock of sheeple in check. I believe in neither. Happiness? A concept nothing more. It differs from person to person. I've also never seen a relationship, marriage etc where I said " I wouldn't mind being in that one myself ". I am not miserable in the least. I have reach the point of no return. I'm now too old for the 20 something crowd and the 30,40's are not a viable option. I will hobby until my body disagrees with me or the ladies reject me for being too old.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
28've got bigger problems... you're missing out on life if you're working 80hrs and only interact with the guy in the next cubicle. No excuse to use an escort....get out there and live a little!


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
I'm in my mid 20s now, started hobbying after college once I started working (which marked a significant decline in female interaction because of working hours and the demographics of the industry). Hobbying is an okay outlet when your only interaction is with the guy in the cube next to you for 80 hours a week. Not saying it's ideal, but if you have the money and not much time, it works out fine.

Hah, the things we do for money. I rather put in the time now than later, but it is tough spending your 20s in the office.

You're a wise young man jjjames. :thumb:


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
If he's wise with his money and career choices, he could be retiring while his friends are still trying to scrape up a down payment on a house. He's got another 20+ years to find a mate and produce children.

Life is not about finding a mate and producing children. It is about experiencing life's journey. A balanced life should allow for enjoyment. Life is short...are you sure he lives past 30?



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't have any issue with a younger guy who is in his 20s like yourself seeing escorts, but it should be balanced with normal relationships. You work 80 hours per week but have to find some personal social time to develop normal relationships with women, not necessarily leading to a committed relationship but you should strive for free sex and "friends with benefits". Otherwise you will become socially retarded, and when you get older and possibly may have a desire to settle in with one woman, you will be poorly equipped to act upon that desire.

Keep yourself sharp socially, it's important not only in terms of free sex but I believe that the more experience you have with women, the better. Sometimes no sex happens and you end up being platonic friends with women you meet, and there is nothing wrong with this - even if you still want to fuck them. Women are people too, as well as being objects of our sexual desire. You need friends, both male and female, for balance in your life. Just like anything social skills need to be developed, and some people are better than others at doing this, but experience will help. You just cannot shut out the free sex avenue, because even if it does not reap any immediate benefits, it will provide long-term life experience that will be useful as you get older. I am infinitely better communicating women now than I was in my 20s, and it is mostly due to experience.
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Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
Unfortunately (or fortunately) a person has to play the hand they are dealt in life. The disagreement I have with a lot of these posts is that they assume a person has a lot of control over his destiny.

And there has never been a better time for hobbying for a guy making a nice salary. The combination of high "youth" unemployment, more sexual freedom and permissiveness, technological tools, and materialism has increased the number of absolutely beautiful high-performing young ladies in the industry. It might not always be that way, so the advice to a young man to not hobby until he is middle-aged or more scares me. A lot can change in a short time span. ...there is nothing wrong with allocating a few resources to a guaranteed return such as seeing an escort. He should enjoy life, the future is not predictable and he does not control his destiny, like it or not.

Patron , you have very interesting ideas and opinions but you have a very mathematical view on life. Meeting the ''right'' girl at any age has a lot to do with luck. As you say , a guy does not control his destiny, neither for the bad nor for the good.
Also your social analysis of the avalaibility of attractive young escorts is only limited to the developped countries of the western world. So, as you say, what is happening now might be different in 10 or 20 years; and what it's happening here now is already different from what's happening in many countries at the present time.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Think the young NYC lawyer guy who does not know many girls in town and who is expected to work 3,000 hours has time to do that, versus using his rare Saturday off to spend some of his big salary on Montreal escorts. I'm not telling that 20 some year old guy he should not see escorts, or criticize him for not hitting the bars more often, or for not hitting on an administrative assistant who might get him fired.

Any young reasonably good looking professional man in NYC who has even a small amount of free time should be able to get constantly laid. The best places to meet women in NYC are in the coffee shops. I personally observed a NYC friend who is close to my age get the phone number of a hot young NYU film student, about 25-26 years old, while we were both talking to her at a Nolita coffee shop. And the kicker is he never even called her, because he was too busy doing other things including getting the phone numbers of other women.

There are staggering numbers of hot young women of all races and types in this area of NYC. Lots of models and wannabe models. A young professional guy in NYC or Montreal simply has to make the time and do the necessary things to carve out a couple of hours.

Also, take work to a coffee shop some day, just to get out of the office. Anyone can work on a laptop in any coffee shop. Do your work, and then when you see the hot babe sit down near you with the White Chocolate Latte, you swing into action. I get the feeling that very simple solutions like this never make it into some guys heads. IT IS NOT HARD. Just do it.
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Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
Well Patron, I have to second EB on this one since i have a buddy of mine that got the phone of a girl from a coffee shop here in montreal the guy was living with a common friend who has confirmed that he got free sex from that girl. Again the same guy, has met his current GF while he was riding his bike both of them enjoy that activity ....

He is a young professional that is working 50-70 hours a week to me he is a living example showing me that being busy is only an excuse to not get girls met socially

PS Though I have to admit that maintaining a decent social network does help a lot from my point of view
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